a crash course in c

wow i'm in business, a crash course in business basics 2nd (2008)

wow i'm in business, a crash course in business basics 2nd (2008)

... helpful free information Click “Managing Your Business Finances” for a crash course in basic accounting principles • The Accounting Game: Basic Accounting Fresh From the Lemonade Stand, by Darrell ... process of managing and forecasting a business’s finances An accountant advises a business and prepares financial reports Bookkeeping is part of the accounting program; it refers only to the recording ... services Loans and similar interest-bearing debts are not included in accounts payable Monitoring receivables and payables is a key element in cash flow management As a general rule, your cash...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 14:13

322 2,8K 0
wow i'm in business, a crash course in business basics 2nd (2008)

wow i'm in business, a crash course in business basics 2nd (2008)

... helpful free information Click “Managing Your Business Finances” for a crash course in basic accounting principles • The Accounting Game: Basic Accounting Fresh From the Lemonade Stand, by Darrell ... process of managing and forecasting a business’s finances An accountant advises a business and prepares financial reports Bookkeeping is part of the accounting program; it refers only to the recording ... services Loans and similar interest-bearing debts are not included in accounts payable Monitoring receivables and payables is a key element in cash flow management As a general rule, your cash...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 14:16

322 747 0
A crash course in python

A crash course in python

... 1310 DCL A Crash Course in Python SigUNIX/Stephen Saville and Andrew Lusk Basic Syntax class name(bases): statements 28 Oct 2002 1310 DCL SigUNIX/Stephen Saville and Andrew Lusk A Crash Course in ... self.y += dy inst = Area(1.0, 1.0, 4.0, 4.0) Initializer Method init (self[, args]) method called to initialize a new instance of the class 28 Oct 2002 1310 DCL A Crash Course in Python SigUNIX/Stephen ... variable Multiple names may be globalized by listing the all separated by commas 28 Oct 2002 1310 DCL A Crash Course in Python SigUNIX/Stephen Saville and Andrew Lusk The Argument List def name(arg[=defval],...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2014, 20:59

30 289 0
What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20: A Crash Course on Making Your Place in the World by Tina Seelig

What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20: A Crash Course on Making Your Place in the World by Tina Seelig

... the g cu cial public rI liis was a g iau d goal, and along lliu w ay he faccd an endless array of additional challenges In fact, he adm its that being an entrepreneur m eans constantly facing big ... hotels, airlin es, sporting events, education, and even courtship and m arriage O ncc you get the hang of it, this is an easy, back-of-thccnvclopc cxcrcisc you can use to reevaluate all aspccts of ... boundaries and ch allen ged all traditional assum ptions as she crafted am az in g adventures for herself T h e b eg in n in g of San dra’s carccr snapped into placc like clockwork She earned a PhD in...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 18:42

205 406 0
A first course in fuzzy and neural control

A first course in fuzzy and neural control

... Preface Soft computing approaches in decision making have become increasingly popular in many disciplines This is evident from the vast number of technical papers appearing in journals and conference ... actuation consisted of lighting a ịre upon a sealed altar enclosing a column of air As the air temperature in the sealed altar increased, the expanding hot air created airòow from the altar into ... be able to handle disturbances that are not characterized by the model of the system, such as a gust of wind acting on a car set to travel at a constant velocity, wind shear acting on a plane in...

Ngày tải lên: 01/01/2014, 17:41

306 638 0
A Problem Course in Mathematical Logic Version 1.6 doc

A Problem Course in Mathematical Logic Version 1.6 doc

... Mathematics Subject Classification 03 Key words and phrases logic, computability, incompleteness Abstract This is a text for a problem-oriented course on mathematical logic and computability Copyright ... introductory course in abstract algebra, analysis, or discrete mathematics ought to be sufficient Chapter Dependencies The following diagram indicates how the parts and chapters depend on one another, ... work was typeset with L TEX, using the AMS-L TEX and AMSFonts packages of the American Mathematical Society Contents Preface v Introduction ix Part I Propositional Logic Chapter Language Chapter...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 17:20

166 487 0
Learn To Build With PHP: A Crash Course

Learn To Build With PHP: A Crash Course

... you’re inputting content that can contain a variance of numbers, special characters and letters, you’re recommended to use a varchar field These can be of varying length A field size with a maximum ... One way of storing data is with a relational database This paradigm of storing data was introduced in the 80s and relies upon a mesh of interconnected tables, with data organized in rows and columns ... of English Language or art; as a purely creative endeavor That’s a pity Learning to program is a bit like doing a creative language class You have an idea, and you can execute that however you...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 11:46

82 554 0
JavaScript: A Crash Course – Core Language Syntax pdf

JavaScript: A Crash Course – Core Language Syntax pdf

... has no special characters • 15 © 2009 Marty Hall Basic Syntax Customized Java EE Training: http://courses.coreservlets.com/ ... console.log("[printArray2] array[%o] is %o", i, array[i]); } Direct call for interactive testing in Firebug console } (Cut/paste all code into console command line.) arrayLoops(); Array Performance Time to create ... logs are base e, trig functions are in radians • Functions – Math.abs, Math.acos, Math.asin, Math.atan, Math.atan2, Math.ceil, Math.cos, Math.exp, Math.floor, Math.log, , , p, , g, Math.max, Math.min,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 16:20

28 318 1
A First Course in Complex Analysis pptx

A First Course in Complex Analysis pptx

... G may be connected by a curve in G; in fact, we can connect any two points of G by a chain of horizontal and vertical segments lying in G A chain of segments in G means the following: there are ... (b) A point b is a boundary point of E if every open disk centered at b contains a point in E and also a point that is not in E CHAPTER COMPLEX NUMBERS (c) A point c is an accumulation point ... Suppose a is in A Since a ∈ G there is an open disk D with center a that is contained in G We can connect z0 to any point z in D by following a chain of segments from z0 to a, and then adding at most...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 12:20

127 541 0
a first course in linear algebra - robert a. beezer

a first course in linear algebra - robert a. beezer

... 102 Section LC TLC ABLC AALC VFSAD VFS VFSAI VFSAL PSNS Two linear combinations in C6 Archetype B as a linear combination Archetype A as a linear combination ... marketing costs (evaluation and desk copies are free to all), anyone with an Internet connection can obtain it, and a teacher could make available paper copies in sufficient quantities for a class ... Membership in the column space of a matrix CSTW Column space, two ways CSOCD Column space, original columns, Archetype D CSAA Column space of Archetype A CSAB Column space...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 14:57

859 1,9K 0
a concise course in algebraic topology - may j.p.

a concise course in algebraic topology - may j.p.

... (a) Any subspace of a weak Hausdorff space is weak Hausdorff (b) Any closed subspace of a k-space is a k-space (c) An open subset U of a compactly generated space X is compactly generated if each ... to each compact subspace K of X is continuous We can make a space X into a k-space by giving it a new topology in which a space is closed if and only if it is compactly closed in the original ... resulting equivalent subcategory is a less natural mathematical object The classification of coverings of spaces In this section and the next, we shall classify covering spaces and their maps by arguments...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:25

251 372 0
a first course in the finite element method

a first course in the finite element method

... the increased storage capacity and computational efficiency of PCs, many general-purpose programs can now be run on PCs Many of the commercially available programs have become very attractive in ... threedimensional solid Type of analysis available, such as static and dynamic Material behavior, such as linear-elastic and nonlinear Load types, such as concentrated, distributed, thermal, and displacement ... London WC1R 4LR United Kingdom Latin America Thomson Learning Seneca, 53 Colonia Polanco 11569 Mexico D.F Mexico Spain Paraninfo Calle/Magallanes, 25 28015 Madrid, Spain Contents Introduction Prologue...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 10:35

836 4,3K 0
a first course in stochastic models - h. c. tijms

a first course in stochastic models - h. c. tijms

... 1.16 In a certain region, traf c accidents occur according to a Poisson process Calculate the probability that exactly one accident has occurred on each day of some week when it is given that seven ... at an automatic teller machine in accordance with a non-stationary Poisson process From am until 10 am customers arrive at a rate of an hour Between 10 am and pm the arrival rate steadily increases ... seven accidents have occurred in that week Can you explain why this probability is so small? 1.17 Suppose calls arrive at a computer-controlled exchange according to a Poisson process at a rate...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 12:23

483 566 0
rus' a comprehensive course in russian

rus' a comprehensive course in russian

... listed in the table above? gucvomeva bucvu aycấva rqeuma dupar abmoyc ovoqag peanuou aacva pacuca aauua c pnpuc qyua uumepec ạyap cqobapậ Read the following names of newspapers Which ones you recognise? ... You can use printed letters in a crossword 17 Course materials G Reading letters In acronyms and abbreviations each letter is named separately, as it is called in the alphabet (Cf BBC, ITV, CIA, ... David and Stanford without whose forbearance and practical help this course could never have seen the light of day Thanks in particular to David for his technical advice and assistance We acknowledge...

Ngày tải lên: 17/04/2014, 14:50

718 615 0
garcia-bellido j. cosmology for string theorists, a crash course

garcia-bellido j. cosmology for string theorists, a crash course

... âV CERN May 27-29, 2002 PREHEATING I Tkachev CERN Outline: Basics of ination Particle creation in classical backgrounds General Theory Some analytical solutions Parametric resonance Parabolic ... gauge invariant For stochastic ination the natural smoothing scale is the comoving Hubble length (aH)1 and the natural hypersurfaces are those on which aH is constant In that case a fundamental ... Parabolic cylinder functions Applications to cosmology Gravitational particle creation in expanding Universe Efciency of particle creation as function of coupling and mass Hartree approximation...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:06

93 523 0
camino al espanol a comprehensive course in spanish

camino al espanol a comprehensive course in spanish

... nacionalidad: idioma: nacionalidad: idioma: nacionalidad: idioma: nacionalidad: idioma: 17 ˜ C A M I N O A L E S PA N O L Pa´s ı Inglaterra Francia Espa˜ a n Italia Alemania Per´ u b Nacionalidad ... Est´ s compilando una lista de nacionalidades Busca la forma masculina y femenina en la a lista de la Actividad ‘Club Hispano’ y completa la siguiente tabla You are compiling a list of nationalities ... appearance and character Saying how old you are Presentacion y practicas ´ ´ ✍ La familia The family a Este es el arbol geneal´ gico de la familia P´ rez Lee y escucha las frases para deducir...

Ngày tải lên: 04/05/2014, 14:51

451 628 0