a 2 7 b the n2 and he n2 permeability coefficie

A study of polyimide thin films   physical aging and plasticization behaviors

A study of polyimide thin films physical aging and plasticization behaviors

... Effect of aging time, t, on the oxygen permeability coefficients for BPA-BnzDCA films of the following thickness (McCaig and Paul, 20< /b> 00) 28< /b> Figure 2.< /b> 7 < /b> -a,< /b> 2.< /b> 7-< /b> b The N2 and He/ N2 permeability coefficients ... and the contamination of vacuum pump oil of the membranes (Witchey-Lakshmanan et al., 1990; Pinnau et al., 19 97;< /b> Nagai and Nakagawa, 1995; Takada et al., 1980; Hamano et al., 1988; Asakawa et al., ... change in either O2 permeability or O2 /N2 selectivity for a < /b> period of 22< /b> 5 days, and they subsequently argued that the change in O2 permeability in Chern et al.’s work (Witchey-Lakshmanan et al.,...

Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2015, 10:13

120 704 0
Báo cáo khoa học: The oxidative effect of bacterial lipopolysaccharide on native and cross-linked human hemoglobin as a function of the structure of the lipopolysaccharide A comparison of the effects of smooth and rough lipopolysaccharide ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: The oxidative effect of bacterial lipopolysaccharide on native and cross-linked human hemoglobin as a function of the structure of the lipopolysaccharide A comparison of the effects of smooth and rough lipopolysaccharide ppt

... reported that the oxidation of the a < /b> chains of Hb A0< /b> was 10 times faster than that of the beta chains and that the oxidation of the beta chains was not influenced by pH The biphasic reaction was shown ... Therefore, another difference between cross-linked Hb and Hb A0< /b> may be in the binding of the deoxyHb to the LPS Another obvious difference between the two Hbs is the possibility of dissociation of the ... carbonate Anal Chem 46, 6 92< /b> 696 21< /b> Tsuruga, M & Shikama, J (19 97)< /b> Biphasic nature in the autoxidation reaction of human oxyhemoglobin Biochim Biophys Acta 13 37,< /b> 96–104 22< /b> Tsuruga, M., Matsuoka,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 10:20

6 749 0
Characterization of Spin Coated Polymers in Nano-environments as a Function of Film Thickness pot

Characterization of Spin Coated Polymers in Nano-environments as a Function of Film Thickness pot

... stacked layers by alternating their orientation In other words, the A-< /b> block can be bonded to the surface leaving the B- block at the air (or solvent) interface; the next chain can place the B- block ... pans in a < /b> TA Instruments DSC 29< /b> 20 The sample was equilibrated at 25< /b> °C and then heated from 25< /b> °C to 180°C at 10°C/min for the first run The sample was then cooled slowly, again equilibrated at ... the relaxation distribution- the higher the coupling parameter or cooperativity, the broader the relaxation times for the polymer Because of their mutual emphasis on interactions within and between...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 01:20

80 375 0
Báo cáo vật lý: "The Hidden Property of Arrhenius-type Relationship: Viscosity as a Function of Temperature" doc

Báo cáo vật lý: "The Hidden Property of Arrhenius-type Relationship: Viscosity as a Function of Temperature" doc

... infinite-temperature viscosity, and the Ea, and the R-squared value was estimated 2.< /b> 5 Shifting Experimental Data of Viscosity and Temperature to Investigate the Reliability of Ea in Indicating the Stability ... Malaya, NTC, Kuala Lumpur, 4–5 May 20< /b> 09, 58–65 Magerramov, M A.< /b> , Abdulagatov, A < /b> I., Abdulagatov, I M & Azizov, N D (20< /b> 07)< /b> Viscosity of tangerine and lemon juice as a < /b> function of temperature and ... 0. 020< /b> 0. 025< /b> Experimental value (Pa.s) Figure 3: The comparison between the experimentally derived value and the estimated value from equation (6) R-squared and MSE was calculated as 0.999 and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 14:20

10 496 1
Báo cáo khoa học: "Regional distribution of acoustic-based lung vibration as a function of mechanical ventilation mode" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Regional distribution of acoustic-based lung vibration as a function of mechanical ventilation mode" docx

... frames Within a < /b> frame, the areas with the highest vibration energy are represented as black in a < /b> gray-level scale and the areas with the lowest vibration energy are represented as light gray Areas ... rules and criteria listed below The MEF area of the VRI image was measured using the software ImageJ (National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA) [15] Regional areas were obtained by first ... saturation, PEEP, FiO2 values, and VT between the three modes (Table 2)< /b> Moreover, the phase lag between airflow at the mouth and vibration was minimal (less than 0 .2 < /b> seconds) as demonstrated by...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 03:20

13 310 0
Báo cáo y học: " Assessment of FIV-C infection of cats as a function of treatment with the protease inhibitor, TL-3" pot

Báo cáo y học: " Assessment of FIV-C infection of cats as a function of treatment with the protease inhibitor, TL-3" pot

... ml average and standard error of the mean Symbols: ●: uninfected cats (21< /b> 3 and 21< /b> 4); ᮀ Symptomatic cats (21< /b> 5, 21< /b> 9 22< /b> 1, 22< /b> 9 and 23< /b> 4); asymptomatic cats (21< /b> 6 21< /b> 8, 22< /b> 2 22< /b> 8, 23< /b> 0 23< /b> 3) * indicate values ... (5'-GATTTATAAATCATATG GCATATAATAAAGTGGGTACCACTACAACATTAG-3'), which adds an NdeI restriction site, methionine, and alkaline to the N-terminal of the protease and 3' primer MFIVCPL33' (5'-CTGAGATCTGAGCAAGCTTTTACATTACTAATCT ... 22< /b> 4 22< /b> 5 22< /b> 8 22< /b> 9† 23< /b> 0 23< /b> 1 23< /b> 2 23< /b> 4† 21< /b> 4* 21< /b> 8 22< /b> 0† 22< /b> 2 21< /b> 5† 22< /b> 6 21< /b> 6 22< /b> 7 < /b> 23< /b> 3 * control animals † sacrificed animals Bold type, offspring from same sire (‡) survivor offspring of sire men Average peak...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 13:20

12 323 0
Báo cáo y học: "Changes in regional distribution of lung sounds as a function of positive end-expiratory pressure" potx

Báo cáo y học: "Changes in regional distribution of lung sounds as a function of positive end-expiratory pressure" potx

... during the respiratory cycle Because of image normalization, the measurement output aimed at describing the relative airflow distribution in the lung rather than the absolute volume As described ... Schematic diagram describing the elements of the system The patient lies on the acoustic sensor array and the flow sensor is inserted in the system breathing circuit The vibration response imaging ... the general ICU of the Rabin Medical Center in Petach-Tikva, Israel The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board and informed consent was obtained from all patients or their...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:20

10 531 0
Báo cáo y học: "A general framework for quantifying the effects of DNA repair inhibitors on radiation sensitivity as a function of dose" pptx

Báo cáo y học: "A general framework for quantifying the effects of DNA repair inhibitors on radiation sensitivity as a function of dose" pptx

... draft the manuscript All authors read and approved the final manuscript References Methods Cell lines and chemical inhibitors T98G and U 373< /b> -MG human glioblastoma cells and CHOK1 and V79- 37 < /b> 9A < /b> hamster ... i is an indicator which assumes the value zero for the control case, i.e radiation alone, and one for the drug-treated case; and δx – where "x" is any of the parameters above – is the variation ... representing the variation on any parameter of survival between radiation only and radiation plus drug This implies that the perturbation on the parameters introduced by the drug can be approximated...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

7 320 0
Báo cáo y học: "Gene expression response in target organ and whole blood varies as a function of target organ injury phenotype" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "Gene expression response in target organ and whole blood varies as a function of target organ injury phenotype" ppsx

... Santa Clara, CA, USA) following the manufacturer's protocol The amount and quality of the cRNA was assessed using a < /b> NanoDrop ND-1000 spectrophotometer and an Agilent Bioanalyzer The cRNA was then ... following additional data are available with the online version of this paper Additional data file is a < /b> table detailing the histopathological scores as well as the clinical chemistry and hematology data ... phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, and sorbitol dehydrogenase Additional data file details the clinical chemistry value for each of these parameters for every animal These...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:22

13 284 0
top-antitop cross section measurement as a function of the jet multiplicity in the final state and beyond the standard model top-antitop resonances search at the atlas detector at cern

top-antitop cross section measurement as a function of the jet multiplicity in the final state and beyond the standard model top-antitop resonances search at the atlas detector at cern

... decay of the top quark into a < /b> W -boson and a < /b> b- quark, while the small values of the other elements in the same row suppress the decay of the top quark into the other flavours In fact, the branching ... to the fermion and gauge boson fields dynamically generates their mass The interaction terms between the Higgs boson and the matter fields are added in the Yukawa sector of the Lagrangian Note as ... generators of the SU (2)< /b> L transformation and can be written The symbol T in the superscript indicates that the transverse of the matrix is to be taken 2.< /b> 1 The Standard Model 10 as T a < /b> = σ a < /b> (where...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2014, 22:04

251 713 0
A study on the mutual coupling effects between 2 rectangular patch antennas as a function of their separation and angles of elevation

A study on the mutual coupling effects between 2 rectangular patch antennas as a function of their separation and angles of elevation

... the main characteristics and assumptions made in the use of the cavity model to analyze the rectangular patch 2.< /b> 1 Microstrip Antenna Theory By analogy, the microstrip antenna may be seen as an ...  2,< /b> m, n ≠  (2.< /b> 25) (2.< /b> 26) 22< /b> 2.< /b> 5 .2 < /b> Quality Factors Finding the Q-factor of the antenna is an important part of studying the antenna via the cavity model The total quality factor of the antenna, ... of the Mutual Coupling against the variation of the distance between the patches in the x-direction 32 < /b> Making the assumption that (i) no variation in the z-direction, (ii) t is small => z at the...

Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2015, 10:43

104 329 0
Stock price reaction to the announcement of a reverse stock split, an investigation as a function of the rationale provided

Stock price reaction to the announcement of a reverse stock split, an investigation as a function of the rationale provided

... Descriptive Statistics (includes all cases) 178< /b> Table A6< /b> : Summary of Descriptive Statistics for AREs and CARs 179< /b> Table A7< /b> : ARE and CAR Means and Standard Deviations for No Rationale and Rationale Groups ... reported daily in The Wall Street Journal Book-to-market ratio The book-to-market ratio is the relationship between the book value of the common stock and the market value of the common shares at the ... Nasdaq is the split ratio, the total shares outstanding and par values both before and after the split, verification that all legal filings have been completed and that shareholder approval has...

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2015, 16:58

217 227 0
Cardiovascular responses as a function of ethnicity, gender, 5HTTLPR genotype, dispositional anger and negative affect

Cardiovascular responses as a function of ethnicity, gender, 5HTTLPR genotype, dispositional anger and negative affect

... 9 021< /b> 7 < /b> meets the accuracy standards of the British Hypertension Society and the Association for the Advance of Medical Instrumentation (Baumgart & Kamp, 1998) The Spacelabs 9 021< /b> 7 < /b> was programmed ... when the participant was standing were taken The leads and electrodes, the BP cuff and the carrying pouch were then removed from the participant The research assistant uploaded the information ... eliminated the need for separate data entry and therefore reduced data transcription errors The Spacelabs and AIM units along with the Palm Zire PDA were placed in a < /b> fanny-pack that was worn around...

Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2015, 22:48

143 202 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-coronavirus 3a protein may function as a modulator of the trafficking properties of the spike protein" docx

Báo cáo sinh học: " The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-coronavirus 3a protein may function as a modulator of the trafficking properties of the spike protein" docx

... from the plasma membrane resulting in internalization However, it appears that the YxxΦ motif can also bind other adaptor protein complexes, like AP-1, and 4, and the differential binding to the ... cell-damaging effect and prevent the premature release of unassembled viral RNA It may also enhance virus packaging as it appears that the assembly of coronavirus occurs intracellularly, probably ... the transportation of other proteins to the plasma membrane [22< /b> ] 3a < /b> on the cell surface can also undergo internalization [13] Analyzing the experimental results present in these publications...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

5 310 0
báo cáo hóa học:" The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-coronavirus 3a protein may function as a modulator of the trafficking properties of the spike protein" docx

báo cáo hóa học:" The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-coronavirus 3a protein may function as a modulator of the trafficking properties of the spike protein" docx

... from the plasma membrane resulting in internalization However, it appears that the YxxΦ motif can also bind other adaptor protein complexes, like AP-1, and 4, and the differential binding to the ... cell-damaging effect and prevent the premature release of unassembled viral RNA It may also enhance virus packaging as it appears that the assembly of coronavirus occurs intracellularly, probably ... the transportation of other proteins to the plasma membrane [22< /b> ] 3a < /b> on the cell surface can also undergo internalization [13] Analyzing the experimental results present in these publications...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20

5 365 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Cystatin C: unsuited to use as a marker of kidney function in the intensive care unit" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Cystatin C: unsuited to use as a marker of kidney function in the intensive care unit" pot

... issue are warranted Competing interests The author(s) declare that they have no competing interests References 5 32 < /b> Villa P, Jiménez M, Soriano MC, Manzanares J, Casasnovas P: Serum cystatin C as a < /b> ... as a < /b> marker of acute renal dysfunction in critically ill patients Crit Care 20< /b> 05, 9:R139-R143 O’Riordan SE, Webb MC, Stowe HJ, Simpson DE, Kandarpa M, Coakly AJ, Newman DJ, Saunders JA, Lamb EJ: ... filtration rate in renal transplant recipients Clin Chem 1999, 49:1866-1868 Coll E, Botey A,< /b> Alvarez L, Poch E, Quintó LI, Taurina A,< /b> Vera M, Piera C, Darnell A:< /b> Serum cystatin C as a < /b> new marker...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:21

2 297 0
Food as a Source of Dioxin Exposure in the Residents of Bien Hoa City, Vietnam

Food as a Source of Dioxin Exposure in the Residents of Bien Hoa City, Vietnam

... from the Bien Hoa market, the Bien Hung market, the Bien Hung Lake, and at the nearby air base where Agent Orange was stored All are within several kilometers of each other Sixteen food samples ... and farms In addition, the authors thank and wish to honor the memory of the late professor Le Cao Dai and his colleagues at the Viet Nam Red Cross They also want to acknowledge the help and direction ... of Bien Hoa City, soil and sediment samples from the Bien Hung Lake showed areas with elevated TCDD, while other samples from the same body of water and other nearby areas, including lakes and...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2016, 20:28

8 513 1
Reading Theory as a Microcosm of the Four Skills

Reading Theory as a Microcosm of the Four Skills

... teachers as they are the backbone of many schools in Ireland and Britain One of the most important initial tasks for any teacher is the task of knowing his clients The notion of needs analysis is absolutely ... seen how the only difference is in their emphasis It is my belief that in giving the L2 student both as much input and practice as they can reasonably manage, and a < /b> strong metalinguistic awareness, ... On the other days, there is an extensive, and carefully structured, social and cultural programme, which they are free to, and do, participate in This group will be familiar to many EFL teachers...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

5 680 0