... really needs to be 187 16_12 986 9 ch10.qxp 188 11/29/07 11: 58 AM Page 188 Part III: Refining and Exporting Your Work Creating a New Layer for Inking If you’re planning on inking with a mouse or drawing ... functions on and off Figure 9-26: Use the Quick Select function to quickly convert and switch between selection layers 15_12 986 9 pt03.qxp 11/29/07 11: 58 AM Page 183 Part III Refining and Exporting ... image looks how you want it within the page and print guide (if applicable) When you’re happy with the settings, click OK Why not use an 8- bit ink layer? Sometimes when working on a task, the simplest...
Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 14:31
Working with Categories and Email
... your messages are assigned categories, you can use smart grouping, search folders, and Advanced Find to find and view your messages Outlook includes a predefined list of categories, but you can ... message using rich text formatting In most cases, you need to double-click on the recipient's address and choose Send Using Rich Text Format in the Internet Format dialog The actual message format doesn't ... the Outlook editor Type your categories in the Categories field or click the Categories button and select from the Categories list Categories are not included when you send the message unless...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 06:15
... Mac always keeps them together with their associated files When you're working with files on the command line, however, you have to be more cautious In Leopard (and Tiger too), the most common ... files and directories this way Moving files and directories To rename a file and move it to a different directory simultaneously, just replace the last portion of the command with a ... use this command, just type rm, a space, and the exact name of the file you want to delete from the working directory To remove the file practice.txt you created with the touch command, for example,...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 12:15
Tài liệu Working with Wireframe and Surface Design Workbench doc
... shows a helix without a taper angle and Figure 9-6 shows a helix with a taper angle CREATING SURFACES The tools provided in Wireframe and Surface Design workbench to create simple and complex surfaces ... plane Working with Wireframe and Surface Design Workbench 9-33 Choose the Project 3D Elements button from the Operation toolbar and select the elliptical sections of the second sweep and symmetry ... Logon to www.cadcim.com for more details Working with Wireframe and Surface Design Workbench Evaluation chapter Logon to www.cadcim.com for more details 9 -8 CATIA for Designers (Evaluation Chapter...
Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2013, 03:15
Tài liệu Module 6: Working with Cubes and Measures docx
... Working with Cubes and Measures # Working with Cubes Topic Objective To introduce the basics of working with cubes Lead-in In this section, you explore the basic elements of the Cube Editor and ... characteristics of cubes and the limitations associated with cubes and measures BETA MATERIALS FOR MICROSOFT CERTIFIED TRAINER PREPARATION PURPOSES ONLY Module 6: Working with Cubes and Measures Characteristics ... Editor later to refine the cube and measures BETA MATERIALS FOR MICROSOFT CERTIFIED TRAINER PREPARATION PURPOSES ONLY Module 6: Working with Cubes and Measures Working with the Cube Editor Topic Objective...
Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 05:20
Tài liệu Working with Dates in Flash docx
... navigate dates Dates can be selected by clicking them, and months can be navigated by clicking the left arrow icon (to move back one month) or the right arrow icon (to move forward one month) With ... always returns a value between and 23, representing the hours between 12 a.m and 11 p.m 12 a.m is represented by a value of and 11 p.m by a value of 23 Between p.m and 11 p.m., the hour variable ... ActionScript doesn't assign names to months and days of the week Instead, it references with a number the aspects of dates that we normally associate with a name The trick to making this part of...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 11:20
Tài liệu Working with String and Selection Classes pdf
... findField_txt text field and pressing the button Close the test movie and save your work as wordProcessor2.fla You can see how easy it is to use the methods associated with the String and Selection classes—a ... rely on the user to select and thus bring into focus—the proper text field.) One last method of the Selection class allows you to highlight portions of text dynamically—without the user's help The ... using many of the String and Selection class methods we've discussed Open wordProcessor1.fla in the Lesson04/Assets folder This file has three layers: Background, Buttons, and Actions The Background...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 11:20
Programming Windows: Writing Windows 8 Apps With C# and XAML pot
... Handling 78 The Tapped Event 78 www.it-ebooks.info Routed Event Handling 81 Overriding the Handled Setting 87 Input, Alignment, and Backgrounds 88 ... PC/AT with an 80 286 microprocessor running at MHz with 512 KB of memory and two 30 MB hard drives The display was an IBM Enhanced Graphics Adapter, with a maximum resolution of 640 × 350 with ... 213 Bindings and TextBox 2 18 Buttons and MVVM .223 The DelegateCommand Class 225 Chapter 7: Building an Application 231 Commands, Options, and Settings ...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 18:20
... Facilitation - Working with human differences - page 10 Physical and cognitive differences Physical and cognitive differences • There are technologies and software that can help those with physical ... be sensitive and tactful For example, in some countries women are treated very differently to men, and sometimes there are practices and attitudes which could be very hard to understand in differently ... be open and respectful and describe the situation in your own culture cultural background: it is much better to be open and respectful and describe the situation in your own culture and why you...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 20:20
apress metro revealed, building windows 8 apps with html5 and javascript (2012)
... good understanding of HTML and JavaScript, ideally from creating rich web apps You need to understand the DOM API, know how events work, and have a solid grasp of the HTML elements and their DOM ... receive and respond to critical life-cycle events, and describe how to manage the transitions between suspended and running applications I demonstrate how to create and manage asynchronous tasks and ... screen and (-ms-view-state: fullscreen-landscape) { } @media screen and (-ms-view-state: filled) { } 10 CHAPTER | Getting Started @media screen and (-ms-view-state: snapped) { } @media screen and...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:33
apress metro revealed, building windows 8 apps with xaml and c# (2012)
... don’t like them, and I think they strike an odd balance between XAML and C# code For this reason, I will be working with the Blank Application template, which creates a project with the bare essentials ... experience The Application Bar (AppBar) and Navigation Bar (NavBar) provide the means by which the user can interact with your content and features and navigate within your app I also show you how ... simulator, and explain how to use the debugger Chapter 2: Data, Bindings, and Pages Data is at the heart of any Metro application, and in this chapter I show you how to define a view model and how...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:34
Metro Revealed: Building Windows 8 apps with HTML5 and JavaScript pptx
... good understanding of HTML and JavaScript, ideally from creating rich web apps You need to understand the DOM API, know how events work, and have a solid grasp of the HTML elements and their DOM ... receive and respond to critical life-cycle events, and describe how to manage the transitions between suspended and running applications I demonstrate how to create and manage asynchronous tasks and ... JavaScript, and CSS into a Metro app together Create an HTML document and use script and 13 through 15 link elements to reference the JavaScript and CSS files Use the WinJS.UI.Pages.define and WinJS.UI.Pages.render...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 16:20
working with templates and nvu
... to work with folders, opening and saving files, etc Also this guide assumes you are registered and approved webmaster of MoreNiche™ affiliate program and have made yourself familiar with resource ... browser and would open the review.html page How to insert an image It is hard to imagine web pages without pictures They liven up a page and draw the eye in Too much text without being broken up with ... text and it doesn’t look too professional either With a double click on the image, you will open the Image Properties window Click the Appearance tab Enter for Spacing - Left and Right value and...
Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 17:10
the essential guide to sas® dates and times
... Functions: INTCK and INTNX 98 Deeper into Dates and Times with SAS 107 5.1 Macro Variables and Dates 1 08 5.1.1 Automatic Macro Variables 1 08 5.1.2 Putting Dates into Titles ... to Create Dates, Times, and Datetimes in Macro Variables 110 5.1.4 Using CALL SYMPUT( ) and SYMGET() with Dates, Times, and Datetimes 111 5.2 Shifting SAS Date and Time Intervals ... essential to dates and times in SAS because SAS does not store dates and times in an easily recognizable form, as we discussed in Chapter SAS has many built-in formats to display dates, times, and datetime...
Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 01:01
Working with Triggers and Transactions pdf
... solution Tip Monthly Salary = Rate * PayFrequency * 30 NIIT Working with Triggers and Transactions 8. 37 8. 38 Working with Triggers and Transactions NIIT ... default deadlock-handling method 8. 28 Working with Triggers and Transactions NIIT @deadlock_var is a character variable with a length of three characters for string of low priority (LOW) and six characters ... row (the row with the values before updating), and the inserted table stores the new row (the modified row) with the value ‘Lex New Printer’ in Column2 8. 4 Working with Triggers and Transactions...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2014, 15:20
start here build windows 8 apps with html5 and javascript
... make it a bit less obvious and add any necessary structure and logic to make it generate and display a random number 18 Start Here! Build Windows Apps with HTML5 and JavaScript www.it-ebooks.info ... understand and deal with the user interface of Windows apps, graphics, video, data storage, and Internet calls Finally, Chapters 12-14 focus on advanced Windows programming, with an emphasis on working ... click the Store menu and then select Acquire Developer License, as shown in Figure 1 -8 8 Start Here! Build Windows Apps with HTML5 and JavaScript www.it-ebooks.info FIGURE 1 -8 Renewing your developer...
Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 16:24
Working with Database and Security in Java - Digital Signatures ppsx
Ngày tải lên: 02/08/2014, 08:21
Working with Database and Security in Java - Cryptography (tt) doc
... Working with Database and Security in Java Assignment Figure 5.2: Message Decryption form © 2007 Aptech Ltd...
Ngày tải lên: 02/08/2014, 08:21
Working with Database and Security in Java - Cryptography docx
... Working with Database and Security in Java Assignment Figure 5.2: Message Decryption form © 2007 Aptech Ltd...
Ngày tải lên: 02/08/2014, 08:21
Working with Database and Security in Java - Java Security doc
Ngày tải lên: 02/08/2014, 08:21