a prototype text to british

DSpace at VNU: A hybrid approach to finding phenotype candidates in genetic text

DSpace at VNU: A hybrid approach to finding phenotype candidates in genetic text

... terminology and knowledge resource In Proc Americal Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Annual Symposium, San Antonio, TX, pages 61–65 AMIA 42 Bibliography 43 Cohen, R., Gefen, A. , Elhadad, M., and ... diagnosis In AMIA Summit on Translational Bioinformatics, San Francisco, CA, pages 116–120 Schwartz, A and Hearst, M (2003) A simple algorithm for identifying abbreviations in biomedical text In Pacific ... Hunter, L., and Aronson, A R (1999) Mining molecular binding terminology from biomedical text In American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA)’99 annual symposium, Washington DC, USA, pages 127–131

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2017, 23:15

10 110 0
Assessing the translation of person reference forms in a literary text: Acase of harry potter’s journey from English to Vietnamese

Assessing the translation of person reference forms in a literary text: Acase of harry potter’s journey from English to Vietnamese

... reveals disapproving attitudes among the characters Draco adopts a negative attitude towards Ron via the use of lexical means such as “wrong sort, riff-raff” Harry and Ron also take a negative attitude ... Subject matter boarding school life Translator’s a Vietnamese provenance novelist, a translator Translator’s Professor’s arrogance and his Stance negative attitudes towards the students Social role ... a predominance of relational processes to introduce characters The negative attitude and distance among characters are revealed via the Attitudinal resources analysis The ST analysis also shows

Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2020, 03:52

17 135 0
A hybrid approach to finding phenotype candidates in genetic text

A hybrid approach to finding phenotype candidates in genetic text

... diagnosis In AMIA Summit on Translational Bioinformatics,San Francisco, CA, pages 116-120 Smith, C L and Eppig, J T (2009) The mammalian phenotype ontology: enabling robust annotation and comparative ... 10.1109/IALP.2010.73 [2] Hoang-Quynh Le, Mai-Vu Tran, Nhat-Nam Bui, Nguyen-Cuong Phan and Quang- Thuy Ha An Integrated Approach Using Conditional Random Fields for Named Entity Recognition and Person ... Le, Anika Oellrich, Ai Kawazoe, Martin Hall-May and Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann A hybrid approach to finding phenotype candidates in genetic text In the 24th conference on Computational Linguistics

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2020, 18:28

17 40 0
A hybrid approach to finding phenotype candidates in genetic text

A hybrid approach to finding phenotype candidates in genetic text

... references and in adopting a longest matching approach to annotation In machine learning labeler, we used the outputs of MetaMap and Genia tagger as features for training and tagging This is a new approach ... Mitchell, J A. , and McCray, A T (2002) Evaluation of the UMLS as a terminology and knowledge resource In Proc Americal Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Annual Symposium, San Antonio, TX, pages ... diagnosis In AMIA Summit on Translational Bioinformatics, San Francisco, CA, pages 116–120 Schwartz, A and Hearst, M (2003) A simple algorithm for identifying abbreviations in biomedical text In Pacific

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 21:07

60 5 0
Divided by a common language  a guide to british and american english  by christopher davies

Divided by a common language a guide to british and american english by christopher davies

... States—Glossaries, vocabularies, etc English language—Variation—Great Britain—Handbooks, manuals, etc English language—Variation—United States—Handbooks, manuals, etc English language—Great Britain—Handbooks, ... table, 107 table, lay the, 102 tailback, 55, 63 tailboard, 63, 68 takeaway/takeout food, 25 tanner, 22 tariff, tarmac, 63, 64,135 LANGUAGE tarpaulin, 82 taxes and taxation, 31, 32 taxis, tea ... ties among Britain, India, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa have been stronger than those between Britain and America, even though America is geographically closer to the British Isles Noah

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2021, 09:58

257 63 0
Vision Statement to Guide Research in Question & Answering (Q&A) and Text Summarization

Vision Statement to Guide Research in Question & Answering (Q&A) and Text Summarization

... indicated the need to develop a more focused and coordinated approach against Q &A and a second area: summarization by these three programs To this end the NIST Program Manager has formed a review ... evaluation by Additional background information on the ARDA Information Exploitation R&D program, on DARPA TIDES program, on the TREC Program and its Q &A Track are attached as Appendix to this ... summaries in technical abstract journals are not usually tied to predictable contexts of use 13 For additional background on summarization, the reader is directed to "Advances in Automatic Text

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2022, 23:47

42 3 0
A hybrid approach to word segmentation of vietnamese text

A hybrid approach to word segmentation of vietnamese text

... Roussanaly, Tuong Vinh Ho A Hybrid Approach to Word Segmentation of Vietnamese Texts 2nd International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications - LATA 2008, Mar 2008, Tarragona, ... this article a hybrid approach to automatically tokenize Vietnamese text The approach combines both finite-state automata technique, regular expression parsing and the maximal-matching strategy ... Finite-State Automata: A State of The Art, Grammars and Automata for String Processing, 2003 Jan Daciuk, Stoyan Mihov, Bruce W Watson and Richard E Watson, Incremental Construction of Minimal Acyclic

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2022, 14:20

13 1 0
Introducing qualitative methods series  Georgia lepper categories in text and talk  a practical introduction to categorization analysis SAGE publications (2000)

Introducing qualitative methods series Georgia lepper categories in text and talk a practical introduction to categorization analysis SAGE publications (2000)

... Conversational Analysis: A Practical Guide Paul ten Have Using Foucault's Methods Gavin Kendall and Gary Wickham The Quality of Qualitative Evaluation Clive Seale Qualitative Evaluation Ian Shaw ... rather than a particular practice of talking; a class of places in an aggregate of data, rather than an excerpt; an organizationally characterized... the detailed analysis of naturally occurring ... Researching Life Stories and Family Histories Robert L Miller Categories in Text and Talk: A Practical Introduction to Categorization Analysis Georgia Lepper CATEGORIES IN TEXT AND TALK A Practical

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2016, 09:08

226 1K 0
A computational study to investigate the effects of insulation and EGR in a diesel engine

A computational study to investigate the effects of insulation and EGR in a diesel engine

... Transactions, vol 92, 1983, p 3.1086 [29] Arash Nemati, Shahram Khalilarya, Samad Jafarmadar, Hassan Khatamnejhad, Vahid Fathi Numerical parametric investigation of a gasoline fuelled partially-premixed ... operating conditions of engine: base line, adiabatic and also adding EGR to the initial charge of adiabatic case at two load operating conditions: a full load and a part load (50% load) At all ... of Saudi Arabia Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.L University Vaddeswaram, Guntur(Dist), Andhra Pradesh 522502, India Shaaz College of Engg & Tech Himayatnagar, Moinabad Mandal, Ranga Reddy

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:11

20 644 0
An investigation into students’ conversational needs and some suggestions for a speaking syllabus to the 2nd year english bachel

An investigation into students’ conversational needs and some suggestions for a speaking syllabus to the 2nd year english bachel

... vocabulary learning should not be held down until the major part of the grammatical system has been learned The structural syllabus is very familiar to language teachers, and it has several advantages ... to reach at the end of each unit and to encourage teachers to find suitable teaching methods Objectives, at the same time, enable teachers to arrange appropriate practise revision and remedial ... examine the nature and function of language in detail All of these, according to Ferguson (1972), agree on two points: language is an answer to a need to communication, and language forms are

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:19

43 591 1
A Gentle Introduction to the - Spring Framework

A Gentle Introduction to the - Spring Framework

... SwingApplication { private TournamentMatchManager tournamentMatchManager; public SwingApplication(TournamentMatchManager tournamentMatchManager) { this.tournamentMatchManager = tournamentMatchManager; ... JdbcMatchDao matchDao = new JdbcMatchDao(); matchDao.setDataSource(dataSource); DefaultTournamentMatchManager tournamentMatchManager = new DefaultTournamentMatchManager(); tournamentMatchManager.setMatchDao(matchDao); ... DefaultTournamentMatchManager tournamentMatchManager; public SwingApplication(DefaultTournamentMatchManager tournamentMatchManager) { this.tournamentMatchManager = tournamentMatchManager; /* other

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 04:20

22 501 1
Managing and Practicing OD in an IT Environment - A Structured Approach to Developing IT Project Teams

Managing and Practicing OD in an IT Environment - A Structured Approach to Developing IT Project Teams

... 236 Logan Chapter X Managing and Practicing OD in an IT Environment: A Structured Approach to Developing IT Project Teams Joseph Logan, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, USA Abstract This chapter introduces ... proper data storage and access), hardware and software upgrades (replacing or enhancing existing assets), and network infrastructure improvements (continuing to involve the paths data travel) While ... stereotypes that create barriers between them IT professionals are often cast as aloof, antisocial, arrogant, analytical geeks OD is usually dismissed as being too “touchy-feely” and largely useless

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:20

33 568 0
Binding a Windows DataGrid to Master-Detail Data

Binding a Windows DataGrid to Master-Detail Data

... ) at runtime Valid data sources for the DataGrid include DataTable, DataSet, DataView, and DataViewManager objects The DataGrid control dynamically reflects any changes made to the data ... Form.Load Sets up the sample by creating a DataSet containing the Orders and Order Details DataTable objects. A DataRelation object is created relating the tables. DataAdapter objects are created ... between related tables as well as formatting and editing capabilities If a DataGrid is bound to a DataSet containing related tables, and navigation is enabled for the DataGrid, expanders

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 11:15

15 337 0


... concept of adjustment, perhaps because it smacks of ddling with the data: a er all, the “real” results, what are actually observed, are being mathematically manipulated. Such critics fail to realize ... some topic, and to do so one has to make an unbiased assessment of the matter at hand. is is the basic idea that underlies what A. Bradford Hill called “the philosophy of the clinical trial.” ... test in a huge randomized clinical trial (RCT), HRT was found to lead to actually worse cardiovascular and cancer outcomes than placebo. Why had the observational results been wrong? Because of...

Ngày tải lên: 24/09/2012, 09:06

166 924 2
Báo cáo khoa học: "Veterinary decision making in relation to metritis - a qualitative approach to understand the background for variation and bias in veterinary medical records"

Báo cáo khoa học: "Veterinary decision making in relation to metritis - a qualitative approach to understand the background for variation and bias in veterinary medical records"

... of variation and bias in relation to monitoring of animal disease incidence on herd and national level, causal analysis on national level, as well as estimation of validated treatment criteria. Monitoring ... potential links to data quality. This understand- ing provides insight into potential errors (bias and random error) related to data based on clinical examina- Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 2009, 51:36 ... or her evaluation of the local context. That is, treatment data as an indicator of a certain disease manifestation may only be valid within the herd. When veterinarians used standard treatment...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:45

10 588 0

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