... 0 .49 % 1Right-eye: mean dose 11.68 11.76 0.70% 1Left-eye: mean dose 10. 54 10.58 0.37% 1Spinal cord: max dose 47 .65 1.07% 59.18 59 .44 -0 .43 % 2GTV: mean dose 67.8 67.78 -0.03% 2CTV: mean dose 64. 9 ... dose 64. 9 64. 89 -0.02% 2PTV: mean dose NPC (patient2) 47 . 14 1Whole body: max dose 63.76 63.78 0.03% 2Brain Stem: max dose 53.83 54. 36 0.98% 2Spinal cord: max dose 32.85 32.73 -0. 34% 2L-parotid: ... dose 34. 92 34. 11 -2.37% 2R-parotid: mean dose 33.38 32.91 -1 .41 % 2Whole body: max dose 70.73 70.12 0.87% 3CTV: mean dose 61.85 61. 84 -0.02% 3PTV: mean dose 60. 64 60.57 -0.11% 3Brain: max dose...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 08:23
... after optical and X- ray measurement Optical X- Ray LR CC AP LR CC AP Cranial 0.07 (0 .40 ) 0.06 (0.28) -0.11 (0.10) 0.00 (1.25) -0.01 (0 .45 ) 0.00 (0 .49 ) Abdomen -0.10 (0 .46 ) -0.13 (0.59) -0. 14 (0.67) ... vector), leading to PostXRay configuration • Calculation of 3D displacements between PreIR* and PostXRay A further analysis was performed on the target location The center of mass of the tumor was estimated ... http://www.ro-journal.com/content/6/1/38 Page of Ω Ω Figure Workflow of data acquisition and analysis The 3D position of external surrogates was acquired before and after the irradiation Patient was also imaged trough X- ray imaging...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 09:20
Báo cáo khoa học: End-damage-specific proteins facilitate recruitment or stability of X-ray cross-complementing protein 1 at the sites of DNA single-strand break repair docx
... an X- ra(y)ted affair Bioessays 23, 44 7– 45 5 Wallace SS (1988) Detection and repair of DNA base damages produced by ionizing radiation Environ Mol Mutagen 12, 43 1 47 7 Ward JF (2000) Complexity of ... Biochemistry 43 , 16505–165 14 Parsons JL, Dianova II, Allinson SL & Dianov GL (2005) DNA polymerase b promotes recruitment of DNA ligase IIIa–XRCC1 to sites of base excision repair Biochemistry 44 , 10613–10619 ... that, although the amount of XRCC1 remains the same in mock or Pol b-depleted cell extracts (Fig 3D), cross-linking of XRCC1 in the latter was reduced by approximately twofold (Fig 3E,F), indicating...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 11:20
... microstress 44 4 44 7 17-8 Calibration 44 9 Applications 45 1 7-9 CHAPTER 18 43 6 SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY 18-1 18-2 Textbooks 18-3 Reference books 18 -4 4 54 Introduction Periodicals 45 4 45 4 45 7 45 8 ... Uniaxial stress 42 3 42 3 42 4 42 7 42 9 42 9 17-1 Applications CHAPTER 17 xiil 43 1 43 1 43 1 43 4 17 -4 Biaxial stress 17-5 Experimental technique (pinhole camera) 44 1 17-6 Experimental technique ... spectrometers Nondispersive analysis 15-10 Measurement of coating thickness 40 7 15-9 40 2 40 4 396 398 41 0 41 4 41 4 41 5 41 7 41 9 42 1 CONTENTS CHAPTER 16 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS BY ABSORPTION 16-1...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 11:20
handbook of x ray spectrometry revised and expanded by rene van grieken
... f12 x2 ; ZÞ exp½Àb3 x2 À x ; x x x3 > h ib4 > > : f 14 x; ZÞ ¼ f13 x3 ; ZÞ x ; x x x4 x3 where < f21 x; ZÞ ¼ a expðÀb1 x þ ðZ À aÞ expðÀcxÞ; x x1 x x x2 F2 x; ZÞ ¼ f22 x; ZÞ ¼ f21 x1 ; ... combination of analytical functions to calculate F (x, Z): x x1 > f11 x; ZÞ ¼ a expðÀb1 x þ ðZ À aÞ expðÀcxÞ; > > < f12 x; ZÞ ¼ f11 x1 ; ZÞ expðÀb2 x1 À x ; x x x2 ð 74 F1 x; ZÞ ¼ f13 x; ZÞ ... ZÞ exp½Àb2 x1 À x ; : f23 x; ZÞ ¼ f22 x2 ; ZÞ exp½Àb3 x2 À x ; x x x3 Z ð75Þ where Z 100 The parameters for the calculation of F (x, Z ), including the critical values of x1 , x2 , ´ and x3 ,...
Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2014, 18:53
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Application of the HLSVD Technique to the Filtering of X-Ray Diffraction Dat" pot
... type X are computed by using the diffractional model based on the Debye function method [ 14, 15]: NX (n) X= C 5.0 0.3 4. 0 1.0 1.0 0.5 Parameter X sX n0 X X X wX 40 00 3000 2000 1000 0.2 0.3 0 .4 ... 1.0 1.0 0.5 5000 XRD intensity (AU) IX,n (q) = A NX (n) + X, n sin 2πqui, j aX (n) X= I 5.0 0.3 4. 0 1.0 1.0 0.5 6000 given in terms of the four parameters [n0 , X , X , wX ] InX tensities scattered ... distribution fX (n) = exp − sX /2 2π X sX exp − log n − log X 2s2 X , (4) M Ladisa et al with mode X and logarithmic width sX Structural distances for the different structure types X are generally...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 20:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Performance of Multiple-Relay Cooperative Diversity Systems with Best Relay Selection over Rayleigh Fading Channels" pdf
... follows The CDF of γb can be written as Fγb (γ) = P(γb ≤ γ), which can be obtained as (4) where γb = maxi (γi ) = maxi (min(γhi , γgi )) This approximation of the end-to-end SNR in (4) is analytically ... 10 4 Cout BER 10−3 M=1 10−5 10−7 10−8 10 M=2 15 Es /N0 (dB) 10−6 M=2 M =4 M=1 10−5 M=3 10−6 M=3 10 4 20 25 30 Exact (simulation) Lower bound (analytical) 10−7 M =4 10 15 20 25 30 Es /N0 (dB) Exact ... ) exp(−sγ f )dγ f and Mγb (s) = ∞ fγb (γb ) exp(−sγb )dγb are the MGF of γ f and γb , respectively In order to find P se , we need to find the PDF (and then the MGF) of γ f and γb Since f is Rayleigh...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 22:20
On the performance of multicarrier CDMA (MC CDMA) systems with transmit diveristy
... x2 x4 x3 − x2 x1 (2.11) and × design 16 x1 − x2 − x − x4 − x − x6 − x7 − x x2 x1 − x4 x3 x4 x1 x4 − x3 x2 x5 x6 x7 x6 − x5 x8 x7 − x8 − x5 x3 − x6 x5 x8 − x2 ... − x7 − x8 x5 x1 − x8 x7 − x6 x8 x1 − x2 − x3 − x7 x2 x1 x4 x6 x3 − x4 x1 − x7 x6 x5 − x4 − x3 x2 x8 x7 − x6 − x5 x4 x3 − x2 x1 (2.12) A complex orthogonal design C of ... − x2 − x − x4 * x1 − x2 * * − x3 − x* x2 x4 − x x3 x1 − x2 x2 x1 x3 * x4 * − x4 * x3 * x1 * − x2 * x2 * x1 * x3 x1 x4 − x3 x2 * x1 * x4 * − x3 * (2.18) It is natural...
Ngày tải lên: 27/11/2015, 11:26
4 clinical applications of basic x ray physics principes
... size, x- ray generator type, and scatter rejection method Several standard texts provide addiThis information and on image principles quality of basic x- ray (1-7) a SELECTION OF X- RAY EXPOSURE ... transmit from at an the only x- ray angle are those source x rays (Fig preferentially directed 1) X rays absorbed in 1998 at 33 mR (0.085 x 10 Cl in is sub- The ratio of the exposure required with grid ... be used current exthe I I I’ the Focal Size I and Figure to minimize ing Anode Angle The surface of an x- ray tube anode is angled with respect to the central axis of the x- ray beam (Fig 8) Tubes...
Ngày tải lên: 27/05/2014, 17:27
báo cáo hóa học:" Accuracy of biplane x-ray imaging combined with model-based tracking for measuring in-vivo patellofemoral joint motion" doc
... biplane x- ray system [36] Testing procedures Biplane x- ray images were acquired while manually flexing the knee from full extension (i.e., approximately 10° flexion) to approximately 90° of flexion ... differences of approximately 5° in patellar tilt and approximately 4% in patellar offset, i.e., the percentage of the patella lateral to the midline [40 ] Assuming an average patellar width of 46 mm [41 ], ... acquired biplane x- ray images of four flexion-extension trials and two static trials Following testing, we obtained axial CT images of each knee using a LightSpeed VCT (GE Medical Systems) The CT...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20
High resolution x ray diffraction study of phase and domain structures and thermally induced phase transformations in PZN (4 5 9)%PT 1
... Studies 4. 4.1 Polarization Characterization Methods 4. 4.1.1 4. 4.1.2 4. 4.2 Dielectric Permittivity Thermal Current Density Structural Studies 4. 4.2.1 High-resolution Synchrotron Radiation 4. 4.2.2 ... Kiat et al.[30] (2002) S: x = ([001]-, [011]-, and [111]-poled) S: x = 8.5 (unpoled) S: x = 4. 5 (unpoled) S: x = 4. 5 P (~38 -44 µm): x = (unpoled) S: x = ([001]-poled) *(2 of the samples have been ... domain studies of PZN-PT PZN -x% PT: single crystal (S) or powder (P) P: 5
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 08:40
High resolution x ray diffraction study of phase and domain structures and thermally induced phase transformations in PZN (4 5 9)%PT 2
... surface 46 47 44 .64o 42 43 44 d) PZN-8%PT Fractured surface Intensity (arb units) Intensity (arb units) c) PZN-8%PT As-polished surface 44 .65o ~42 .50 -44 .20o 42 43 44 45 46 47 42 43 44 46 47 46 47 44 .60o ... 44 .60o 45 2θ 2θ f) PZN-9%PT As-polished surface Fractured surface 44 . 94 ~43 .5 -44 .8 42 43 o o 44 45 2θ Figure 5 .4 Intensity (arb units) e) PZN-9%PT Intensity (arb units) 45 2θ 2θ 46 47 42 44 .50o 44 .94o ... the origin of the lower 2θ peak, the fractured surface of the 55 a) [001]T Intensity (arb units) a) As-polished surface X- ray 44 .65o ~43 .0 -44 .0o 42 43 44 45 46 47 2θ [010]W [100] L PZN -4. 5%PT b)...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 08:40
High resolution x ray diffraction study of phase and domain structures and thermally induced phase transformations in PZN (4 5 9)%PT 3
... poling treatment 5 .4 (a) Summary of main observations The cause for the occurrence of the extremely broad lower 2θ peak adjacent to the main (002)R peak in standard XRD profiles of (001)-orientated ... x- ray diffraction study 5.3.2 Electrical resistance 73 The effect of room-temperature poling on the stability of the deformed surface layer was also investigated Figure 5.12 shows the XRD profiles ... (b) 0.7 kV/mm R (c) 1.5 kV/mm Intensity (arb units) (a) 0.2 kV/mm R 42 43 44 45 2θ Figure 5.12 Effect of increasing poling field on the lower 2θ peak for as-polished samples without...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 08:40
High resolution x ray diffraction study of phase and domain structures and thermally induced phase transformations in PZN (4 5 9)%PT 4
... to 2θ ≈ 44 .05° (Figure 5.9) 69 as-polished 300oC (1h) ~44 .68 o R Intensity (arb units) 40 0oC (1h) 600oC (5h) ~44 .05 ~43 .50 41 42 43 o o 44 45 46 47 2θ Figure 5.9 (002) XRD profiles of as-polished ... shows the (002) XRD profiles of the differently annealed PZN -4. 5%PT samples and the (002) XRD profile of the as-polished sample After annealing for h at 300 °C, the position of the lower 2θ peak ... in the x- ray profile following any direction of polishing, suggesting that the surface phase is always present regardless of the direction and/or mode of polishing This behavior can be explained...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 08:40
High resolution x ray diffraction study of phase and domain structures and thermally induced phase transformations in PZN (4 5 9)%PT 5
... lines 94 0.7 0.21 0.6 ∆ω(100) T/ 0.18 0.5 0.15 0 .4 0.12 0.09 0.06 0.3 ∆ω(100) Τ/ ∆ω(001) Τ/ 0.2 0.03 0.1 44 .9 (100)T (001)T 44 .8 TC C 44 .7 2θ ∆ω(001) T/ 0. 24 44. 6 44 .5 (100)T (001)T 44 .4 44. 3 44 .2 ... marked by d1 to d7 in Figure 6 .4( a) These peaks lie in three diffraction positions, with d1 to d3 lying at 2θ ≈ 44 .95°, d4 to d6 at 2θ ≈ 44 .28°, and d7 at 2θ ≈ 44 .70° Peaks d2, d5, and d7 lie ... HR-XRD measurements The incident x- ray beam, of 8. 048 keV in energy, had typical divergence of about 0.01°, with the best divergence being 0.006° A series of rocking (∆ω) scans at a range of...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 08:40
High resolution x ray diffraction study of phase and domain structures and thermally induced phase transformations in PZN (4 5 9)%PT 6
... projection of coexistence of the {100}-type and {110}-type R nanotwins onto the (002) RSM (b) The projection of the coexistence of R micro- and nanotwins onto (002) RSM 112 coexistence of R micro- ... (T+T*) or MB phases coexisted over the temperature range of 135- 144 ºC At 145 ºC 117 (Figure 7.8e), only two peaks at 2θ ≈ 44 .66º and 2θ ≈ 44 .50º were detected, both lying in the ω = 0º plane This ... P/A = 45 ° (b) 126 °C (c) 136 °C P/A = 0° P/A = 0° P/A = 45 ° (d) 146 °C P/A = 45 ° P/A = 0° (e) 1 54 °C P/A = 45 ° [100] P/A = 0° 150 µm [010] Figure 7.9 ZFH domain structures of annealed PZN -4. 5%PT...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 08:40
High resolution x ray diffraction study of phase and domain structures and thermally induced phase transformations in PZN (4 5 9)%PT 7
... are present in the material Due to the lack of penetration of the x- ray radiation used (of 8. 048 keV in energy and with an estimated penetration depth of only a few µm thick), the underlying (001)T ... 2θ ≈ 44 .37° and 2θ ≈ 44 .86° remained The two peaks are identified as the T phase since both peaks lie in the ω = 0° plane The heating experiment showed that both the “LT” and T phases coexisted ... the result of another heating experiment with a PZN-8%PT sample of predominantly R domains to begin with (Figure 8.3a) On heating to 90°C, the characteristic M peaks at 2θ ≈ 44 -90 -45 .0° appeared...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 08:40
High resolution x ray diffraction study of phase and domain structures and thermally induced phase transformations in PZN (4 5 9)%PT 8
... 2θ ≈ 44 .80° -44 .85° persisted with the main R peak At 100 °C (Figure 8.13c), subtle changes in the diffraction pattern can be noted, i.e., new diffractions at 2θ ≈ 44 .40 ° -44 .45 ° and 2θ ≈ 44 .80° ... 2θ positions, from the initial value of 2θ ≈ 44 .80º to 2θ ≈ 44 .75º for d1, 151 d2 and d3, and from 2θ ≈ 44 .45 º to 2θ ≈ 44 .53º for d4, d5 and d6, with the off ω = 0° peaks shifting towards the ... increasing the temperature to 115 °C, six peaks were diffracted (Figure 8.13e) Of the six peaks, d1, d2, and d3 lie at 2θ ≈ 44 .80° and d4, d5, and d6 lie at 2θ ≈ 44 .48 ° Note that peaks d1 and d3 at...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 08:40
High resolution x ray diffraction study of phase and domain structures and thermally induced phase transformations in PZN (4 5 9)%PT 9
... (i.e., 25 °C) as a function of PT content The mappings exhibit a broad single diffraction peak lying in the ω = º plane at 2θ ≈ 44 .58º, 44 . 64 , and 44 .65º for PZN -4. 5%PT, PZN-7%PT and PZN-8%PT, ... crystals In addition to this main peak, indications of possible T diffractions (at 2θ ≈ 44 .45 ° and 2θ ≈ 44 .60° for PZN -4. 5%PT and at 2θ ≈ 44 .83° for PZN-7%PT) could be vaguely detected when the ... RSMs of [001]annealed-and- poled PZN -4. 5%PT in the region of 100-135 ºC, while Figure 9.8 shows the same but for poled PZN-7%PT in the region of 105-115 ºC The diffractions at 2θ ≈ 44 .50 -44 .60°...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 08:40