... the case for you, build for yourself and your friends However, many of you will be reading this book because you hope to make money from your work, in which case you need to consider your audience ... 6.55 6.56 6.57 6.58 6.59 6.60 6.61 6.62 Prompting for Extended Permissions You Can Pick Your Friends You Can Pick Your Friends (in Batches) Invitations and Requests Predicting the Future with Type-Ahead ... Sometimes you and your friends aren’t the ones who are going to pay for your villa in Maui, so make sure you spend the time to understand who is What can I build? The sky is really the limit: if you can...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 14:46
... your own dog Sparky is an object — he’s an instance of the Dog class You can t see or touch Dog, but you can see and touch Sparky In ASP.NET, you can t put the Label class on your page, but you ... your sports loyalties 16 | Chapter 1: Getting Started Chapter CHAPTER Building Web Applications You ve built your first web site, and you ve gotten your feet wet, which is great But so far, you ve ... specific to each control? Where in the IDE will you find the controls that you can place on your page? How you run your application? What event is raised when you click on the Button control? Where is...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 00:20
apress accelerated dom scripting with ajax, apis and libraries (2007)
... exclusively; if you prefer to use XHTML, you ll need to keep this in mind Debugging Your Code It doesn’t matter how simple your code is, you are guaranteed to have errors in your code at some ... it has to wait for your feedback before continuing on If it’s a loop, you ll find yourself hitting the OK button countless times If you accidentally create an infinite loop, you have to force ... useful, and you will probably use it constantly (at least, I do!) When you click the button, you can then move your mouse anywhere on the HTML page Firebug highlights which element you are currently...
Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 13:33
pro apache struts with ajax (2006)
... dependencies in your code if you are not careful You can still end up having your application being too tightly bound to the application development framework Chapter will look at how you can leverage ... tiers For example, you may have several classes, responsible for the business logic within your web application, that you may want to reuse in a Swing-based application However, you cannot easily ... templates You have not designed your application’s screen so that it is divided into discrete components (that is, the header, the footer, navigation bars, etc.), without which you will find yourself...
Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 13:35
oreilly learning asp.net 2.0 with ajax (2007)
... your own dog Sparky is an object — he’s an instance of the Dog class You can t see or touch Dog, but you can see and touch Sparky In ASP.NET, you can t put the Label class on your page, but you ... your sports loyalties 16 | Chapter 1: Getting Started Chapter CHAPTER Building Web Applications You ve built your first web site, and you ve gotten your feet wet, which is great But so far, you ve ... specific to each control? Where in the IDE will you find the controls that you can place on your page? How you run your application? What event is raised when you click on the Button control? Where is...
Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 13:37
peachpit press visual quickpro guide adobe air with ajax (2008)
... another location on your computer Where you place the SDK folder is up to you You might want it on your desktop or within a folder in your home directory Whichever location you choose, you ll need to ... “known” by your computer To accomplish this, you need to add the SDK folder’s bin directory to your system’s path To modify your system’s path: Close any open Terminal windows The path change you re ... Aptana Studio How you this depends on your operating system and the choices you made in step 3, but I’ll assume you can figure out this part The first time you load the program, you ll be prompted...
Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 13:38
peachpit press visual quickproject guide building a web site with ajax (2008)
... create a form where you can enter all of the column definitions • The data being inserted isn’t important, so long as you populate the tables with some information You can make up your own records ... If using phpMyAdmin, you can run your commands in the SQL pop-up window or through the SQL tab creating the database extra bits access MySQL p make the database p • You can use pretty much any ... • If you re using MySQL on a hosted Web site, your host will likely provide you with phpMyAdmin access They may or may not let you create databases, though If not, just use the database you have...
Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 13:38
dzone refcardz getting started with ajax
... tight coupling between server and client code can result n Your client-side code is visible, and runs on somebody else’s machine Don’t expose details of your business tier Keep it coarse-grained ... replacement! n Handling Mixed Responses Treat your client-side code well Use the patterns and practises that you would use on the server to keep your code clean and maintainable n Some Javascript ... need to create your own XHR object Use high-level, meaningful callbacks rather than onreadystatechange Sensible defaults provided for all the options you don’t want to specify yourself arguments...
Ngày tải lên: 29/04/2014, 15:05
Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 1 pptx
... dependencies in your code if you are not careful You can still end up having your application being too tightly bound to the application development framework Chapter will look at how you can leverage ... tiers For example, you may have several classes, responsible for the business logic within your web application, that you may want to reuse in a Swing-based application However, you cannot easily ... templates You have not designed your application’s screen so that it is divided into discrete components (that is, the header, the footer, navigation bars, etc.), without which you will find yourself...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22
Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 2 ppsx
... This will at some point in your development career save you from tearing your hair out trying to debug your application only to find there is a rogue angle bracket in your config file The other ... struts-config.xml at /WEB-INF/struts-config.xml If you place your struts-config.xml at this location, then you can omit this parameter, although we recommend that you always specify the location That way ... capabilities, then you can configure the maximum file size allowed for upload You specify an integer value to represent the maximum number of bytes you wish to allow Alternatively you can suffix the...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22
Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 3 doc
... attributes on your ActionForm of type String • Cleanly separate all of your ActionForm classes from your application’s business logic Do not pass ActionForm classes directly into your application’s ... is that you are introducing the Tier Leakage antipattern into your application You are letting an implementation detail from your presentation tier, the ActionForm class, be passed to your business ... if you want to use an button in your page, the execute() method must detect when the cancel button is invoked and act accordingly For instance, let’s say the following ...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22
Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 4 potx
... container You can very easily move your business logic to session facades and EJBs, without rewriting any of your Struts applications This is because you have separated your Struts applications from your ... Value Objects, you will see that one Value Object can contain collections of other Value Objects ■ Note If you model your DAOs to mirror the physical layout of your database, you might introduce ... pattern allows you to implement optimizations to your code without having to revisit multiple places in your application For instance, performing a JNDI lookup is expensive If you allow your business...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22
Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 5 pptx
... for your Struts applications • Writing your first Tiles-based page • Moving beyond the basics and using Tiles definitions to build your Tiles templates • Centralizing all of your template layouts ... manipulated • Watch the granularity of your DAOs You need to understand how your data is used and make sure you not model your DAOs solely based on your physical data model • DAOs afford the opportunity ... manipulation behavior can be customized OJB allows you to define your own field conversions so that if a mismatch occurs between an existing Java class (that is, domain model) and your database schema...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22
Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 6 pps
... to your Ant build script’s classpath You can accomplish this in one of three ways: • You can copy the XDoclet jar files to your Ant distributions lib directory • You can set the classpath in your ... to build a maintainable application If you are building a custom validation rule, if you find yourself having to code these dependencies into your rule, you probably should consider leaving that ... Otherwise, you will find that over time your application’s validation rules will be extremely cluttered with single-use rules As your validator-rules.xml file becomes bigger and bigger, you will...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22
Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 7 pot
... log4j; you can easily write your own custom appender to send log output to any destination you choose Not only is the destination of your log message flexible with log4j, but using layouts you can ... operation of the application Using layouts, you can send your log messages as XML to a file, and after some XSLT wizardry you have a nice HTML page that you can allow your clients access to The standard ... to use the LogFactory class When you are building your logging implementation, you can allow your classes to interact directly with the LogFactory class, or you can choose to provide some kind...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22
Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 8 ppt
... macros as you can to centralize your layout logic Doing this will enable you to make and test any changes easily You can move your macros into a separate file and include them in your templates ... demonstrate how you can replace JSP with Velocity as the view layer in your application We also want to show that you can quite happily run Velocity alongside JSP in your application; you are not ... ENGINE You are not limited to using variables that are passed into your template for Java Within a template you can create your own variables and utilize them in the same way throughout your template...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22
Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 9 docx
... that you can use to make sure your Struts application will handle the load you want it to With this selection of tools, you have everything you need to design, build, test, and profile your entire ... data If you don’t already have the MySQL database server, then you need to obtain the version applicable to your platform You can obtain the latest production binary release of MySQL for your platform ... If you don’t catch and log the exceptions here, Struts will it anyway, so you can t crash your application with a plug-in; but you want to be able to reuse this task in any framework, and you cannot...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22
Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 10 pptx
... that you can use to test and analyze the performance of your application under a heavy load JMeter is ridiculously easy to use and provides you with a simple mechanism to verify whether your ... You have three options for what the action is mapped to: You can choose an Action class, you can choose to forward to a resource, or you can choose to include a resource in the response stream ... small part of what JMeter can Every single web application that you build will have some kind of performance expectations surrounding it Using JMeter, you can test your code until it meets these...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22
slike bài giảng web thế hệ mới - trương thị diệu linh 2.1 web 2.0 programming with ajax
... You can wrap those requests through your own server You can allow XMLHTTPRequest to access specific sites in your browser security settings IFRAME can be used to access any site if needed ... web applications With AJAX, your JavaScript can communicate directly with the server, using the JavaScript XMLHttpRequest object With this object, your JavaScript can trade data with a web server, ... Issues You can only hit the domain that the original web page came from Because of this, the AJAX technique cannot normally be used to access a Web Service of a 3rd party server You can...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 14:55
... amount of exception handling, you can ensure that most of your site users will see and experience your web site or application exactly as you had envisioned it You are well on our way to integrating ... focus You might think that by using the XMLHttpRequest object, all code response would have to return XML While it certainly can return XML, it can also return just about anything you tell your ... would like to thank you, the reader While I am sure that is something of a cliché, it truly means a lot to me that you hold this book in your hands (or are viewing it on your laptop) I suppose...
Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 14:19