... Behavioral Approach Our behavior -based approach utilizes high-level behaviors for malware detection The basic assumptions that we made are that all malware have shared behaviors, and must perform ... is also another vector These are all attack vectors that most research cannot guard against Our behavioral approach concentrates on dynamically looking for behaviors that indicate malwares had ... that malware behaviors are composed of basic behavior blocks that are shared mainly between malware variants of the same family, and among a small number of malwares in other families This means...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2015, 22:15
The optimisation of elementary and integrative content based image retrieval techniques
... criteria for identifying key information 2.2 Image Annotation Image annotation is defined as describing an image using a text format Automatic image annotation or image classification is an important ... interface Image retrieval (Browsing) Query comparison Feature extraction (Signature) Similarity metric Database image Data representation Database creation Administrator interface Image data Feature ... Content- Based Image Retrieval 31 2.3.2 Colour Content- Based Image Retrieval 33 P a g e 12 | 181 2.3.3 Shape Content Based Image Retrieval 35 2.3.4 Hybrid Content Based Image Retrieval...
Ngày tải lên: 10/11/2015, 09:42
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Unified Graph Model for Sentence-based Opinion Retrieval" pdf
... development in information retrieval, pages 314-321 ACM Giambattista Amati, Edgardo Ambrosi, Marco Bianchi, Carlo Gaibisso, and Giorgio Gambosi 2007 FUB, IASI-CNR and University of Tor Vergata at TREC ... best performance in all the evaluation metrics Our baseline, ROSC and GORM which were sentence -based approaches achieved better performance than the document -based approaches by 20% in average Moreover, ... between the opinion and its corresponding target, Avatar in A and com- 1368 fortable (o1) are also regarded as relevant opinion mistakenly, creating a false positive In reality comfortable (o1) describes...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 04:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Framework for Figurative Language Detection Based on Sense Differentiation" pptx
... metaphors are quite common (e.g eye of a needle, leg of a table, etc.) and are called catachretic metaphors They appear in a language to remedy the gap in vocabulary (Black, 1954) These metaphors ... to calculate the relatedness, but as it was already mentioned WordNet for the Russian language does not exist yet Another way to calculate semantic relatedness is using Wikipedia (Mihalcea, 2007; ... similar meanings are often used in similar contexts As it was mentioned, we can treat a meaning of a metaphoric usage of an expression as an additional, not common for the expression That’s why...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 22:20
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 05:23
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Collaborative Framework for Collecting Thai Unknown Words from the Web" pot
... International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-2002), 169175 Asanee Kawtrakul, Chalatip Thumkanon, Yuen Poovorawan, Patcharee Varasrai, and Mukda Suktarachan 1997 Automatic Thai Unknown ... morphological analysis To take advantage of large available text resource from the Web, the unknown-word boundary identication is based on the statistical pattern-matching algorithm We evaluate our ... Similar the the approach freq but with additional morphological analysis to guarantee that the word boundaries are grammatically correct Conclusion We proposed a framework for collecting Thai unknown...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 01:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Ecological Acoustics Perspective for Content-Based Retrieval of Environmental Sounds" ppt
... downloaded musical loops from indaba (http://www.indabamusic.com/), where more than GB of musical loops are available The collection of examples for these datasets was straightforward, as they ... evaluation database of artificial concatenations of basic events Each artificial soundscape was generated form a ground truth score that described the original segment boundaries The evaluation measure ... practice for certain applications, for example, for quickly locating relevant audio material in real audio recordings for further manual segmentation Conclusions and Future Work In this paper we evaluated...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20
A framework for pervasive web content delivery
... transcoding are transformations within a media data-format (e.g., quality reduction in a JPEG image) and transformations between media data-formats – either same-domain (e.g., GIF to JPEG image conversion) ... DBCache [AlLK02, BoAM04] and DBProxy [AmPT02, AmPT03] cache database records (or tables) partially The edge database caches are loaded with tuples resulting from queries on the central database ... 32 approaches can be classified into four techniques: application code replication, database engine replication, content- aware data caching, and content- blind data caching EdgeComputing [DaPW04]...
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 21:45
A framework for program reasoning based on constraint traces
... of an array a, as well as any function, as sup (a) Therefore we can speak of the size of an array a, which is |sup (a) | An array maps an element of its support to an integer value For an array a, ... Relation Symbol (Argument , , Argument n ) Formula ::= P||Atom||Formula1 ⇒ Formula2 || ∀Variable : Formula || ∃Variable : Formula Figure 2.1: Syntax of Formulas An array a can be updated at position ... approach and syntax tree approach Path enumeration is a search on state space of a program, and it can be accelerated by program analysis techniques, while syntax-tree (program verification )based approach...
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 21:47
Content consistency for web based information retrieval
... including, Akamai, Oracle 9i Application Server and BEA WebLogic 2.1.6 Data Update Propagation Many web pages are dynamically generated upon request and are usually marked as uncachable This causes clients ... intermediaries Each intermediary may perform transformations on content to create new variants or versions Transformations such as transcoding, translation, watermarking and insertion of advertisements, are ... significant performance gain can be achieved To reuse content in pervasive environment, our architecture demands on the necessary data format support (such as scalable data model [37]) and language...
Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2015, 21:56
Overview - a framework for reproductive ethics
... issues A framework is just a starting place For any particular case or issue, it usually will be necessary to bring in additional considerations, facts and arguments in order to arrive at a conclusion ... framework is a way of articulating some of the basic principles from which one argues A framework can be based on religious beliefs, or it can be secular This chapter focuses on a secular framework ... that advanced maternal age (P35) is associated with an increased incidence Overview of complications of pregnancy, including diabetes, hypertension, abruptio placenta, placenta previa and Caesarean...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20
... process: Application: Transfer of the Washambaa agricultural system to Rwanda, adaptation, and re-transfer The Washambaa of the Usambara Mountains in Tanzania had developed a land use system emulating ... IK Application: Transfer of the Washambaa agricultural system to Rwanda adaptation and re-transfer The Washambaa of the Usambara Mountains in Tanzania had developed a land use system emulating ... participatory approaches are available for manual and computer use prepared by IIRR and CIKARD § case studies are available but could be packaged in a more user-friendly form § limited availability...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 10:20
Tài liệu Towards a framework for the study of the neural correlates of aesthetic preference pdf
... visual materials in experimental aesthetics: “In the former case, there is the advantage of studying reactions to real art and the disadvantage that any two works of art differ from each other ... (orbitofrontal) and Vartanian and Goel (2004) (anterior cingulate) was associated with positive ratings Additionally, in the study by Cela-Conde et al (2004) all brain activity correlating with aesthetic ... Kawabata and Zeki (2004) found activity associated mostly with beautiful images, was most active after a reward and decreased its activity after punishment, whereas the activity in the lateral orbitofrontal...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 17:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Framework for Syntactic Translation" docx
... at things Bar-Hillel, at M.I.T., introduced a 100 per cent approach years ago when he attempted to adapt to mechanical translation certain ideas of the Polish logician Ajdukiewicz The algebraic ... these approaches operate without an accurate knowledge and use of the syntactic patterns of the languages, they are following the 95 per cent approach Oswald and Fletcher3 saw clearly that a solution ... the basis for perfect translation In the area of verb, noun, and adjective inflection, it is possible to a "100 per cent job" because all the paradigms are available and all of the exceptions are...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Framework for Processing Partially Free Word Order" ppt
... regt,laritics and which can be interpreted as a metagrammar, i.e a grammar for generating the actual CF-PS grammar Formal linguistic theories have traditionally assumed the existence of rather ... immediate dominance statements in the metagrammar that is referred to as ID/LP format And it is precisely this aspect of the formalism that makes the theory attractive for application to languages ... computational implementation of a framework, it can have adverse effects on the efficiency of the resulting system A G P S G can be defined as a two-leveJ grammar containing a metagrammar and an...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20
Women, Ageing and Health: A Framework for Action pot
... Women and Health of the World Health Organization (WHO) It was drafted by Peggy Edwards, a health promotion consultant from Ottawa Canada Suggested Citation: WHO, Women, Ageing and Health: A Framework ... programmes reach a large number of older people at relatively low cost and attract a large measure of political and public support Family support and access to health care are also recognized as ... crimes and financial abuse Ageism and human rights Policies need to adopt a rights -based approach that allocates older women their fair share of national and global resources, and is faithful...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 13:20
... The ASCA National Standards domain areas serve as the foundational goals for the school counseling program: academic, career and personal/social development The National Standards provide a structure ... and site-specific data on achievement related data are collected and disaggregated 11.3 Standards and competency-related data are collected and disaggregated 11.4 Counselors are accountable for ... program results reports and makes appropriate recommendations THE ASCA NATIONAL MODEL: A FRAMEWORK FOR SCHOOL COUNSELING PROGRAMS 115 APPENDIX • SAMPLE FORM Program Audit XI USE OF DATA and STUDENT...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20
... limitations SPATIAL RELATIONSHIPS IN CONTENT- BASED IMAGE DATABASE SYSTEMS 343 Fig Block Diagram of a content- based image database system of existing image- processing algorithms, this meta-data information ... present the framework for Content- based Image Database Systems (CIDBS), introduced in our recent paper [21] We demonstrate how a content- based image database system performs content- based image indexing ... the image indexing flow 2.2 Image Retrieval Flow In this Section, we demonstrate how a Contentbased Image Database System (CIDBS) performs the image retrieval work for an image query An image...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 14:20