5 detector performance and sensitivity

VMware vCloud Director 5.1 Performance and Best Practices potx

VMware vCloud Director 5.1 Performance and Best Practices potx

... VMware vSphere 5. 0 http://www.vmware.com/pdf/vsphere5/r50/vsphere -50 -configuration-maximums.pdf [4] VMware vCenter 5. 1 Configuration Limits https://www.vmware.com/pdf/vsphere5/r51/vsphere -51 -configuration-maximums.pdf ... VC 5. 0 and VC 5. 1 , please refer to Configuration Maximums for VMware vSphere 5. 0 [3] and Configuration Maximums for VMware vSphere 5. 1 [4] TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER / 22 VMware vCloud Director 5. 1 ... Configuration Maximums for VMware vSphere 5. 0 [3] and Configuration Maximums for VMware vSphere 5. 1 [4] TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER / 25 VMware vCloud Director 5. 1 Performance and Best Practices Conclusion In...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:20

28 511 0
Moving PCA for process fault detection   a performance and sensitivity study

Moving PCA for process fault detection a performance and sensitivity study

... 51 2.6 Industrial case study 55 2.6.1 Process description 55 2.6.2 Results 57 2.7 Chapter conclusion ... 2.2 Process disturbances 2.3 Performance in TEP simulation using T statistic 51 2.4 Performance in TEP simulation using Q statistic 54 2 .5 Performance in industrial case ... is initially scaled against its mean and standard deviation (ie auto–scaled) and then analyzed by a PCA model derived from X16 35 vii 2 .5 Monitoring by Q statistic for test...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2015, 12:56

111 220 0
VMware vCloud® Director ™ 1.5 Performance and Best Practices potx

VMware vCloud® Director ™ 1.5 Performance and Best Practices potx

... vCloud Director 1 .5 Performance and Best Practices Latency (Time in Seconds) Full Clone Linked Clone 700 600 50 0 400 300 200 100 0 5, 000 10,000 15, 000 20,000 25, 000 30,000 35, 000 40,000 vApp ... PAPER /5 VMware vCloud Director 1 .5 Performance and Best Practices ORACLE CONFIGURATION PARAMETER VALUE FOR C CELLS CONNECTIONS 75* C +50 PROCESSES = CONNECTIONS SESSIONS = CONNECTIONS*1.1 +5 TRANSACTIONS ... VMware vCloud Director 1 .5 Performance and Best Practices Organization with two Org vDCs Org vDC Org vDC ESXi 5. 0 Hosts ESXi 5. 0 Hosts Datastore Copy Datastore Figure 15 Shared and separated datastores...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:20

27 585 0


... 2.87 a 6 35. 07  ± 13.88 ab 10.79 ± 0 .51 a 57 .08 ± 1.01 a 61 .55 LD (mm) 51 .46 ± 1.33 LM (%) 59 .02 ± 0.71 b ab ± 0 .54 113.88 abc 57 7.48 ± 3.70  ± 18.30 b 8.96 ± 0.68 107.17 ± 4.73 bc 55 2.93 ± 22.88 ... 76 .53 ab 50 2 .59 ± 0 .57 ± 18.78 a 93.99 ± 4.09 bc 5. 60 ± 0.37 a 7 .52 ± 0.03 PiCC (n = 111) PiCT (n = 42) c 201.10 ± 9 .55 d 299.46 ± 5. 96 ac 80.49 ± 0.48 79.20 ± 0.94 c 75. 19 ± 0.77 c 334.02 ± 25. 40 ... PiDu 75 MO was highest for PiCC and PiDu 75, lowest for PiCT Meanwhile, CO was highest for PiDu 25, lowest for PiCC and PiCT NT of PiCC, PiDu 25, and PiDu50 were largely higher than in PiDu 75 and...

Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2013, 11:59

6 734 0
English 9-Unit 5 GS- Listen and Read

English 9-Unit 5 GS- Listen and Read

... magazines and is widely read by both teenagers and adults Pe ople c an get the lates t information and enjoy inte re s ting and inexpens ive local and inte rnational programs in a convenie nt way 4 ,5 ... ne wspape rs and magazine s  Form: V-ing (gerund) ( like, love, enjoy, hate, dis like, s top, finis h ) - I enjoy watc hing TV Write all types of media Tell your favorite one and the reason ... Nay”? What be ne f it s doe s TV bring about t o pe ople ’s lif e ? What kinds of magazine s and ne wspape rs you re ad? What ’s your f avorit e t ype of me dia? Why? A town c rie r was a...

Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2013, 02:10

37 1K 0
Long-term Performance and Community Analysis of Spirodela Polyrrhiza–bacteria Association Treating Phenol-contaminated Water

Long-term Performance and Community Analysis of Spirodela Polyrrhiza–bacteria Association Treating Phenol-contaminated Water

... B (b), and C (c) during 21-cycle repeated cultures Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals - 2 45 - Cycle number a d g 21 15 21 15 21 15 21 15 b e 21 15 h 21 15 c f i 21 15 21 15 15 Fig - ... B2 B3 -0.49 -0 .55 0.26 c 0.13 0.47 PC1 (39.6%) A3 0.81 B3 B2 A2 A3 A9 0.02 A9 B9 B 15 B21 A1 -0. 25 -0 .51 -0.68 A21 -0.43 B1 A 15 -0.18 0.07 PC1 (38.2%) 0.32 A2 A1 0.03 -0.19 A21 A 15 A9 -0.21 b 0.29 ... -0.19 PC2 (19 .5% ) 0 .55 B21 B 15 PC2 (19.7%) 0.71 B3 B1 B2 A21 A 15 -0.42 -0.64 -0.78 B9 B 15 -0.36 0.07 PC1 (46.8%) 0.49 B21 0.92 Fig - Principal component analysis based on the DGGE banding pattern...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15

12 476 0
Effect of unsaturated fatty acid esters of biodiesel fuels on combustion, performance and emission characteristics of a DI diesel engine

Effect of unsaturated fatty acid esters of biodiesel fuels on combustion, performance and emission characteristics of a DI diesel engine

... 83.16 10 63.16 10 75. 20 77.82 10 71.12 71.20 Ignition Delay (CA deg) From-To 343- 356 344- 357 347- 359 3 45- 357 344- 355 342- 353 344- 355 343- 353 3 45- 355 343- 353 346- 355 347- 357 346- 355 Location of Maximum ... 197 .5 JP 50 :50 834 5. 10 59 39.6 84 198 Neem 832 5. 16 58 .7 39.8 83.2 201 JT 50 :50 8 35 5.21 62.2 39.9 83 214 SFCt 50 :50 834 5. 27 54 .6 39.9 81 .5 210 Mahua 830 5. 33 61.4 40 .5 80 187 Palm 830 5. 39 ... JP 50 :50 Neem JT 50 :50 SFCt 50 :50 Mahua Palm JCt 50 :50 88.00 78.87 75. 50 73.20 72.32 68.18 62.89 60.40 57 .92 52 . 05 50.00 48.80 44.44 0.3342 0.33 45 0.33 05 0.3293 0.3276 0.3 259 0.3 254 0.32 35 0.3236...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28

20 483 0
An experimental investigation of performance and exhaust emission of a diesel engine fuelled with Jatropha biodiesel and its blends

An experimental investigation of performance and exhaust emission of a diesel engine fuelled with Jatropha biodiesel and its blends

... engine performance, emission and combustion characteristics Fuel 2010, 89(10), 3099–31 05 doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2010. 05. 034 [14] Bueno A.V., Velásquez J.A., Milanez L.F Heat release and engine performance ... energy consumption and thermal efficiency were calculated The emissions such as CO, HC, and NOx were measured using exhaust gas analyzer and smoke with smoke meter These performance and emission characteristics ... increase in brake power due to the reduction in heat losses at higher loads B20, B50 and B100 blend showed 0 .58 , 5. 62 and 10.4 percent average higher energy consumption B20 JOME showed approximately...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:11

12 568 0
Lab 9.2.5 VTP Client and Server Configurations

Lab 9.2.5 VTP Client and Server Configurations

... logoff, by typing exit, and turn all the devices off Then remove and store the cables and adapter 5- 6 CCNA 3: Switching Basics and Intermediate Routing v 3.0 - Lab 9.2 .5 Copyright  2003, Cisco ... following command to turn it back on Switch_A#vlan database Switch_A(vlan)#vtp server Switch_A(vlan)#exit Step Create and name three VLANs Enter the following commands to create and name three ... Switch_B(vlan)#exit Step 12 Create the trunk On both switches, Switch_A and Switch_B, type the following command at the fastethernet 0/1 interface command prompt Switch_A(config)#interface fastethernet 0/1 Switch_A(config-if)#switchport...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2013, 21:15

6 532 0
Tài liệu ADC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ADC Decommissioning and Removal Services for Improved Network Performance and Utilization docx

Tài liệu ADC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ADC Decommissioning and Removal Services for Improved Network Performance and Utilization docx

... equipment and training Network/environment compliance To help operators reclaim space and optimize their network assets and facilities, ADC offers turnkey services for the decommissioning and removal ... string removal and disposal Packaging and shipment of equipment for redeployment at other locations Disposal of scrap and hazardous waste Relieving cable congestion Cable mining and rerouting ... them the knowledge and skills needed to prevent service disruptions They are also fully trained on all safety precautions and regulatory requirements for the proper handling and disposal of hazardous...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 17:15

4 393 0
Tài liệu Lab 1.1.5 Verifying NAT and PAT Configuration ppt

Tài liệu Lab 1.1.5 Verifying NAT and PAT Configuration ppt

... ISP(config-if)#ip address 255 . 255 . 255 . 255 ISP(config-if)#no shutdown ISP(config-if)#exit ISP(config)#interface serial ISP(config-if)#ip address 255 . 255 . 255 . 252 ISP(config-if)#no shutdown ... address 255 . 255 . 255 .0 Gateway(config-if)#no shutdown Gateway(config-if)#exit Gateway(config)#interface serial Gateway(config-if)#ip address 255 . 255 . 255 . 252 Gateway(config-if)#no ... pool of public addresses, use the ip nat pool command: Gateway(config)#ip nat pool public-access 199.99.9. 35 netmask 255 . 255 . 255 . 252 Step Define an access list that will match the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 13:15

7 481 0
Tài liệu Google Adwords-Chapter 5 "Tracking Ads and Landing Pages" ppt

Tài liệu Google Adwords-Chapter 5 "Tracking Ads and Landing Pages" ppt

... and that's all there is to it! 52 www.GoogleAdwordsMadeEasy.com www.GoogleAdwordsMadeEasy.com 53 Tips for Writing Landing Pages That Sell Here are easy-to-implement strategies for creating landing ... easy and comfortable for your visitor to take the next step to keep reading and visually exploring the landing page And that starts with maintaining a connection between the ad they clicked and ... impression they have formed of the landing page n Is it attractive and easy to read? n Does the overall design convey professionalism and trustworthiness? n Is the landing page directly related to...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 14:15

10 334 0
Tài liệu Overview Series: Windows Vista Performance and TuningImprove Performance Quickly and EasilyThe doc

Tài liệu Overview Series: Windows Vista Performance and TuningImprove Performance Quickly and EasilyThe doc

... efficient and comprehensive way of improving performance of search and reducing the impact of indexing on the system Both search queries and data indexing are faster with Windows Search 4.0, and indexing ... computer’s performance Check Performance with Task Manager Task Manager provides information about applications and processes that are currently running on a computer, and also provides real-time performance ... effects, you can right click your desktop and click Personalize In the Personalize appearance and sounds window, click Windows Color and Appearance and chose a theme Make sure the Enable transparency...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 13:15

14 270 0
Tài liệu Module 5: Queued Components and Events pptx

Tài liệu Module 5: Queued Components and Events pptx

... 1907A_ 05. ppt ! Module 5: Queued Components and Events ! Lab 5. 1: Creating and Using Queued Components ! Lab 5. 2: Creating and Using Event Classes ! Lab 5. 3: (Optional) Combining Queued Components and ... Administrative Tools and then click Computer Management b Expand Services and Applications in the left pane c Expand Message Queuing and then Public Queues d Expand Vendor Processing and select Queue ... to both subscribers Module 5: Queued Components and Events # Overview Slide Objective ! Lab 5. 1: Creating and Using Queued Components ! Handling Events ! Publisher and Subscriber Architecture...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15

110 436 0
A reliability data base for performance and predictive assessment of electric power systems

A reliability data base for performance and predictive assessment of electric power systems

... Unavailability (%) (kv) (t.a) (per a) 110-149 150 -199 200-299 300-399 50 0 -59 9 600-799 TABLE Voltage Class (kV) 7,1 65. 5 337.0 4,301.0 1.086 .5 584 .5 657 .0 - 0.1173 0. 053 4 0.1269 0.0782 0.3081 0.1172 - 8 Transmission ... class (kV) (km.a) km.a I (8) 1.0609 0.41 05 0 .54 34 0.2988 0.4038 0.1713 180,131 5, 846 154 ,209 41,837 39,126 50 ,218 110-149 150 -199 200-299 300-399 50 0 -59 9 600-799 0.076 0.004 0.096 0.037 0.047 ... 110-149 150 -199 200-299 300-399 50 0 -59 9 600-799 PABLE 0.004 0.002 0.006 0.0 05 0.021 0.017 6,814 .5 420.0 3,862.0 1,038.0 968 .5 494.0 - Frequency (per a) Mean Duration (h) 0.0601 0.0 857 0.0683 0. 051 1...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:36

6 483 0
Tài liệu The maximum achievement seminar online- the keys to peak performance and personal leadership ppt

Tài liệu The maximum achievement seminar online- the keys to peak performance and personal leadership ppt

... to Peak Performance and Personal Leadership Module 2: The Seven Mental Principles to High Performance Module 3: The Key to Peak Performance Module 4: Taking Charge of Your Life Module 5: Releasing ... question for more than 250 0 years In the 20th century, countless millions of dollars and thousands of hours have been invested in searching for the answer Thousands of books and articles have been ... your expectations, your values and your behaviors The key to peak performance is for you to understand clearly why you learn to think and feel the way you With understanding comes the ability to...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 16:33

49 364 0


... plenum and 1 15 is the reactor core Components 1 65 through 210 comprise the riser section, and 2 15 and 216 are the upper plenum region 51 0 50 0 55 5 55 0 56 0 52 0 -2 ADS Vent 217 5 4 216 6 35 2 15 28 ... 58 0 56 0 54 0 52 0 50 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Time (s) Figure 14 Fuel cladding surface temperatures during sump makeup line nozzle break below containment waterline core fluid density 800 750 ... RELAP5 Model (SI) (British) 0.0 254 0.0203 480 1.8 1 .5 23.7 1166 0. 156 0.8 Current Design (SI) (British) 0.0 159 0.6 25 0.0126 0.4 95 1.676 1012 1.8 1 .5 22.7 1808 0.126 1. 354 907.8 9771.1 1148.2 12 359 .4...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 22:20

21 480 0
Tài liệu Lab 9.2.5 VTP Client and Server Configurations doc

Tài liệu Lab 9.2.5 VTP Client and Server Configurations doc

... logoff by typing exit, and turn all the devices off Then remove and store the cables and adapter 6-8 CCNA 3: Switching Basics and Intermediate Routing v 3.0 - Lab 9.2 .5 Copyright  2003, Cisco ... clearing out previous configurations and starting with an unconfigured switch Instructions are provided for the 2900, 2 950 , and 1900 Series switches 2900 and 2 950 Series Switches Enter into the ... following command to turn it back on Switch_A#vlan database Switch_A(vlan)#vtp server Switch_A(vlan)#exit Step Create and name three VLANs Enter the following commands to create and name three...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 19:20

8 427 0