... 1993 Gallesio A Accreditation of critical care areas [in Spanish] Document of the Accreditation Committee of the Pan-American and Iberian Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care ... Security Health Organizations (but not the Federal State), arrived at the idea of creating an accreditation program for private and public assistance institutions This became the formulation of a mixed ... Institute has as its mission the task of accreditation in our country Along with this aim we have also developed a voluntary quality improvement program for ICUs, with a central database located at the...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:21
... on a laptop and the X application (i.e., client) that you want to run is located on a remote system You can arrange to have the application output display on the laptop The following paragraphs ... Machine C Now that authorization for Machine C to connect to the display on Machine A is in place, the last task is to set the DISPLAY variable for the X client on CHAPTER 21 ■ A BRIEF TOUR OF ... instead of as it was earlier export DISPLAY=casper:14 Since the ssh server can have many tunneled X sessions attached at the same time, the display number increases with the number of sessions attached...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:51
Tài liệu A Brief History Of The English Language Eckersley 1960 ppt
Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 13:15
A Brief History of the United States pot
... that America was probably not a part of Asia, and changed the geographical ideas of the time [12] THE COAST OF FLORIDA EXPLORED. What meantime had happened along the coast of North America? In ... Mas'sasoit, chief of the Wam-pano'ags, and of Canon'icus, chief of the Narragansetts, and learned their language In 1633 he returned to Salem, and was again made pastor of a church [8] The fate ... Spain) to the Strait of Magellan The Pacific coast of America was explored (1513-1542) for Spain by Balboa part of Panama Magellan part of the southwest coast Pizarro (note, p 23) from Panama to Peru...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 00:20
A Brief History of the English Language and Literature, Vol. 2 doc
... letters of the Greek alphabet, which are called alpha, beta There are languages that have never been put upon paper at all, such as many of the African languages, many in the South Sea Islands, and ... Toddy CHAPTER V 41 HUNGARIAN Hussar Sabre Shako Tokay MALAY Amuck Bamboo Bantam Caddy Cassowary Cockatoo Dugong Gamboge Gong Gutta-percha Mandarin Mango Orang-outang Rattan Sago Upas PERSIAN Awning ... Llama Mahogany Maize Manioc Moccasin Mustang Opossum Pampas Pemmican Potato Racoon Skunk Squaw Tapioca Tobacco Tomahawk Tomato Wigwam ARABIC (The word al means the Thus alcohol = the spirit.) Admiral...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 02:20
A Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies pdf
... of St John and Jamaica A Brief Account of the Destruction of the by Bartolome de las Casas In the Year 1509, the Spaniards sailed to the Islands of St John and Jamaica (resembling Gardensa and ... was inferior to that of Children of ten or twelve years of age: and this I can assure you, that the Indians had ever a just cause of raising War against the Spaniards, and the Spaniards on the ... THE ARGUMENT OF THIS NARRATIVE By way of PREFACE TO THE READER The Reverend Author of this Compendious Summary was Bartholomaeus de las Casas alias Casaus, a Pious and Religeous person, (as appears...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 13:20
LIBOR Manipulation: A Brief Overview of the Debate pot
... maturity, the BBA ranks the 16 rates from highest to lowest and then drops the highest and the lowest The remaining rates are averaged, and this average is reported as the LIBOR rate for that ... perform the analysis Any defence against an accusation of having manipulated the LIBOR fixing will therefore depend heavily on being able to analyse the strengths and flaws of each method used The ... This overview of the debate about whether LIBOR was manipulated at the height of the crisis has, of necessity, been brief and has not been able to go into any of the studies in great detail There...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 17:20
... Gulf They had traversed a region including what is now known as Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, the Canadas and Acadia [Footnote: As we shall see hereafter, the ... Biography Holmes's American Annals is invaluable, and the early volumes of the North American Review contain a great deal of interesting historical matter The American Cyclopaedia and Thomas's ... as far as the Canary Islands, then they followed the track of Columbus to the West India Islands, and thence along the coast of Florida] Gosnold, a master of a small bark (1602), discovered and...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 22:20
A Brief History of the Internet docx
... with ALL of such graphics and markup proposals is LIMITED DISTRIBUTION as a way of life The purpose of each on of these is and always has been to keep knowledge in the hands of the few and away ... them, are against this kind of easily available information they either want to control it-or they want to maintain their "leadership" in fields of endeavor by making sure we "have to it the hard ... With others finally interested in Etext, a "Mass Marketing Approach," and such it was, was finally appropriate, and the release of Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan signalled beginnings of a widespread...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 22:20
A brief sketch of the work of Matthew ppt
... the early summer of 1861 the Secretary of the Navy, the Governor of Virginia, the chairman of the Committee of Naval Affairs, and other prominent officials were asked by him to witness a trial ... especially during the last year A brief sketch of the work of Matthew by Richard L Maury 14 of the war, that the Secretary of the American Navy, in his annual report of December, 1865, to the President ... down the buoy ropes to the shell, and then along the span to the next shell At the two cords are rapped together, loaded with trace chains a fathom apart and carried ashore to the galvanic battery...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 05:20
... mountain chains The degree of heat at the surface of the sea in different latitudes and in the lower strata Tendency of the sea to maintain the temperature of the surface in the strata nearest ... limits Causes of disturbance in the regularity of the phenomenon Northern and southern chains of the Himalaya; habitability of the elevated plateaux of Thibet p 331 Quantity of moisture in the atmosphere, ... Spheres of distribution depending on climatic relations Regions of vegetation, and classification of the genera of animals Isolated and social living plants and animals The character of flora and fauna...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 20:20
... Juglar himself states that a commercial panic is always a financial panic, as a falling away of the metallic reserve indicates its breaking out; and I have only translated that portion dealing ... the enactment of laws to raise the price of farm products, and to lower the price of all that the farmer has to buy But the farmers vote as the manufacturers and other active classes of the minority ... be fallacious They (agriculturists mainly) found that they had to pay more for manufactured goods, so that the manufacturers could still buy their raw materials at the advanced prices, pay themselves...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 12:20
a brief history of the paradox philosophy and the labyrinths of the mind dec 2003
... with the unacceptable conclusion of an argument that has acceptable premises and an acceptable inference pattern J L Mackie says the paradox is the whole argument The remaining philosophers say a ... MA N D E R A N D TH E RI D D LE OF ORI G IN 15 Did Amasis commit the gambler’s fallacy? This is the mistake of assuming that the law of averages works by compensation rather than by swamping A ... lengths of the sides of the base of the pyramid and n is the height of the pyramid Yet the Rhind Papyrus also makes it evident that the Egyptians relied heavily on trial and error in their calculations...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 01:31
university of calgary press how skeptics do ethics a brief history of the late modern linguistic turn apr 2007
... matters of apparent fact Add all the facts up in as great a detail as you like and you still will not reach a qualitative total that adds up to interpersonal regard and moral concern The sum of the ... about Marx How can a materialist have moral indignation? Kant’s approach provides a relatively simple answer Marx can be angry at the bourgeoisie because, arguably, they commit the fundamental ... indignation is a paradox A materialist has no standard of comparison for how things could be other than the way they are Logically, a materialist is a well-adjusted realist S/he has no measure...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:49
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes BioMed Central Commentary Open Access A brief guide to the pdf
... psychometric data, of varying kinds Factor analysis or item analysis is used to demonstrate the unidimensionality of a scale or subscale (i.e., that the items of the scale can be meaningfully added to ... feature of a scale Neither the scale nor the treatment can be characterised as showing a particular effect size (i.e., having a particular sensitivity to change), because each depends on other factors ... treatment In the case of cross-sectional research, the important factor is to choose a scale that has a full and varied range of items which apply to the kind discrimination needed In the case of...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20
báo cáo hóa học: " Towards a brief definition of burnout syndrome by subtypes: Development of the “Burnout Clinical Subtypes Questionnaire” (BCSQ-12)" doc
... between the factors The covariance matrix was used for data entry as it enables robust analysis to be made of ordinal data when the latent variables present more than one indicator [19] This analysis ... acquired an internal consistency of a 0.78 [16] Data analysis A descriptive analysis of the participants’ socio-demographic and occupational characteristics was conducted, using means and standard ... February 2008 The first page of the protocol again provided another explanation of the aims of the study, the participants to whom it was addressed, the voluntary nature of participation in it,...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20
A Brief History of Economics: Artful Approaches to the Dismal Science pptx
... KarI Marx Alfred Marshall: The Great Victorian Thorstein Veblen Takes on the American Captains of Industry The Jazz Age: Aftermath of War and Prelude to Depression 10 John Maynard Keynes and the ... disguise the reality and advantages of a stratified society A hierarchical social theory prevailed As late as the time of the great English poet Geoffrey Chaucer (c.1342-1400), the knight was still a ... and guaranteeing insufficient circulation of blood to the brain The purchase of an Adam Smith necktie is at once a rational commercial act and a revelation of dogma overwhelming reason Adam Smith,...
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 09:20
Báo cáo y học: "The treatment of condylar fractures: to open or not to open? A critical review of this controversy" pdf
... Because of the relatively poor quality of the available data and the lack of other important information, the question of preferred treatment still remains unanswered, and there is clearly a need ... Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial 1997; 35: 230-6 Talwar RM, Ellis III E, Throckmorton GS Adaptations of the masticatory system after bilateral fractures of the mandibular condylar process J Oral ... recent advances in prevention, diagnosis and management Int J Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2005; 34: 823-33 27 Banks P A pragmatic approach to the management of condylar fractures Int J Oral Maxillofac...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 17:20
a brief history of the olympic games
... at the Olympic festival was the race of one length of the stadium, the stade At the fourteenth Olympiad, he writes, the sponsors added the two stade race called the diaulos; and at the next, the ... took away victories But even in these earliest years a few victors came from Corinth and Athens, and from as far away as Sicily and Asia Minor The first chariot victor in 680 bc was Pagondas of Thebes ... into a solid structure This altar remained the focal point of the sanctuary for all the remaining centuries, and by Pausanias’ time it towered above the visitors Near it was the tomb of the hero...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2015, 14:04