... 1,095 518 1 ,60 1 11 548 61 97 575 583 461 1,880 1,180 5 76 1,934 69 60 0 148 134 65 7 60 4 543 1,751 1,057 525 1,852 30 577 194 98 558 330 529 1 ,66 6 1,0 46 547 2,005 182 68 1 65 2 233 69 9 363 449 1,787 ... 1,521 95 450 215 463 2,272 885 422 2,121 20 62 8 1,479 114 480 208 4 86 3,158 1,057 455 2,373 762 1, 763 180 61 5 288 217 1 ,69 5 465 204 1,013 390 865 60 268 132 2,272 1,450 1,1 46 1, 463 3,152 2,400 1,505 ... Repair + CAB 115 ,67 9 6, 367 3,057 5,707 1,955 775 982 994 153,414 7,8 36 3,800 7,552 2 ,62 9 959 1,2 56 1,427 182,911 8, 969 4,275 9,212 3,003 1,0 86 1,5 86 1,753 192,543 9,932 5,048 10,444 3, 467 1,230 2,234...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 14:20
... lắp I II III IV >3 0, 56 0 ,62 0 ,68 0, 76 0,82 0,88 0,95 1,05 1,24 1,31 1,38 1,49 1,93 2,00 2,10 2,23 >3 0, 46 0,50 0,54 0 ,60 0 ,63 0 ,68 0,73 0,80 0,97 1,02 1,09 1, 16 1, 46 1,52 1 ,60 1,70 Đào móng băng ... 1,25m3 công 4 ,66 5,82 6, 92 8,10 ca 0,228 0, 263 0,3 06 0,420 Nhân công 3/7 Máy thi công Máy đào 1,6m3 công 4 ,66 5,82 6, 92 8,10 ca 0,202 0,227 0, 268 0,389 AB.2711 Đào kênh mơng, chiều rộng 6m AB.2712 ... 6, 72 ca ca 0,228 0,050 0, 264 0,059 0,307 0, 068 0,419 0,0 76 Nhân công 3/7 Máy thi công Máy đào 1,6m3 Máy ủi 110CV công 3,89 4,85 5,79 6, 72 ca ca 0,202 0,050 0,227 0,059 0, 268 0, 068 0,389 0,076...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 22:20
TAL - A National Database of Questions - Classification is the Key pptx
... is related to a syllabus and so in the ATHENA project we used the SEFI syllabus, [2] If you use the SEFI syllabus you know that the questions you find are in the syllabus Function Type - this ... scheme of the previous section, these questions were classified as follows: Mathematics/Calculus & Analysis/calculus/differentiation/polynomials Mathematics/Calculus & Analysis/calculus/differentiation/max;min; ... needs of users There are various publicly available classifications of mathematics [2 6] but none of them has as its prime aim the need to classify questions for teachers to use The users are...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 13:20
Báo cáo y học: "Parenting-by-gender interactions in child psychopathology: attempting to address inconsistencies with a Canadian national database" docx
... Hostile-Ineffective 8. 46 (3. 36) 8.97 (3. 96) 8.72 (3 .68 ) Hostile-Ineffective 8. 86 (3 .60 ) 8. 86 (3.73) 8. 86 (3 .66 ) Hostile-Ineffective 8.37 (3.40) 8.40 (3.92) 8.39 (3 .67 ) Parental Consistency 14.31 (3 .67 ) 15. 16 (3.17) ... 167 (13.8) Hyperactivity 66 (10.9) 120 (19.8) 1 86 (15.3) Hyperactivity 62 (10.2) 124 (20.4) 1 86 (15.3) Hyperactivity Hyperactivity 64 (10.5) 41 (6. 8) 103 (17.0) 75 (12.4) 167 (13.8) 1 16 (9 .6) ... 11.34
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:21
Đăng ký người sử dụng trên hệ thống đấu thầu điện tử tại địa chỉ http://muasamcong.mpi.gov.vn pptx
... đấu thầu Hệ thống http: //muasamcong.mpi .gov. vn * Lệ phí (nếu có văn quy định phí, lệ phí): Không có * Tên mẫu đơn, mẫu tờ khai (đính kèm): Theo mẫu Hệ thống http: //muasamcong.mpi .gov. vn tạo trình ... điều kiện thực thủ tục (nếu có): Không có * Căn pháp lý thủ tục hành chính: - Luật Đấu thầu số 61 /2005/QH11 ngày 29/11/2005; - Thông tư 17/2010/TT-BKH ngày 22/7/2010 Quy định chi tiết thí điểm...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 21:22
On 2001 survey of medicinal plants in bavi national park
... Tree Vine Vine Vine Vine Herb >100 2 6 2 6 21±50 2 6 2 6 7±20 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 7±20 2 6 2 6 2 6 7±20 2 6 7±20 2 6 2 6 7±20 2 6 1 2 6 21±50 2 6 1 7±20 21±50 11 2 26 12 17 10 24 18 13 10 44 23 20 29 ... (%) 20 .6 1.8 828Æ 56 27.8Æ2.7 8.3Æ2.3 20.7Æ1.2 62 8Æ45 23.1Æ0.7 10.8Æ4.4 13.9Æ0.8 543Æ38 18.9Æ1 13.7Æ3 8.2Æ2.4 6. 5Æ1 261 Æ48 11 .6 1.2 16. 6Æ8.3 22.5Æ8.9 4Æ0.5 144Æ20 8.3Æ1.4 17.8Æ9.7 35Æ8 .6 1.7Æ0.4 ... 4) Discussion 5.1 Status of medicinal plant species in BaVi National Park Data presented here were derived from 1 26 transects sampling just 6. 3 ha, or 0.09% of the total area of BaVi National...
Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 13:47
Báo cáo khoa học: Overexpression of putative topoisomerase 6 genes from rice confers stress tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis plants ppt
... of fusion proteins (OsTOP6A3::GUS and OsTOP6B:: GUS) and GUS protein was established using GUS histochemical assay buffer Both the fusion proteins were found to be concentrated in the nucleus, ... denote the fusion of full-length OsTOP6A1, OsTOP6A2 and OsTOP6A3 with GAL4 activation domain, respectively BD-TOP6B and BD-pTOP6B represents the fusion of full-length and partial OsTOP6B with GAL4 ... Overexpression of OsTOP6A3 and OsTOP6B cDNAs in transgenic Arabidopsis plants (A) Schematic representation of the constructs used to overexpress OsTOP6A3 (35S::TOP6A3) and OsTOP6B (35S::TOP6B) in Arabidopsis...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 10:20
... continuous output Figure indicates the major components that comprise a synchronous generator 6. 2 Synchronous Generators Synchronous generators are built to the requirements of the National ... MIL-HDBK-1003/11 Ebullient Cooling Ebullient cooling may be used if an economic advantage can be demonstrated The use of steam must be continuous and cannot replace heat recovery from jacket coolant ... residual fuel oil is to be used in Design and plants (see Table 1), it may be heated using hot water from heat recovery silencers Refer to Section for additional guidance on exhaust heat reclamation...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 12:21
... al.?10 26. 4 MACARANGA TANARIUS MUELL.-ARG [From: Macaranga = a native name from Madagascar, and from Latin tanarius = Macaranga, parasol tree.] 26. 4.1 Botany Macaranga tanarius Muell.-Arg (Ricinus ... collecting Euphorbiaceae, one is advised to look for laticiferous plants with conspicuously 3-lobed capsules (Figure 26. 1), but caution must be taken as members of the Aleurites, Croton, Euphorbia, ... product used in Western medicine(Buy now from http: //www.drugswell.com) is the oil expressed from the seeds of Ricinus communis L (Castor Oil, British Pharmacopoeia, 1 963 ), which has been used for...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 17:20
HANDBOOK OFCHEMICAL RISK ASSESSMENT Health Hazards to Humans, Plants, and Animals ( VOLUME 1 ) - PART 6 docx
... as a fish bait 26 26 26 26 26 26 LD50 LD100 5–8, 16 16 LD50 LD100 5, 16 LD50 LD60–LD100 5, 16 LD50 (estimated) LD100 (estimated) for children LD50 (estimated) for adults LD50 16 6, 27 28, 29 LD50 ... mouse, Mus musculus 2 .6 mg/kg BW 4.5 mg/kg BW 5.8 mg/kg BW 7.4 mg/kg BW 8.3 (95% CI of 6. 3–11.0) mg/kg BW 10.0 mg/kg BW 12.8 mg/kg BW Mice, Mus spp 5.0–19.3 mg/kg BW 13.5 (95% CI of 11.0– 16. 6) ... dead within 24 h 36 36 LD50 LD73 All dead within 24 h LD33–LD100 36 36 36 16 LD50 LD50 LD50 LD50 LD50 LD50 LD 66 LD50 at at at at 12.2°C 33°C 17.9°C 30°C at 24°C 22 22 22 22 28 16 22 LD50 LD50;...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 04:20
... Peak Biomass 19 76 1977 1978 19 76 1977 1978 19 76 1977 1978 914 1099 1032 818 1035 925 869 1 269 920 1977 1978 1977 1978 266 6 43 16 1879 1458 1977 1978 799 970 NPP 935 9 16 539 724 412 10 46 2858 1202 ... Maine Delaware Georgia Georgia 912 807 9 46 912 522 705 3523 980 167 4 2500 700 2300 931 750 1250 60 0 1000 1100 2000 225 474–878 1 162 – 164 9 825 1400 590– 760 160 4–1284 5833 2753 3925 2800 1500 3000 ... 1500 300 2500 214 770 1310 750 1 460 764 –834 1557–13 46 833–1317 Smalley Wiegert and Lomnicki Evans et al 834–1301 2800 3200 1300 2200 160 0 5800 1029 14 16 1787 2139– 265 9 Allen Curve Summed Shoot Maximum...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21
báo cáo khoa học: "BRAD, the genetics and genomics database for Brassica plants" ppt
... BRAD and the TAIR databases Discussions A few databases of Brassica rapa, such as BrassEnsembl database http: //www.brassica.info/BrassEnsembl/index html, CropStore database http: //www.cropstoredb.org/ ... 11:1 36 http: //www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2229/11/1 36 Page of This work was funded by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, National Basic Research Program of China (2006CB10 160 6, 2007CB108803, ... oleracea Conclusions BRAD, a new database which focuses on the genetics and genomics of the Brassica plants has been developed Comparing with the existing database of Brassica plants, BRAD has...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:21
... obtusa Gen Pharmacol 28(5), 797–804 Kuo, Y.H., Chen, C.H and Huang, S.L (1998) New diterpenes from the heartwood of Chamaecyparis obtusa var formosana J Nat Prod 26, 61 (6) , 829–31 Miura, H (1 967 ) ... Indonesia Part used: roots Active ingredients G G Four canthin -6- one alkaloids: 9-methoxycanthin -6- one, 9-methoxycanthin -6- one-N-oxide, 9-hydroxycanthin -6- one, and 9-hydroxycanthin -6- one-N-oxide, ... aconitum alkaloids, aconitine and 6- benzyolheteratisine, in the rat hippocampus Eur J Pharmacol 3 86( 2–3), 187–94 Been, A (1992) Aconitum: genus of powerful and sensational plants Pharm Hist 34(1), 35–7...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 13:20
Anh văn 6 Unit 16 - Animals and plants potx
... pull a cart d The cows produce a _(5) _ (6) e The chickens produce a _(7) _(8) _(9) Answer Act I: farmer some fields buffalo little Tiết Unit 26 Animals and plans milk lot of eggs Act II/ ... Writequestions using cues: a What / Mr Hai / do? b He / produce / vegetable? c How much / rice / he / produce? d How much / milk / his cow? e How many / eggs / chickens / produce? Tiết Unit 26 Animals ... tập Kiến thức Kỹ Còn nhiều lỗi Tiết Unit 26 Animals and plans Sạch Đẹp Làm hết Nhanh (so tập với nhóm) chưa nhanh Giải thích TiÕt Unit 26 Animals and plans ...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20
Anh văn 6 Unit 16 - Animals and plants ppt
... are _ plants and animals The Asian animals are in _ Anwser: 1.growing 2.food/land Tiết Unit 16 - Animals and plants 3.cuting 4.because 5.danger Tiết Unit 16 - Animals and plants 6. destroying ... 16' Act I Match the words with the pictures (p. 168 ): an elephant a an orang – utan b a loepard c a panda Tiết Unit 16 - Animals and plants d a camel e a python f Anwser: 1.a 2.e 3.f 4.c 5.b 6. d ... words with the pictures (p. 168 ) an elephant a an orang – utan b a loepard c Tiết Unit 16 - Animals and plants a panda d a camel e a python f Anwser: 1.a 2.e 3.f 4.c 5.b 6. d Act II Write a word in...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20
arsenic contamination in soils, water and plants
... (mg/kg) 10 20 30 40 50 60 0.00 BH5 (Elev.282) BH2 (Elev.280) BH6 (Elev.274) BH3 (Elev. 267 ) BH1 (Elev. 262 ) Loc.No .6. 3 Loc.No .6. 4 BH1 BH5 0.50 1.00 Depth (m.) BH6 Loc.No .6. 3 Gold Mine BH3 2.00 ... BH5 (Elev.282) 6. 47 6. 79 4.72 2.44 BH2 Elev 280 BH2 (Elev.280) 3.12 4.39 1.21 - Concentration (mg/kg soil) BH6 BH3 BH1 (Elev.274) (Elev. 267 ) (Elev. 262 ) 56. 17 2.97 3.84 39.59 3.91 3 .68 39.29 5.71 ... (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) D.C.) (Zea Mays L.) (Zea Mays L.) (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) 0 .60 0.50 0.20 1.04 0.70 0.40 0 .60 0.55 0.24 0.21 0.32 0.15 0.45 0.11 0.08 0.89 0 .66 ...
Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2013, 08:21
... 1.89e 5 .66 f 271.14± 62 .38± 157.80cd 10.52ef 290.39± 2 96. 12± 6. 06 130.50d 91.17d 0.11bc 0.73± 0.10cd 1.21± 0.15b 241.41± 120.18± 98.42d 26. 96def 2. 36 0.27a 7 56. 6± 289. 06 6. 24± 1 46. 81bc 166 .35d ... 0.27b 0 .63 ± 0.16c 1.29± 0.19c 60 7 .63 ± 1 56. 88c 277.30± 6. 30± 47.10d 0.54ab 0.74± 0.23cd 1.09± 0.28bc 353.01± 63 .06bcd 137.20± 62 .65 def 0. 56 0.14c 1.42± 0.20cd 563 .80± 1 56. 40bc 65 1.34± 150.94b 6. 14± ... (mg/kg) 5.97± 0 .67 ± 1. 16 0.27b 0.12bcd 0.27de 264 .21± 81.18c 257. 76 87.56bc 6. 21± 0. 76 0.46abc 0.12de 0.81± 0.48de 252.02± 8 .68 b 124.12± 16. 61cd 509.72± 764 .08± 165 .06bc 218.25ab 6. 14± 1.42± 0.35b...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:08