... Society for Testing and Materials Standards (ASTM) C 29/ Standard Test Method for Unit Weight and Voids C 29 M in Aggregate C 31/ Standard Practice for Making and Curing C 31 M Concrete Test Specimens ... thermal properties, and volume change, which includes drying shrinkage and temperature due to cement hydration A2 .5—Specifications and test methods Appropriate specifications and test methods for the ... 143/ Standard Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic C 143 M Cement Concrete C 150 Standard Specification for Portland Cement C 192/ Standard Practice for Making and Curing C 192 M Concrete Test Specimens...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 17:40
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 10:02
The JSP Files (Part 6) - State of Grace
... "counter" is then initialized and set to the string "0" Next, the setMaxAge() and setPath() methods of the Cookie object are used to set the expiry date (in seconds) and the cookie's availability, ... be tracked and connection−specific data to be maintained And thus came about "cookies", which allowed Web sites to store client−specific information in a file on the client system, and access ... added to the cookie, and would be retrieved and presented to the customer in a consolidated list during the billing process Why are they called "cookies"? The PR agency handling the account was...
Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 07:15
Tài liệu The 6 Myths Of Creativity pdf
... anger, joy, and love that people were experiencing on a given day And we found that creativity is positively associated with joy and love and negatively associated with anger, fear, and anxiety ... of research and these 12,000 journal entries suggest that when people are doing work that they love and they're allowed to deeply engage in it and when the work itself is valued and recognized ... about pay on a day-to-day basis And the handful of people who were spending a lot of time wondering about their bonuses were doing very little creative thinking Bonuses and pay-for-performance plans...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 14:15
Tài liệu Linux Device Drivers-Chapter 6 : Flow of Time pptx
... they are most useful when writing interrupt handlers, and we'll see them again in "Tasklets and Bottom-Half Processing", in Chapter 9, "Interrupt Handling" Kernel timers are used to schedule a ... the solution The kernel functions udelay and mdelay serve this purpose.[27] Their prototypes are [27] The u in udelay represents the Greek letter mu and stands for micro #include ... in this example and the following ones is the value of jiffies at the expiration of the delay and is always calculated as just shown for busy waiting This loop (which can be tested by reading...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 01:17
Tài liệu Using Expression Columns to Display Aggregate Values pptx
... // DataSet ds = new DataSet( ); SqlDataAdapter da; // Fill the Order table and add it to the DataSet da = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Orders", ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Sql_ConnectString"]); ... DataTable(ORDERS_TABLE); da.Fill(orderTable); ds.Tables.Add(orderTable); // Fill the OrderDetails table and add it to the DataSet da = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [Order Details]", ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Sql_ConnectString"]); ... display summary information for related child records When a DataRelation exists between a parent and child table in a DataSet, you can refer to a child record by adding the prefix Child to the...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 11:20
6 secrets of effective websites
... readers Try and give yourself a little insurance for a consistent blog presence by scheduling posts in advance and always having several posts in reserve 4: Reach and Traffic Expand yours by ... comes to landing pages, less is definitely more 46 FACEBOOK TWITTER 4: Continually A/B test elements of your landing page in order of importance Call to actions matter more than headlines, and headlines ... businesses connect, engage and share with their leads and customers This platform has more than tripled over the past years19 Marketers who spend at least hours a week engaging and sharing on social...
Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 11:32
Tài liệu Color Atlas of Pharmacology (Part 6): Quantification of Drug Action ppt
... receptors aims to determine the affinity of ligands, the kinetics of interaction, and the characteristics of the binding site itself In studying the affinity and number of such binding sites, use is ... quantitatively), added to the membrane suspension, and allowed to bind to receptors Membrane fragments and medium are then separated, e.g., by filtration, and the amount of bound drug is measured Binding ... the number of free binding sites (c = and B ≈ 10% of maximum binding; c = and B ≈ 20 %) As binding approaches saturation, the number of free sites decreases and the increment in binding is no longer...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu C++ Lab 6 Review of Variables, Formatting & Loops docx
... compiler ios::showpoint Show decimal point and trailing zeros for floating-point values ios::uppercase Display uppercase A through F for hexadecimal values and E for scientific values ios::showpos ... buffered ios::stdio Cause ostream::osfx to flush stdout and stderr after each insertion More on Loops: Suppose you already have a program and you want to add a loop around it to make it run many ... variable - for example, a char variable - and ask " Do you want to run the program again? " However this is extra work for the user to answer yes or no each time and is not a preferred method In the...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 08:20
6 Coating of Steel Structures...Hydroblasting and Coating of Steel Structures.. potx
... Printed and bound in Great Britain by Biddles Ltd, Guildford and King’s Lynn Contents List of Symbols and Abbreviations Used vii Introduction 1.1 Definitions of surfaces and preparation methods ... Cataloging-in-PublicationData Momber, Andreas W., 1959 Hydroblasting and coating of steel structures / Andreas W Momber p cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 1-85617-395-X (hardcover) ... Hydroblasting and Coating of Steel Structures Hyd robIast ing and Coating of Steel Structures Andreas W Momber Privatdozent, Department of Mining, Metallurgy and Earth Sciences, RWTH...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 19:20
6 Coating of Steel Structures Hydroblasting and Coating of Steel Structures pot
... Printed and bound in Great Britain by Biddles Ltd, Guildford and King’s Lynn Contents List of Symbols and Abbreviations Used vii Introduction 1.1 Definitions of surfaces and preparation methods ... Cataloging-in-PublicationData Momber, Andreas W., 1959 Hydroblasting and coating of steel structures / Andreas W Momber p cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 1-85617-395-X (hardcover) ... Hydroblasting and Coating of Steel Structures Hyd robIast ing and Coating of Steel Structures Andreas W Momber Privatdozent, Department of Mining, Metallurgy and Earth Sciences, RWTH...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 12:20
Báo cáo " Assessing effects of the waterholding bioproduct Lipomycin M on the amount of effective water in the soil " ppt
... holding effective water (available for plant) of the bioproduct Lipomycin M Materials and methods 53 Table Formula and dosage of the bioproduct in experimental samples Sample Formula Dosage (g/tree) ... samples CT2 and CT3 are higher (38.54g and 39.86g respectively) This means that fertilizing the bioproduct Lipomycin M is more efficient when combining with multi-functional biofertilizer and synthetic ... amount of water pushed out accounts for 23.5% In the soil samples CT2 and CT3, these numbers are 24.0% and 24.6% respectively, and lower than that of the soil sample DC (24.8%) It can be suggested...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 12:20
Chronicles (3 of 6): Historie of England (1 of 9) Henrie IV ppt
... SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND IN SIX VOLUMES VOL III ENGLAND LONDON: PRINTED FOR J JOHNSON; F.C AND J RIVINGTON; T PAYNE; WILKIE AND ROBINSON; LONGMAN, HURST, REES, AND ORME; CADELL AND DAVIES; AND J MAWMAN ... knights and esquiers, all being gentlemen, both of name and armes, armed at all points, and furnished with speares, axes, swords, and daggers, and there to fight and combat to the yeelding; and euerie ... magistrats of the cities and townes, and so gentlie and familiarlie vsed and treated the commons, that he not onelie appeased their furie and malice, but brought them to louing and vniforme obeisance,...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 00:20
Cách sử dụng A lot of, lots of, plenty of, a large amount of, a great deal of docx
Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 13:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " An assessment of the effect of hepatitis B vaccine in decreasing the amount of hepatitis B disease in Italy" pptx
... Northern and Western Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, and Southern South America The prevalence of chronic HBV infection is intermediate (2%–7%) in South Central and Southwest ... Asia, the Middle East (except Israel), Southern and Western Pacific islands, the interior Amazon River basin and certain parts of the Caribbean (Haiti and the Dominican Republic) [2] In Italy, the ... settings and blood screening, social, behavioural and demographic changes and sexual educational campaigns seem yet to have been effective to reduce horizontal transmission in these countries and...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Preferences of diabetes patients and physicians: A feasibility study to identify the key indicators for appraisal of health care values" doc
... Netherlands and the USA in several health care projects [13-17] The aim of this paper is to identify the factors which are important for treatment decisions of diabetes type I and II in Germany and ... cluster randomised controlled trial to evaluate the safety, clinical effectiveness, cost effectiveness and satisfaction with point of care testing in a general practice setting rationale, design and ... co-treatments, stress factors and interpersonal relationship influence the outcome and are therefore eliminated in efficacy trials but not in effectiveness studies Efficacy and effectiveness are two...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20
6 Coating of Steel Structures Hydroblasting and Coating of Steel Structures docx
... Printed and bound in Great Britain by Biddles Ltd, Guildford and King’s Lynn Contents List of Symbols and Abbreviations Used vii Introduction 1.1 Definitions of surfaces and preparation methods ... Cataloging-in-PublicationData Momber, Andreas W., 1959 Hydroblasting and coating of steel structures / Andreas W Momber p cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 1-85617-395-X (hardcover) ... Hydroblasting and Coating of Steel Structures Hyd robIast ing and Coating of Steel Structures Andreas W Momber Privatdozent, Department of Mining, Metallurgy and Earth Sciences, RWTH...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 17:20
The chart below shows the amount of money per week spent on fast foods in Britain doc
... groups on fast foods, though fish and chips remains their most popular fast food, followed by hamburgers and then pizza From the graph we can see that in 1970, fish and chips were twice as popular ... per week) than on fish and chips or pizza (both under 20 pence) Average income earners also favoured hamburgers, spending 33 pence per person per week, followed by fish and chips at 24 pence, ... least popular fast food The consumption of hamburgers and pizza has risen steadily over the 20 year period to 1990 while the consumption of fish and chips has been in decline over that same period...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 12:20
Part 6. Code of practice for design of light gauge profiled steel sheeting ppt
... Alternatively, for steels complying with any British Standard and supplied with specific inspection and testing to BS EN 10021, the values of Reff, Rp,0.2, Rt,0.5 and Rm may be based on the values declared ... cover the design, construction and fire resistance of steel structures and specifications for materials, workmanship and erection It comprises the following Parts and Sections: Part Part Part Section ... British Standards exist It has been assumed in the drafting of this British Standard that the execution of its provisions is entrusted to appropriately qualified and experienced people and that...
Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 22:20