a framework for modeling coupon redemption pp 517 525

A framework for modeling, analysis and optimization of robust header compression

A framework for modeling, analysis and optimization of robust header compression

... probability of a loss run, P(LA(jA) = lA), can be expressed as: P ( LA ( j A ) = l A ) = P ( A( n A − 1) = 0, A( n A − 2) = 0, , A( n A − l A ) = 0, A( n A − l A − 1) = A( n A ) = 1) , (3.4)  nA  ... ∞ that P ( LA = l A ) = where A l A( n A − l ) n A →∞ ( ), P A0 = 1, A 1 = 0, , A lA = 0, A lA −1 = P ( A0 = 1) (3.8) We assume that all packets passing through Channel A are of the same length, ... Sukanta Kumar Hazra and Mr Wang Haiguang Many others have contributed to making the author’s candidature at the Institute for Infocomm Research a satisfying and enlightening experience The author...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 12:35

89 448 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article A Framework for System-Level Modeling and Simulation of Embedded Systems Architectures" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article A Framework for System-Level Modeling and Simulation of Embedded Systems Architectures" ppt

... for them According to the Y-chart approach, an application model—derived from a target application domain—describes the functional behavior of an application in an architecture-independent manner ... layer, architecture model layer, and the mapping layer which is an interface between application and architecture models THE SESAME APPROACH The Sesame modeling and simulation environment facilitates ... specify mapping descriptions, that is, relating application tasks to architecture model components (i) mapping: mapping elements identify application and architecture simulators for mapping An example...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20

11 400 0
Báo cáo y học: "A statistical framework for modeling gene expression using chromatin features and application to modENCODE datasets" pptx

Báo cáo y học: "A statistical framework for modeling gene expression using chromatin features and application to modENCODE datasets" pptx

... 33 Katayama S, Tomaru Y, Kasukawa T, Waki K, Nakanishi M, Nakamura M, Nishida H, Yap CC, Suzuki M, Kawai J, Suzuki H, Carninci P, Hayashizaki Y, Wells C, Frith M, Ravasi T, Pang KC, Hallinan J, ... project at [2,67] Availability of our code All the analysis described in this paper was performed using the R package The related R code and example data sets are available for download from [68] Additional ... curves are plotted based on the results of 100 trials of cross-validation For each trial, the dataset was randomly separated into two halves: one half as training data and the other as testing data...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 22:23

18 398 0
A framework for quantitative modeling of strategy risk and value

A framework for quantitative modeling of strategy risk and value

... Sustainability of Earnings: A Framework for Quantitative Modeling of Strategy, Risk, and Value paradigm of Panning [4], one can use such a framework to calculate the value of a business based ... Earnings: A Framework for Quantitative Modeling of Strategy, Risk, and Value company’s earnings prospects remain thereafter at zero Now we can say that in order for the company to realize earnings ... state 10 Sustainability of Earnings: A Framework for Quantitative Modeling of Strategy, Risk, and Value We’ll start with the same information for Firm A as in Exhibit 2: we assume the firm has...

Ngày tải lên: 18/11/2016, 13:34

14 229 0
Overview - a framework for reproductive ethics

Overview - a framework for reproductive ethics

... issues A framework is just a starting place For any particular case or issue, it usually will be necessary to bring in additional considerations, facts and arguments in order to arrive at a conclusion ... refer to the third approach as strict casuistry and the preferred fourth approach as modiWed casuistry Application of the framework The main components of an ethical framework have been presented ... similarities with the paradigm: they are viable; sentient; have the potential to become self-conscious; have been born; and are similar in appearance to the paradigm of normal adult human beings Although...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20

22 368 0


... process: Application: Transfer of the Washambaa agricultural system to Rwanda, adaptation, and re-transfer The Washambaa of the Usambara Mountains in Tanzania had developed a land use system emulating ... IK Application: Transfer of the Washambaa agricultural system to Rwanda adaptation and re-transfer The Washambaa of the Usambara Mountains in Tanzania had developed a land use system emulating ... participatory approaches are available for manual and computer use prepared by IIRR and CIKARD § case studies are available but could be packaged in a more user-friendly form § limited availability...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 10:20

49 492 0
Tài liệu Towards a framework for the study of the neural correlates of aesthetic preference pdf

Tài liệu Towards a framework for the study of the neural correlates of aesthetic preference pdf

... (2003) found associated with negative ratings did not appear in any of the neuroimaging studies In fact, frontal activity detected by Cela-Conde et al (2004) (dorsolateral), Kawabata and Zeki (2004) ... (orbitofrontal) and Vartanian and Goel (2004) (anterior cingulate) was associated with positive ratings Additionally, in the study by Cela-Conde et al (2004) all brain activity correlating with aesthetic ... pick up any significant amygdalar activity, especially in the ugly or non-preferred condition The only amygdalar activity was observed when Kawabata and Zeki (2004) compared the portrait and non-portrait...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 17:20

19 527 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Framework for Syntactic Translation" docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Framework for Syntactic Translation" docx

... these approaches operate without an accurate knowledge and use of the syntactic patterns of the languages, they are following the 95 per cent approach Oswald and Fletcher3 saw clearly that a solution ... at things Bar-Hillel, at M.I.T., introduced a 100 per cent approach years ago when he attempted to adapt to mechanical translation certain ideas of the Polish logician Ajdukiewicz The algebraic ... essentially a syntactic relationship It is probably even basic to the last, the category of all other contextual clues Any approach to mechanical translation that attempts to go beyond mere word -for- word...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 19:20

7 509 1
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Framework for Processing Partially Free Word Order" ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Framework for Processing Partially Free Word Order" ppt

... regt,laritics and which can be interpreted as a metagrammar, i.e a grammar for generating the actual CF-PS grammar Formal linguistic theories have traditionally assumed the existence of rather ... computational implementation of a framework, it can have adverse effects on the efficiency of the resulting system A G P S G can be defined as a two-leveJ grammar containing a metagrammar and an ... feature instantiati,,n principles could be regarded an meta, met.Lgrammaticaldevices that inductively define a part of"the metagrammar 10Remember that, in an ~-synta.x syntactic categories abbreviate...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20

7 538 0
Women, Ageing and Health: A Framework for Action pot

Women, Ageing and Health: A Framework for Action pot

... PAGE  A Framework for Action This chapter describes a gender- and ageresponsive framework for action based on the following components: • A life-course approach • A determinants of health approach ... cataract surgery and eye care due to the cost of examinations, eye glasses, drops and surgery, as well as gender- and age-discrimination, and a lack of support for and information about treatment.20 ... programmes reach a large number of older people at relatively low cost and attract a large measure of political and public support Family support and access to health care are also recognized as...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 13:20

60 531 0


... The ASCA National Standards domain areas serve as the foundational goals for the school counseling program: academic, career and personal/social development The National Standards provide a structure ... program results reports and makes appropriate recommendations THE ASCA NATIONAL MODEL: A FRAMEWORK FOR SCHOOL COUNSELING PROGRAMS 115 APPENDIX • SAMPLE FORM Program Audit XI USE OF DATA and STUDENT ... and site-specific data on achievement related data are collected and disaggregated 11.3 Standards and competency-related data are collected and disaggregated 11.4 Counselors are accountable for...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20

11 494 2
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Framework for Figurative Language Detection Based on Sense Differentiation" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "A Framework for Figurative Language Detection Based on Sense Differentiation" pptx

... Semantic Relatedness Metric for Wikipedia Concepts Based on Link Analysis and its Application to Word Sense Disambiguation SYRCoDIS 2008 Julia Birke and Anoop Sarkar 2006 A Clustering Approach for ... Discovery and Data Mining (KDD-96), AAAI Press, pp 226231 Michael Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan 1976 Cohesion in English Longman, London Graham Katz and Eugenie Giesbrecht 2006 Automatic identification ... metaphors are quite common (e.g eye of a needle, leg of a table, etc.) and are called catachretic metaphors They appear in a language to remedy the gap in vocabulary (Black, 1954) These metaphors...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 22:20

6 540 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Corpus for Modeling Morpho-Syntactic Agreement in Arabic: Gender, Number and Rationality" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "A Corpus for Modeling Morpho-Syntactic Agreement in Arabic: Gender, Number and Rationality" docx

... 2004 Computational Approaches to Arabic Script-based Languages, pages 15–22, Geneva, Switzerland, August 28th COLING Imad Al-Sughaiyer and Ibrahim Al-Kharashi 2004 Arabic Morphological Analysis Techniques: ... Dichy, and Mohamed Hassoun 2004 The Architecture of a Standard Arabic Lexical Database Some Figures, Ratios and Categories from the DIINAR.1 Source Program In Ali Farghaly and Karine Megerdoomian, ... Penn Arabic Treebank: Building a Large-Scale Annotated Arabic Corpus In NEMLAR Conference on Arabic Language Resources and Tools, pages 102–109, Cairo, Egypt Yuval Marton, Nizar Habash, and Owen...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 22:20

6 378 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Framework for Customizable Generation of Hypertext Presentations" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "A Framework for Customizable Generation of Hypertext Presentations" pdf

... minimal impact on the overall system It has been proposed that a pipeline architecture is not an adequate model for NLG (Rubinoff, 1992) However, we are not aware of any example from practical applications ... on Applied Natural Language Processing (ANLP'97), Washington, DC Lavoie, B and Rainbow, O (1997) RealPro - A Fast, Portable Sentence Realizer, In Proceedings of the Conference on Applied Natural ... integrate conceptual, syntactic and surface form specifications of the content, and can be used for both deep and shallow generation, and combining both generality and simplicity An exemplar can...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 05:21

5 419 0
Building Ireland’s Smart Economy: A Framework for Sustainable Economic Renewal potx

Building Ireland’s Smart Economy: A Framework for Sustainable Economic Renewal potx

... Ireland’s Smart Economy A Framework for Sustainable Economic Renewal BAILE ÁTHA CLIATH ARNA FHOILSIÚ AG OIFIG AN TSOLÁTHAIR Le ceannach díreach ón OIFIG DHÍOLTA FOILSEACHÁN RIALTAIS, TEACH SUN ALLIANCE, ... entrepreneurial culture; Ireland being a destination of choice for foreign capital and FDI; a magnet for top international talent and an attractive incubation environment for European entrepreneurs; a pool ... not sustainable and has to be reduced over an appropriate timeframe Belgium Germany Ireland Greece Spain France Italy Cyprus Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Austria Portugal Slovenia Finland Projected...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 08:20

104 404 0
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT: A Framework for Assessing and Improving Process Maturity pot

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT: A Framework for Assessing and Improving Process Maturity pot

... improvement in a variety of ways For example, an organization can create a separate improvement program, employ external assistance and support, or use the framework as a managerial support tool Regardless ... become familiar with generally accepted capital decision-making approaches and associated analytical tools; • become familiar with the concepts associated with EA management; • receive training ... are about change, and change affects an organization’s culture For example, a decision can be creative or cautious, strategic or tactical Culture emanates from the values of the organization Page...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 14:20

142 2,2K 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Framework for Unifying Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation Extraction Tools" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "A Framework for Unifying Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation Extraction Tools" pot

... to extract data patterns from the user interactions stored in the database and to compute statistical scores such as Fleiss Kappa and precision/recall analysis Finally, the web module manages the ... namely: authentication, scraping, extraction, ontology mapping, store, statistics and web The authentication enables to log in with an OpenID provider and subsequently attaches all analysis and ... that will be analyzed and optionally an identification of the user for recording and sharing the analysis Framework NERD is a web application plugged on top of various NLP tools Its architecture...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 21:20

4 466 0
Healthy Child, Healthy Future: A Framework for the Universal Child Health Promotion Programme in Northern Ireland doc

Healthy Child, Healthy Future: A Framework for the Universal Child Health Promotion Programme in Northern Ireland doc

... capacity for empathy and responsiveness • An understanding of family relationships and the impact of becoming a parent • An appreciation of the factors that affect parenting capacity and health, ... public care itself may fail to repair and protect health and may even exacerbate damage and abuse Health for All Children, 4th Edition, David M B Hall & David Elliman Oxford Medical Publications, ... well as a general examination Where a woman is discharged from hospital before the physical examination has taken place, fail-safe arrangements should be in place to ensure that the baby is examined...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 09:20

68 472 0
Consultative document A framework for dealing with domestic systemically important banks pptx

Consultative document A framework for dealing with domestic systemically important banks pptx

... representatives of bank supervisory authorities and central banks from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, ... is assessed annually, based on updated data submitted by each participating bank, but measured against a global sample that is largely unchanged for three years It is expected that the names and ... spillovers and the negative global externalities that arise from the failure of a globally active bank As such this allowed for an assessment of the banks that are systemically important in a global...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:20

16 431 0