71 latch and flip flop characteristic equations

Latch and flip flop

Latch and flip flop

... Clocked flip- flops + Master-Slave Flip- Flop (Pulse-triggered FF) + Edge-triggered Flip- Flop •  SR Flip- Flop •  JK Flip- Flop •  D Flip- Flop •  T Flip- Flop •  Asynchronous set and reset (Preset and ... University of Science and Technology Latches •  SR latch (Set-Reset latch) + with NOR structure + with NAND structure •  Gated SR latch •  D latch (Delay or Data latch = transparent latch) •  Some applications ... 13 Make D Flip- Flop from JK Flip- Flop Dr Le Dung      27    Hanoi University of Science and Technology T Flip- Flop (active with NGT) Dr Le Dung      28    Hanoi University of Science and Technology...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 00:42

18 648 4
Unit 7 Lesson 1 Listen and read

Unit 7 Lesson 1 Listen and read

... Turn off the radio and TV when nobody watches or listens Save water by turning off the faucet when there is enough water supply Unit Saving Energy Lesson P: 42 Listen and Read faucet dripping ... should you to save energy at home and at school? Homework Learn the new words by heart Write a short passage about what you should to save energy at home and at school ... dripping faucet A can waste 500 liters of water in a month plumber My brother is a He fits and repairs water pipes, toilets, etc $200,000? Oh, I cant lend you such an enormous amount of...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 03:11

27 491 0
L9  Unit 7 Lesson 1 Listen and read

L9 Unit 7 Lesson 1 Listen and read

... Turn off the radio and TV when nobody watches or listens Save water by turning off the faucet when there is enough water supply Unit Saving Energy Lesson P: 42 Listen and Read faucet dripping ... should you to save energy at home and at school? Homework Learn the new words by heart Write a short passage about what you should to save energy at home and at school ... dripping faucet A can waste 500 liters of water in a month plumber My brother is a He fits and repairs water pipes, toilets, etc $200,000? Oh, I cant lend you such an enormous amount of...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 10:11

27 401 0
Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 1

Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 1

... initial estimates reward you not only with reduced computational effort, but also with understanding and increased self-esteem Hamming’s motto, “the purpose of computing is insight, not numbers,” ... function And, if the minimum of the function is exactly zero, then you have found a double root.) As usual, we want to discourage you from using routines as black boxes without understanding them ... y[i]=(*fx)(x); Find the largest and smallest valif (y[i] < ysml) ysml=y[i]; ues if (y[i] > ybig) ybig=y[i]; x += dx; } if (ybig == ysml) ybig=ysml+1.0; Be sure to separate top and bottom dyj=(JSCR-1)/(ybig-ysml);...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 19:15

4 352 0
Bài soạn unit 7-lesson 1- listen and read

Bài soạn unit 7-lesson 1- listen and read

... should you to save energy at home and at school? Homework Learn the new words by heart Write a short passage about what you should to save energy at home and at school ... dripping faucet A can waste 500 liters of water in a month plumber My brother is a He fits and repairs water pipes, toilets, etc $200,000? Oh, I cant lend you such anenormous amount of ... Possible answers Turn off the light when unneccesary Turn off the radio and TV when nobody watches or listens Save water by turning off the faucet when there is enough...

Ngày tải lên: 29/11/2013, 19:11

31 1,1K 0
Tài liệu Lab 1.1.7 Using ping and tracert from a Workstation ppt

Tài liệu Lab 1.1.7 Using ping and tracert from a Workstation ppt

... to the router on the local network and probably the rest of the world Step ping the IP address of a DHCP or DNS servers Try to ping the IP address of any DHCP and/ or DNS servers listed in the last ... computer Type the following command: ping The network is reserved for loopback testing If the ping is successful, then TCP/IP is properly installed and functioning on this computer ... ping would have failed because TCP/IP only understands valid IP addresses, not names If the ping was successful, it means that connectivity and discovery of IP addresses can be done with only...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 13:15

5 500 1
Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 7 doc

Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 7 doc

... let x denote the entire vector of values xi and F denote the entire vector of functions Fi In the neighborhood of x, each of the functions Fi can be expanded Sample page from NUMERICAL RECIPES ... equation (9.6.3) is F(x + δx) = F(x) + J · δx + O(δx2 ) (9.6.5) By neglecting terms of order δx2 and higher and by setting F(x + δx) = 0, we obtain a set of linear equations for the corrections δx that ... solution vector, xnew = xold + δx (9.6.7) and the process is iterated to convergence In general it is a good idea to check the degree to which both functions and variables have converged Once either...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 04:15

5 329 1
Tài liệu Lab 1.1.7 Using ping and tracert from a Workstation pdf

Tài liệu Lab 1.1.7 Using ping and tracert from a Workstation pdf

... are successful and ping or tracert can verify connectivity with an Internet Web site, what does this indicate about the computer configuration and about routers between the computer and the web ... computer Type the following command: ping The network is reserved for loopback testing If the ping is successful, then TCP/IP is properly installed and functioning on this computer ... ping would have failed because TCP/IP only understands valid IP addresses, not names If the ping was successful, it means that connectivity and discovery of IP addresses can be done with only...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15

6 419 0
3.1 - Cau truc mach cac Flip FLop pot

3.1 - Cau truc mach cac Flip FLop pot

... khiển FLIP FLOP Ck Q Q Clr Các ký hiệu tính tích cực: Ký hiệu Tính tích cực tín hiệu Tích cực mức thấp L Tích cực mức cao H Tích cực sườn dương xung nhịp Tích cực sườn âm xung nhịp Flip flop ... Karnaugh: Q RS 00 n 0 01 A 1 1 S 11 x 10 B x R Q n +1 = S + RQ n RS = (ràng buộc từ trạng thái cấm) Flip flop RS đồng 2.1 Cấu trúc mạch ký hiệu: Q Q Để khắc phục nhược điểm FF RS trực tiếp điều khiển, ... Nhược điểm: Trong thời gian CP = 1, tín hiệu vào trực tiếp điều khiển trạng thái đầu FF Q Flip flop RS chủ tớ (Master - Slave) Q 3.1 Cấu trúc mạch ký hiệu: B A 3.2 Nguyên lý làm việc: Hai...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 13:20

15 655 14
Signaling System No.7 Protocol Architecture And Sevices part 1 ppsx

Signaling System No.7 Protocol Architecture And Sevices part 1 ppsx

... networks would be inert and passive aggregates of components Signaling is the bond that provides dynamism and animation, transforming inert components into a living, cohesive and powerful medium." ... signaling and is simply used to transfer data between networks nodes It is primarily used for query and response with telecommunications databases to support cellular networks, intelligent networks, and ... dial tone) Up to this point, the signaling is known as subscriber signaling and takes place between the subscriber and the local switch Subscriber signaling is also known as access signaling...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 09:20

8 267 0
Bài giảng : Mạch tuần tự Flip Flop và ghi dịch part 7 pdf

Bài giảng : Mạch tuần tự Flip Flop và ghi dịch part 7 pdf

... 5.6 ỨNG DỤNG CỦA FLIP FLOP VÀ CHỐT Lưu liệu song song: 5.7 MẠCH GHI DỊCH 5.7 MẠCH GHI DỊCH Flip flop có khả nhớ bit Muốn mạch nhớ nhiều bit??? Các flip flop nhóm lại để tạo thành ghi...

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2014, 12:20

10 456 2
Bài giảng : Mạch tuần tự Flip Flop và ghi dịch part 1 docx

Bài giảng : Mạch tuần tự Flip Flop và ghi dịch part 1 docx

... mạch mức logic “0” “1” 5.1 MẠCH CHỐT RS VÀ FLIP FLOP RS Flip Flop RS: S N1 Q N2 Q CK R * Clock tác động mức cao 5.1 MẠCH CHỐT RS VÀ FLIP FLOP RS Flip Flop nảy mức cao hay mức thấp đồng Mức cao ... CHỐT RS VÀ FLIP FLOP RS Q S Ngõ vào R Chốt Q Ngõ Hình: Mạch chốt RS Nhận xét: Mạch có ngõ vào R S ngõ Q Q ngõ bù 5.1 MẠCH CHỐT RS VÀ FLIP FLOP RS Cấu tạo mạch chốt: Được tạo cổng NAND có hồi ... ổn định trạng thái ta mong muốn 5.1 MẠCH CHỐT RS VÀ FLIP FLOP RS Ứng dụng mạch chốt: Mạch chống dội Cay Viet.swf 5.1 MẠCH CHỐT RS VÀ FLIP FLOP RS Ứng dụng mạch chốt: Dao động tạo sóng vuông:...

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2014, 12:20

10 362 2
Quy trình thiết kế máy thu phát ký tự 48 bit bằng ngõ ra flip-flop của cổng logic AND p1 ppt

Quy trình thiết kế máy thu phát ký tự 48 bit bằng ngõ ra flip-flop của cổng logic AND p1 ppt

... 2: ghi thông tin vào Flip- Flop chủ  Bước 3: cách ly đầu vào Flip- Flop chủ  Bước 4: chuyển thông tin từ Flip- Flop chủ đến tớ X1 X2 FF Master X1' X2' Q FF Slave Q\ Cp Flip - Flop JK: Là FF vạn ... 7404,4051 NAND ngõ vào:7400, 4071 NOR ngõ vào: 7402, 4001 EX-OR ngõ vào:74136, 4030 II Mạch Flip- Flop Flip - Flop phần tử để tạo thành mạch đếm, ghi, nhớ… phần tử thường có đầu nhiều đầu vào Flip - Flop ... nghiệp hệ Flip- Flop tớ thực chức nhớ trạng thái hệ sau hoàn thành việc ghi thông tin Dưới điều khiển xung clock Cp, việc ghi thông tin vào FlipFlop chủ tớ thực qua bước:  Bước 1: cách ly Flip- Flop...

Ngày tải lên: 28/07/2014, 08:20

11 422 0


... solution and then multiply by  and integrate,  dV ˆA d rearrange, and integrate again, V ˆ A ln  ‡ B …15† The equipotential surfaces are given by  ˆ constant and are cylinders, and the problem ... law and a line integral 7.22 Let the volume charge density in Fig 7:3a be given by v ˆ v0 …x=a†eÀjxja …a† Determine v;max and v;min and their locations …b† Find Ex and V…x† if V…0† ˆ and ... the acceptor and donor concentrations Na and Nd by noting that all the donor and acceptor ions in this region (the depletion layer) have been stripped of an electron or a hole, and thus v0 ˆ...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 20:23

29 394 0
Assignment 1: Advertising and Promotion

Assignment 1: Advertising and Promotion

... information about tiger brand The customer can easy to find all products and service of tiger brand here II Current trends in advertising and promotion and their impact Advertising and promotion have ... to read the advertising of a new product of the big brand name like Tiger Brand Furthermore, Tiger brand have website (http://www.tigerbrands.co.za/Investor/InvestorCentre/2006Results/AnnualReport/index.ht ... service dedicated to planning, handling and creating promotion material advertising for clients These agencies are independent of clients and provide their skills and views to sell client’s services...

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2013, 14:56

8 592 3
lớp 7 1 tiết HKII

lớp 7 1 tiết HKII

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2013, 01:25

3 398 0
Unit 1 - Listen and Read

Unit 1 - Listen and Read

... class/ Quang Trung school c Last year/ Hoa/ come/ the school/ first time d Lan/ show/ Hoa/ around / and introduce/ her/ many new friends suggestions a Lan is Hoa’s best friend b They are in the same ... Quang Trung school c Last year Hoa came to the school for the first time d Lan showed Hoa around and introduced her to many new friends • IV Homework - Do exercise 1b on page 16 in the textbook...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2013, 01:25

8 732 0
Để học tốt ngữ văn 7-1

Để học tốt ngữ văn 7-1

Ngày tải lên: 15/06/2013, 01:25

170 9,9K 33