a primer for engineers and scientists

Technical writing   a practical guide for engineers and scientists (2012)

Technical writing a practical guide for engineers and scientists (2012)

... book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume ... A Practical Guide for Engineers and Scientists TECHNICAL WRITING A Practical Guide for Engineers and Scientists Phillip A Laplante Boca Raton London New York CRC Press is an imprint of the Taylor ... can appear in any organization and the symptoms (and potential cures) are nearly identical every time Antipatterns can bubble up from the individual employee or manager through organizational

Ngày tải lên: 23/05/2018, 13:40

246 148 0
Tài liệu Dictionary of Applied Math for Engineers and Scientists doc

Tài liệu Dictionary of Applied Math for Engineers and Scientists doc

... VOLUMES Analysis, Calculus, and Differential Equations Douglas N. Clark Algebra, Arithmetic, and Trigonometry Steven G. Krantz Classical and Theoretical Mathematics Catherine Cavagnaro and William ... from a space of independent variables X to some target space Y ; for any regular domain D and any configuration ψ of the system it associates a (real) number A D [ψ]. A regular domain D is a subset ... of a dissolved substance at the interface of a con- densed and a liquid phase due to the operation of surface forces. Adsorption can also occur at the interface of a condensed and a gaseous phase.

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 12:15

149 717 2
Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists PHẦN 10 pptx

Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists PHẦN 10 pptx

... matlab\ ops matlab\ lang matlab\ elmat - matlab\ elfun matlab\ specfun matlab\ matfun - matlab\ datafun - matlab\ audio matlab\ polyfun matlab\ funfun - matlab\ sparfun matlab\ graph2d ... minimization, filtering and convolution, and (fast) Fourier transforms. Consult Using MATLAB: Math- ematics: Polynomials and Interpolation and Data Analysis and Statistics. Here’s an example of curve ... matlab\ graph3d matlab\ specgraph matlab\ graphics matlab\ uitools matlab\ strfun - General purpose commands Operators and special characters Programming language constructs Elementary

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:22

52 328 0
The boundary element method with programming for engineers and scientists - phần 1 pps

The boundary element method with programming for engineers and scientists - phần 1 pps

... and scientists to follow, is retained This is achieved by explaining some aspects of the method in an engineering rather than mathematical way Another new feature of the book is that ... location of the strain or stress components for matrix notation and tensor notation is given in Table 1. 1 Table 1. 1 Index numbering for strain and stress Notation Matrix Tensor 1 ... however and this is... 13 also allows the solution of problems in elasto- and visco-plasticity Body forces of a different kind (mass forces) occur in the case of dynamics, but their treatment

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

50 375 0
The boundary element method with programming for engineers and scientists - phần 2 pptx

The boundary element method with programming for engineers and scientists - phần 2 pptx

... Serendipity and Lagrange shape functions are compared in Figure 3.11 The Lagrange element has an additional ‘bubble mode’ and is, therefore, able to describe complicated shapes more accurately. Triangular ... Linear and quadratic degenerate elements Alternatively triangular elements may be defined using the iso-parametric concept. In Figure 3.13 we show a triangular element in the global and local ... infinite shape functions as for the one-dimensional element, with K substituted for [ and the values for m(n) and k(n) are given in Table 3.3 Table 3.3 Values for m and k in Equation (3.27)

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

50 321 0
The boundary element method with programming for engineers and scientists - phần 3 doc

The boundary element method with programming for engineers and scientists - phần 3 doc

... integral equations The boundary condition where... guaranteed for a general case as the number of points Q and P are increased 5.4.1 Theorem of Betti and integral equations An alternative ... OPEN(UNIT=10,FILE='INPUT.DAT',STATUS='OLD',ACTION='READ') OPEN(UNIT=11,FILE='OUTPUT.DAT',STATUS='UNKNOWN',ACTION='WRITE') READ(10,*) q,k,npnts,rq,rp ... It has been shown that the implementation of these fundamental solutions into a F90 function is fairly straightforward. A particular advantage of the new facilities in F90 is that two -and three-dimensional

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

50 272 0
The boundary element method with programming for engineers and scientists - phần 4 pot

The boundary element method with programming for engineers and scientists - phần 4 pot

... we 151 NUMERICAL IMPLEMENTATION have to consider that only Uxx and Uyy have a logarithmic and non-logarithmic part The logarithmic part is integrated with Gauss-Laguerre, for example: Nn (1 )(3 ... Solve ASSEMBLY AND SOLUTION 187 As already mentioned previously for the solution of equations involving many subtractions, it is necessary to use REAL (KIND=8) for the arrays, to avoid an accumulation ... note that for 2-D problems kernel U varies with ln(1/r) which gives value as r For the above reasons scaling of the data is recommended Scaling is applied in such a way that all tractions are divided

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

50 317 0
The boundary element method with programming for engineers and scientists - phần 5 pps

The boundary element method with programming for engineers and scientists - phần 5 pps

... symmetry' CASE(1) WRITE(2,*)'Symmetry about y-z plane' CASE(2) WRITE(2,*)'Symmetry about y-z and x-z planes' CASE(3) WRITE(2,*)'Symmetry about all planes' ... -element matrix*vector product, so Lhs can be deleted The threedimensional storage arrays are added, as are pmul, km, g and qmul which are necessary for the addition of diagonal components ... practical applications, needs special attention and will change the assembly process. The implementation of the program is far from efficient. If one does an analysis of runtime spent in each part

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

50 258 0
The boundary element method with programming for engineers and scientists - phần 6 pot

The boundary element method with programming for engineers and scientists - phần 6 pot

... z may be substituted for i, j, k and cos T has been defined previously. Values of the constants are given in Table 9.1. Table 9.1 Constants for fundamental solutions S and R Plane strain ... computation are read from file BERESULTS, which was generated by General_purpose BEM program and contains the values of u and t at boundary points. The coordinates of internal points are supplied ... El_u(:,:,:)! REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: El_t(:,:,:)! Results of System REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: El_ue(:,:) ! Diplacements of Element REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: El_te(:,:) ! Traction of Element REAL, ALLOCATABLE ::

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

50 310 0
The boundary element method with programming for engineers and scientists - phần 7 ppsx

The boundary element method with programming for engineers and scientists - phần 7 ppsx

... and K II for each region separately and then we assemble the regions using the conditions for flow balance and uniqueness of temperature in the case of potential problems and equilibrium and ... and destination vectors of boundary elements, as... Elres_u and Elres_t Matrix A and the vector {t}c are also determined and stored 3 Solve global system of equations The global ... °° «» ®¾ «» °° ¯¿ ¬ ¼ K A ° ° ° ¿ ° ° ° ¾ ½ ° ° ° ¯ ° ° ° ®  '''' '''' '''' '''' ° ° ° ¿ ° ° ° ¾ ½

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

50 248 0
gasification technologies a primer for engineers and scientists

gasification technologies a primer for engineers and scientists

... bands are called durain; satiny bands are clarain; charcoal bands are fusain; and black, glassy bands are vitrain Bright coals have lots of vitrain and clarain; dull coals are rich in durain bands ... along joints called cleats Vitrain and clarain are brittle and break easily "Block coals" are dull coals that break into large blocks because they have fewer vitrain and clarain bands, but have ... The slag is usually found to be non-hazardous and can be used as an admix for road construction material or abrasive material for sand blasting It can also be disposed of as non-hazardous waste...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:12

338 780 0
smith, s. w. (2003) digital signal processing - a practical guide for engineers and scientists

smith, s. w. (2003) digital signal processing - a practical guide for engineers and scientists

... restrict how much information a digital signal can contain This chapter is about information management: understanding what information you need to retain, and what information you can afford to lose ... squares of the samples (that is, square the value of each sample and add the result to the accumulated value) After any number of samples have been processed, the mean and standard deviation can ... pdf has virtually become a Gaussian This procedure can be used to create a normally distributed noise signal with an arbitrary mean and standard deviation For each sample in the signal: (1) add...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 12:32

666 2,1K 0
 c++ for engineers and scientists

c++ for engineers and scientists

... One-Dimensional Arrays Input and Output of Array Values 7.2 Array Initialization 7.3 Declaring and Processing Two-Dimensional Arrays Larger Dimensional Arrays 7.4 Arrays as Arguments Internal Array Element ... concepts, such as abstraction, lvalues and rvalues, values versus identities, flags, and stream formatting In addition, many Point of Information boxes explain alternative and advanced programming techniques, ... assemblylanguage program Figure 1.9 Translation program (assembler) A machinelanguage program Assembly-language programs must be translated Low- and High-Level Languages Both machine-level and assembly languages...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 14:07

849 876 3
numerical methods for engineers and scientists

numerical methods for engineers and scientists

... ] a4 4 a4 5 a3 4 a5 4 a5 5 _] is a x tridiagonal matrix A banded matrix B has all zero elements except along particular diagonals For example, all a~ l a2 2 a3 2 a2 3 a3 3 a~ ) ~ B = a1 2 a5 2 a4 3 a1 4 0 a3 4 ... provides core mathematicsand advancedgraphics tools for data analysis, visualization, and algorithm and application development, with more than 500 mathematical, statistical, and engineering ... for algorithms that require a lot of computationaleffort and for algorithms that are applied many times Several programming languages are available for preparing computerprograms: FORTRAN, Basic,...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:44

835 633 0
crc press - dictionary of applied math for engineers and scientists - d. clark

crc press - dictionary of applied math for engineers and scientists - d. clark

... Trigonometry Steven G Krantz Classical and Theoretical Mathematics Catherine Cavagnaro and William T Haight, II Applied Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists Emma Previato FORTHCOMING VOLUMES ... of a relation array A display of objects in some regular arrangements, as a rectangular array or matrix in which numbers are displayed in rows and columns, or an arrangement of statistical data ... commutative Referring to a set A with a binary operation * satisfying a b =b a for all a, b ∈ A See also Abelian group commutator (in an associative algebra A) The binary operation given by [A, ...

Ngày tải lên: 04/04/2014, 21:43

149 935 0
nanotechnology. basic calculations for engineers and scientists, 2006, p.481

nanotechnology. basic calculations for engineers and scientists, 2006, p.481

... in amu The standard used for the calculation of atomic weights was recently changed The new standard completely replaced the two earlier standards The new standard is particularly appropriate ... International Bureau of Weights and Measures at Paris A duplicate in the custody of the National Bureau of Standards serves as the mass standard for the United States This is the only base unit ... properties and behavior of matter Matter is the physical material that composes the universe; it represents anything that has mass and occupies space It can take any and many forms Over the years,...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 15:19

481 955 0
Software Solutions for Engineers and Scientists Julio Sanchez Maria Oct 18, 2007 pdf

Software Solutions for Engineers and Scientists Julio Sanchez Maria Oct 18, 2007 pdf

... Classes and Objects 28.2.1 Classes and Data Abstraction 28.2.2 Classes and Encapsulation 28.2.3 Message Passing 28.2.4 Inheritance 28.2.5 Polymorphism Abstract Classes 28.4 A Notation for Classes ... units and their hexadecimal and decimal range Table 1.3 Units of Memory Addressing UNIT DATA PATH IN BITS 1 1 paragraph page kilobyte megabyte gigabytes 16 20 32 ADDRESS RANGE DECIMAL HEXADECIMAL ... the computational capabilities of conventional programming languages are limited and often not well documented For example, the mathematical functions that are part of the C++ language barely include...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 08:20

946 602 0
DICTIONARY OF Applied math for engineers and scientists pot

DICTIONARY OF Applied math for engineers and scientists pot

... Trigonometry Steven G Krantz Classical and Theoretical Mathematics Catherine Cavagnaro and William T Haight, II Applied Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists Emma Previato FORTHCOMING VOLUMES ... of a relation array A display of objects in some regular arrangements, as a rectangular array or matrix in which numbers are displayed in rows and columns, or an arrangement of statistical data ... commutative Referring to a set A with a binary operation * satisfying a b =b a for all a, b ∈ A See also Abelian group commutator (in an associative algebra A) The binary operation given by [A, ...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 11:20

149 1,2K 0
Mathematical Methods 1 for Engineers and Scientists 1 pps

Mathematical Methods 1 for Engineers and Scientists 1 pps

... characterize the elementary algebra We say elementary algebra because there is a branch of mathematics called modern algebra in which some of the rules such as ab = ba are abandoned, but we shall ... long as one regards subtraction as an act of “taken away,” negative numbers are absurd One cannot take away, say, three apples from two Only after the development of the axiomatic algebra, the ... I want to thank my A and B students, their diligence and enthusiasm have made teaching enjoyable and worthwhile I want to thank my C and D students, their difficulties and mistakes made me search...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 05:20

326 807 2