traffic engineering design
... m 50 m 40 m 30 m 20 m 10 m 1630–16 35 16 35 1640 1640–16 45 16 45 1 650 1 650 –1 655 1 655 –1700 1700–17 05 17 05 1710 1710–17 15 17 15 1720 1720–17 25 17 25 1730 1730–17 35 17 35 1740 1740–17 45 17 45 1 750 1 750 –1 755 ... 042 887 28 7 95 34 219 8 95 830 27 806 159 983 724 11 264 326 – 54 7 8 65 9 05 712 – 327 604 61 738 1994 24 58 0 58 2 25 161 8 15 9 85 31 146 45 700 178 104 38 438 271 3 05 178 17 59 9 51 4 759 627 288 602 ... 16 Frequency 14 12 10 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 Speeds (mph) Fig...
Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2014, 11:36
... the Orders table to the grid resultDataGrid.DataSource = ds.Tables[ORDERS_TABLE].DefaultView; // Write the XSD schema and data to a file // Display file dialog to select XML file to write SaveFileDialog ... 10248 VINET 5 ... 59 rue de l'Abbaye Reims 51 100 France 10249 TOMSP...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 05:15
... C 68.0 28.0 2 45 Tokyo, Japan 34 C 310.0 120.0 341 Kansas City 55 C 188.0 252 .6 342 Kansas City 55 C 218.0 2 85. 9 353 Mustang Island, TX 69 T 455 .0 3 75. 2 51 8 St Luis 37 T 80.0 65. 5 51 9 St Luis 44 ... Arkansas River 53 C 360.0 351 .1 90 Arkansas River 53 T 180.0 197.3 95 Arkansas River 53 C 56 0.0 57 2.2 96 Arkansas River 53 T 230.0 222 .5 102 Arkansas River 53 C 50 0.0 4 15. 8 103 Arkansas River 53 T 240.0 ... . 75 5.1 Introduction . 75 5.2 The Double-Wall Concept 76 5. 3 Design of the Double-Wall Pile .79 5. 3.1 Conceptual Design 79 Contents 5. 4 5. 5 5. 6 5. 7 5. 8 IX 5. 3.2...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:20
Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article On MIMO-OFDM with Coding and Loading" docx
... bits 12 Figure 5: BER performance for coded MIMO-OFDM with and without ABL R = bits, and d = 16 for WSFC 11 .5 11 5. 2 BER = 10−4 10 .5 10 9 .5 BER = 10−3 8 .5 1 .5 2 .5 ηextra 3 .5 4 .5 V-BLAST without ... subcarrier V-BLAST with ηextra , equivalent SNR 8 .5 9 .5 G=1 G=2 G=4 10 10 .5 11 11 .5 10 log10 (Es /N0 ) 12 12 .5 13 G=8 No loading Figure 6: SNR required to achieve BER = 10−3 for WSFC and VBLAST with ... leads to more accurate tentative decisions, it also incurs a larger rate loss due to initialization and termination of WSFC encoding In order to keep the overall rate unchanged, more bits have to...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20
Báo cáo toán học: "Parking Functions and Noncrossing Partitions" pot
... (λ)! · · · mn (λ)! (5) n+1 λi (6) n+1 i mλ Here sλ (1n+1 ) denotes sλ with n+1 variables set equal to and the others to 0, and is evaluated explicitly e.g in [17, Example 4, p 45] Moreover, (λ) ... with the evaluation of αNCn+1 (S) due to Edelman [4, Thm 3.2] It follows from the above discussion that PFn encodes in a simple way the flag f-vector and flag h-vector of NCn+1 , viz., (1) the coefficient ... function βP is called the flag h-vector of P Knowing αP is the same as knowing βP since αP (S) = βP (T ) T ⊆S For further information on flag f-vectors and h-vectors (using a different terminology),...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:22
Báo cáo toán học: "Nonhomogeneous parking functions and noncrossing partitions" pps
... by Haiman [5] Explicit expansions of pf n (x) into the classical bases were given by the electronic journal of combinatorics 15 (2008), #R146 Stanley Among them was the following, together with ... vertices as follows to obtain the auxiliary tree: the electronic journal of combinatorics 15 (2008), #R146 Let P1 := (0, 0) be the root Other numbers in B1 correspond to the vertices to the right of ... in order, each connecting to the vertex to its left by an edge of unit length For ≤ i ≤ k, let Pai := (xai −1 , s + − i), other numbers in Bi correpond to the vertices to the right of Pai one by...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:21
Báo cáo y học: " Preparation of RGD-modified Long Circulating Liposome Loading Matrine, and its in vitro Anti-cancer Effects"
... of RGD to LCL Free Cyclo-RGD ( 250 μg/mL or 15 g/mL) and conjunctive RGD-LCL equivalent to 15 g/mL RGD were analyzed by HPLC to ascertain the status of RGD A Hypersil-BDS-C18-column (4.0 × 250 mm, ... were dose-dependent (Figure 5) When Bcap-37 cells were used to assess the toxicity of RGD-LCL, we observed cytotoxicity of liposomes beginning at the 1. 25 mg/mL or 2 .5 mg/mL concentrations Indicating ... matrine (0.031 25 mg/mL), (B) RGD-LCL (0.6 25 mg/mL), (C) RGD-M-LCL (equivalent to matrine of 0.031 25 mg/mL and RGD-LCL of 0.6 25 mg/mL), (D) matrine (0.06 25 mg/mL), (E) RGD-LCL (1. 25 mg/mL), and...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 08:57
The Ins and Outs of Loading External Assets
... easier to individually edit several smaller, externally loaded files than to open a complex project with numerous scenes, layers, tweens, movie clip instances, and scripting every time you need to ... (and MP3) content into your project, as we'll discuss later in this lesson In the following exercises, you'll learn how to load a variety of external file types, and how to control these assets ... of day, month, user input, or even a randomly generated number Although it would be next to impossible to create a single SWF that could display appropriate content based on so many variables,...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 21:15
Loading and Controlling External Video
... more information about this useful tool, visit After you have a usable FLV file, you need to know how to load it into Flash as well as how to control it and communicate with ... Listener, which can be scripted to react to that particular cue point For example: myMediaComponent.addCuePoint("liftoff", 54 ); myListener.cuePoint = function(eventObj:Object){ //actions } myMediaComponent.addEventListener("cuePoint", ... script adds a cue point named liftoff to the myMediaComponent instance This cue point is fired 54 seconds into the playback of the loaded media The Event object sent to the cuePoint event handler...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 14:15
Tài liệu Loading and Communicating with Inline Images and SWFs doc
...; 13 } 14 stop1_btn.onRelease = function(){ 15 window_txt.media1_mc.stop(); 16 } These two event handlers are used to control that SWF file by telling it when to play and when to stop As we discussed ... containing the items we added Next, we need to script the application to something when one of these menu choices is selected Close the test movie to return to the authoring environment With the Actions ... mainMenuListener.change = function(eventObj:Object){ 11 var menu =; 12 var item = eventObj.menuItem; 13 if(item == menu.page1){ 14 loadPage("home.htm"); 15 }else if(item == menu.page2){...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 22:15
Tài liệu Bike Lanes, On-Street Parking and Business: A Study of Bloor Street in Toronto’s Annex Neighbourhood docx
... 8% 15% Weekday 58 % 54 % 51 % 55 % Saturday 40% 25% 42% 35% Weekday 10 42% 21% 30% 32% Saturday 24% 20% 19% 22% Weekday - Huron to 82 49% 50 30% 96 57 % 75 45% Saturday 92 55 % 104 62% 104 62% 99 59 % ... Saturday 47 65% 52 72% 54 75% 50 70% Weekday 34 47% 35 48% 43 60% 36 51 % Saturday 39 55 % 47 66% 45 63% 44 60% Weekday 72 50 % 45 31% 88 61% 67 47% Saturday 86 60% 99 69% 100 69% 94 65% Weekday 34% ... Public Car Total days area (294) the area (244) (246) (64) Transit (171) (55 ) (53 8) 0-1 2% 30% 7% 5% 24% 29% 15% 1% 10% 2% 5% 9% 9% 5% 1% 7% 2% 5% 5% 7% 3% 2% 13% 3% 8% 12% 9% 7% 2% 6% 2% 5% 6% 4%...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Altered expression of CD1d molecules and lipid accumulation in the human hepatoma cell line HepG2 after iron loading pptx
... 272 (20 05) 152 –1 65 ª 2004 FEBS CD1d upregulation in iron-loaded HepG2 cells 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 A potential mechanism for T cell activation by foam cells Am J Pathol 155 , 7 75 786 ... transforming growth factor FEBS Journal 272 (20 05) 152 –1 65 ª 2004 FEBS M Cabrita et al 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 beta1 in genetic hemochromatosis Hepatology 26, 6 05 610 Staubli A & ... Intensity (a.u.) Ip: Densitometry 150 00 10000 50 00 45- 50 kDa – Densitometry Cell Lysate Nor3.2 Fe: – 10000 + CD1d 46 Blotting: Nor3.2 Band Intensity (a.u.) Ip: + 750 0 50 00 250 0 Fig Iron-induced upregulation...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 16:20
Driving and parking patterns of European car drivers --- a mobility survey pptx
... 100.0% Germany 18-34 35- 54 55 + Total Italy 18-34 35- 54 55 + Total Poland 18-34 35- 54 55 + Total Spain 18-34 35- 54 55 + Total UK 18-34 35- 54 55 + Total Source: Derived from EUROSTAT data 17 Table ... (No. =50 0) Male Female Actual sample TOT Male Female TOT 18-34 16.4 16.2 32.6 14.3 17.2 31.4 35- 54 17.4 18.0 35. 4 22 .5 32.9 55 .4 55 + 16.2 15. 8 32.0 7.6 5. 5 13.1 Total 50 .0 50 .0 100.0 44.4 55 .6 ... (No. =50 0) Male Female Actual sample TOT Male Female TOT 18-34 15. 0 14.6 29.6 16.2 15. 3 31 .5 35- 54 17.8 18.4 36.2 15. 3 21.9 37.2 55 + 17.6 16.6 34.2 16.2 15. 2 31.3 Total 50 .4 49.6 100.0 47.6 52 .4...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 12:20
Parking Management Strategies, Evaluation and Planning 2012 pptx
... allows total parking requirements to be reduced to 100 spaces, providing $100,000 to $50 0,000 in annualized parking facility capital and operating cost savings (compared with $20,000- $50 ,000 ... to provide optimal parking supply and price It considers too much supply as harmful as too little, and prices that are too low as harmful as those that are too high The new paradigm strives to ... reduce automobile travel 10-30%, depending on the value of the incentive, and various factors In urban areas commuters tend to shift to walking and transit In suburban areas they tend to shift to cycling...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 12:20
A guide for preparing, loading , and transporting poultry pdf
... Chickens into 23" x 34" Chicken Crates (0 .50 m2) Weight (kg) Moderate (63 kg/m2) Extreme Heat (54 kg/m2) 1.75kg 2.00kg 2.25kg 2 .50 kg 2.80kg 3 .50 kg Maximum Number of Birds / Crate 18 16 14 13 11 15 14 ... for broilers in transit Poultry Science 75, supplement : p 18 Pg 26 35 C 45 60% 24 30 38 46 70% 25 32 41 49 75% 26 33 42 50 80% 26 33 43 52 27 34 44 53 100 DO NOT LOAD Humidity (%) Mitchell, ... 19 17 15 12 Guideline for Loading Broiler Chickens into 44” x 47” Linco Module Drawers (1.3m2) Weight (kg) Moderate (63 kg/m2) Extreme Heat (54 kg/m2) 1.75kg 2.00kg 2.25kg 2 .50 kg 2.80kg 3 .50 kg...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 21:20
Parking Standards Review: Examination of Potential Options and Impacts of Car Share Programs on Parking Standards ppt
... $216 ,56 4 $51 6 ,59 0 $51 1,048 $210,970 $371,308 $ 455 ,376 $716,822 $338,211 $939 ,51 3 $604,444 $51 2, 355 $279, 458 $303,062 $407,801 $219,792 $249,622 $312, 151 $249,6 35 1 ,51 3 1,041 810 1, 855 1,232 1,1 45 ... $ 150 ,490 1,213 398 $284 $41 2 25 5 15 34 57 1 383 0.76 0.74 0.94 n/a n/a 1. 35 1.41 0.38 0.16 1.92 $ 250 ,111 $ 254 ,783 $228 ,50 0 $222,424 $203,321 756 723 748 888 826 $331 $ 353 $306 $ 251 $246 900 50 0 ... -0.1 15 0.311 -0 .50 5 -0 .57 9 -0 .50 9 -0.604 -0 .59 0 0.612 0.321 0.902 0.644 -0.101 -0 .57 0 -0.423 -0.402 -0.328 -0.360 0.860 0.480 0.902 0.2 85 0.014 -0. 655 -0 .52 9 -0.421 -0.473 -0.493 0.8 75 -0.1 15 0.644...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 09:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Azotobacter vinelandii rhodanese Selenium loading and ion interaction studies potx
... probably of residues located near the active site H-NMR spectroscopy Fig 1H-15N NMR HSQC spectra of [15N]Cys230-labelled RhdA (A) 1H-15N HSQC spectrum of 0.2 mM [15N]Cys230-labelled RhdA in 50 mM Tris/HCl ... well resolved to follow the change in chemical shift induced by the protein conversion of protons attached to nitrogen (probably an indolyl proton of a tryptophan) and methyl protons Thus this ... enzymes in Azotobacter vinelandii FEBS Lett 278, 151 – 154 Pagani, S., Sessa, G., Sessa, F & Colnaghi, R (1993) Properties of Azotobacter vinelandii rhodanese Mol Biol Int 29, 59 5–604 Westley,...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 07:20
COLLADA: Geometry and Animation loading pptx
... Data, to be compiled into Vertices later vector Positions; vector UVs; vector Normals; vector Tangents; vector BiTangents; vector ... D3DXVECTOR2 UV; D3DXVECTOR3 Normal; D3DXVECTOR3 Tangent; D3DXVECTOR3 BiTangent; }; //Constructor Vertex(D3DXVECTOR3 Position, D3DXVECTOR2 UV, D3DXVECTOR3 Normal, D3DXVECTOR3 Tangent, D3DXVECTOR3 ... Data arrays Positions = vector(); UVs = vector(); Normals = vector(); Tangents = vector(); BiTangents = vector(); //Initialize Combined...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 10:20
Elasto plastic stress and strain behaviour at notch roots under monotonic and cyclic loadings
... 19 85, 22(3), 4 85 50 8 Glinka, G Calculation of inelastic notch-tip strain–stress history under cyclic loading Engng Fracture Mechanics, 19 85, 22 (5) , 839– 854 Glinka, G., Ott, W and Nowack, H Elastoplastic ... correction factor, F Kt based on equation (10) Kt from finite element analysis Kt from strain gauges S04400 # IMechE 2001 293 Case Case Case 3.1 75 1 .58 8 1.934 1 .59 1.79 3.1 75 0 .52 9 1.934 2 .58 2.83 ... Cyclic strain-hardenin g exponent, n9 Cyclic modulus of elasticity, E9 (GPa) 262 200 52 4 8 75 40.2 153 3 0.1 85 564 12 05 0.122 200 For a double-edged U-notch in a finite-width long strip with rectangular...
Ngày tải lên: 24/05/2014, 20:28