... the use of lower and upper bound values such as 4.7 x 10w6/F and 6. 5 x 10e6/F (8.5 x 10w6/C and 11.7 x 10v6/C) would be more appropriate 2.10 -Standards cited in this report Standards of the American ... 1.000 0.798' 0 .62 7 0.4 86 0.375 0.238 0.159 0.102 1.000 0.835 0 .68 9 0. 564 0.458 0.305 0.2 16 0.157 1.000 0.857 0.729 0 .61 5 0.5 16 0. 361 0. 262 0.197 1.000 0.872 0.7 56 0 .65 2 0.558 0.4 06 0.300 0.230 ... Group r c lo -6/ oF Chert Quartzite Quartz Sandstone Marble Siliceous limestone Granite Dolerite Basalt Limestone 6. 6 5.7 6. 2 5.2 4 .6 11.8 10.3 11.1 9.3 8.3 4 .6 3.8 3.8 3 .6 3.1 8.3 6. 8 6. 8 6. 4 5.5 ,...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 16:03
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 08:20
In vitro studies on the color stability and masking ability of composite cores and the influence of posts and cores on the shades of all ceramic systems
... 67 74 K and was intended to represent average daylight Standard illuminants D (1 963 ) – CIE recommended a standard illuminant D65 to represent average daylight throughout the visible spectrum and ... international standards and specifications use the CIE system, including the American Dental Association62, 63 The CIE system works well in most cases, but one should know the assumptions and limitations ... popular methods for post and core tooth buildups45 These posts and cores are faster and easier to construct than custom cast posts and cores and they provide acceptable strength and serviceability...
Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2015, 11:24
Báo cáo "Determining thermal expansion coefficients of three-phase fiber composite material reinforced by spherical particles " potx
... 0.1 3. 763 0.3 0.1 3.3 06 0.4 0.1 2. 864 0.5 0.1 2.438 0.55 0.1 2.230 0.803 0.553 0.3 56 0.272 0.2 26 0.198 0.188 N.D Duc et al / VNU Journal of Science, Mathematics - Physics 24 (2008) 57 -65 63 ∧ Fig ... 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.55 ξ3 0.55 2.2 06 0.5 2.303 0.4 2.447 0.3 2.520 0.2 2.518 0.1 2.438 0.05 2. 366 5.183 4. 260 3.280 2.718 2.314 1.979 1.825 ∧ α t (10 −5 ) ∧ α a (10 6 ) ∧ Fig Graph presenting the ... °C Case 1: Let sum of volume fractions of the fibre and particle phase be constant and equal to 0 .6, ∧ ∧ or ξ1 + ξ = 0 .6 Then, transverse α t and axial α a thermal expansion coefficients of three-phase...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 13:20
... couples and a concentrated load Then equations (13 .66 ) and (13 .67 ) give (3 = = MDL wu M& - + - + -( a - 3aL + 2L2) 3EI 6EI 6EIL H=,, - - Problem 13.9 - M ML4 w u - - - - -(L? 6EI 3EI - UZ) 6EIL ... and is the distance of its centroid from z = 0, then z A = [Modz, z = LfMozdz A and equations (13 .64 ) and (13 .65 ) may be written Non-uniformly distributed load and terminal couples 329 (13 .66 ) ... (13 .63 ) But if v = when z = and z =L, then equation (13 .63 ) becomes Then MDL 3EI :=L McL 6EI EIL On substituting this value of (dddz), (2) :=0 = McL - (13 .64 ) Mozdz into equation (13 .61 ), M,L -6EI...
Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 11:27
báo cáo hóa học:" Implantation of neural stem cells embedded in hyaluronic acid and collagen composite conduit promotes regeneration in a rabbit facial nerve injury model" doc
... Journal of Translational Medicine 2008, 6: 67 http://www.translational-medicine.com/content /6/ 1 /67 Figure and scaffold light microscopy of NSC in implanted tex of E 16 Sprague-Dawley rat embryos culture ... Translational Medicine 2008, 6: 67 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 http://www.translational-medicine.com/content /6/ 1 /67 human fetal neural stem cells survive, migrate, and differentiate in ischemic ... the scaffolds and tended to http://www.translational-medicine.com/content /6/ 1 /67 differentiate, after being cultured for 24 and 48 hours, respectively (Figure 2) Protruding processes and neurite...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 15:20
Báo cáo toán học: " Structure and electrical properties of sputtered TiO2/ZrO2 bilayer composite dielectrics upon annealing in nitrogen" pdf
... stacks of TiO2 and ZrO2 films and that the interface layer is observed between the ZrO2 film and the Si substrate The physical thickness of ZrO2 and TiO2 thin films was measured to be 26 and 13 nm, ... The RMS roughness of the as-deposited film and annealed ones was measured over a × μm scanning range, and the values are 1.430, 1.529, 0 .62 5 and 0.8 26 nm, respectively One can see that the surface ... -0.53 V for the 773 K annealed thin film, and for the as-deposited and 573 K and 973 K annealed samples, the values of Vfb are -1.01, -0.71, and -0 .62 , respectively It can be inferred from the...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo hóa học: "Photochemically reduced polyoxometalate assisted generation of silver and gold nanoparticles in composite films: a single step route" pptx
... strategy 61 7 Intensity (cps) Conclusions 7500 5000 2500 580 60 0 62 0 64 0 66 0 Wavelength (nm) Fig 10 Photoluminescence spectra of Au embedded composite film (a) excitation spectra (kEm = 61 7) and (b) ... composite film exhibited two broad bands at 460 and 750 nm (Fig 2, curve b) When the reduced composite film was dipped into AgNO3, these bands disappeared and a new band at 420 nm is observed indicating ... silver and gold metals is generally attributed to electronic transitions between the highest d band and conduction sp band The composite containing Ag nanoparticles showed an emission band at...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Influence of cross section dimensions on Timoshenko’s shear factor – Application to wooden beams in free-free flexural vibration" ppsx
... beams: a theoretical review, Wood Sci Technol 36 (2002) 347– 365 [2] Cowper G.R., The shear coefficient in Timoshenko’s beam theory, J Appl Mech (1 966 ) 335–340 [3] Goens E., Determination of Young’s ... exact expression (4) and from the simplified formula (5) is less than 2% when the ratio h/e ≥ and it can be neglected when h/e is reaching 10 However, the difference is 6% when h/e is reaching ... where P1 and P2 are two polynomials of the form: h h 1P = - + and e 11 e h h h 1- 9- h P = + P + - + - - - e e e 21 35 e (6) By...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:22
báo cáo khoa học: " Radiological and pathological findings of a metastatic composite paraganglioma with neuroblastoma in a man: a case report" pptx
... contributions TF and SK analyzed the clinical and radiological data FRF and PKB analyzed and interpreted the pathological data TF and FRF wrote the main parts of the manuscript All authors read and approved ... World J Surg 19 96, 20(7):9 16- 921, discussion 922 Fritzsche et al Journal of Medical Case Reports 2010, 4:374 http://www.jmedicalcasereports.com/content/4/1/374 Page of 5 Kawashima A, Sandler CM, ... lower for vanillylmandelic acid than for metanephrines [6] If laboratory test results indicate a pheochromocytoma, CT imaging of the adrenal gland as well as of the organ of Zuckerkandl, to encompass...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:22
Báo cáo y học: "Improving benchmarking by using an explicit framework for the development of composite indicators: an example using pediatric quality of care" docx
... Milbank Mem Fund Q 1 966 , 44: 166 S-2 06 Jha AK: Measuring hospital quality: what physicians do? How patients fare? Or both? JAMA 20 06, 2 96: 95-97 Page of 10 31 Creating equity reports: a guide for ... benchmarking data, and emerging research BMC Health Serv Res 20 06, 6: 44 Health Care Quality Indicator Project - conceptual framework http:// www.oecd.org/dataoecd/1/ 36/ 362 62 363 .pdf Mattke S, Epstein ... Care Res Rev 20 06, 63 :403-4 26 Grossbart SR: What’s the return? Assessing the effect of “pay-forperformance” initiatives on the quality of care delivery Med Care Res Rev 20 06, 63 :29S-48 Petra...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:21
báo cáo khoa học: " Improving benchmarking by using an explicit framework for the development of composite indicators: an example using pediatric quality of care" potx
... Milbank Mem Fund Q 1 966 , 44: 166 S-2 06 Jha AK: Measuring hospital quality: what physicians do? How patients fare? Or both? JAMA 20 06, 2 96: 95-97 Page of 10 31 Creating equity reports: a guide for ... benchmarking data, and emerging research BMC Health Serv Res 20 06, 6: 44 Health Care Quality Indicator Project - conceptual framework http:// www.oecd.org/dataoecd/1/ 36/ 362 62 363 .pdf Mattke S, Epstein ... Care Res Rev 20 06, 63 :403-4 26 Grossbart SR: What’s the return? Assessing the effect of “pay-forperformance” initiatives on the quality of care delivery Med Care Res Rev 20 06, 63 :29S-48 Petra...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:20
Some problems of non-linear oscillations in systems with large static deflection of elastic elements
... limited power supply and large static deflection of the elastic elements 2) The interaction between the self-excited and parametric oscillations and also between the self-excited and forced ones in ... relations (1.2.13) We have the following variational equations: a, 0) and ^ - = bl l 6 ì + bl l 6a + bl i Se> ^ = fc„5n + f c „ a + 6, * , dip — - ay? (1.3.1) = b^ỏĩì + b^ỏa + w here - dề r - an < ... derivative G (1.3.7) will be p o sitive on th e parts P U and P T and n egative on Q T Therefore the condition (3 .6) is satisfied on Q T P and is not satisfied on P U (Fig 5) Fig II - WEAK INTERACTION...
Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2015, 15:33
Designing moment resisting connection for disassembly for implementation in precast reinforced concrete buildings
... propagation 61 2.4 Conclusions 64 CHAPTER EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE PROPOSED DFD M-R CONNECTION 66 3.1 Introduction 66 3.2 Phase-1—four-point-bending ... 189 5 .6 Conclusions 1 96 CHAPTER CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK 200 6. 1 Proposal and experimental investigation of a DfD moment-resisting connection 200 6. 2 Finite element ... components as adopted in FEM models 1 16 Fig Illustration of cast layers (a) for A500, B500 specimens and (b) for A500-R-R, A650-R-R, B650-R-R and WP650-R-R 118 xvii Designing Moment-Resisting...
Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:13
Biomechanical characterization of dental composite restoratives a micro indentation approach
... Restoratives 6. 1 Introduction 6. 2 Determination of KIC of Dental Composites by Three-point Bend Test 6. 2.1 Introduction 6. 2.2 Materials and method 6. 2.3 Results and discussion 110 110 111 114 ii 6. 3 Determination ... technique (Spinner and Tefft, 1 961 ), dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (Wilson and Turner, 1987; Jacobsen and Darr, 1997) and the ultrasonic method (Jones and Rizkallah, 19 96) However, most of ... Materials and method 4.3.3 Results and discussion 4.4 4.5 5.4 49 49 52 Effects of Surface Roughness 4.4.1 Introduction 4.4.2 Materials and method 4.4.3 Results and discussion 55 56 60 Effects...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 09:10
Design of composite haunch beams and connections for long span applications
... 60 60 61 61 61 62 65 65 66 66 69 71 73 105 105 105 108 108 109 111 111 115 1 16 1 16 iv 5.5.2 Modeling of Composite Haunch Beam 5.5.3 Results 5 .6 LATERAL TORSIONAL INSTABILITY 5 .6. 1 General 5 .6. 2 ... 2 .62 2 .62 1.34 1.34 2 .62 2 .62 Haunch Depth 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Haunch Length 250 433 250 433 250 433 707 968 707 968 None None 1 2 1 2 (13) (13) ( 26) ( 26) (13) (13) ( 26) ( 26) ... properties and tensile test results DiaArea Yield strength Average Ultimate strength Average Meter fyr(N/mm ) fyr fur fyr (N/mm2) D (N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2) (mm) 3 20 314 563 569 564 565 69 7 68 9 69 4 69 3...
Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 17:12
A splitting algorithm for system of composite monotone inclusions
... conditions in [ 16, Problem 1.1] and [ 16, Theorem 2.4] are satisfied (i)(ii): These conclusions follow from [ 16, Theorem 2.4(i)] and [ 16, Theorem 2.4(ii)], respectively (iii): It follows from [ 16, Theorem ... 2.4(iii)(c)] and [ 16, Theorem 2.4(iii)(d)] that x1,n x1 , x2,n y and v 1,n v , v 2,n v , We next derive from [ 16, Theorem 2.4(iii)(a)] and [ 16, Theorem 2.4(iii)(b)] that, for every i ∈ {1 , m} and ... firstly introduced in [18, Problem 1.1] and then studied in [24] and [6] A simple case is ∈ Ax + L∗ ◦ (B D) ◦ Lx + Cx, (1.8) where B, D act on G and C acts on H, and the sign denotes the parallel sums...
Ngày tải lên: 14/10/2015, 15:28
The graphs below show the numbers of male and female workers in 1975 and 1995 in several employment sectors of the republic of Freedonia
... for both men and women were manufacturing, which had about 300 000 women and 65 0 000 men in both surveyed years, and the public sector (non-defence), which employed 65 0 000 women and 850 000 men ... also made gains in both the finance/banking industries and in the defence-related public sector Whereas some 125 000 women worked in finance and banking institutions in 1975, the number increased ... decades between 1975 and 1995 brought significant changes in the representation of women in Freedonia's work force, according to the graphs In 1975, for example, some 300 000 men and 250 000 women...
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 10:02
Báo cáo y học: "A prospective observational study of the relationship of critical illness associated hyperglycaemia in medical ICU patients and subsequent development of type 2 diabetes"
... only 703 (68 .3%) 248 (68 .8%) 455 (68 .1%) P = 0.823 - total parenteral or combination 3 26 (31.7%) 112 (31.1%) 214 (31.9%) Caloric intake (% of target) 85% (66 to 115) 88% (69 to 112) 84% (67 to 113) ... - 203 terminally ill - 29 receiving corticosteroids 66 9 4 36 NORMOGLYCAEMIA HYPERGLYCAEMIA 76 excluded: - newly diagnosed DM, IGT or IFG 66 9 360 started follow-up 102 died 154 discontinued follow-up ... sepsisa 3 76 164 (43 .6% ) 202 ( 56. 4%) P < 0.001 ACSb Diagnoses (N, %) 322 97 (30.1%) 225 (69 .9%) - other diagnoses 331 99 (29.9%) 232 (70.1%) Age (years) 58 (19 to 87) 59 (22 to 87) 58 (19 to 86) P...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:02
Báo cáo y học: "Management of chest pain: exploring the views and experiences of chiropractors and medical practitioners in a focus group interview"
... http://www.chiroandosteo.com/content/13/1/18 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 Fass R, Fennerty MB, Ofman JJ, et al.: The clinical and economic value ... is important to ascertain and possibly improve those skills, competencies, and standards for referrals and sharing of clinical information that may improve current and future cross-disciplinary ... practices and standardization of care Participants reported that standardizing care within professions may facilitate opportunities for interprofessional referrals, that guidelines and care standards...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:06