... sun.\n" + "Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,\n" + "Who is already sick and pale with grief,\n" + "That thou her maid art far more fair than she"; Note If you're a Shakespeare fan, you'll recognize ... AutoEventWireUp attribute indicates whether the ASP.NET framework automatically calls the Page_Init() and Page_Load() event handler methods These methods are defined in the WebForm1.aspx.cs; you'll learn ... the Page_Load event is raised The Page_Load event is raised whenever the Web form is loaded by a browser Typically, you'll place any initialization code in the Page_Load() method For example,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 07:20
... DataView(Cart); 25 ShoppingCart.DataSource = CartView; 26 ShoppingCart.DataBind(); 27 28 if (!this.IsPostBack) 29 { 30 // populate dataSet11 with the rows from the Products DataTable 31 sqlDataAdapter1.Fill(dataSet11, ... creates a DataTable to store the shopping cart, and that this DataTable is stored in the Session object: private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { 10 // Put user code to initialize ... want to modify the code yourself: Select View ➣ Code, or press F7 on your keyboard to view the code Add a DataTable object named Cart and a DataView object named CartView to the WebForm1 class,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 07:20
A simple introduction to working with LVM
... hda1, hda2, and hda3 are all physical volumes We'll initialize hda3 as a physical volume: root@lappy:~# pvcreate /dev/hda3 If you wanted to combine several disks, or partitions you could the same ... that we have a volume group (called skx-vol) we can actually start using it Working with logical volumes What we really want to is create logical volumes which we can mount and actually use In ... be able to see it included in the output of vgscan: root@lappy:~# vgscan Reading all physical volumes This may take a while Found volume group "skx-vol" using metadata type lvm2 Now that we have...
Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2012, 10:12
Báo cáo y học: "Surgical Treatment of Depressed Scar: A Simple Technique"
... Monocril 2-3/0 are made with a large needle and are placed close together so that a wide aversion is achieved at the margins of the scar and a deep wound closure is obtained by adhering to the ... recreate again: this relapse could promote the formation of a layer of reactive collagen in the region below the treated area We therefore believe that this technique can be utilized as a simple and ... patient All the authors read and approved the final manuscript CONSENT STATEMENT Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for publication of this case report and accompanying images...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:00
A simple calculator
... themselves char ∗strs [10]; – an array of char arrays (or strings) Pointer array example • Have an array int arr [100]; that contains some numbers • Want to have a sorted version of the array, but ... Pointer arrays • Pointer array – array of pointers – an array of pointers to int’s char ∗arr [10]; – an array of pointers to char’s int ∗arr [20]; • Pointers in array can point to arrays themselves ... Multidimensional arrays are rectangular; pointer arrays can be arbitrary shaped 13 6.087 Lecture – January 20, 2010 Review More about Pointers Pointers to Pointers Pointer Arrays Multidimensional Arrays Data...
Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2013, 08:07
Tạo Photo Album trong PowerPoint với Add In Album
... http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=55D24B47-C828-414 1A8 DE- 9A4 59C63DB 1A& displaylang=en ...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2013, 01:25
Làm Photo Album Video với ProShow Gold.
... ban nhe ! Ban hay send cho minh ban va crack cua no luon nhe ! Cam on ban hoang van tuan Email: hoangvantuan671987@*****.*** Đ a chỉ: hoa Tel: 046 333 435 pro le ngoc giang a ban o dau vay ban ... tuan Email: hoa_qua_son_2004@*****.*** Đ a chỉ: cao bang can pham mem ghi dia cua Proshow Gold minh da lam dc rat nhieu nhung ma chua ghi dc Dia nao ca vi chua biet cach ghi va cung chua co phan ... chuc cac ban cong va co nhung bo phim tang ban be hoac nguoi ay that dep va y nghia Hoang Van Tuan hoang van tuan Email: hoangvantuan_87@*****.***.** Đ a chỉ: hoa Tel: Ko duoc goi t quen mat day...
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2013, 01:27
Creating a dataview using visual studio NET
... 14 // 15 InitializeComponent(); 16 17 // call the Fill() method of sqlDataAdapter1 18 // to populate dataSet11 with a DataTable named 19 // Customers 20 sqlDataAdapter1.Fill(dataSet11, "Customers"); ... data stored in dataView1 to dataGrid1 and allows dataGrid1 to access any data stored in dataView1 Figure 13.2: Setting the Properties of dataGrid1 Select View ➣ Code and set the Form1() ... "Customers"); 21 } Compile and run your form by pressing Ctrl+F5 Figure 13.3 shows the running form Notice that the information in the form comes from the DataView you created Figure 13.3: The running...
Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2013, 16:48
Creating a Writing Course Utilizing Class and Student Blogs.doc
... possible for a teacher to create as many “class blogs” as deemed necessary to organize class materials For example, it must be possible for a teacher to create a blog for class notes and another for ... server space If one has HTML experience and server space, a few more options for creating the class are available that fall beyond the scope of this paper Features of the Blog-Based Class Before ... Internet at anytime Teachers can give collective feedback to the class when a recurring mistake is found by adding entries to a “Writing Feedback” class blog Additionally, individual feedback can be...
Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 05:10
Writing a Simple Program in an Assembly Language
... write as follows to prepare a separate section for storing the addition results in: SECTION ROM_DATA,DATA,LOCATE=H'1100 DATA1: DATA.B 10 DATA2: DATA.B 100 SECTION RAM_DATA,DATA,LOCATE=H'2000 ANSWER: ... R0L,R1L Bad sample (the same name as an internal register is used as a symbol) Samples available as symbols: Loop Upper and lower cases may be mixed "_" is available as a character End_of_Loop A numeric ... WORK,DATA,LOCATE=H'1100 DATA1: DATA.L 10000 http://resource.renesas.com Page 46 DATA2: ANSWER: DATA.W DATA.B 1000 10 In the above example, since the WORK section is located at the H'1100 address, DATA1,...
Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 11:20
Creating a GUI
... handles and user data (see GUIDATA) varargin command line arguments to untitled (see VARARGIN) Add this code Autogenerated code % Create the data to plot handles.peaks=peaks(35); handles.membrane=membrane; ... “Adding Code to the Opening Function” on page 2-20 and “Adding Code to the Callbacks” on page 2-22, contain examples You can share data between callbacks by storing the data in the MATLAB handles ... callback, and an output function callback Each callback is a subfunction that initially consists of a framework that contains just a function definition You must add code to the callbacks to make them...
Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 20:20
Developing a Simple Windows Application phần 1
... categories: • Data The Data category contains classes that allow you to access and store information from a database The Data category includes the following classes: SqlConnection, SqlCommand, ... SqlCommand, DataSet, and DataView, among others • • • • • • XML Schema The XML Schema category contains classes that allow you to access XML data Dialog Editor The Dialog Editor category contains controls ... display a blank form, as shown in Figure 6.2 You can think of the form as the canvas on which you can place standard Windows controls, such as labels, text boxes, and buttons You'll be adding...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 19:15
Developing a Simple Windows Application phần 2
... you can use in your Windows programs Because this class is static, you don't create an instance of this class, and its members are always available within your form When the Run() method is called, ... File An assembly file contains the metadata for your application's assembly An assembly is collection of code for your application Code Files A code file is a program source file, such as the ... Because the myLabel and myButton objects are private, this means that they are accessible only in the Form1 class Access modifiers enable you to specify the degree to which a class member is available...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 10:15
Create a Simple XML Web Service Using Parameters
... and a Boolean type value is returned The rest of this routine should look somewhat familiar because a DataAdapter object is created, and a DataTable object is filled, based on the username that ... method takes a user ID and Password " & _ "and returns True or False based on if the User and Password exist.")> Public Function TestUserPassword(ByVal strUserID As String, _ ByVal strPassWord As ... created for this first real example will take in the username and password and then look up the username If the username is found, the method will then compare the password If the password matches,...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 13:15
FTTX Architecture Creating a Cost Effective Plug-and-Play FTTX Architecture
... installation and maintenance can be accomplished quickly and easily Additionally, easy access at the MST facilitates maintenance and troubleshooting by allowing technicians to simply unplug a connector ... available with easy instructions and materials for cleaning hardened connectors and adapters To clean the connector and adapter, the dust caps and plugs are removed to expose the inner optical ... components The adapter can then be cleaned simply using a standard swab and the connector can be cleaned using lint free wipes An additional plug and play feature of the hardened connector is the arrow...
Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 00:15
Creating a Web Service
... mySqlConnection.CreateCommand(); mySqlCommand.CommandText = selectString; SqlDataAdapter mySqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); mySqlDataAdapter.SelectCommand = mySqlCommand; DataSet myDataSet = new DataSet(); ... Northwind database and returns a DataSet containing rows from the Customers table You pass a WHERE clause to the RetrieveCustomers() method in the whereClause parameter; this WHERE clause is then ... Northwind database Because the code uses classes in the System.Data.SqlClient namespace, you'll also need to add the following line near the top of your Customers.asmx.cs file: using System.Data.SqlClient;...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 19:15
Shaking a box of sand I – a simple lattice model
... density may attain values that are substantially higher than random close packing, and quite close to the crystalline limit [131, 132] An analogous transition has also been observed experimentally ... use as an order parameter The vertical orientation of a grain thus wastes space proportional to − a, relative to the horizontal one We examine the response of the packing fraction for typical parameter ... granular dynamics will carry all the usual characteristics of ageing ξdyn so that ω 1; from Eq (7.14), this Now recall that that in Regime II, ξeq implies that the grain is nearly square (a ∼...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20