... Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089, processorArchitecture=MSIL"/>
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 18:20
... school? - T: remarks and gives marks B Presentation: B6 Listen and write How far is it ? Write the four distances *Pre listening - T: introduces the situation of the lesson :Lan and Hoa are talking ... again for Ss to check their answers - T: corrects and gives the correct answers: a School to Lan’s house : 300m b Lan’s house to the post offfice : 70 0m c School to the movie theater : 3km d Movie ... T: introduces the aim of this part: Ask their classmates some information then fill in the form - Ss gives the questions for the information - T: makes model with a student: + What’s your name?...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 16:20
Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 1 Part 5 potx
... plugging and nonplugging pathways are given by: Po (5- 52) $np=$nPo-znp (5- 53) Total instantaneous and initial porosities are given, respectively, by: (b = (b + (b (5 54 ) (|) = (j> (5 55 ) + cj) ... Reservoir Formation Damage (5- 82) where T and To denote the temperature and a reference temperature, respectively, and a and b are empirical parameters, Civan (2000) derived: (5 _ 83) and K (5- 84) ... and Collins, 1982): 'p p Jnp np (5- 44) Applying the Darcy law, the volumetric fluxes through the porous media and the pluggable and nonpluggable paths can be expressed as: (5- 45) (5- 46) (5- 47) ...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:22
Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 1 Part 7 potx
... expressed in the following forms: jD9 -V(ciy/p, (7_ 56 ) (7- 57 ) Show that, for incompressible flow and incompressible species, Eq 7- 56 simplifies as (7- 58 ) References Blick, E F., & Civan, F., "Porous ... Multi-Phase and Multi-Species Transport in Porous Media 1 37 (7- 49) = v- Invoking Eq 7- 33, Eq 7- 46 can be written in an alternative form as: p,.[ey dHj V • (EJ k • V7})+ EJ + L«J.a a=l a*; (7- 50 ) The ... matrix The jump mass balance equations, given by Slattery (1 972 ) can be simplified to express the boundary conditions as: (7- 52 ) (7- 53 ) (7- 54 ) The superscript a denotes a quantity associated with...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:22
Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 2 Part 5 potx
... ND 5. 5 1 95 ND ND ND 54 950 2 854 73 6 964 1. 95 76 1 1.14 05 94000 79 3 2 65 293 2.4 7. 21 154 826 ND ND 19.3 ND 7. 7 326 22 .5 6.3 ND 1862 42 19 14 0.03 1 .7
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:22
Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 2 Part 7 ppt
... 3 85 Table 14-1 Chemical and Physical Properties of Weyburn Dead Oils* Oil W1' Temperature °C Density kg/m3 Pressure MPa Viscosity mPa»s 878 .9 8 75 .9 846.1 15 20 59 61 63 12.8 4.2 - Density @59 °Cd ... 2. 35 2.49 819.6 822.9 829.3 2.62 2 .76 3.04 Density kg/m3 Viscosity mPa«s 869.2 864.4 - 11 .76 9.40 - 839.4 3. 15 Density @63°Cd Viscosity @63°Cd 3. 15 3.26 3. 37 3.49 3 .71 839.4 842.4 8 45. 2 848.4 854 .7 ... 842.4 8 45. 2 848.4 854 .7 BS&W, vol % 0.1 0.2 0 .5% Molecular Weight, g/g-mol 230 203 2 15 Component wt.% wt.% wt.% Saturates Aromatics Resins Asphaltenes 48 .5 55. 3 48.4 33 .5 31.1 33 .5 13.2 4.8 9.6 4.0...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:22
Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 3 Part 5 pdf
... 1 .5 1.1 2 .5 1 .5 1 .7 1 .5 2.3 2.1 2.1 4.2 1.9 4 .7 2.2 2.1 0 .7 0 .7 0.6 0.9 0 .7 0.8 0.6 0.9 0.4 0 .5 0 .7 0 .5 1.9 0.8 0.8 Quartz K-feldspar 84 .5 81.6 84.9 79 .5 1.3 1 .7 1 .5 1.2 1.9 2.6 2 .7 2.6 1 .5 1.2 ... 470 3 393 699 0 29 1 65 86 80 0 -361 - 154 -112 +3 - 17 +1 65 +86 +80 -310 +16.9 25 .7 470 3 393 73 5 0 29 161 1 15 0.2 90 0 -3 25 - 154 -112 +3 - 17 +161 +1 15 +0.2 +90 -239 +13 24.9 Zone Quartz 470 3 470 3 ... 17- 6 and 17- 7 by Demir (19 95) , respectively, for 15 and 7. 5% HCL-MCA treatments Table 17- 8 by Demir (19 95) shows the predicted pH, and the CO2 gas and dissolved iron species produced by 7. 5 and...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:22
Reservoir Formation Damage Episode 3 Part 7 potx
... Pressure Gradient +0 Current +5 Pressure Gradient +5 Young +0 Formation Age Old TVD < 15, 000/t +5 Age TVD > 15, 000/t +0 NotKnown > 15, 000 ft +5 Formation Depth 8, 000 - 15, 000 ft +0 15, 000/t ^ 25 +10 < 75 0 jwi +0 Gas > 75 0 jw* + 15 Drawdown
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 12:22
Báo cáo y học: "Serum levels of biomarkers of bone and cartilage destruction and new bone formation in different cohorts of patients with axial spondyloarthritis with and without tumor necrosis factor-alpha blocker treatment" ppt
... therapy and decreased significantly to 277 .1 ± 155 . 37 pg/mL after 12 weeks and to 250 .7 ± 120.8 pg/mL after 36 to 52 weeks of therapy (P < 0.001) Serum levels of MMP-3 were 28.0 ± 28 .5 ng/mL ... years: 14. 37 ± 4.08 U/L after baseline, 14.18 ± 4 .56 U/L after year (P > 0. 05) , and 14 . 75 ± 4. 45 U/L after years (P > 0. 05) (Figure 1) on the group level Serum levels of VEGF, MMP-3, and BALP during ... (308.90 ± 1 75 .74 pg/ml at baseline and 224.10 ± 108.90 pg/ml after 36 to 52 weeks, P = 0.004) and non-significantly in patients with early axial SpA ( 353 .40 ± 191.26 pg/ml at baseline and 299 .56 ±...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 13:22
Báo cáo y học: "Continuous control of endotracheal cuff pressure and tracheal wall damage: a randomized controlled animal study" pot
... short-term intubation with low- and high -pressure endotracheal tube cuffs Anesth Analg 1 978 , 57 : 57 7 - 57 9 Seegobin RD, van Hasselt GL: Endotracheal cuff pressure and tracheal mucosal blood flow: ... below 15 cmH2O, a pressure between 15 and 30 cmH2O, a pressure between 30 and 50 cmH2O, and with a cuff pressure over 50 cmH2O Qualitative variables were described as the number (percentage), and ... 20 05, 50 :900-906 Vyas D, Inweregbu K, Pittard A: Measurement of tracheal tube cuff pressure in critical care Anaesthesia 2002, 57 : 2 75 - 277 Sierra R, Benitez E, Leon C, Rello J: Prevention and...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:20
Báo cáo y học: "Effects of positive end-expiratory pressure on respiratory function and hemodynamics in patients with acute respiratory failure with and without intra-abdominal hypertension: a pilot study" docx
... Normal IAP PEEP 15 PEEP 10 PEEP P < 0. 05 PEEP-level between groups: 238. 67 ± 87. 84c 232. 65 ± 85. 17 191.33 ± 40 .59 169. 85 ± 44.09 NS 70 .13c 67. 54 e 181. 25 ± 55 . 45 161.13 ± 47. 59 Normal IAP 46.44 ... 8.18 46. 85 ± 8.12 46.88 ± 8. 17 IAH 45. 64 ± 8.44 47. 00 ± 8.22 44 .55 ± 7. 43 45. 27 ± 8.31 Normal IAP 7. 34 ± 0.1 7. 34 ± 0.11 7. 34 ± 0.10 7. 34 ± 0.11 IAH 7. 37 ± 0.06 7. 38 ± 0.06 7. 39 ± 0.04 7. 39 ± 0.06 ... 218 .72 ± 208. 67 ± 20.00 ± 21. 15 ± 3.42e 14 .50 ± 3.63d, e 14. 35 ± 2 .58 d, e 16.60 ± 9.65a, b, c 11.90 ± 5. 11d, e 8 .70 ± 3.33f 5 .70 ± 3 .74 IAH 13.64 ± 3 . 75 a, b, c 11. 05 ± 3.88d, e 8. 25 ± 4. 97 Normal...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 19:20
Tiếng Anh lớp 7 Chương trình mới Unit 5: VietNam Food and Drink
Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2016, 11:01
Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 7 Chương trình mới Unit 5: VietNam Food and Drink
Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2016, 12:02
Báo cáo y học: "Different effect of exercise on left ventricular diastolic time and interventricular dyssynchrony in heart failure patients with and without left bundle branch block"
... 155 ± ± 16 24 122 159 ± ± 20 26 129 173 ± ± 24 26 83 87 ± ± 13 81 85 ± ± 84 89 ± ± 12 10 88 93 ± ± 14 14 299 2 17 ± ± 45 42 308 258 ± ± 48 55 * 3 25 254 ± ± 45 42* 3 37 2 45 ± ± 32*,† 18* 21 .5 26 .7 ... 11 38.0 40 .5 ± ± 12 51 .6 63.2 ± ± 9† 12† - - 188 211 ± ± 57 92 193 2 25 ± ± 39 88 85 97 ± ± 27 † 33 - - 14 17 903 ± ± 311 212 1 455 951 ± ± 281 1 95 13 67 7 17 ± ± 310 223† - - 21.9 42 .5 ± ± 11 18.8 ... 1.0 5. 3 ± 1.1† 19 ± 12 ± 4* 11 ± 5* 16 ± 6*,† 60 71 ± ± 10 23 24 ± ± 7* 8* 20 18 ± ± 7* 10* 61 66 ± ± 10† 11† 73 1 27 ± ± 14 23 73 114 ± ± 11 17* 80 122 ± ± 17 67 1 17 ± ± 17* 120 168 ± ± 15 20...
Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2012, 11:32
Qui trình công nghệ chế tạo bánh xe chủ động của cần trục chân đế 7,5 Tấn và 10 Tấn
... =300.31.1, 350 , 75 .84-0, 15 = 51 5 ,7 (KG) Công suất cắt : Nc (Kw) Pz × v 51 5 ,7 × 60 = = 5, 05( Kw) 102 × 60 102 × 60 Nc < Nm k mv =50 .0,8 =40 thỏa công suất Nc = * Tiện tinh : Chiều sâu cắt : t = 0 ,5 mm ... 350 + ρ + ε gd )= ( 75 5, 4) + ( 170 ,88) ) =2.1 374 ,4 µ m Lượng dư nhỏ tiện tinh : 2.Zmin = 2( 50 + Lượng dư lớn : ( 37, 7) + (8 ,54 ) ) =2.88,6 µ m 2Zmax = 2Zmin + TD = 2.1 374 + ( 170 -50 ) = 2868 µ m TD ... 10. [7] ) Phôi đúc : cấp xác 7- 9 ; Rz = 250 µ m ; Ti = 350 µ m Các thông số đạt sau gia công bề mặt : (bảng 12. [7] ) Gia công thô: cấp xác 3-4 ; Rz =50 µ m ; Ti =50 µ m Gia công tinh : cấp xác 4 -5 ;...
Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2012, 11:10
E 7 Unit 10: Health and hygiene
... Answers these questions: Are you hungry? Do you want to have some food and drinks? What would you like? New words: apple orange banana water rice milk meat vegetables ... in pairs Ask your partner what would he/she like? Group works: Ask each partner in your groups and copy down in this table: Names a What food would you like? b What drinks would you like? Lan ... friends would like • Write a short passage to tell what you would like for meals • List 10 more food and drinks Bài thuyết minh • I Mục tiêu: • Sau tiết học này, học sinh có thể: * Gọi tên số đồ ăn,...
Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26
DE HSG LOP 7- 5.doc
... ………………………… 53 When is your birthday? → What’s…………… .………………………… ? 54 This house is very beautiful → What …… ………………………… ! 55 The bathroom has a sink, a tub and a shower → ... sentences: 50 The green dress is cheaper than the black dress → The black dress……………… ………………………… 51 Let’s come to my house after school → What about……………… ………………………… ? 52 Mr Tam ... (Inform) 44 English is an …………… and important subject (Interest) 45 The library has over …………… (Employ) 46 Walking in the rain gives me …………… (Please) 47 There are many kinds of …………… ...
Ngày tải lên: 13/06/2013, 01:26
... thành khác góc bẹt có góc có tổng số đo 2090 Tính số đo góc tạo thành? a = 450 ; B = 1 350 ả Câu 13 Cho hình vẽ: Biết A1 5 b Chứng minh a// b B Câu 10 Tìm x y biết: a) c A ... x x y 16 = & xy = 12 b) = & x2 y2 = y 25 2 Câu 11 Cho số a, b, c, d, e thoả mãn: b = ac, c = bd, d = ce Chứng minh: a4 + b4 + c + d a...
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2013, 01:25
Đại số 7 (5-12), 2 cột
... 1: 54 .204 54 .(4 .5) 54 .54 .44 58 .44 = 5 = 10 = 10 255 . 45 (5 ) 5 Gv: HD cng hc sinh lm cáu c,d - Gåüi hc sinh lm cạch cáu c 58 .44 1 = = = 5 4 100 54 .204 ( 5. 20 ) 100 = = = * Cạch 2: 5 5 25 ( 25. 4 ... Thỉûc hiãûn Ngỉåìi Soản - ( −10) ( − 6) = ( − 2 .5) ( − 2.3) − 10 − = 35. 55 35. 55 = ( − 2) 55 .( − 2) 34 35. 55 = d) ( − 2) = − 256 0 3 Bi táûp 42/ 23 (SGK) 16 24 a) n = => n ... + 3, 15 = 2 ,77 Gv: Kiãøm tra mäüt vi nhọm sau âọ cho b) [(-20,83).0,2 + (-9, 17) .0,2]:[2, 47. 0 ,5 -(HS nháûn xẹt bi 3 ,53 ).0 ,5] Hs: So sạnh = [(-20,83 - 9, 17) 0,2] : [(2, 47 + 3 ,53 ) 0 ,5] = (-30 ...
Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2013, 01:25