... separation of both data and operator applied to the data in a signal part and a certainty part Missing data in irregularly sampled fields are handled by setting the certainty of the data equal ... limitations (i) Occasional unreliability due to the fact that the averages are calculated in an area further away from the boundary In fact the closest pixel is at a distance L − (M/2) (ii) No adaptation ... results for reconstruction of irregularly sampled data for sampling ratios smaller than 5% Additionally, NDC is the only method that allows the direct calculation of gradients of irregularly and sparsely...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 23:20
... normalization method as in [19], which includes base 10 log-transformation as well as normalization to mean and variance For the data that contains negative values, we not perform log-transformation ... microarray classification ANMM4CBR contains two modules, ANMM for feature selection and CBR for classification Both ANMM and CBR are suitable for dealing with microarray data, which usually contain ... is usually the case for real microarray data Another reason for the usage of noisy data is, we found that if there is no noise in training data, all algorithms used in this paper can get a 100%...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 17:20
Tài liệu Module 4: Technologies for Handling XML Data pdf
... Technologies for Handling XML Data What Is XML Metadata? ! Metadata is data about data ! Humans use lexical metadata to understand the markup " ! Software uses structural metadata " ! Consists of the meaning ... understand some of the meaning of the data by reading the markup Structural XML metadata Many of the structural aspects of XML can be useful as metadata Structural metadata is useful for exercising ... metadata in many ways to exercise programmatic control over XML 4 Module 4: Technologies for Handling XML Data DOM and XPath: XML metadata as a tree DOM and XPath both process XML by creating a...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:15
Tài liệu The Cost of a Military Person-Year - A Method for Computing Savings from Force Reductions pptx
... includes average basic pay for each military grade, basic allowance for housing, basic allowance for subsistence, and federal tax advantage accruing to the aforementioned allowances because they are ... of Program Analysis and Evaluation (PA&E) NOTE: Data are budget estimates, not execution data avoided by this action If a similar calculus can then be performed for an alternative civilian position, ... relevant statutes mandate that the actuarial computations of funding requirements apply a particular accrual method called Aggregate Entry Age Currently incorporated into law as United States Code,...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 23:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Method for Measuring Machine Translation Confidence" docx
... Finally, the backtranslation approach faces a serious issue when forward and backward translation models are symmetric In this case, back-translation will not be very informative to indicate forward ... tshyr aly adm an hdhh alamlyt aljnsyt alqwat aly adm qdrt almtaddt ayda tshyr albhryt Source & Target Dependency (a) Source-Target dependency Structures DTJJ DTJJ DTNNS DTJJ almtaddt aljnsyt alqwat ... wydyf an hdhh alamlyt ayda tshyr aly adm qdrt almtaddt aljnsyt alqwat albhryt (d) Source POS & right target He adds that this process also refers to the inability of the multinational naval forces...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 04:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Method for Correcting Errors in Speech Recognition Using the Statistical Features of Character Co-occurrence" pptx
... the characters before and after "(" Cte") (3) Both the Error-Pattem-Database and String-Database can be mechanically prepared, which reduces the effort required to prepare the databases and makes ... gozaimasu Kyoto Kanko Hoteru yoyaku gakari de gozaimasu", ('l'hank you for calling Kyoto Kanko Hotel reservations.) Input String: -¢, "A hai arigatou gozaimasu e Kyoto Kanko Hoteru yanichikan gozaimasu", ... results and the corresponding actual utterances, then they are stored in a database (referred to as an Error-Pattern-Database) In EPC, the correction is made by substituting a Correct-Part for an...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 18:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Method for Relating Multiple Newspaper Articles by Using Graphs, and Its Application to Webcasting" pptx
... display in a readily understandable way Software tools for handling graphs are also required Formal features of graphs can express the underlying characteristics of articles More efficient and ... by Graph Search and Matching Proe of AAAI'97, pages 622-628 Y M a a r e k and A Wecker 1994 The Librarian Assistant: Automatically Assemblin Books into Dy- 1313 namic Bookshelves Proc of RIAO K ... pages 843-848, Vol 267 M A Hearst, D R Karger, and J O Pederson 1995 Scatter/Gather as a Tool for Navigation of Retrieval Results Proc of AAAI Fall Symposium on AI Applications in Knowledge Navigation...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 06:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Method for Word Sense Disambiguation of Unrestricted Text" potx
... there are many to choose from and many are semantically close For applications such as machine translation, fine grain disambiguation works well but for information extraction and some other applications ... sources for word sense disambiguation Computational Linguistics, 18(1):1-30 R Mihalcea and D.I Moldovan 1999 An automatic method for generating sense tagged corpora In Proceedings of AAAI-99, Orlando, ... In Proceedings of the DARPA Speech and Natural Language Workshop, Harriman, New York X Li, S Szpakowicz, and M Matwin 1995 A wordnet-based algorithm for word seman158 Canada S McRoy 1992 Using...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 06:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "An Exact A* Method for Deciphering Letter-Substitution Ciphers" doc
... probabilities and the probability of the path at starting at (a) In all of the data considered, the frequency of spaces was far higher than that of any other character, and so in any real application ... that a length of 1000 to 11000 characters is a realistic length for many articles, although this can vary according to the genre of the page Wikipedia, for example, does have entries that are ... run are given in Table The first thing to note in this data is that the accuracy of this algorithm is above 90 % for all of the test data, and 100% on all but the smallest ciphers We can also...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 00:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "a Method for Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation" pot
... It is clear that a program can rank Candidate higher than Candidate simply by comparing ngram matches between each candidate translation and the reference translations Experiments over large collections ... (recall) one of these possible choices, but not all Indeed, recalling all choices leads to a bad translation Here is an example Example 4: Candidate 1: I always invariably perpetually Candidate ... scoring captures two aspects of translation: adequacy and fluency A translation using the same words (1-grams) as in the references tends to satisfy adequacy The longer n-gram matches account for fluency...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 20:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Method for Effective and Scalable Mining of Named Entity Transliterations from Large Comparable Corpora" doc
... EnglishKannada EnglishTamil EnglishRussian EnglishHindi EnglishKannada EnglishTamil Data Environment IDEAL& NEAR-IDEAL IDEAL& NEAR-IDEAL IDEAL& NEAR-IDEAL IDEAL& NEAR-IDEAL Articles (in Thousands) ... cross-language document similarity model requires a bilingual dictionary in the appropriate language pair Therefore, we generated statistical dictionaries for language pairs (from parallel corpora ... source language NE with a random nonmatching target language NE No language specific features were used and the same feature set was used in each of the language pairs making MINT language neutral...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 03:20
intech-a method for project member role assignment in open source software development using self organizing maps
... process Table Input data format (knowledge and skill for software development) 62 62 Table Experimental input data Self Organizing Maps - Applications and Novel Algorithm Design Self Organizing Maps ... Basis of software design Main problems of software design Structure and architecture Analyses and evaluation of software designing quality A notational system of software design Tactics and method ... of lear wh here rning, T is the lea arning time, and Nc is the neighbo orhood reg gion Ea weight of a node represents a feature of the obj ach ject As an examp animal featur data ple, re analyzed...
Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 10:14
intech-a method for project member role assignment in open source software development using self organizing maps
... we can estimate the winding parameters ( and ) and damper parameters ( and ) The and got from standstill test data may not be accurate enough for online model, but it can be used as initial values ... nonlinear and cannot be easily expressed by any analytical equation The neural network can 289 Fig 12 Validation of model with online operating data (phase A) provide very good mapping if trained ... Moon and A Keyhani, “Estimation of induction machine parameters from standstill time-domain data, ” IEEE Trans Ind Applicat., vol 30, Nov./Dec 1994 290 [6] A Keyhani, H Tsai, and T Leksan, “Maximum...
Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 10:17
Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article A Method for Visualizing Independent Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Brain Activity" potx
... eigenvalues of the transformed covariance matrices have maximal variance for one class and minimal variance for the other class First, for the two classes (1 and 2), the classlabeled observations are ... Laplacian spatial filter as well as a manageable feature space for the ISTP method 4.1 Common Spatio-Temporal Patterns Prior to performing the ICA, the Common Spatio-Temporal Patterns (CSTPs) can ... (indicated in gray) are averaged and subtracted from this central (black) electrode to produce the control signal For the online experiments, a single large Laplacian control signal was used for...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 19:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article An Efficient Segmental Bus-Invert Coding Method for Instruction Memory Data Bus Switching Reduction" doc
... This approach achieves a good switching reduction if the transferred data are random and evenly distributed over the whole data range For the wide data bus without evenly distributed random data, ... consisting of a processor with Harvard architecture, where the instruction memory (IM) and the data memory (DM) are separated, and each memory has different buses for address and data transmission, as illustrated ... S Mukhopadhyay, C Neau, R T Cakici, A Agarwal, C H Kim, and K Roy, “Gate leakage reduction for scaled devices using transistor stacking,” IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI)...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 20:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article A Method for Source-Microphone Range Estimation in Reverberant Environments Using Arrays of Unknown Geometry" ppt
... may be found that the classical approach of concentrating the microphones in a closely spaced array causes many of the participants to be a significant distance from all available microphones As ... both a lowpass and often harmonic signal This poses particular problems We have assumed Fa,b to be a zero-mean, normal random variable The analysis and experimental evidence underpinning this assumption ... a change of scale, Q0,1,2 has the same distribution as the ratio of two uncorrelated normal random variables of unity variance, N(α, 1)/N(β, 1) The real constants α and β may be calculated as...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " A Method for Assessment of Segmentation Success Considering Uncertainty in the Edge Positions" pptx
... n-Rold´ n, J F Gomez Lopera, C Atae-Allah, J a a Mart´nez-Aroza, and P L Luque-Escamilla, A measure of ı quality for evaluating methods of segmentation and edge detection,” Pattern Recognition, vol ... Empirical discrepancy group The reason is that, although analytical and empirical goodness methods are easier to apply since they not need an ideal segmented image, they not provide as much information ... kind of uncertainty could appear In this work, real images are used to obtain the ideal segmentation Although the creation of the ideal segmentation of each real image must be manual, and thus, timeconsuming,...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 23:20
Family of Uniform Strain Tetrahedral Elements and a Method for Connecting Dissimilar Finite Element Meshes ppt
... element formulations for the uniform strain quadrilateral and hexahedron to perform an analysis That being the case, one may question the advantages of the present approach For the nine-node and ... hexahedra Within each of the quadrilateral or hexahedral domains, the element formulations are based on the standard uniform strain approach [2] Element formulations for the nine-node tetrahedron ... of four /separate hexahedra The eleven-node tetrahedron also has a distinct advantage over the standard quadratic ten-node tetrahedron for applications involving contact For a uniform pressure...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 14:20
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "A method for describing and modelling of within-ring wood density distribution in clones of three coniferous species" ppt
... central and tail data and very different shaped data can lead to the same kur [5] Quantile (or percentile) based coefficients produce parallel, but generally more robust measures of the shape of a ... was generally a good agreement when classical density parameters (zone width and its minimum, average and maximum density) were calculated for EW and LW zones separated either by the method based ... package The function estimates the parameters of a non linear regression model over a given set of observations, using Gauss-Marquardt algorithm [21] 2.4 Analyses of variance and covariance All...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:21
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "A method for multiple intra-ring demarcation of coniferous trees" ppt
... Cell data were obtained from 20 mature balsam fir trees (on average 48 years old) growing naturally in Arvida (48° 26' N, 71° 09' W, 80 m a. s.l.), a district of Saguenay, Quebec, Canada The annual ... threshold value was found to be adequate (0.25/20 = 0.0125) for the given data set It can be adjusted depending on the data variance EVALUATION OF THE METHOD FOR MULTIPLE INTRA-RING DEMARCATION The method ... contain no problematic zone Y-axis is arbitrary and adjusted for better visualisation with increasing intra-ring position (c.f Fig 1A) For such a case, we apply a buffer zone The buffer is a value...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:22