... n all these fail the hstener can ask the speaker to clarlfy w h a t was said.2 There are m a n y aspects of an utterance that the hstener can b e c o m e confused about and that can lead to mascommunacatton ... go about it m a certain way flnd candidates, adjust as necessary, re-try, and, if necessary, glve u p a n d ask for help W e claim that relaxation is an Integral part of this process and that ... represented as a set of rules a n d as data m a hierarchical k n o w l e d g e base R u l e - b a s e d relaxation provided a methodical w a y to use k n o w l e d g e about language a n d the...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20
... to a lack of supply of assimilates and auxine More- over, the significant impact of temperature both ring width and latewood density started later and ended earlier in the year Since there are ... climatic causes and climatic regimes projects: 1982-1986 In: Climatic variations for North America and the North Pacific, Laboratory of tree-ring research, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA ... summer can cause the cessation of cambial activity and affect the duration of cell-wall thickening This might explain the close relation of latewood density to temperature in July and August In...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 19:21
The correct answer for each question is indicated by
... the available channel is a channel, we cannot send a digital signal directly to the channel INCORRECT A l ) o w p a s s B b ) a n d p a s s C l ) o w r a t e D h ) i g h r a t e For a channel, ... conversion A di ) gi ta lto di gi ta l B di ) gi ta lto a n al o g 50 C a ) n al o gto a n al o g D a ) n al o gto di gi ta l CORRECT If the frequency spectrum of a signal has a bandwidth of 500 Hz with ... o n e of th e a b o v e _ data have discrete states and take discrete values INCORRECT A A ) n a l o g B D ) i g it a 36 l C ( ) a ) o r ( b ) D N ) o n e of th e a b o v e Signals can be...
Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2015, 08:59
Báo cáo hóa học: " Dielectric Relaxation of La-Doped Zirconia Caused by Annealing Ambient" pptx
... independent of the annealing ambient PDA in air caused a negative shift of the C–V curves due to positive charge generation and also caused an enhanced accumulation capacitance, which originated from a ... k-value was maintained and the dielectric relaxation was reduced However, PDA in air causes a significant increase in k-value (32 at kHz) and a significant dielectric relaxation, probably associated ... relaxation: the parallel and series models [44] The parallel model represents the classical relaxation of a large assembly of individual relaxing entities such as dipoles, each of which relaxes...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 11:20
Báo cáo hóa học: "Alloying and Strain Relaxation in SiGe Islands Grown on Pit-Patterned Si(001) Substrates Probed by Nanotomography" doc
... the patterned area The observed material Fig (Color online) a 30 lm 30 lm AFM scan of the sample surface close to a corner of the patterned area The gray scale corresponds to the local surface ... the (001) plane The analyzed areas on planar and patterned surface are marked in blue and red, respectively b Height distribution of islands grown on pit-pattern (red bars) and flat surface (blue) ... nanotomography approach was used to gather in-depth information about the alloying and relaxation mechanism on both flat and pit-patterned substrates The 3D compositional profiles reveal that islands...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 20:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Ultrafast Carrier Relaxation in InN Nanowires Grown by Reactive Vapor Transport" docx
... we are actually probing the photogenerated carriers following relaxation near the absorption edge also revealed a nonlinear behavior as a function of fluence (Fig 6b) It appears that the maximum ... differential absorption signal as a function of the fluence for different probing wavelengths The inset shows the same data plotted as a function of fluence on a linear scale for clarification of the behavior ... schematic diagram of a model explaining the behavior of the InN NWs following femtosecond pulse excitation is shown in Fig The diagram shows a representation of the band diagram of InN [29] around...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 01:20
Báo cáo y học: " Treating children traumatized by war and Tsunami: A comparison between exposure therapy and meditation-relaxation in North-East Sri Lanka" pptx
... comparison protocol, we chose a treatment procedure that was applicable in the local context and available in the immediate aftermath of the Tsunami disaster in Sri Lanka Meditation-relaxation ... condition Officials estimated more than 30,000 causalities, and hundreds of thousands of inhabitants had to be relocated to refugee camps In order to avoid epidemics, humanitarian assistance concentrated ... evaluating an adequate mental health intervention strategy, the cultural applicability of the therapy approach has to be taken into account With respect to the Sri Lankan context, meditation and...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20
Báo cáo y học: " Vascular relaxation of canine visceral arteries after ischemia by means of supraceliac aortic cross-clamping followed by reperfusion" pot
... study and given final approval of the version to be published All authors have read and approved the final manuscript Acknowledgements We thank José Carlos Vanni, Maria Cecília J Gomes, Maria Aparecida ... indicate that 60 minutes of ischemia by means of supraceliac aortic cross-clamping alone or followed by 30 minutes of reperfusion not Ciscato et al Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and ... subclinical organ failures can interfere individually adding a kind of bias over the main idea of this investigation that considered the supraceliac cross-clamping as a lifesaving trauma maneuver...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 23:20
VHDL Programming by Example 4th Edition
... evaluate AND C
Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2012, 08:46
Tài liệu Microsoft ADO .NET step by step
... supplying a table name C# System.Data.DataTable unnamedTable = new System.Data.DataTable(); System.Data.DataTable namedTable = new System.Data.DataTable("Customer"); Visual Basic Dim unnamedTable As ... library is the DataTable Similar in purpose to tables in a database, the DataTable manages all the actual data values that you and your source code ultimately care about Each DataTable contains ... System.Data namespace, implements a small set of libraries that makes consuming and manipulating large amounts of data simple and straightforward ADO.NET manages both internal data—data created...
Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2012, 08:39
Giáo án luyện tập cho ngưới mới tập (Từ 0 - 1 năm)- Upload by Trong Nhan.pdf
... ôi) Updat ing S a sonvalentine : 01-06-2011 lúc 02:45 PM hemattroi, lionmonkey, Akai90 and 77 others like this Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III,Lens:Canon EF 70- 200mm/2.8L IS II, Canon EF 85mm Honda CBR ... (sonvalentine - webthehinh.com) S a sonvalentine : 04-06-2011 lúc 08:59 AM hemattroi, y0 6a_ ktanh, whitegun and 34 others like this Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III,Lens:Canon EF 70- 200mm/2.8L IS II, Canon ... ngực nhanh S a sonvalentine : 04-06-2011 lúc 12:30 PM mranhbb, nhson219, giangnam233 and others like this Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III,Lens:Canon EF 70- 200mm/2.8L IS II, Canon EF 85mm Honda CBR 600cc...
Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 09:21
Đề thi Java By Example
... biểu package sai (chọn2) A) Một package gồm nhiều class.interface package B)Một lớp định ngh a mà ko khai báo nằm package biên dịch bị lỗi C)Một package ko thể ch a package khác D)Khi tạo package ... C) import java.lang.Math; D) import static java.lang.Math.*; E) static inport java.lang.Math.*; 16.Giả sử có lỗi NullPointerException không tồn phương thức test() Thông báo đc in ra? (chọn nhiều) ... System.out.println((s1==s2)&&(s2==s1)); A) Lỗi dịch B)In “True” C)In “False” D)In “false=false” E) In “true=true” 13.khai báo mảng hợp lệ (chọn2) A) int myArray|10|; B)int[ ] myArray; C) int myArray[ ] new int[10]; D) int myArray|10|...
Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2012, 09:13
Removal of congo red from wastewater by adsorption onto waste red mud
... photodegradation treated by the Activated available adsorbent is carbon and has of aerobic an attractive adsorbent stable to (2); hence, they cannot be methods of dyes provides if popular and oxidation ... include residual use slurry agricultural (4), banana solid pith wastes such (5), orange as biogas peel (6), 403 bagasse as and paddy straw Fe(III)/Cr(III) Namasivayam of dairy (11) and coworkers ... Indian - Jeyakumar, removal red Adsorption (1993) 508 Namasivayam, Dye and Singh, solutions coal.Water V N Removal by mixed Research, of adsorbents : 24 45 - 50 (1990) 10 Namasivayam, waste C water...
Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2012, 14:47
Heavy metal cation retention by unconventional sorbents (red muds and fly ashes)
... (Apak et al., 1995; 1996) The ability of fly ash to remove metal cations from water has also been demonstrated in the literature (Bhattacharya and Venkobachar, 1984; Panday and Singh, 1985; Yadava ... 1977) and heavy metal (Apak and Unseren, 1987; Apak et al., 1995, 1996) removal However, acid treatment of red mud sorbents had the drawback of the partial loss of acid-soluble fractions like hematite ... the adsorptive removal of heavy metal contaminants In Flocculation in Biotechnology and Separation Systems (Edited by Attia Y A. ), pp 765-771 Elsevier, Amsterdam Bhattacharya K and Venkobachar...
Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2012, 14:47
Immobilization of heavy metals in sediment dredged from a seaport by iron bearing materials
... dumping waste bags to roadsides In particular, Hanoi has thousands of medical stations, making up about 2% of total wastes Only 60 hospitals and medical centers have signed up for waste treatment ... medical-waste-recycling-products The community awareness of the danger of medical wastes should be raised through various ways, ranging from propaganda, education and dissemination of information ... – Biofast – a kind of machine for filtering liquid wastes Biofast are outstanding because of its effectiveness and efficiency Biofast operates automatically; therefore, it reduces the man-made...
Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2012, 15:38
The chart below shows the amount of leisure time enjoyed by men and women of different employment status
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 10:02