a historical and philosophical perspective

Factors influencing IPOs pricing and performance in Saudi Arabia: A Halal and Haram perspective

Factors influencing IPOs pricing and performance in Saudi Arabia: A Halal and Haram perspective

... underpricing behavior (e.g Abdul-Rahim and Yong, 2010; Soet and Ngugi, 2012; Chiraphadhanakul and Gunawardana, 2005; Bateni and Asghari, 2014; Alanazi and Al-Zoubi, 2015 and Mayes and Alqahtani, 2015) ... http://afr.sciedupress.com Accounting and Finance Research Vol 7, No 4; 2018 Factors Influencing IPOs Pricing and Performance in Saudi Arabia: A Halal and Haram Perspective Ali Alnodel1 & Muhammad ... (1999), and Hand (2000) find support for the idea that accounting information affects the pricing of IPOs (Beaty et al., 2000) Chiraphadhanakul and Gunawardana (2005) find that company specific factors

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2020, 17:28

13 38 0
possibilities for the creation of beer routes in hungary a methodological and practical perspective

possibilities for the creation of beer routes in hungary a methodological and practical perspective

... than 18 years old adults The data of the international demand trends were provided by the databases of the statista.de and the Wine Institute of California Here we have to add that these data ... national (small-scale) brewery survey Than we aimed to determine the spatial peculiarities of the Hungarian small-scale beer manufacturing and the interpretation of its basic geographical patterns ... houses although, the regional centre, Pécs possesses a capacity of a great number of other prime pubs and restaurants (and also a great scale brewery) It is also a positive feature that the region

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2022, 16:04

13 4 0
Factor affecting the intention of green consumption behavior among vietnamese  millennials and gen z a behavioral and  psychological perspective for using second hand clothes

Factor affecting the intention of green consumption behavior among vietnamese millennials and gen z a behavioral and psychological perspective for using second hand clothes

... significance and advantages of purchasing second-hand clothes for the environment 1.1.3 The significance and advantages of purchasing second-hand clothes for individuals 1.1.4 The necessary of purchasing ... OF ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviations Full name ATE Attitude towards second-hand clothing purchase (related to the environment) ATI Attitude towards the second-hand purchase (related to the individual) ... second-hand fashion-related products can be re-activated through the facilitation of alternative consumption models and a circular economy Through the research of Cervellon, Carey, and Harms, (2012)

Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2023, 17:29

87 11 0
Banks and finance in modern macroeconomics a historical perspective

Banks and finance in modern macroeconomics a historical perspective

... in which banks and financial markets have been conceptualized in mainstream economics, not only in Monetarism and New Classical macroeconomics, but also in Keynesian and Neo-Keynesian macroeconomics ... non-standard contracts involving massive financial flows; firms’ and families’ budgets take advantage of getting credit from the global financial system, whose poor transparency in terms of capital ... ✐ ✐ ✐ Banks and Finance in Modern Macroeconomics A Historical Perspective Bruna Ingrao Department of Social and Economic Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Claudio Sardoni Department

Ngày tải lên: 08/01/2020, 09:25

289 14 0
Historical thinking as a tool for theoretical psychology on objectivity  in j  martin, j  sugarman  k  l  slaney (eds ), the wiley handbook of theoretical and philosophical psychology methods, approaches and new dir

Historical thinking as a tool for theoretical psychology on objectivity in j martin, j sugarman k l slaney (eds ), the wiley handbook of theoretical and philosophical psychology methods, approaches and new dir

... instance, Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778) as an experienced observer in botany, and in selecting and attempting to idealize and synthesize the essential (and not accidental) features of a plant, was ... organization and preparation, economy and law, culture and religion, art and entertainment, and so on, in order to understand current mental life Following insights from philosophical anthropology, ... mechanical devices such as the microscopic and other forms of scientific photography (and later through electroencephalography, X-rays, and magnetic resonance imaging) It was assumed that machines

Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2022, 11:51

28 9 0
Relating dialogue and dialectics a philosophical perspective  dialogical pedagogy an international online journal

Relating dialogue and dialectics a philosophical perspective dialogical pedagogy an international online journal

... creation of a common space between dialogism and dialectics as theoretical frameworks and the perspective of their mutual enrichment A historical and philosophical account of the dynamic and changing ... proliferation of differences and fragmentation of social space Flecha proposes a dialogic approach as an alternative platform that can deal simultaneously with both forms of racism Dialogue as a dynamic ... “The increasing globalization and homogenization of culture and its fragmentation and localization are in fact closely related Global universalism and postmodern particularism are actually two

Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2022, 15:35

18 1 0
intrinsic electrical properties of mammalian neurons and cns function a historical perspective

intrinsic electrical properties of mammalian neurons and cns function a historical perspective

... activity in an awake subject note frontal and parietal and temporal association lobe activity (F) Localization of gamma band activity recorded when the subject was dreaming Note the lack of frontal lobe ... classical voltage-activated potassium conductance (gK ) and by a Ca2+ -activated K+ conductance [gK (Ca) ] that generates an AHP lasting for 70 ms or so, allowing the cell to fire at a frequency near ... voltage-gated Ca2+ conductances that generate dendritic Ca2+ dependent spikes and/or plateau potentials (Llinás and Hess, 1976; Llinás and Sugimori, 1980a,b) and are supported by a calcium channel

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2022, 14:56

14 2 0
Báo cáo y học: "Emotional well-being in children and adolescents treated with atomoxetine for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Findings from a patient, parent and physician perspective using items from the pediatric adverse event rating scale (PA

Báo cáo y học: "Emotional well-being in children and adolescents treated with atomoxetine for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Findings from a patient, parent and physician perspective using items from the pediatric adverse event rating scale (PA

... and ado- lescent psychiatric and pediatric practices and outpatient clinics throughout Germany. Patients aged 6–17 years with ADHD as defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental ... 9.6 2.30 * According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition. Abbreviations: SD = standard deviation. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 2008, ... were evaluated (Full Analysis Set, FAS) using SAS version 8. The dataset for all analyses of changes from baseline to endpoint consisted of all patients with a base- line measurement and at least

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:21

10 482 0
Báo cáo y học: " Updating the evidence for the role of corticosteroids in severe sepsis and septic shock: a Bayesian meta-analytic perspective" pot

Báo cáo y học: " Updating the evidence for the role of corticosteroids in severe sepsis and septic shock: a Bayesian meta-analytic perspective" pot

... Controlled trials, Cochrane database of systematic reviews, Health Technology Assessment Database and Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects) and hand search of references, reviews and scientific ... colleagues [37] Briegel and colleagues [39] Chawla and colleagues [47] 2002 Yildiz and colleagues [45] Annane and 2002 colleagues [36] 1970 1971 Klastersky and colleagues [41] Paper Reported as Paper#/ ... a replicate baseline, and a new treatment effect was established based upon the predictive distribution A Bayesian predictive P-value was subsequently obtained, expressing the probability that

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 21:21

15 536 0


... interest in social justice and an expansion of awareness and knowledge about the field, critical and analytical perspective as well as personal engagement, are indispensable. Adams, Bell and Griffin ... beings are equal and have therefore a claim to equal treatment. Secondly, all human beings have moral capacities. Kant (1785) argued that all men deserve equal respect as moral agents. Kant contended ... sense of agency and capacity to interrupt and change oppressive patterns and behaviors in themselves and in the institutions and communities of which they are a part” (Adams, Bell and Griffin,

Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2014, 12:31

149 638 0
A multimodal discourse analysis of christopher nolans the dark knight a cooperative and cinematic discourse perspective

A multimodal discourse analysis of christopher nolans the dark knight a cooperative and cinematic discourse perspective

... Batman DS2:28a-28f, where the information on Dent and Rachel is given as “an act of mercy”. 85 Moral ambiguity and ambivalence of Batman Initial analysis of Batman‟s utterances and kinesics ... Structures 29 Circumstances are additional information related to the main participants in narrative structures and consist of Locative, Means and Accompaniment. These circumstances are not only limited to narrative, ... Joker and Batman flout the maxim of relation as Batman tries to assert his demands and the Joker digresses to a game of chance and choices to counteract his demands. The perlocution of both utterances

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2015, 16:41

225 555 0
Historical, sociological and philosophical dimensions reflected in tho novels of selected African writers

Historical, sociological and philosophical dimensions reflected in tho novels of selected African writers

... She also would like to thank Dr Maria Luisa A Valdez, the Dean of Colleges and Head of the Graduate School of the Batangas State University ARASOF Nasugbu Campus, the researcher’s dissertation adviser, ... traditional tribal life to modern urban life and from colonial to postcolonial Fragments deploys the image of a neo-colony in order to sustain the fact that Ghana in particular and Africa in general are ... Makuya’s Short Story “Vho-Dambala” South African Journal of African Languages, 17(4):126-129 Maleki, N & Navidi, M (2011) Foregrounding Achebe’s Things Fall Apart: A Postcolonial Study Canadian

Ngày tải lên: 10/11/2017, 10:30

223 56 0


... and Asia Caravan roads extended south to Arabia and east to Mesopotamia and Armenia, penetrating the whole Orient as far as India, and even the frontiers of China The Phœnicians thus became the ... canals from the North River to Lake Ontario Inland navigation from the North River to Lake Champlain Canal around the Falls and Rapids of Niagara A great turnpike road from Maine to Georgia, along ... iron and steel, and above all the fact that in our climate canal carriage is unavailable during five months of the year, gave the railroads a decided advantage in their competition with canal transportation...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 02:20

426 470 0


... Arrabal-Polo, Miguel Arrabal-Martin, Sergio Merino-Salas, Fernando López-Carmona Pintado, Salvador Arias-Santiago, Jacinto Orgaz-Molina, Maria Sierra Giron-Prieto, Santiago Melón, Mar a De O a, ... Human Papillomavirus 187 Miguel Ángel Arrabal-Polo, Mar a Sierra Girón-Prieto, Jacinto Orgaz-Molina, Sergio Merino-Salas, Fernando Lopez-Carmona Pintado, Miguel Arrabal-Martin and Salvador Arias-Santiago ... Detection Human Papillomavirus 27 Angela Adamski da Silva Reis, Daniela de Melo e Silva, Cláudio Carlos da Silva and Aparecido Divino da Cruz Chapter HPV Diagnosis in Vaccination Era 57 Fátima Galán-Sánchez...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 19:20

334 4,7K 0
Law, Legitimacy and the Rationing of Healthcare A Contextual and Comparative Perspective docx

Law, Legitimacy and the Rationing of Healthcare A Contextual and Comparative Perspective docx

... page intentionally left blank Law, Legitimacy and the Rationing of Healthcare A Contextual and Comparative Perspective Keith Syrett argues for a reappraisal of the role played by public law adjudication ... active, rational exercise in making 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Klein, Day and Redmayne, Managing Scarcity at Tragakes and Vienonen, Key Issues in Rationing at Klein, Day and Redmayne, Managing Scarcity at ... Are Created Equal’ at 213 Tragakes and Vienonen, Key Issues in Rationing at 2; see also Klein, Day and Redmayne, Managing Scarcity at Why ‘Ration’ Healthcare Resources? 27 alternative way of...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 10:20

268 339 0
cmos vlsi design a circuits and systems perspective

cmos vlsi design a circuits and systems perspective

... those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file ... Keller, Ali Keshavarzi, Brucek Khailany, Jaeha Kim, Volkan Kursun, Simon Knowles, Ram Krishnamurthy, Austin Lee, Ana Sonia Leon, Shih-Lien Lu, Sanu Mathew, Aleksandar Milenkovic, Sam Naffziger, Braden ... in an indeterminate output level and dissipates static power It is usually an unwanted condition a a g2 1 g1 1 b b b b b OFF OFF OFF ON a (a) a a a a g2 b 1 g1 1 b ON OFF OFF OFF a a g1 b a a a...

Ngày tải lên: 30/05/2014, 23:05

867 5,6K 0
the development of ethics a historical and critical study volume ii from suarez to rousseau sep 2008

the development of ethics a historical and critical study volume ii from suarez to rousseau sep 2008

... natural law He believes that Aquinas agrees with him, against Vasquez, in separating a law (lex) from a standard (regula) and a measure (mensura) When Aquinas refers to our capacity to discriminate ... Natural Law? The Natural Law and the Law of Nations Natural Law and the Basis of Political Society The Law of War as Part of the Law of Nations Sedition and Rebellion The Separation of Morality ... other standards that might guide action In order to show that reason is a standard and measure of human action, he asserts simply that it is a measure and standard by being a principle of actions;...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 10:28

935 347 1
Báo cáo hóa học: " Characterizing the burden of premature ejaculation from a patient and partner perspective: a multi-country qualitative analysis" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Characterizing the burden of premature ejaculation from a patient and partner perspective: a multi-country qualitative analysis" docx

... content analyses, interpreted the qualitative data, and drafted and revised the manuscript KH, SM and JH conducted the qualitative research and Page of 10 (page number not for citation purposes) Health ... meta-analysis Int J Impot Res 2004, 16(4):369-381 Rowland DL, Strassberg DS, de Gouveia Brazao CA, Slob AK: Ejaculatory latency and control in men with premature ejaculation: an analysis across ... were content analyzed and summarized to determine the participants' understanding and comprehension of each item and response scale Results A total of 172 males with PE and 67 female partners of...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

10 514 0
Báo cáo y học: "Regulation and dysregulation of immunoglobulin E: a molecular and clinical perspective" pdf

Báo cáo y học: "Regulation and dysregulation of immunoglobulin E: a molecular and clinical perspective" pdf

... MHC and interferon-gamma Cell 1988, 52:773-782 30 Kitaura J, Song J, Tsai M, Asai K, Maeda-Yamamoto M, Mocsai A, Kawakami Y, Liu FT, Lowell CA, Barisas BG, Galli SJ, Kawakami T: Evidence that ... with albendazole and some studies have suggested a beneficial effect for glucocorticoids during the allergic and inflammatory stages of the disease Giardia lamblia is a protozoan parasite that ... conceived and managed the study, drafted the manuscript, managed references, generated figures and tables, and has given final approval of the version to be published All authors have read and approved...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 13:22

13 323 0
A pragmatics and conversation analysis perspective

A pragmatics and conversation analysis perspective

... pragmatics and conversation analysis This is the first study of a speech act conducted on the basis of pragmatics and CA in English and Vietnamese The combination of pragmatics and CA takes advantage ... analyzed as part and parcel As Cameron (2002: 53) puts it: Any given instance of language use is analysed as part of a whole social situation; more generally, ways of using and understanding language ... essential and valuable in the teaching and learning of English by Vietnamese learners and Vietnamese by native speakers of English 1.1.2 Society, culture and language Social acts or ‘speech acts’ (Austin,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:26

249 816 3