... Jasra, Alexandre Thiery, Alexandros Beskos, and David Nott I am indebted to all my collaborators and colleagues for the discussions Special thanks go to Benjamin Gyori, Joel A Tropp, and Lester ... Markov chains 280 A.1 Counterexample for unbounded sums 280 A.2 Coin toss data 283 B Convex distance inequality with dependence 288 B.1 The convex ... analysis, discrete mathematics, and probability theory The standard reference on concentration inequalities is Ledoux (2001) Boucheron, Lugosi, and Massart (2013b) and Dubhashi and Panconesi (2009) are...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:06
... has syntactic implications 2.2.2 Gradable and non- gradable adjectives According to L G Alexander (1 988 , 1 08) adjectives can be also divided into gradable and non- gradable Gradable adjectives mean ... type 8, and type Contrast to gradable adjectives, non-gradable ones are found as type8, type 10 Stative adjectives as type 1, type2, typr3 and type 5, and as for dynamic ones like type7, and type ... and He wore dirty and old shoes I have a young and beautiful sister When there more than two adjectives, they may be separated by commas and apart from the last adjective which separated by and...
Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2013, 14:46
Exercise4. Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Virtual Functions Function Templates and the Standard Template Library
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 17:15
Convex sets and convex functions taking the infinity value
... if and only if S is R convex Moreover, f is proper and convex S ⊆ I n nonempty and convex R =⇒ f + δS is proper and convex dom f ∩ S = ∅ We have a correspondence between convex sets and ... Optimization 16 / 1 08 Chapter Convex sets and convex functions taking the infinity value Jensen’s inequality Proposition Let f : IRn → IR ∪ {+∞} be proper and convex Then for all collections of points ... IRn and let a and b be two real numbers Then the following set is convex : aC + bD := {ac + bd | c ∈ C , d ∈ D} tvnguyen (University of Science) Convex Optimization / 1 08 Chapter Convex sets and...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 15:20
Using Local Variables and Creating Functions that Return Results
... "News", channelNames[2] = "Classics", and so on This is important to understand as we progress NOTE For more information on arrays, see Lesson 6, "Creating and Manipulating Data." Let's create ... 12 13 } else { 14 15 displayText = ""; 16 17 } 18 19 return displayText; 20 21 } 22 NOTE This is defined after the other functions but before the event handler assignments, but it really doesn't ... practice and should improve the speed of ActionScript execution The speed increase may be noticeable only if your project contains many functions In this exercise, using both local variables and a...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 15:15
... magnitude: 0. 387 710 phasor current i1, angle in degree: 15.019255 phasor voltage Vc, magnitude: 4.2 182 63 phasor voltage Vc, angle in degree: -40 .86 169 1 The current i1 (t ) is i1 (t ) = 0. 388 cos(10 ... determination of the rms value and the average power MATLAB has two functions, quad and quad8, for performing numerical function integration 6.1.1 MATLAB Functions quad and quad8 The quad function uses ... Vcn,magnitude: 103.1342 38 phasor voltage Vcn, angle in degree: 116. 9 788 59 6.3 NETWORK CHARACTERISTICS Figure 6 .8 shows a linear network with input x ( t ) and output complex frequency representation is also...
Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 03:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "The impact of language models and loss functions on repair disfluency detection" pptx
... log loss 0.776 0.771 0.777 0. 781 0 .82 4 0 .82 7 0 .84 1 0 .84 3 0 .84 3 0 .84 1 F-score 0.756 expected f-score loss 0.791 0.797 0.797 0.7 98 0 .82 7 0 .82 8 0 .85 6 0 .85 2 0 .85 0 0 .85 7 Table 1: Edited word detection ... rate) and used this model to analyse the test data The fand found that they gave very similar results score of this model on test data was 0 .83 8 In this An advantage of FLoss is that it and its ... disfluencies She identifies and defines three distinct parts of a speech disfluency, referred to as the reparandum, the interregnum and the repair Consider the following utterance: reparandum Related work...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 04:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Skip N-grams and Ranking Functions for Predicting Script Events" doc
... work (Chambers and Jurafsky, 20 08; Chambers and Jurafsky, 2009; McIntyre and Lapata, 2009; McIntyre and Lapata, 2010), these event chains are identified by running a coreference system and a dependency ... be gathered Following prior work (Chambers and Jurafsky, 20 08; Chambers and Jurafsky, 2009; Manshadi et al., 20 08; McIntyre and Lapata, 2009; McIntyre and Lapata, 2010), we focus on gathering statistics ... Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 979– 988 Roger C Schank and Robert P Abelson 1977 Scripts, plans, goals, and understanding: an inquiry...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 02:20
Đề tài " Divisibility of anticyclotomic L-functions and theta functions with complex multiplication " pdf
... Math Ann 279 (1 988 ), 349–372 [GlR] G I Glauberman and J.-D Rogawski, On theta functions with complex multiplication, J reine angew Math 395 (1 989 ), 68 101 [HKS] M Harris, S S Kudla, and W J Sweet, ... rational function, Invent Math 75 (1 984 ), 273– 282 [Si2] e e c ——— , On a theorem of L Washington, in Journ´es Arithm´tiques de Besan¸on (1 985 ), Ast´risque 147-1 48 (1 987 ), 209–224 e [T] J Tate, Number ... Siegel functions gab take integral values at points in imaginary quadratic fields, and take units as values for suitable parameters a and b [Ra, p 127] 786 TOBIAS FINIS int It is then clear that...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:21
... Boguraev, B (1 984 ) Control structures and theories of interaction in speech understanding systems In Proc of Coling84, Stanford, Ca, pp 259-266 Chomsky, N (1 981 ) Lectures on Government and Binding• ... Aux want to V Who Shieber (1 983 ) and Pereira (1 985 ) both provide grammars with a GPSG-style (Gazdar et al., 1 985 ) SLASH feature analysis of unbounded dependencies (8) presents a- grammar fragment ... (1 983 )• Sentence disambiguation by a shiftreduce parsing technique In Proc of 21st ACL, Cambridge, Mass., pp 113-1 18 Steedman, M (1 985 ) Dependency and coordination in the grammar of Dutch and...
Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 01:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Identification and characterization of oxidized human serum albumin A slight structural change impairs its ligand-binding and antioxidant functions pptx
... ALVLIAFQYLQQ34CPFEGHFEDVK 85 6 4452 85 6 1109 85 6 7793 85 7 1134 Hcy 85 1 7724 85 1 4 382 85 2 1066 A N H N H N H N (h) H N H 64 (kDa) ALVLIAFQYLQQ34CPFEGHFEDVK B Cys 85 2 4404 85 6 1099 85 6 4443 85 6 7 782 B 120 C 85 6 ... 2566. 283 8 (1+), 1 283 .64 58 (2+) and 85 6.09 98 (3+) Figure 2A,B shows FTMS spectra in the mass range m ⁄ z 85 1 85 8, which includes the peptides following Lys-C digestion of the HSA-Hcy and HSA-Cys standards, ... 7 782 B 120 C 85 6 1 083 85 2 85 4 85 6 85 6 4427 85 7 1117 85 8 m/z Fig ESI-FTMS spectrum, identification of binding site of adduct to albumin Mass range displayed from m ⁄ z 85 0.5 85 8.5 (A) Spectrum...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 13:20
Related Variety, Unrelated Variety and Regional Functions: A spatial panel approach potx
... WC 0 ,85 8 0,427 RV_R&D 0 ,83 2 0,309 0,776 RV_BC 0,960 0,401 0 ,80 4 0 ,80 5 URV_WC 0,432 0 ,81 8 0, 389 0,315 0,3 68 URV_R&D 0,453 0,752 0,392 0,337 0, 385 0,704 URV_BC 0,431 0,9 58 0,3 98 0,273 0, 382 0,734 ... -0,179*** -0,192*** -0, 583 *** -0,617*** -0,600*** -0,6 08* ** -0, 589 *** -1,090*** -1,139*** -1,0 38* ** -1,031*** -1, 088 *** -0,2 08* ** -0,2 08* ** -0,201*** -0,205*** -0,2 08* ** -0,2 08* ** -0,010 -0,003 -0,005 ... -0,035 0, 085 -0,227 -0,274 -0,000 0,1 38 0,7 08 SIZE 0,119 -0 ,162 0,256 0,1 98 0, 184 -0,144 -0,091 -0,140 0,195 0,240 0,365 AV_FIRM_SIZE -0,393 -0,594 -0,232 -0,201 -0,292 -0,5 28 -0,465 -0,5 18 0, 683 0,172...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 10:20
City of Houston Parade and Street Functions potx
... ( 281 ) 687 - 987 7 Rockets Basketball Video Production Ruben Vela ( 281 ) 687 - 987 7 Rockets Basketball Video Production Ruben Vela ( 281 ) 687 - 987 7 ***Run begins at 8: 00 a.m on Allen Parkway (inbound and ... ( 281 ) 687 - 987 7 Helpers of God's Precious Infants Dr Marcella Colbert (713)741 -87 28 Rockets Basketball Video Production Ruben Vela ( 281 ) 687 - 987 7 Rockets Basketball Video Production Ruben Vela ( 281 ) 687 - 987 7 ... ( 281 ) 687 - 987 7 the Park Fun Run Suraiya Culp (83 2)425 -83 00 EnergyFest 2013: Explore the Corridor! Shaun Gray (713)9 98- 5 186 6th Annual Angie's Half Crazy! Half Marathon Angelica Binetti ( 281 )6 78- 73 08 Rockets...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20
Chapter 15 Polymorphism and Virtual Functions doc
... to use a virtual function ♦ Abstract classes and pure virtual functions ♦ Pointers and Virtual Functions ♦ Extended type compatibility ♦ Downcasting and upcasting ♦ C++ "under the hood" with virtual ... Compiler creates it ♦ Has pointers for each virtual member function ♦ Points to location of correct code for that function ♦ Objects of such classes also have pointer ♦ Points to virtual function ... Pearson Addison- 15 -16 Derived Class DiscountSale ♦ DiscountSale’s member function bill() implemented differently than Sale’s ♦ Particular to "discounts" ♦ Member functions savings and "
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 16:23
SIEMENS - simatic system software for S7-300/400 system and standard functions pot
... B #16# 22, B #16# 23, B #16# 31, B #16# 33, B #16# 34, B #16# 35, B #16# 40, B #16# 41, B #16# 42, B #16# 43, B #16# 44, B #16# 50, B #16# 51, B #16# 52, B #16# 53, B #16# 54, B #16# 55, B #16# 56, B #16# C1, B #16# C2) OB72_PRIORITY BYTE ... class and IDs: B #16# 78: outgoing event B #16# 73, B #16# 75, B #16# 79: incoming event OB72_FLT_ID BYTE Error code (possible values: B #16# 01, B #16# 02, B #16# 03, B #16# 20, B #16# 21, B #16# 22, B #16# 23, B #16# 31, ... Description OB80_EV_CLASS BYTE Event class and identifiers: B #16# 35 OB80_FLT_ID BYTE Error code: (possible values: B #16# 01, B #16# 02, B #16# 05, B #16# 06, B #16# 07, B #16# 08, B #16# 09, B #16# 0A) OB80_PRIORITY...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 12:20
Báo cáo khoa học: The protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP-Basophil/Basophil-like Interacting proteins and molecular functions doc
... Klas, C., Li-Weber, M., Richards, S., Dhein, J & Trauth, B.C (1992) 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 Purification and molecular cloning of the APO-1 cell surface antigen, a member ... USA 88 , 586 7– 587 1 Yang, Q & Tonks, N.K (1991) Isolation of a cDNA clone encoding a human protein-tyrosine phosphatase with homology to the cytoskeletal-associated proteins band 4.1, ezrin, and ... Forschungsgemeinschaft, SFB 452 16 References Hunter, T (1995) Protein kinases and phosphatases: the yin and yang of protein phosphorylation and signaling Cell 80 , 225–236 Andersen, J.N., Mortensen,...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 20:20
Rubber Plantations in Southern Thailand: management and social and economic functions pot
... 1 987 706,602 113,6 38 10,362 42,610 87 3,212 1 989 909,395 1 28, 7 08 26,440 36,037 1,100, 580 1991 977,073 156,974 61,076 34 ,82 3 1,231,946 1993 985 ,279 216, 171 137,301 58, 032 1,396, 783 1995 1, 086 ,86 5 ... motorcycles and bicycles (46-51%) and gloves (13-15%), rubber band (8- 10%) and elastic (8- 9%) Nearly all types of natural rubber exports increase annually In 1 987 RSS export was 706,602 metric tons and ... Tapping days: • Northern and North-eastern Thailand 180 days/year • Eastern Thailand 150- 180 days/year • Upper Southern Thailand 100-120 days/year • Lower Southern Thailand 150- 180 days/year Average...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 09:21
automorphic forms, representations and l-functions part 2 - a. borel, w. casselman
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 15:12