... problem and variational inequality problem,” Fixed Point Theory and Applications, vol 2010, Article ID 383740, 19 pages, 2010 11 P Cholamjiak and S Suantai, A new hybrid algorithm for variational ... spaces,” Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol 341, no 1, pp 276–286, 2008 23 S Takahashi and W Takahashi, “Strong convergence theorem for a generalized equilibrium problem and ... of variational inequality and generalized equilibrium problems with applications,” Annali dell’Universita di Ferrara, vol 56, no 2, pp 345–368, 2010 16 Y Yao, Y.-C Liou, and J.-C Yao, A new...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20
... Takahashi, Nonlinear Functional Analysis, Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan, 2000 47 S Atsushiba and W Takahashi, “Strong convergence theorems for a finite family of nonexpansive mappings and applications,” ... Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol 279, no 2, pp 372– 379, 2003 G Bigi, M Castellani, and G Kassay, A dual view of equilibrium problems,” Journal of Mathematical Analysis and ... Banach spaces,” Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol 67, no 2, pp 274–276, 1979 K Nakajo and W Takahashi, “Strong convergence theorems for nonexpansive mappings and nonexpansive...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 11:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article A New Iterative Algorithm for Approximating Common Fixed Points for Asymptotically Nonexpansive Mappings" pot
... many authors have developed Schu’s algorithm and results Rhoades [8] and Tan and Xu [4] generalized Schu’s iterative algorithm to the modified Ishikawa iterative algorithm and extended the main ... of the Australian Mathematical Society, vol 43, no 1, pp 153–159, 1991 [8] B E Rhoades, “Fixed point iterations for certain nonlinear mappings,” Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, ... “Weak convergence theorems for nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces,” Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol 67, no 2, pp 274–276, 1979 [13] S Ishikawa, “Fixed points and iteration...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo sinh học: "A new, fast algorithm for detecting protein coevolution using maximum compatible cliques" pptx
... to be fast rather than exact The rationale behind designing this algorithm was that a full compatibility test of the new match would require every ratio of paired distance to be checked against ... mutual compatibility test must pass for all such triplets If the addition of a protein pair successfully creates a new, larger match, a recursive call is made to further expand the match until all ... by a parameter a Î [0, 1], with requiring all RPDs be exactly the same value and placing no restrictions on values amongst RPDs Using this parameter, we define that two RPDs R1 and R2 are compatible...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 17:20
A new probabilistic algorithm for solving nonlinear equations systems
... has the abilities to overcome local optimal solutions and to obtain global optimal solutions Many optimization problems have very narrow feasible domains that require the algorithm having an ability ... “Search via Probability Algorithm for Engineering Optimization Problems”, In Proceedings of XIIth International Conference on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA2007), Chania, ... 877–894 Grosan C., Abraham A (2008), A New Approach for Solving Nonlinear Equations Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 38(3), 698-714 Trần Văn Hao and Nguyễn Hữu Thông...
Ngày tải lên: 04/09/2016, 09:08
A new algorithm for enumeration of minimum cutsets of graph by branch addition
... node are shown in Table The calculations have made by Matlab version 6.5 The cutsets of this graph have calculated in 0.8 second This algorithm also has applied to a part of Iran transmission and ... Billinton and C Singh, ''Generating capacity reliability evaluation in interconnected systems using a frequency and duration approach, Part I: Mathematical analysis,'' IEEE Trans on Power Apparatus ... Enumeration of Minimal Cutsets Separating Vertices in a Class of Undirected Planar Graphs," IEEE Trans on Reliability, Vol 41, No 1, March 1992 Li Yan, Hamdy A Taha, Thomas L Landers, "A Recursive...
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:35
Tài liệu Dollar Cost Banding - A New Algorithm for Computing Inventory Levels for Army Supply Support Activities pdf
... (Mech) 82nd ABN 82nd Airborne Division AAC Acquisition Advice Code ABF Availability Balance File AMC Army Materiel Command ASB Aviation Support Battalion ASL Authorized Stockage List AVIM Aviation ... repair times, and reduced equipment availability In many cases, maintainers who were unable to wait any longer for parts to maintain readiness had to make extra efforts to work around part availability ... RAND Corporation, MR-1150 -A, 2002; Marygail K Brauner et al., Dollars and Sense: A Process Improvement Approach to Logistics Financial Management, Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, MR-1131 -A, ...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 17:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "A new Approach to Improving Multilingual Summarization using a Genetic Algorithm" pptx
... Workshop on Text Summarization Branches Out (WAS 2004), pages 25–26 K Filippova, M Surdeanu, M Ciaramita, and H Zaragoza 2009 Company-oriented extractive summarization of financial news In Proceedings ... Multilingual Information Extraction and Summarization, pages 17–24 M Friedman and A Kandel 1994 Fundamentals of Computer Numerical Analysis CRC Press D Liu, Y He, D Ji, and H Yang 200 6a Genetic algorithm ... extract the important paragraphs from the text Erkan and Radev (2004) and Mihalcea (2005) introduced algorithms for unsupervised extractive summarization that rely on the application of iterative...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "A New String-to-Dependency Machine Translation Algorithm with a Target Dependency Language Model" pot
... red apple ) = LA(cat(Da ), LA(cat(Dred ), cat(Dapple ))) (b) Figure 6: Operations over well-formed structures = LA(LC(cat(Da ), cat(Dred )), cat(Dapple )) vantage of various translation fragments ... Schwartz, L Micciulla, and J Makhoul 2006 A study of translation edit rate with targeted human annotation In Proceedings of Association for Machine Translation in the Americas W Wang, K Knight, and ... Michigan, June J Eisner and G Satta 1999 Efficient parsing for bilexical context-free grammars and head automaton grammars In Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 02:20
RBF Neurals Networks and a new algorithm for training RBF networks
... California from the 1990 Cens us In this sample a block group on average includes 1425.5 individuals living in a geographically compact area Naturally, the geographical area included varies inversely ... interpolating function has advantages in sum of error square E which is always global minimum (page 98 in [13]) From the conclusion above, people suggests an algorithm to interpolating and approximate ... D.S Bromhead and D Lowe, “Multivariable functional interpolation and adaptive networks”, Complex Systems, vol 2, 1988, pp 321-355 J.Park and I.W Sandberg “Approximation and radial-basis-function...
Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2014, 15:40
... will also fail Hence, a RAID offers no assistance with site disasters Moreover, if a site fails temporarily, because of a power outage, a hardware or software failure, etc., then the data on a RAID ... sites are arranged into a two-dimensional array and row and column parities are constructed, each according to the formulas of Section We call this scheme 2D-RADD, and a variation of this idea was ... copies of data across a computer network at the same space cost as RAIDs for local data Such copies increase availability in the presence of both temporary and permanent failures (disasters) of...
Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 13:32
Báo cáo hóa học: " A new modified block iterative algorithm for uniformly quasi-j-asymptotically nonexpansive mappings and a system of generalized mixed equilibrium problems" ppt
... Iiduka, H, Takahashi, W: Weak convergence of a projection algorithm for variational inequalities in a Banach space J Math Anal Appl 339, 668–679 (2008) doi:10.1016/j.jmaa.2007.07.019 33 Takahashi, ... satisfies (A1 )- (A4 ) The following result is in Blum and Oettli [1] Motivated by Combettes and Hirstoaga [2] in a Hilbert space and Takahashi and Zembayashi [33] in a Banach space, Zhang [48] obtained ... Chang et al [30], Qin et al [7], Takahashi and Zembayashi [33], Wattanawitoon and Kumam [14], Zegeye [41] and Saewan and Kumam [40], we introduce a new modified block hybrid projection algorithm...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20
Báo cáo sinh học: " Research Article A New-Fangled FES-k -Means Clustering Algorithm for Disease Discovery and Visual Analytics" pdf
... compact scattered data Unfortunately, not all data are compact and scattered; hence, an improved algorithm is required to evaluate very large data sets This declaration comes 30 years after that ... topological relationships [26] The algorithm continues until all data are assigned to a neuron Assignments are based on similarity characteristics using distance as a determinant; hence, similar data ... adaptation rate, η(t), can be selected in a number of ways Conventional formulas for η(t)are a variable adaptive method introduced by MacQueen [3] and a constant adaptation rate and a square root method...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 16:20
Báo cáo sinh học: " Research Article A New Switching-Based Median Filtering Scheme and Algorithm for Removal of High-Density Salt and Pepper Noise in Images" pptx
... distributed salt and pepper noise at different densities for evaluating the performance of the algorithm Three images are selected They are Lena, Cameraman, and Boat image A quantitative comparison ... IEF for cameraman image A new switching-based median filtering scheme and an algorithm for removal of high-density salt and pepper noise in images is proposed The algorithm is based on a new concept ... Signal-to-Noise Ratio, Mean Square Error, Mean Structure Similarity Index, and Image Enhancement Factor and Computational time Both visual and quantitative results EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 16:20
Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article A New Frame Memory Compression Algorithm with DPCM and VLC in a 4×4 Block" pptx
... increases, the hardware complexity of a transform as well as the compression latency also increases Another approach is a spatial domain FMC that requires a relatively small amount of computation ... CIF average Blue sky Pedestrian area HD average quality degradation of HD-size video is less than that of CIF-size video This is because spatial correlation of a × block generally increases as ... Conclusions This paper proposes an FMC algorithm that compresses video data to be stored into frame memory The proposed FMC algorithm achieves lower image degradation than other transform based algorithms...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " A new algorithm for computing distance matrix and Wiener index of zig-zag polyhex nanotubes" doc
... Nanoscale Res Lett (2007) 2:202–206 203 algorithm for computing distance matrix of these nanotubes Throughout this paper, our notation is standard They are appearing as in the same way as in ... that n is even and |V(T)| = mn (1 ,1 ) ,2 (b) B ase An algorithm for constructing distance matrix of TUHC6[m,n] We first choose a base vertex b from the 2-dimensional lattice of T and assume that ... Fig Two basically different cases for the vertex b We now describe our algorithm to compute distance matrix of a zig-zag polyhex nanotube To this, we define a and matrices AmÂðn=2þ1Þ ¼ ½aij ;...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 18:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " A New Algorithm for Joint Range-DOA-Frequency Estimation of Near-Field Sources" docx
... the linear array, and the received signals are polluted by zero-mean additive Gaussian noises We assume that the two sources are narrowband (bandwidth = 25 kHz) amplitude modulated signals with ... Key Laboratory for Radar Signal Processing at Xidian University, Xi’an, China His research interests include array signal processing, smart antennas, and communication signal processing Xiao-Long ... to March 2002, he was with the Key Laboratory for Radar Signal Processing, Xidian University, Xi’an, China, as a Specially Appointed Professor awarded by the Ministry of Education of China and...
Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 01:20
A new extragradient iteration algorithm for bilevel variational inequalities 2012
... optimization, J Convex Anal 14 (2007), 227-237 A NEW EXTRAGRADIENT ITERATION ALGORITHM FOR BVI 107 [17] W Takahashi and M Toyoda, Weak convergence theorems for nonexpansive mappings and monotone mappings, ... Finite-dimensional variational inequalities and complementarity problems, Springer-Verlag, NewYork, 2003 [10] F Giannessi, A Maugeri and P M Pardalos, Equilibrium problems: Nonsmooth optimization and variational ... Appl 77 Springer, New York, 2005, 113-129 [8] T Q Bao and P Q Khanh, Some algorithms for solving mixed variational inequalities, Acta Math Vietnam 31 (2006), 83-103 [9] F Facchinei and J S Pang,...
Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2014, 11:31
A new numerical performance analysis method of leaky bucket policing algorithm over heavy tailed on off internet traffic
... self-similar (SS) characteristics of data traffic aggregates have been found The self-similar nature has made data traffic bursty in different time scales, which make traditional system allocation schemes ... no instant downloading rate was recorded in the trace and CBR traffic is assumed during the ON period, a rate value is estimated as the mean value of average rate values of all file downloading processes ... the application of this classical analysis method 1.3 Motivation of this work Since heavy-tailed ON/OFF sources are dominating today’s Internet applications and an analysis method to evaluate...
Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 15:43