... applied to several cases in heat and mass transfer: a) unsteady external flows past a porous square or trapezoidal cylinder, b) natural convective heat- transfer in a porous wavy cavity, c) forced ... (Neale and Nader, 1974; Vafai and Thiyagaraja, 1987; OchoaTapia and Whitaker, 1997; Jang and Chen, 1992; Kim and Choi, 1996; Kuznetsov, 1999) However, other types of interfacial conditions are also ... flow, heat and mass transfer in porous/fluid coupled domains, and to investigate their effects on local and global heat and mass transfer; To implement the numerical method for unsteady flow past...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 21:13
... = ln πab a1 b1 +a + a2 + b2 √ a b b1 arctan √ + b a1 arctan √ a1 b1 (1.4) a arctan a − b arctan b where a= asp , L a= a1 = + a2 , bsp , L b1 = + b2 where, asp and bsp are the length and width ... Hirsekorn [Hirsekorn, 1971], Hayakawa et al [Hayakawa and Hwang, 1981], Zanoni [Zanoni and Peri, 1993] and many others The models proposed are based on individual assumptions and though they succeeded ... of a set of algebraic inequalities which are explained in section 1.4 Therefore V and W in these two equations are ”adjusted” water and vapor rather than the actual water and vapor content at a...
Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 12:42
2D Modeling of thermokinetics coupled with heat and mass transfer in the reduction zone of a fixed bed downdraft biomass gasifier
... advantages In fact, it is comparatively a cheap and practical facility for biomass gasification [6], and it is also known for the production of syngas with low tar content Banapurmath and Tewari ... experimental and modeling work was conducted by Janajreh and Al Shrah [18] on a small scale batch type downdraft gasifier A near steady state was observed to appear after approximately 15 of operating ... dimensional numerical model to simulate the gasification of a biochar packed bed in dynamic and steady states The model is based on mass and energy balances and the chemical kinetics with an exponential...
Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2016, 09:31
MÔ HìNH HOá QUá TRìNH TRAO ĐổI NHIệT ẩM TRONG MáY ấP TRứNG GIA CầM Modeling of heat and mass transfer in chicken egg incubators
... Simulation of Mass and Heat Transfer in High Moisture Foods, Trans ASAE, pp 55-59 224 Husain A. , Chen C.S., Clayton J T (1973), Simultaneuos Heat and Mass Diffusion in Biological Material, Trans ASAE, ... 131-133 Haghighi K., Segerlind L.J, (1988), Modeling Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer in Isotropic Sphere, Trans ASEA, pp 31 Husain A. , Chen C.S., Clayton J T, Whitney L.F (1972), Mathematical Simulation ... Biological Material, Trans ASAE, pp 69-73 Luikov, A V (1980), Heat and mass transfer, Mir Publisher, Moscow Peebles E D, Christopher D McDaniel (2004), A Practical Manual for Understanding the Shell Structure...
Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2013, 08:31
... Publication data Ghiaasiaan, Seyed Mostafa, 1953– Convective heat and mass transfer / Mostafa Ghiaasiaan p cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 978-1-107-00350-7 (hardback) Heat ... Low-Velocity Laminar Flow Parallel to a Flat Plate 3.3 Heat Transfer During Laminar Parallel Flow Over a Flat Plate With Viscous Dissipation 3.4 Hydrodynamics of Laminar Flow Past a Wedge 3.5 Heat Transfer ... Natural Convection Caused by the Combined Thermal and Mass Diffusion Effects 10.15.1 Conservation Equations and Scaling Analysis 10.15.2 Heat and Mass Transfer Analogy 10.16 Solutions for Natural...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 19:20
Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media pdf
... Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer in Micro-Channels and Their Applications in Micro-System Cooling Yuan Wang, Khellil Sefiane, Souad Harmand and Rachid Bennacer 47 Numerical Methods ... A V Gorin 139 Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Materials with Complex Geometry: Fundamentals and Applications A G B de Lima, S R Farias Neto and W P Silva 161 v vi ... Evaluation of Hygroscopic Inertia and Its Importance to the Hygrothermal Performance of Buildings Nuno M M Ramos and Vasco Peixoto de Freitas Abstract Heating and ventilating are fundamental actions...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:20
heat and mass transfer
... different modes of heat and mass transfer, and learns at an early stage how to solve practical problems and to design heat and mass transfer apparatus This increases the motivation to study the ... theory of heat and mass transfer Such problems are dealt with in the first chapter, which contains the basic concepts and fundamental laws of heat and mass transfer The student obtains an overview ... main applications An introduction to gas radiation, important technically for combustion chambers and furnaces, is the final part of this chapter As heat and mass transfer is a subject taught at...
Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:27
fundamentals of heat and mass transfer
... between heat flux and heat rate *This icon identifies examples that are available in tutorial form in the Interactive Heat Transfer (IHT) software that accompanies the text Each tutorial is brief and ... and/ or exploratory, whatif, and parameter sensitivity considerations be addressed using a computational equationsolving package To this end, the Interactive Heat Transfer (IHT) package available ... bright, and heat transfer is a topic that is crucial to address a broad array of technological and environmental challenges In preparing this edition, we have sought to incorporate recent heat transfer...
Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:51
fundamentals of momentum, heat, and mass transfer 5th edition
... a h2 dA A and since F ¼ rg sin a hA, we have hc:p: ¼ Ah Z h2 dA ¼ A Iaa Ah (2-5) The moment of the area about the surface may be translated from an axis aa located at the fluid surface to an axis ... Fundamental Considerations in Convective Mass Transfer 517 Significant Parameters in Convective Mass Transfer 519 Dimensional Analysis of Convective Mass Transfer 521 Exact Analysis of the Laminar ... Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat, and Mass Transfer 5th Edition Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat, and Mass Transfer 5th Edition James R Welty Department of Mechanical Engineering Charles E Wicks Department...
Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:51
incropera fundamentals of heat and mass transfer
... insulated from dryer wall, (3) Heater and switch are isothermal at Tset, (4) Negligible heat transfer from sides of heater or switch, (5) Switch surface, As, loses heat only by convection ANALYSIS: ... coefficients in air and water at a prescribed temperature FIND: Heater surface temperatures in water and air SCHEMATIC: ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Steady-state conditions, (2) All of the electrical power is transferred ... variations for 0.2 and 0.3 SCHEMATIC: ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Uniform surface temperature, (2) Chamber walls are large compared to the spherical package, and (3) Steady-state conditions ANALYSIS: From...
Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:52
Fundementals of heat and mass transfer kotandaraman
... is called the heat capacity of the system The basic analysis in heat transfer always has to start with one of these relations Chapter 1 FUNDAMENTALS OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER The second law of ... are the resistances in series calculated based on the reas A1 , A2 , A3 etc 1.3.2 Energy Balance With Heat Transfer: There are situations when a body receives heat by convection and radiation and ... FUNDAMENTALS OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER Solution: In the absence of atmosphere the only possible way heat is dissipated is by radiation The temperature of the space may taken as 0K Hence heat generated...
Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 10:55
Heat and Mass Transfer Modeling and Simulation Part 1 pptx
... Numerical Analysis of Heat and Mass Transfer in a Fin -and- Tube Air Heat Exchanger under Full and Partial Dehumidification Conditions Riad Benelmir and Junhua Yang Chapter Chapter Process Intensification ... scientists and academics working in research areas mentioned above, at least in the aspects of heat and/ or mass transfer, analytical/numerical solutions and optimization of the processes The first chapter ... Heat and Mass Transfer – Modeling and Simulation Edited by Md Monwar Hossain Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia Copyright © 2011 InTech All chapters are Open Access articles...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20
Heat and Mass Transfer Modeling and Simulation Part 2 ppt
... constant phase element and resistance, related to the charge transfer processes (kinetic), and another parallel mini-circuit constant phase element and resistance, associated to mass transfer, ... charge Charge transfer transfer resistance resistance (Rct) Cathode Mass transfer polarization resistance (Rmt) ANODE CHARGE TRANSFER CONTRIBUTION (a) CONTRIBUTION (RΩ) CATHODE MASS TRANSFER CONTRIBUTION ... in an effective water management, and provides a pathway for the access of the reactant gases when massive amounts of water are being generated in the cathode (Park et al., 2004) Also, this amount...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20
Heat and Mass Transfer Modeling and Simulation Part 3 pot
... simultaneous heat and mass transfer on the cooling surface Many experimental, and few numerical, studies have been carried out to study the heat and mass transfer characteristics of the fin -and- tube ... the mass balance equation for water vapor (Eq 25), the energy balance equation for air stream (Eq 30), the heat transfer equation in the fin surface (Eq 41) and the heat and mass transfer equations ... Ta, Wa Moist air Tc Outlet Ta,o Wa,o m "a, dry WS,c(Tc) Condensate-film Cold wall Tw Fig Air dehumidification by a cold wall Numerical Analysis of Heat and Mass Transfer in a Fin -and- Tube Air Heat...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20
Heat and Mass Transfer Modeling and Simulation Part 4 docx
... calculation algorithm for heat and mass transfer models 54 Heat and Mass Transfer – Modeling and Simulation 2.5 Heat performance characterization In order to evaluate the fin thermal characteristics, we ... exchanger Ones the airflow profile was determined, the water vapor, air stream and fin heat and mass balance equations were solved simultaneously It Numerical Analysis of Heat and Mass Transfer ... Numerical Analysis of Heat and Mass Transfer in a Fin -and- Tube Air Heat Exchanger under Full and Partial Dehumidification Conditions 61 curves are plotted As the condensation factor C and the...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20
Heat and Mass Transfer Modeling and Simulation Part 5 pdf
... possible reason may be that heat and mass transfer is fast on the CuO/ZnO/Al2O3 catalytic coating than the conventional fixed bed catalyst, especially in micro-reactors 78 Heat and Mass Transfer ... was used as a driving gas and carrying gas with an inlet pressure of 1.4 and 1.6 MPa for the heating gas and powder carrying gas separately Heating gas temperature range is 573 K to 773 K Stand-off ... for heat exchange; outside surface of the unit is adiabatic; gravity of the gases and the radiation heat transfer was also neglected Kinetic model adopted was the DE and SR parallel mechanism as...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20
Heat and Mass Transfer Modeling and Simulation Part 6 pptx
... fraction leads to a degradation in the heat Fig 10 Heat transfer coefficient at wall for CuO / water nanofluid Heat and Mass Transfer in External Boundary Layer Flows Using Nanofluids 107 transfer ... natural and forced convective heat and mass transfer regimes for nanofluids flowing in semi-infinite geometries, i.e external boundary layer flows along 96 Heat and Mass Transfer Modeling and ... 0378-7753 Heat and Mass Transfer in External Boundary Layer Flows Using Nanofluids Catalin Popa, Guillaume Polidori, Ahlem Arfaoui and Stộphane Fohanno Universitộ de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, GRESPI/Thermomộcanique...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20
Heat and Mass Transfer Modeling and Simulation Part 7 doc
... volume fraction, for both nanofluids, traducing both heat and mass transfer in forced convection It clearly appears that the thermal flow rate is strongly dependent 113 Heat and Mass Transfer ... (2003) Buoyancy-driven heat transfer enhancement in a two-dimensional enclosure using nanofluids Int J Heat Mass Transf Vol 46 pp.3639-3653 Heat and Mass Transfer in External Boundary Layer Flows ... 126 Heat and Mass Transfer – Modeling and Simulation where Afr is the packing area, L fi is the height of packing, c1 and c5 are constants that depend on the type of fill, and mw,m is the average...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20
Heat and Mass Transfer Modeling and Simulation Part 8 pot
... material will attain if dried for an infinite time at a particular relative air humidity and temperature The relation 150 Heat and Mass Transfer – Modeling and Simulation between the material moisture ... mathematical models It is highly 144 Heat and Mass Transfer – Modeling and Simulation dependent on the completeness of the mathematical model and the relationships used to describe heat and mass transfer ... the capital cost For all cases analyzed here the minimum possible area was obtained, which means that the packing area is a major variable affecting the total annual cost The cooling capacity...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20