5 principles of project work

Tài liệu First Principles of Project Management By R. Max Wideman pdf

Tài liệu First Principles of Project Management By R. Max Wideman pdf

... First Principles of Project Management Based on the foregoing criteria, the following ‘First principles are proposed These principles build extensively on the work of John Bing12 All the principles ... focus on the founding principles of project management, we will use the term ‘First Principles It may be asked “Do we really need a set of ‘First Principles of Project Management’”? The problem ... of the project as a basis for project management decision making and post -project evaluation It is axiomatic that the goal of project management is to be successful, otherwise the incurring of...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 07:20

10 694 0
The Principles of Project Management pptx

The Principles of Project Management pptx

... The Principles of Project Management Thank you for downloading the sample chapter of The Principles Of Project Management published by SitePoint This excerpt includes the Summary of Contents, ... say “this project will save $30,000, or the equivalent of 50 % of a full-time staff member.”3 You can work out whether a project is worth undertaking in a number of ways Regardless of which method ... attention of the stakeholders within the organization will make you stand out as a project manager who really cares about the good of the company, not just your own projects The Principles of Project...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 20:20

66 1,4K 1
Chapter 5. Principles of Electromechanical Energy Conversion ppsx

Chapter 5. Principles of Electromechanical Energy Conversion ppsx

... ∂θ ∂θ Because of the salient (not round) structure of the rotor, the self inductance of the stator is a function of the rotor position and the first term on the right hand side of the above torque ... relative position of the stator and rotor and is independent of the shape of the stator and rotor poles Model of Electromechanical Systems To illustrate the general principle for modeling of an electromechanical ... the current necessary to give a force of 147.2 N on the armature Assume 15% of the total mmf is expended on the iron part of the magnetic circuit Answer: 5. 69 A For a singly excited elementary...

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2014, 05:20

21 443 0
  the principles of project management  sitepoint  project management

the principles of project management sitepoint project management

... discuss what project management isn’t and see how misusing the tools can lead to complications 2 The Principles of Project Management What Is Project Management? An official definition of project ... 155 Measuring Value Creation 156 Project Organization Chart 158 Communication Plan Template 159 Project ... the project triangle, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki /Project_ triangle/ 4 The Principles of Project Management In the coming chapters, we’ll look into each phase in more detail Much of the work...

Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2017, 14:31

224 715 0
Principles of project finance

Principles of project finance

... 4,401 49 20s 49 51 5 148 50 4 6, 156 5, 406 42,830 67,4 25 56, 651 1,t51 116 55 0 , 15 8,048 7,746 2001 52 ,7 95 4'7,44'7 33 ,57 3 31, 254 622 2,s26 1,05I 1,8 95 4 ,56 1 9,217 r,618 2,721 3,162 2, 153 33,612 37,392 ... 1,066 15, 709 18,843 14,669 15; 764 110 398 1,482 55 8 989 856 2 ,50 6 2,s00 690 1,772 ssq 281 2,041 50 0 s00 994 826 57 2 891 52 156 624 8,1s1 10,098 9,930 7,088 624 702 6,883 2,2 05 5 ,53 s 51 8 100 5, 84'7 ... 1 ,53 6 1 ,53 7 6,031 56 7 ) 141 11,490 4 ,58 8 6,089 1, 059 2,077 1 ,56 1 7, 255 2 25 436 8,939 55 0 900 2,030 1,132 2,176 362 1,638 2,269 127 7,787 718 7,l9r 51 3 852 2,834 1,371 129 303 131 1 ,51 0 1, 857 ...

Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2017, 14:39

362 239 0
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Introduction of the principles of GAP for citrus through implementation of citrus IPM using Farmer Field Schools - Project Progress Report 5" doc

Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Introduction of the principles of GAP for citrus through implementation of citrus IPM using Farmer Field Schools - Project Progress Report 5" doc

... 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5* 5 - discontinued growing citrus 10 1 15 10 10 10 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 10 5 10 10 10 10 5 5 10 111 97 110 96 61 53 38 33 51 44 98 85 35 30 38 33 5- Weather 56 49 * Not in such ... the review workshop at the end of the first year of the project Refined programs will be verified during the second year of the project IPM strategies verified by farmers, extension officers and ... than just use of spray oil Equally important for implementation of this project and development of the following projects was the realisation by some of the Australian researchers of the power...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

46 418 0
Tài liệu Ten Principles of Economics - Part 5 ppt

Tài liệu Ten Principles of Economics - Part 5 ppt

... pounds of potatoes If you give me of those pounds, I’ll give you pounds of meat in return In the end, you’ll get to eat pounds of potatoes and pounds of meat every week, instead of the pounds of ... pounds of meat and pounds of potatoes After I give you pounds of meat in exchange for pound of potatoes, I’ll have 21 pounds of meat and pounds of potatoes In the end, I will also get more of both ... the various mixes of output that an economy can produce It illustrates one of the Ten Principles of Economics in Chapter 1: People face tradeoffs Here the farmer faces a tradeoff between producing...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 11:15

10 444 0
coats & schauberger - nature as teacher - new principles in the working of nature (1998)

coats & schauberger - nature as teacher - new principles in the working of nature (1998)

... 140 The Motion of the Earth - The Cause of Radiation - The Resurrection of Life 1 45 The Secret of the Egg-Form 148 ORGANIC SYNTHESES 153 Organic Syntheses 153 The False World View 154 Growth and ... endeavours contravenes every principle of Nature Hence, it is merely a question of the efficacy of humanity's activities and of the attainment of a particular level of culture which determines when ... furnish sufficient proof of the impossibility of a compromise or of the incorporation into the existing scientific edifice of discoveries only touched upon here The errors of contemporary science...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 12:23

184 357 0


... muscle, the force of contraction depends on initial muscle length This forms the basis of the Frank-Starling relationship VII DISORDERS OF THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM — ANSWERS 159 VII -55 The answer ... abnormalities consist of disorganized arrangements of myocytes in the ventricular septum As many as 50 % of these cases have familial predisposition, often resulting from one of several mutations ... administered at a dose of – 1 .5 mg/kg to a maximum dose of mg/kg Should lidocaine be ineffective, the use of procainamide at a dose of 20 – 30 mg/min to a maximum dose of 17 mg/kg may be effective...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 15:20

41 520 2
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Introduction of the principles of GAP for citrus through implementation of citrus IPM using Farmer Field Schools - Milestone 9 Project Validation Report Part 2" doc

Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Introduction of the principles of GAP for citrus through implementation of citrus IPM using Farmer Field Schools - Milestone 9 Project Validation Report Part 2" doc

... 3.0 (2 .5) (3.0) (3.0) (3.0) (3.0) (2.0) (3.0) 1 .5 3.0 2 .5 3.0 3.0 2.0 (2 .5) (2 .5) (2 .5) (2 .5) (2 .5) (1.0) (1 .5) 1.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 (1 .5) (2.0) (2 .5) (3.0) (3.0) (2.0) (1 .5) 2 .5 3.0 3.0 ... (60) 60 (100) 75 (60) 80 (30) n/a (60) 80 (80) 73 (47) 67 (73) 73 (73) n/a (87) 80 (80) 80 (80) 92 (67) 67 (47) n/a (55 ) 55 (60) 60 ( 65) 56 (50 ) 55 (50 ) n/a (93) 87 (73) 93 (80) 75 (73) 93 (93) ... (3.0) 1 .5 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2 .5 3.0 (2 .5) (2 .5) (3.0) (3.0) (3.0) (2.0) (3.0) 2 .5 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 (2 .5) (2 .5) (3.0) (3.0) (3.0) (2.0) (1 .5) 2.0 2 .5 3.0 2 .5 3.0 2 .5 3.0 (3.0) (2 .5) (3.0)...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

41 477 0
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Introduction of the principles of GAP for citrus through implementation of citrus IPM using Farmer Field Schools - Milestone 9 Project Validation and Impact Assessment Report Part 1" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Introduction of the principles of GAP for citrus through implementation of citrus IPM using Farmer Field Schools - Milestone 9 Project Validation and Impact Assessment Report Part 1" ppt

... (%) 10 10 10 10 10 5* 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 15 10 10 10 111 97 1 05 91 61 53 38 33 10 10 5 - discontinued growing citrus 10 5 10 51 44 5 10 10 5 10 5 10 98 85 35 30 38 33 56 49 5- Weather * Not in ... 100-120,000,000 100- 150 ,000,000 80-100,000,000 30 -50 ,000,000 30-40,000,000 150 ,000,000 50 -60,000,000 20- 35, 000,000 50 - 150 ,000,000 20- 35, 000,000 Area of rice per year 250 ,000 70,000 90,000 450 ,000 200,000 ... Giang Area of citrus (ha) 6,000 15, 000 12,000 3,000 8,000 7,000 50 0 10,000 1,128 2,000 2 ,50 0 5, 353 Income from citrus estimated by provincial officials (VND/year) 60-70,000,000 150 ,000.000 50 -70,000.000...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

54 350 0
Project Progress Report: " Introduction of the principles of GAP for citrus through implementation of citrus IPM using Farmer Field Schools " potx

Project Progress Report: " Introduction of the principles of GAP for citrus through implementation of citrus IPM using Farmer Field Schools " potx

... implementation of GAP is the main focus of the 3rd year of the project (2009) However, because of the complexity of the certification process and the existence of a large gap between the reality of Vietnamese ... of impact assessment at the end of the project 83% of farmers find the record books easy to use, 8 .5% of farmers find book not easy to use but still managed to keep accurate record and 8 .5% of ... and planning of production Financial planning (budgeting for next production cycle inputs and regeneration of trees 17 13 25 1 30 26 0 16 16 11 25 20 11 0 25 24 0 36 A2 .5. 3 List of the pest and...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

90 347 0
Fundamentals of Project Management Worksmart by James P. Lewis_1 doc

Fundamentals of Project Management Worksmart by James P. Lewis_1 doc

... Creating the Project Risk Plan 55 Chapter Using the Work Breakdown Structure to Plan a Project 68 Chapter Scheduling Project Work 81 Chapter Producing a Workable Schedule 93 Chapter Project Control ... Overview of Project Management Chapter The Role of the Project Manager 24 Chapter Planning the Project 32 Chapter Developing a Mission, Vision, Goals, and Objectives for the Project 45 Chapter ... 1 25 Chapter 11 Project Control Using Earned Value Analysis 141 Chapter 12 Managing the Project Team 156 Chapter 13 The Project Manager as Leader 168 Chapter 14 How to Make Project Management Work...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20

23 464 0
Fundamentals of Project Management Worksmart by James P. Lewis_3 pdf

Fundamentals of Project Management Worksmart by James P. Lewis_3 pdf

... Fundamentals of Project Management skills In fact, the two sets of skills must be integrated into the job of project management because management deals with the administrated aspects of the job—budgets, ... seminar on the tools of project management later told me that, upon returning to work, he immediately convened a meeting of his project team to prepare a plan His boss called him out of the conference ... identification of all of the tasks that must be performed in order to achieve project objectives A WBS is also a good graphic portrayal of project scope (see Chapter 6) ៑ Schedules (both milestone and working...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20

23 483 0
Fundamentals of Project Management Worksmart by James P. Lewis_6 ppt

Fundamentals of Project Management Worksmart by James P. Lewis_6 ppt

... ES LS EF LF 15 60 45 90 DU 15 PICK UP TRASH ES LS EF LF 0 15 15 DU PUT GAS IN EQ ES LS EF LF 10 15 DU GET HEDGE CL ES LS EF LF 55 60 DU 45 MOW FRONT ES LS EF LF 15 15 60 60 DU 15 EDGE SIDEWALK ... EF LF 15 75 30 90 DU DU 30 MOW BACK ES LS EF LF 60 60 90 90 DU 30 BAG GRASS ES LS EF LF 90 90 120 120 DU 15 DU 45 HAUL TRASH ES LS EF LF 120 120 1 65 1 65 BUNDLE TRASH ES LS EF LF 90 1 05 1 05 120 ... Latest Finish for the smallest numthe project If Hauling Away Trash has a Late ber for the LF of Finish of 1 65 minutes and has a duraprevious activities tion of 45 minutes, what is the latest that...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20

23 449 0
Fundamentals of Project Management Worksmart by James P. Lewis_7 pot

Fundamentals of Project Management Worksmart by James P. Lewis_7 pot

... pulls 20 percent of the project budget material costs escalate ៑ Project work requires the addition of a team member Understanding and identifying likely sources of change to your projects will ... the work Following are some of the general reasons for conducting periodic project process reviews You should be able to: ៑ Improve project performance together with the management of the project ... www.amanet.org Fundamentals of Project Management 122 ៑ Keep client(s) informed of project status This can also help ensure that the completed project will meet the needs of the client ៑ Reaffirm...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20

23 411 0
Fundamentals of Project Management Worksmart by James P. Lewis_8 docx

Fundamentals of Project Management Worksmart by James P. Lewis_8 docx

... Compares deviations and performed work ៑ Schedule variance: Compares planned and actual work completed ៑ BCWS (budgeted cost of work scheduled): The budgeted cost of work scheduled to be done in a ... level of effort that is supposed to be performed in that period ៑ BCWP (budgeted cost of work performed): The budgeted cost of work actually performed in a given period or the budgeted level of ... Fundamentals of Project Management then perhaps we should just give up on the whole thing and keep running projects by the seat of the pants Right? Wrong The fact that measures of progress The...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20

23 417 0
Fundamentals of Project Management Worksmart by James P. Lewis_9 pptx

Fundamentals of Project Management Worksmart by James P. Lewis_9 pptx

... How to Make Project Management Work in Your Company I t is one thing to know how to manage projects It is another to get people to actually the work of the project Running by the seat of the pants ... exercise: Figure A-3.  Solution to the scheduling exercise DU 15 DU 15 DU 10 ES LS EF LF ES LS EF LF ES LS EF LF 15 20 15 25 30 40 40 40 50 50 DU ES 0 20 LS EF LF ES LS EF LF 10 10 20 20 20 40 40 DU ... The Project Manager as Leader 1 75 critical to overall project success As a project leader today, you need to address all of these areas This section highlights proven techniques for leading project...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20

23 349 0
Fundamentals of Project Management Worksmart by James P. Lewis_10 pot

Fundamentals of Project Management Worksmart by James P. Lewis_10 pot

... development), 163–1 65 norms, 163 objective(s) development of, 49 51 effects of adverse events on, 22 as factor in assessing change, 129 nature of, 52 as part of project plan, 38 of project team, 158 –160 purpose ... process in, 1 25 definition of project in, definition of project management in, 4 5, 25 knowledge areas in, 20–22 online exam based on, project processes in, 17–19 risk management in, 56 57 Project Management ... definition of project by, definition of project management by, 25 growth of, membership in, 184 website of, 17 Project Management Professional (PMP®) designation, project managers, 24–32 attributes of, ...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20

16 382 0