8 3 design of pid controllers with frequency response approach

Modern control engineering

Modern control engineering

... Modified PID Controllers 8 1 Introduction 8 2 Ziegler–Nichols Rules for Tuning PID Controllers Contents 491 567 567 5 68 v 8 3 8 4 8 5 8 6 8 7 Design of PID Controllers with Frequency- Response Approach ... Chapter 30 3 3 08 31 1 32 1 33 0 34 2 Example Problems and Solutions Problems 290 34 7 39 4 Control Systems Analysis and Design by the Frequency- Response Method 7–1 Introduction 7–2 Bode Diagrams 7 3 Polar ... Analysis 7 8 Closed-Loop Frequency Response of Unity-Feedback Systems 477 7–9 Experimental Determination of Transfer Functions 3 98 3 98 4 03 427 4 43 445 454 462 486 7–10 Control Systems Design by Frequency- Response...

Ngày tải lên: 20/07/2014, 12:10

905 786 1
Lab 9.3.5 Troubleshooting Routing Issues with show ip route and show ip protocols

Lab 9.3.5 Troubleshooting Routing Issues with show ip route and show ip protocols

... for host with IP Address, type the following: GAD#ping 192.1 68. 3. 2 c Was the ping successful? _ Upon completion of the previous steps, log off by typing exit and turn the router off 4-6 ... there a route to the Birmingham LAN? _ 3- 6 CCNA 2: Routers and Routing Basics v 3. 0 - Lab 9 .3. 5 Copyright  20 03, Cisco Systems, Inc Step 13 Verify connectivity between Gadsden router ... check the routing table with the show ip route command From the Gadsden router, type the following: 2-6 CCNA 2: Routers and Routing Basics v 3. 0 - Lab 9 .3. 5 Copyright  20 03, Cisco Systems, Inc...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 00:15

6 333 1
Lab 9.3.5 Troubleshooting Routing Issues with show ip route and show ip Protocols

Lab 9.3.5 Troubleshooting Routing Issues with show ip route and show ip Protocols

... following: 3- 6 CCNA 2: Routers and Routing Basics v 3. 0 - Lab 9 .3. 5 Copyright  20 03, Cisco Systems, Inc GAD#ping host-ip For example for host with IP Address, type the following: GAD#ping 192.1 68. 3. 2 ... _ Upon completion of the previous steps, log off by typing exit and turn the router off 4-6 CCNA 2: Routers and Routing Basics v 3. 0 - Lab 9 .3. 5 Copyright  20 03, Cisco Systems, Inc Erasing ... routing table with the show ip route command From the Gadsden router, type the following: GAD#show ip route 2-6 CCNA 2: Routers and Routing Basics v 3. 0 - Lab 9 .3. 5 Copyright  20 03, Cisco Systems,...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 07:15

6 419 0
Tài liệu Activity 4.3: Value of Information Models docx

Tài liệu Activity 4.3: Value of Information Models docx

... 4 .3: Value of Information Models Exercise 1: Identifying the Value of Information Models ! Identify the value of information models Think of how you have used information models in previous design ... a class the value that informational modeling provides to the design process and specifically to the analysis step of conceptual design The instructor will write your answers on a flip chart...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:16

2 394 0
Tài liệu Lab 9.3.7 Troubleshooting Routing Issues with Debug ppt

Tài liệu Lab 9.3.7 Troubleshooting Routing Issues with Debug ppt

... configuration Upon completion of the previous steps, log off by typing exit and turn the router off 4-6 CCNA 2: Routers and Routing Basics v 3. 0 - Lab 9 .3. 7 Copyright  20 03, Cisco Systems, Inc Erasing ... Birmingham? 3- 6 CCNA 2: Routers and Routing Basics v 3. 0 - Lab 9 .3. 7 Copyright  20 03, Cisco Systems, Inc f Type undebug all to stop the output Step 13 Consider the possibilities ... v 3. 0 - Lab 9 .3. 7 Copyright  20 03, Cisco Systems, Inc Router Interface Summary Router Ethernet Ethernet Serial Serial Interface Model Interface #1 Interface #2 Interface #1 Interface #2 #5 80 0...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 14:15

6 368 0
Tài liệu Lab 9.3.7 Troubleshooting Routing Issues with Debug ppt

Tài liệu Lab 9.3.7 Troubleshooting Routing Issues with Debug ppt

... configuration Upon completion of the previous steps, log off by typing exit and turn the router off 4-6 CCNA 2: Routers and Routing Basics v 3. 0 - Lab 9 .3. 7 Copyright  20 03, Cisco Systems, Inc Erasing ... functioning by pinging the FastEthernet interface of the other router 2-6 CCNA 2: Routers and Routing Basics v 3. 0 - Lab 9 .3. 7 Copyright  20 03, Cisco Systems, Inc a From GAD, is it possible ... v 3. 0 - Lab 9 .3. 7 Copyright  20 03, Cisco Systems, Inc Router Interface Summary Router Ethernet Ethernet Serial Serial Interface Model Interface #1 Interface #2 Interface #1 Interface #2 #5 80 0...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 14:15

6 283 0
mechanics of composite materials with matlab - george z. voyiadjis & peter i. kattan

mechanics of composite materials with matlab - george z. voyiadjis & peter i. kattan

... 2.5 133 2 .85 57 3. 3062 >> u (8) = G12(0.7, 8. 96, Gm, 0, 1) u = 1.6 985 1 .84 83 >> u(9) = G12(0 .8, 2.0271 8. 96, 2.2441 Gm, 0, 2.5 133 2 .85 57 3. 3062 3. 9254 2.5 133 2 .85 57 3. 3062 3. 9254 2.5 133 2 .85 57 3. 3062 ... 0 .36 0) 0 .34 40 0 .3 280 0 .31 20 >> z(7) = NU12(0.6, 0.200, 0 .36 0) 0 .34 40 0 .3 280 0 .31 20 >> z (8) = NU12(0.7, 0.200, 0 .36 0) 0 .34 40 0 .3 280 0 .31 20 >> z(9) = NU12(0 .8, 0.200, 0 .36 0) 0 .3 280 0 .31 20 z = 0 .36 00 ... 95.9720 1 18. 8100 141.6 480 95.9720 1 18. 8100 141.6 480 95.9720 1 18. 8100 141.6 480 95.9720 1 18. 8100 141.6 480 95.9720 1 18. 8100 141.6 480 4.62) y = 4.6200 27.4 580 >> y (8) = E1(0.7, 50.2960 233 , 73. 134 0 4.62)...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 10:21

337 725 0
Báo cáo y học: "Clinical response to discontinuation of anti-TNF therapy in patients with ankylosing spondylitis after 3 years of continuous treatment with infliximab" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "Clinical response to discontinuation of anti-TNF therapy in patients with ankylosing spondylitis after 3 years of continuous treatment with infliximab" ppsx

... 42 patients, 10 had to be retreated within 12 weeks after discontinuation of infliximab infusions, 37 within 24 weeks, and 38 within 36 weeks By week 48, of the 42 patients had not needed retreatment ... 2.6 ± 2.1** 2.6 ± 2.1** 10.5 ± 7 .3* * 3. 1 ± 4.2** Median 2.4 2.0 2.5 4.0 2.0 2.0 8. 0 1.1 Range 0.0 - 6 .8 0.0 - 7.0 0.0 - 8. 3 0.0 - 8. 0 0.0 - 4.0 0.0 - 7.0 2.0 - 32 .0 0.0 - 19.0 At time point 1a ... patients with low (BASDAI

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 06:22

6 408 0
The Transformation of Escherichia coli with Deoxyribonucleic Acid isolated from Bacteriophage Adgt

The Transformation of Escherichia coli with Deoxyribonucleic Acid isolated from Bacteriophage Adgt

... Time (hours) 166 214 30 9 D ensity gr adient (g em-C) DNA activity DNA activit y 1·691 1· 687 1· 685 1·692 1· 687 1· 685 0·0 084 0·0061 0·0042 0·0 080 0·0056 0·00 43 0·045 0·0 48 0·0 48 The distributions ... extraction of Adg labeled with 35 S only 0·1 % of the phage sulfur appears in the aqueous phase 260 236 1.2 2.4 ~ x ~ 240 32 0 260 280 Wavelength (miL) FIG The ultraviolet absorption spectra of >'dg ... mg prot.jrnl, '5 4·0 4·4 13 16 % yield 100 53 42 33 26 18 The method of preparation and assay of the fractions is given in "Materials and Methods." Th e reproducibility of the assay for Adg and...

Ngày tải lên: 28/05/2016, 11:25

25 176 0
Project Progress Report: " Establish nurseries and training to effectively propagate high quality trees and trial plantation models of Macadamia in 3 provinces of North Vietnam - Milestone 9 " potx

Project Progress Report: " Establish nurseries and training to effectively propagate high quality trees and trial plantation models of Macadamia in 3 provinces of North Vietnam - Milestone 9 " potx

... the trial 34 4, 741, 84 9, 84 2, 81 6, A4, A2 03, A2 68 and also Daddow A successful day Seminar , including a press meeting, was held at the Head office of VIFA Hanoi, involving a number of the macadamia ... Organisation CETD Telephone: Fax: Email: 04 86 42670, 04 7560 233 04 7560 233 hoanghoe@fpt.vn Project Abstract This project continued during the first half of 20 08 to support the propagation in the new ... Valda Mitchell Name: Position: Administrative Officer Organisation Subtropical Farm Forestry Association Telephone: Fax: Email: 61 66 284 37 2 61 66 284 38 6 sffa@ceinternet.com.au In Vietnam Name: Hoang...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

10 427 1
A methodology for validation of integrated systems models with an application to coastal-zone management in south-west sulawesi

A methodology for validation of integrated systems models with an application to coastal-zone management in south-west sulawesi

... 66 66 67 69 70 72 73 73 74 75 77 77 78 81 81 81 82 84 Validation of a fisheries model for coastal-zone management in Spermonde Archipelago using observed data………………………………… 87 5.1 Introduction………………………………………………… ... opinions…………………………… 3. 2.5 The uncertainty propagation…………………………………… 3. 2.6 The validation tests………………………………………………… 3. 3 Results…………………………………………………………………… 3. 3.1 Sensitivity analysis………………………………………………… 3. 3.2 Elicitation ... Elicitation of expert opinions……………………………………… 45 46 46 47 47 49 50 51 51 51 51 Contents 3. 3 .3 Uncertainty analysis……………………………………………… 3. 3.4 Parameter-Verification test………………………………………… 3. 3.5 Behaviour-Anomaly...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 10:35

139 492 0
Tài liệu ADC KRONE - White Paper - Data Center - 3 principles of Data Center Infrastructure Design (with n pptx

Tài liệu ADC KRONE - White Paper - Data Center - 3 principles of Data Center Infrastructure Design (with n pptx

... From North America, Call Toll Free: 1 -80 0 -36 6- 38 9 1 • Outside of North America: +1-952-9 38 - 8 080 Fax: +1-952-917 -32 37 • For a listing of ADC’s global sales office locations, please refer to our ... the life of your data center The Three Principles of Data Center Infrastructure Design The Three Principles of Data Center Design When you understand the three principles of data center design, ... reliable transmission, design flexibility 10 Gbps 85 0 nm Laser Detector Core Cladding Laser Optimized MM fibers control DMD to support 10 Gb/s up to 30 0 or 550 meters with low cost 85 0 nm serial applications...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 03:15

8 524 0
Tài liệu Lab 1.2.3 Review of Basic Router Configuration with RIP doc

Tài liệu Lab 1.2.3 Review of Basic Router Configuration with RIP doc

... completed, logoff by typing exit, and turn the router off Then remove and store the cables and adapter - 10 CCNA 3: Switching Basics and Intermediate Routing v 3. 0 - Lab 1.2 .3 Copyright  20 03, Cisco ... Intermediate Routing v 3. 0 - Lab 1.2 .3 Copyright  20 03, Cisco Systems, Inc b Host connected to router BHM IP Address: 172. 18. 0.2 Subnet mask: Default gateway: 172. 18. 0.1 Step 21 Verify ... HyperTerminal disconnect warning popup appears Select Yes - 10 CCNA 3: Switching Basics and Intermediate Routing v 3. 0 - Lab 1.2 .3 Copyright  20 03, Cisco Systems, Inc c The computer will then ask if the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15

10 604 0
Tài liệu ADC KRONE - White Paper - Data Center - 3 principles of Data Center Infrastructure Design (with n pdf

Tài liệu ADC KRONE - White Paper - Data Center - 3 principles of Data Center Infrastructure Design (with n pdf

... From North America, Call Toll Free: 1 -80 0 -36 6- 38 9 1 • Outside of North America: +1-952-9 38 - 8 080 Fax: +1-952-917 -32 37 • For a listing of ADC’s global sales office locations, please refer to our ... the life of your data center The Three Principles of Data Center Infrastructure Design The Three Principles of Data Center Design When you understand the three principles of data center design, ... reliable transmission, design flexibility 10 Gbps 85 0 nm Laser Detector Core Cladding Laser Optimized MM fibers control DMD to support 10 Gb/s up to 30 0 or 550 meters with low cost 85 0 nm serial applications...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 21:20

8 366 0
Tài liệu Overview Of Degital Design With Verilog HDL part 3 docx

Tài liệu Overview Of Degital Design With Verilog HDL part 3 docx

... behavior of the circuit, and then use EDA tools to the translation and optimization in each phase of the design However, behavioral synthesis did not gain widespread acceptance Today, RTL design ... high-level design paradigm, yet it is frequently used for high-speed designs because designers need to squeeze the last bit of timing out of circuits, and EDA tools sometimes prove to be insufficient ... verification languages have also gained rapid acceptance These languages combine the parallelism and hardware constructs from HDLs with the object oriented nature of C++ These languages also provide...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 17:20

3 384 0


... sodden with dew, and my coat-sleeve was drenched with blood from my wounded thumb The smarting of it recalled in an instant all the particulars of my night's adventure, and I sprang to my feet with ... Bradstreet, of Scotland Yard, a plainclothes man, and myself Bradstreet had spread an ordnance map of the county out upon the seat and was busy with his compasses drawing a circle with Eyford ... not destined to fall into the hands of justice As we rolled into Eyford Station we saw a gigantic column of smoke which streamed up from behind a small clump of trees in the neighborhood and like...

Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2014, 01:20

10 291 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo " Development of system of HydrodynamicEnvironmental models for coastal area (Case study in Quang Ninh - Hai Phong region) " doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo " Development of system of HydrodynamicEnvironmental models for coastal area (Case study in Quang Ninh - Hai Phong region) " doc

... 1/20 03, pp 1 08- 1 13 (in Vietnamese) [7] Dinh Van Uu et al (2005), Application of the 3D water circulation model for studying SPM transport processes in Quang Ninh coastal area Proceedings of National ... characteristics for the 2D model of oil slick on sea surface The concentration of dissolved, particulate oils and emulsion in water is the result of implementation of the 3D model for oils in the water ... concentration in water and in sediment (Figure 3a) Figure 3b shows that there is repartition of average PCBs concentration in different regions (a) (b) 4.5 3. 5 W-Win 3. 5 W-Sum Water 2.5 S-Win 2.5 S-Sum...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 12:20

11 467 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Efficient killing of SW480 colon carcinoma cells by a signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) 3 hairpin decoy oligodeoxynucleotide – interference with interferon-c-STAT1-mediated killing pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Efficient killing of SW480 colon carcinoma cells by a signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) 3 hairpin decoy oligodeoxynucleotide – interference with interferon-c-STAT1-mediated killing pdf

... SW 480 ), 25% with 30 lm (45% in SW 480 ) and 35 % with 40 lm (60% in SW 480 ) The hairpin STAT3 decoy ODN inhibits the transcriptional activity of STAT3 and colocalizes with STAT3 to the cytoplasm of ... 48 h of culture using trypan blue staining (C) Cells were treated with 0.5, and lg of hpST3dODN and and lg of control ODN for h or with lipids only; after 48 h of culture, they were stained with ... of IFN-c-induced cell death by the STAT3 decoy ODN in SW 480 cells (A) Cells were either treated with lg of hpST3dODN or control ODN for h, with IFN-c alone or with ODN and IFN-c; after 48 h of...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 08:20

11 558 0
Forecasting UK GDP growth, inflation and interest rates under structural change: a comparison of models with time-varying parameters potx

Forecasting UK GDP growth, inflation and interest rates under structural change: a comparison of models with time-varying parameters potx

... likelihood -915.4 28 -970.105 -10 28. 07 - 986 .545 - 984 . 634 -10 63. 59 -9 78. 3 58 -1054. 53 -1112 .36 -36 63. 45 - 235 2.16 -1151.24 527.5055 56 73. 594 -56.5 631 -202 .3 18 -4 23. 984 -414. 781 -36 3 .85 5 - 38 1 .474 -265.502 ... 0.90 0 .84 0 .82 0 .82 0 .81 0.64 0. 78 0.66 1 .39 0 . 83 1.04 1.10 0. 98 1. 08 1.01 1. 08 0.50 12.15 2 .34 1 .87 1.12 0. 73 0. 73 1. 08 0 .82 0.70 0 .86 0 .82 0 .82 0 .87 0. 93 0 .81 0.76 0.64 0 .86 0.96 0. 73 0.76 ... 0 .86 0 .87 1.10 0 .80 0 .84 0.75 0.76 0 .81 0.94 0 .80 0 .89 1.00 0 .80 0.91 0 . 83 0 .82 0 .82 0 .88 0 .82 0 .88 Q 12 Q Q 1.46 0 .85 0 .81 1. 03 1.04 0.97 0.99 1.15 0.91 0.97 0.79 0.79 0 .87 0.99 0 .87 1. 23 0 .80 ...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 14:20

56 469 1