5 set up the environment to support the standby database

Using 5   minute activities to warm up the language classroom

Using 5 minute activities to warm up the language classroom

... all, etc… All of them are to draw attention of the students, to motivate them and to lead them into the main aim of our lesson today Here are some ways to get the class started for the new lesson: ... Procedure : Tell the students to close their eyes; they might like to place their heads on their arms Ask them to think about how they feel; they might think about their day so far, or about their previous ... coming to the new lesson?  Yes  No Why you need to warm up your class at the beginning of each lesson?  To motivate the pupils  To organize the class composition  To draw the attention of the...

Ngày tải lên: 27/12/2013, 20:26

66 693 4
Strengthening country office capacity to support Sexual and reproductive health in the new aid environment docx

Strengthening country office capacity to support Sexual and reproductive health in the new aid environment docx

... Organization Strengthening country office capacity to support sexual and reproductive health in the new aid environment Background The conclusion of the “Strengthening country office capacity to support ... and in the international development environment supporting reform within the health sector The analysis explored the extent to which the project “Strengthening capacity of UNFPA and WHO to advocate ... suggest that the contents of the course have been made available through technical support to MOHs, and to other development agencies and donors Strengthening country office capacity to support sexual...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 16:20

22 319 0
The research of using epad technology to support activities in administrative system

The research of using epad technology to support activities in administrative system

... Use case name Store into database - Actor Administration department - Purpose Store document into database - General description Attach document into the form and upload into database - References ... decided by the manager • The destination of the documents after reviewing depends on the manager (the manager will note on the document to which department the documents belong to) • The employees ... should be automatically executed The advantage of this idea is the users not have to care about what is happening under these steps, they simply the steps which familiar to them Therefore, it...

Ngày tải lên: 23/11/2012, 15:04

102 596 0
difficulties in teaching reading comprehension with the new english textbook “tieng anh 10” (the set of standard textbooks) to the 10th form students at ke sat high school

difficulties in teaching reading comprehension with the new english textbook “tieng anh 10” (the set of standard textbooks) to the 10th form students at ke sat high school

... structures about the theme they are learning and they can use them to speak, to listen and to write in the next lessons To help the students to understand the usefulness of reading lessons, the teacher ... them to be acquainted with the theme and the language relating to the theme From then, the students can speak, listen and write about the things relating to the theme in the next parts 2.2 Characteristics ... Warm -up stage of the lessons They ask their students to make prediction on the basis of the title of the unit, the pictures enclosed the passages, the students' background knowledge about the topic...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 14:43

44 1,7K 8
Resources to support the pilot of functional skills Teaching and learning functional English pot

Resources to support the pilot of functional skills Teaching and learning functional English pot

... group/pair to read out their rules List them on a flipchart Ask the whole group to discuss these ground rules, and agree which they want to adopt The group can refer to these rules throughout their ... on the diagram describes what they talk to these people/groups about Learners then reflect on whether they speak in exactly the same way to everyone in their diagram For example, they use the ... important that the learners themselves set the ‘rules’ as they are then more likely to follow them Explain to learners that ground rules for discussion can help everyone to have their say and to keep...

Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2014, 05:20

136 489 0
Regional Food Hub Resource Guide: Food hub impacts on regional food systems, and the resources available to support their growth and development pdf

Regional Food Hub Resource Guide: Food hub impacts on regional food systems, and the resources available to support their growth and development pdf

... button The technological tools most commonly used to connect buyers, sellers, and other value chain actors in the same locality or region can be divided into two categories The first set of tools ... happen as fast or as well without the food hub activities to support them The Ford Foundation, another of the larger philanthropies in the United States, has been a supporter of food systems for many ... designed to give food hubs the software tools and capabilities they needs to run their business, including a customized sales portal, marketing support, and services such as payment processing Another...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 08:21

92 469 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Fast set-up of doxycycline-inducible protein expression in human cell lines with a single plasmid based on Epstein– Barr virus replication and the simple tetracycline repressor ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: Fast set-up of doxycycline-inducible protein expression in human cell lines with a single plasmid based on Epstein– Barr virus replication and the simple tetracycline repressor ppt

... transcription from the upstream cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter [15] Addition of tetracycline or doxycycline to the culture medium turns on expression: the inducer binds to the repressor, which then dissociates ... scintillation counting Nonspecific uptake into nontransfected cells due to diffusion, endocytosis, or binding was subtracted from total uptake to yield the carrier-mediated uptake of MPP+ (1 min, 0.1 ... into the genome; tetR follows in the second transfection In the final transfection, Flp recombinase from a cotransfected plasmid is used to integrate the plasmid for protein expression into the...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 09:21

8 331 0
usiness Angels in Germany EIF’s initiative to support the non-institutional financing market doc

usiness Angels in Germany EIF’s initiative to support the non-institutional financing market doc

... their assets BAs invest with a medium to long term set time-frame and are ready to provide, on top of their individual investment, follow -up strategic support to entrepreneurs from investment to exit ... difficult to apply insights gained from networks to the overall BA market, it might be fair to assume such sector data to be representative for the market in general In Europe the ICT sector was the ... investors segment expected to support further professionalization and the establishment of market standards to the benefit of the financed SMEs especially given the fact the investments size and...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 12:21

25 508 0
báo cáo sinh học:" Paris on the Mekong: using the aid effectiveness agenda to support human resources for health in the Lao People''''s Democratic Republic" pdf

báo cáo sinh học:" Paris on the Mekong: using the aid effectiveness agenda to support human resources for health in the Lao People''''s Democratic Republic" pdf

... partners supporting the sector on these points and a shared view that the HRH subgroup was the best forum for formulating a response Upgrading the capacity of health workers appears as the third ... as the European Commission, World Bank, Asian Development Bank and various United Nations agencies This points both to the importance and influence of external support in the sector and to the ... such as salary supplements However, the potential to fund base salary increases through donor support appears to be limited The authors encountered a resistance to this idea within the Ministry...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

11 424 0
Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_2 potx

Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_2 potx

... have lost the ability to speak, to walk, to behave appropriately, to see or hear, and to remember These are not simply functions lost because of a particular disease or insult to the brain—they represent ... comes to the mind, there is nothing that now exists and there will never be anything built that comes close to the complexity of the human brain, and that is based on the little we know about the ... opportunity to delay the onset of neurodegenerative disease Brain health is ultimately your commitment to maintaining access to your story with a deep desire to share that story with the next great...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

15 389 0
Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_3 pot

Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_3 pot

... each domain, add the scores of your circled responses and insert the total score into the formula listed for each one To derive your quarterly total brain health score, add the total scores for ... score for the physical domain: Total score for each quarter Ϭ 100 ϫ 100 ϭ To derive a grand total for overall brain health for the year: add the five annual brain health scores together, divide ... considering the brain, we tend to rely on the medical approach to the human brain that overly emphasizes disease, but we should strive to take on another perspective with an eye toward brain...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

15 532 0
Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_4 doc

Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_4 doc

... yourself The first learning technique is to think of the brain divided into a “top-down” orientation, with cortex at the top and the subcortex at the bottom While these two regions of the brain ... Indeed, information from the cell body travels down the axon into the surrounding brain, while information from the environment is gathered by the dendrites and brought back to the cell body This ongoing ... extending out from the cell body referred to as an axon, and branchlike figures called dendrites that extend out into the brain environment seeking new information to relay back to the cell body Indeed,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

15 357 0
Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_5 pot

Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_5 pot

... return to the animal studies to derive some answers to this question The enriched environment led to new brain cell development in the hippocampus of the animal The three critical factors important ... life, even though they had the neuropathologic 48 Save Your Brain characteristics in their brain at autopsy, had built up brain reserve to fight off or delay the onset of the disease The power of brain ... brain to these environments frequently across over the course of your life Each of these two environments provides the opportunity for you to engage in a novel and complex setting that promotes the...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

15 513 0
Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_6 pptx

Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_6 pptx

... part of the brain health lifestyle protocol, and they simply continued to live their lives as usual at Farm Pond during the six weeks of the study The residents in the experiment group and the control ... Spirituality Nutrition Each of these factors is necessary to your brain health lifestyle, and together they form an integrated whole for you The five factors need to be understood as one lifestyle and ... Similar to animals, the human brain can generate new brain cells and respond to environmental input Your goal is to expose your brain to enriched environments, to the novel and complex, and to grow...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

15 288 0
Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_7 ppt

Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_7 ppt

... exposed to opportunities for socialization It is important for families or the caregiver to rally and make assertive attempts to get their mother or father out of the house or room and to help ... of people, we create the opportunity to work with them rather than against them Recall that every person is a library of information, and we need to be able to access their stories through open ... to get involved with By integrating the activities within the five critical domains of my brain health lifestyle into the work site, you can begin the process of turning your office setting into...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

15 297 0
Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_8 pot

Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_8 pot

... exercise is related to reduction in the severity of depressive symptoms These studies provide sufficient support to the idea and recommendation that daily physical activity is critical to your general ... attention, and the corpus callosum, the bundle of white matter that bridges the two sides of the brain This brain study is important for several reasons: • The results further support brain plasticity ... activity and the reduced risk of brain disease Interestingly, there appears to be a dosing effect; the more you walk during the week, the more positive effect it has for the brain People know they should...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

15 328 0
Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_9 pot

Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_9 pot

... prior to being able to speak words When the infants exposed to sign language are followed, they have greater articulation abilities, and their IQ is higher by the second grade relative to controls ... your brain to delay the onset of neurodegenerative diseases, such as dementia and Alzheimer’s, so the more you have, the more likely your mind is to stay young and sharp Ultimately, environmental ... likely begins in the womb As we’ve learned, the brain gets stimuli from enriched environments, which helps to facilitate development of brain reserve, the term used to describe the brain’s development...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

15 287 0
Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_10 doc

Save Your Brain: The 5 Things You Must Do to Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp_10 doc

... it changes and responds to the types of environmental input provided This fact provides all of us the opportunity to select specific settings or environments that provide the most brain-health-promoting ... limits our ability to achieve such balance It is important to first recognize the importance of balance, the fact that you are often in too big a hurry and too stressed, and to respect the negative ... We all tend to rely heavily on our visual and auditory systems 122 Save Your Brain to the neglect of our ability to taste, smell, and touch Your brain can be stimulated using all the sensory...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

15 330 0