a crash course on development using the ios sdk

What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20: A Crash Course on Making Your Place in the World by Tina Seelig

What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20: A Crash Course on Making Your Place in the World by Tina Seelig

... purchased umbrellas to sell in San Francisco on a rainy day, only to have the weather clear up shortly after they launched their effort And, yes, one team ran a car wash and another started a lemonade ... for the new pager This had an additional bonus—teams could then sell the newly acquired pager as the later reservation time grew nearer Another team took an even simpler approach They set up a ... assumptions and are eager to share their tales of success and failure M any of the ideas presented here are the polar opposite of the lessons we are taught in a traditional education system In fact, the...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 18:42

205 406 0
Apress beginning iOS 5 games development, using the iOS 5 SDK for ipad iphone and ipod touch (2011)

Apress beginning iOS 5 games development, using the iOS 5 SDK for ipad iphone and ipod touch (2011)

... UIButton on the left the label Play, and the UIButton on the right the label Back To make the Play button navigate to the view on the right, we rightdrag from the Play button (item B) to the view on ... name, takes an instance of UIApplication and NSDictionary as arguments The UIApplication is an object that represents the state of the running application The instance of AppDelegate that receives ... Application from the iOS section On the right are the available project types for creating iOS applications The choices presented here help developers by giving them a reasonable starting place...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 10:13

341 364 0
inGenius, a crash course on creativity, tina seelig, harperone, 2012

inGenius, a crash course on creativity, tina seelig, harperone, 2012

... in the way they are framed In fact, all questions are the frame into which the answers fall And as you can see, by changing the frame, you dramatically change the range of possible solutions Albert ... the arrhythmia Mir invented a small implantable pacemaker with a drug pump If the heart experiences atrial fibrillation, the pacemaker releases a tiny amount of the drug near the atrium The AF ... solutions from the Japanese audience included attaching an inverted baseball cap to the wall with thumbtacks to make a small basketball hoop, making an earring stand out of an egg cup and a sponge,...

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2014, 13:50

108 730 0
Beginning iPhone 4 Development Exploring the iOS SDK pptx

Beginning iPhone 4 Development Exploring the iOS SDK pptx

... Only One Active Application On iOS, only one application can be active and displayed on the screen at any given time Starting with iOS 4, applications can sometimes continue to run in the background ... certain tasks on behalf of another object The application delegate lets us things at certain predefined times on behalf of the UIApplication class Every iPhone application has one and only one ... our application’s user interface, and then run our application on the iOS simulator After that, we’ll give our application an icon and a unique identifier to make it feel more like a real iOS application...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 07:20

674 3,6K 0
Beginning iOS 6 Development: Exploring the iOS SDK doc

Beginning iOS 6 Development: Exploring the iOS SDK doc

... sections Only One Active Application On iOS, only one application can be active and displayed on the screen at any given time Since iOS 4, applications have been able to run in the background after ... Language, a very detailed and extensive description of the language and a great reference guide The last two are available from http://developer.apple.com/library /ios/ navigation/ That last one is also ... convenience Apress has placed some of the front matter material after the index Please use the Bookmarks and Contents at a Glance links to access them www.it-ebooks.info Contents at a Glance About...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 00:20

750 1,8K 0
beginning ios 7 development exploring the ios sdk

beginning ios 7 development exploring the ios sdk

... of data to the user and the foundation of hierarchical navigation–based applications You’ll also see how to let the user search your application data  One of the most common iOS application interfaces ... iOS development and desktop application development These differences are discussed in the following sections Only One Active Application On iOS, only one application can be active and displayed ... your convenience Apress has placed some of the front matter material after the index Please use the Bookmarks and Contents at a Glance links to access them Contents at a Glance About the Authors�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������...

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 15:01

705 1,1K 2
Apress beginning iOS 5 development, exploring the iOS SDK (2011)

Apress beginning iOS 5 development, exploring the iOS SDK (2011)

... Ruby on Rails Jack is a passionate proponent of Objective-C and the Cocoa frameworks At the drop of a hat, he will speak at length on the virtues of dynamic dispatch and runtime class manipulations ... available on the computer iOS, however, will not write volatile memory, such as application data, out to a swap file As a result, the amount of memory available to your application is constrained ... only that the code compiles using the latest version of Xcode and the SDK, but also that each one takes advantage of the latest and greatest features offered by Cocoa Touch We made a ton of subtle...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 10:14

743 330 0
A cross-cultural study of using the Sandwich feedback by Vietnamese and American teachers and its effects on students’ uptake

A cross-cultural study of using the Sandwich feedback by Vietnamese and American teachers and its effects on students’ uptake

... Pedagogical implication 43 4.2 Limitation of study and the suggestion for further researches 44 4.3 Conclusion REFERENCE QUESTIONNAIRE 45 46 References Abbas, A M (2010) The concept of pragmatic ... universals in language usage Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Cao, T H (2009) Hiding bad feelings in daily conversations in American and Vietnamese University of Languages and International ... to standard English and standard Kurdish Amores, M J (2007) Use of politeness strategies as a factor in peer editing in the foreign language classroom Paper presented at the Northeast Conference,...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:46

6 554 2
Tài liệu More iOS 6 Development: Further Explorations of the iOS SDK doc

Tài liệu More iOS 6 Development: Further Explorations of the iOS SDK doc

... Core Data maintains an object that acts as a gateway between your entities and the rest of Core Data That gateway is called a managed object context (often just referred to as a context) The context ... navigation controller managed the master and detail view controllers The navigation controller also provided the navigation bar that allowed you to edit and add events in the master view controller ... along and you’ll see how all these pieces fit together The Data Model What is a data model? In an abstract sense, it’s an attempt to define the organization of data and the relationship between the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 02:20

542 5,4K 2
A mans primer on greek mythology: the odyssey and applying what weve learned

A mans primer on greek mythology: the odyssey and applying what weve learned

... son Telemachus back in Ithaca Additionally, there are a few abrupt transitions to the gods conversing on Olympus If you feel lost at any point while you read, SparkNotes has an excellent breakdown ... significant other on an out-of -the- ordinary date night Related Posts A Man’s Primer on Greek Mythology: Part III — The Trojan War A Primer on Greek Mythology: Part I — The Gods and Goddesses A Primer ... As you will recall from the last post, Odysseus is the king of Ithaca and one of the heroes of the Trojan War Though Achilles generally takes the spotlight in that infamous battle, you...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 09:30

9 461 0
Learn To Build With PHP: A Crash Course

Learn To Build With PHP: A Crash Course

... dizzyingly large It is the database behind WordPress and Facebook, and is based upon the reliable relational database paradigm Advantages of the MySQL database are too numerous to mention Firstly, ... understands, then you can make it The way we talk to computers is through abstractions called programming languages There are a whole bunch of these out there, each with their own advantages, disadvantages ... improving the speed and reliability of their functioning This is largely a result of 50 or so years of development One way of storing data is with a relational database This paradigm of storing data...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 11:46

82 554 0
JavaScript: A Crash Course – Core Language Syntax pdf

JavaScript: A Crash Course – Core Language Syntax pdf

... Like Java, static methods (Math.cos, Math.random, etc.) – Like Java, logs are base e, trig functions are in radians • Functions – Math.abs, Math.acos, Math.asin, Math.atan, Math.atan2, Math.ceil, ... (addition and String concatenation) -, * / concatenation), *, &&, ||, ++, , etc The == comparison is more akin to Java's "equals" The === operator (less used) is like Java s == Java's • Statements ... ["Joe", "Jane", "John"]; printArray1(names); printArray2(names); names.length = 6; printArray1(names); printArra 1(names) printArray2(names); } function printArray1(array) { for(var i=0; i

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 16:20

28 318 1
More iOS 6 Development: Further Explorations of the iOS SDK docx

More iOS 6 Development: Further Explorations of the iOS SDK docx

... Core Data maintains an object that acts as a gateway between your entities and the rest of Core Data That gateway is called a managed object context (often just referred to as a context) The context ... navigation controller managed the master and detail view controllers The navigation controller also provided the navigation bar that allowed you to edit and add events in the master view controller ... along and you’ll see how all these pieces fit together The Data Model What is a data model? In an abstract sense, it’s an attempt to define the organization of data and the relationship between the...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 17:20

542 1,2K 0
wow i'm in business, a crash course in business basics 2nd (2008)

wow i'm in business, a crash course in business basics 2nd (2008)

... individual tax return and pay tax at individual income tax rates A corporation is not a pass-through entity; it’s taxed as a separate entity, at a corporate tax rate When the corporate profits are passed ... Balance.”) A balance sheet adds up the assets and liabilities in two separate columns As the name implies, the columns must balance—that is, they should equal each other An example of a balance sheet ... operate as a corporation or an LLC, a creditor can still go after your personal assets if: • You personally guarantee a loan or lease Most lenders and landlords condition small business loans and...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 14:13

322 2,8K 0
wow i'm in business, a crash course in business basics 2nd (2008)

wow i'm in business, a crash course in business basics 2nd (2008)

... individual tax return and pay tax at individual income tax rates A corporation is not a pass-through entity; it’s taxed as a separate entity, at a corporate tax rate When the corporate profits are passed ... Balance.”) A balance sheet adds up the assets and liabilities in two separate columns As the name implies, the columns must balance—that is, they should equal each other An example of a balance sheet ... operate as a corporation or an LLC, a creditor can still go after your personal assets if: • You personally guarantee a loan or lease Most lenders and landlords condition small business loans and...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 14:16

322 747 0
garcia-bellido j. cosmology for string theorists, a crash course

garcia-bellido j. cosmology for string theorists, a crash course

... INFLATION An exponential potential is a particular case where the attractor can be found explicitly and one can study the approach to it, for an arbitrary initial condition Consider the inationary ... structure on small scales That is the reason why we dont see all the acoustic oscillations with the same amplitude, but in fact they decay exponentialy towards smaller angular scales, an eect known as ... oscillations give rise to oscillations in the temperature uctuations The higher the baryon fraction R, the higher the amplitude of the oscillations The external gravitational force displaces the...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:06

93 523 0
báo cáo hóa học: " A review of health utilities using the EQ-5D in studies of cardiovascular disease" potx

báo cáo hóa học: " A review of health utilities using the EQ-5D in studies of cardiovascular disease" potx

... drug therapy; AHF: Advanced heart failure; AMI: Acute myocardial infarction; Amp.: Amputation; Angio: Coronary Angiography; ASA: American Society of Anaesthesiologists; ASCOT-AHD: Anglo-Scandinavian ... in economic evaluations Abbreviations used in Tables/Figures AAA: Abdominal aortic aneurysm; ACS: Acute coronary syndromes; ACT: Anticoagulation therapy; AF: Atrial fibrillation; AH-Drug: Anti-hypertensive ... were only reported once, using the most clinically relevant stratification: CCS angina classification; NYHA heart failure classification or demographic characteristics (% of males/females and mean...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

12 657 0
a single-chip pulsoximeter diesgn using the msp430 pot

a single-chip pulsoximeter diesgn using the msp430 pot

... rate are displayed on an LCD The real time samples are also sent via an RS232 to a PC A separate PC software displays these samples a graphic trace Apart from the MCU and four transistors, only ... tracking and one of the OA1 output, to calculate the heart beat and oxygen level These two samples are taken one after the other using the internal sample timer by setting the MSC bit in the ADC control ... scope.exe that runs on the PC is also available with this application notes The heart rate/minute is measured and displayed on the LCD The Oxygen Saturation percentage is also displayed A Single-Chip...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 13:20

11 351 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " Patient information in radiation oncology: a cross-sectional pilot study using the EORTC QLQ-INFO26 module" ppsx

Báo cáo khoa học: " Patient information in radiation oncology: a cross-sectional pilot study using the EORTC QLQ-INFO26 module" ppsx

... study and the results are only representative for the region of Southern Saxony-Anhalt, a region about 1.2 million inhabitants The perception of information received may vary during a course of radiotherapy ... information for cancer patients [13-16] The aim of the present study was to evaluate the perception of cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy regarding the information received on different areas ... participants indicated that they wished more information Topics of additional information mentioned by the patients in response to an open question for instance were further therapies, alternative...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 10:20

7 444 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " A new method aimed at using the dominance variance in closed breeding populations" pot

Báo cáo sinh học: " A new method aimed at using the dominance variance in closed breeding populations" pot

... conclusion, the use of dominance variance in within population selection programmes is an open question that can be tackled by an adequate planning of evaluation, selection and mating policy The ... is maintained The epistatic situation has not been analyzed in detail but in the additive x additive example studied the new method leads to an advantage of 14 and 4% after and 10 generations ... abilities was investigated via simulation by DeStefano and Hoeschele (1991) and applied to cattle data of conformation traits by Lawlor et al (1991) Although the above proposal is static, in the sense...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:20

12 228 0