4 86 the cunliffe committee and after

iec 60076-4 power transformers - guide to the lightning impulse and switching impulse testing

iec 60076-4 power transformers - guide to the lightning impulse and switching impulse testing

... | ||| The text of this standard is based on the following documents: |||| | | | - Report on voting 14/ 413/FDIS | FDIS 14/ 446 /RVD Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard ... Petroleum/5 943 4081 04, User=, 10/17/2002 02 :47 :33 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800 -45 1-15 84 60076 -4 IEC:2002 9.1 .4 47 Voltage and ... Petroleum/5 943 4081 04, User=, 10/17/2002 02 :47 :33 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Management Group at 1-800 -45 1-15 84 46 -|| |||| | 9.1 .4 60076 -4 CEI:2002...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 10:35

132 730 11
Tài liệu The Role of BCG Vaccine in the Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis in the United States: A Joint Statement by the Advisory Council for the Elimination of Tuberculosis and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices docx

Tài liệu The Role of BCG Vaccine in the Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis in the United States: A Joint Statement by the Advisory Council for the Elimination of Tuberculosis and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices docx

... Control and Prevention The role of BCG vaccine in the prevention and control of tuberculosis in the United States: a joint statement by the Advisory Council for the Elimination of Tuberculosis and the ... STD and TB Prevention (Proposed) in collaboration with the Advisory Council for the Elimination of Tuberculosis and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Vol 45 / No RR -4 MMWR The ... determining a) the efficacy of BCG vaccine in HCWs or b) the effects on efficacy of the vaccine strain administered Vol 45 / No RR -4 MMWR and the vaccinee’s age at the time of vaccination The protective...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 13:20

27 1,3K 3
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Platelet factor 4 disrupts the intracellular signalling cascade induced by vascular endothelial growth factor by both KDR dependent and independent mechanisms ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Platelet factor 4 disrupts the intracellular signalling cascade induced by vascular endothelial growth factor by both KDR dependent and independent mechanisms ppt

... VEGF, and compared the mechanisms by which PF -4 inhibits the DNA synthesis induced by VEGF165 and VEGF121 The DNA synthesis induced by VEGF165 and VEGF121 was strongly inhibited by PF -4 (10 lgÆmL)1) ... and decreased thereafter (Fig 4C,E) PF -4 strongly decreased ERK phosphorylation, to only 34% (VEGF165) and 22% (VEGF121) of maximal stimulation (Fig 4D,F) PF -4 inhibits VEGF121- and VEGF165-induced ... human serum and ngÆmL)1 FGF2 After one day of culture, the cells were deprived of serum for 24 h, then cultured for a further 20 h in the presence of VEGF165 or VEGF121 (10 ngÆmL)1) and various...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 16:20

9 400 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Characterization of ICAM-4 binding to the I domains of the CD11a/CD18 and CD11b/CD18 leukocyte integrins pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Characterization of ICAM-4 binding to the I domains of the CD11a/CD18 and CD11b/CD18 leukocyte integrins pptx

... 1B) The mAb 7E3 and the mAbs BS46 and BS56 to ICAM -4 partially but significantly inhibited the interaction between ICAM -4 positive red cells and recombinant CD11b I domain (Fig 1D) The ICAM -4 negative ... to the captured ICAM-4Fc strengthens the earlier results that the binding sites for the CD11a and CD11b I domains in ICAM -4 are different although they could be partially overlapping [ 14] The ... ICAM-1 mAb LB-2 reacting with the first domain of ICAM-1 and the mAbs GP89 14 and GP8923 which have been mapped to domains and of the ICAM-1 molecule [44 ] None of these anti-ICAM-1 mAbs showed...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 11:20

14 495 0
Prevention of Rotavirus Gastroenteritis Among Infants and Children: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) pot

Prevention of Rotavirus Gastroenteritis Among Infants and Children: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) pot

... (from weeks after dose up to the end of the first rotavirus season) and on 2,5 54 RV1 recipients and 1,2 94 placebo who entered the second efficacy period (from the visit at the end of the first ... 1,302 3,8 74 2,207 2,305 4, 512 1,2 94 3, 848 813 756 1,569 — 28, 646 28 ,48 8 57,1 34 — Dose 1: 6− 14 wks days Dose 1: 6−12 wks days Dose 2: 1−2 mos later, at age < 24 wks days Subsequent doses: 4 10 wks ... (1,302) (1,302) 100.0 93.7 (44 .8–100.0) (52.8–99.9) (28, 646 ) 15 (28 ,48 8) 93 .4 (49 .4 99.1) (2,207) (2,305) 48 .1 (

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 12:20

28 668 0
DANMARKS NATIONALBANK WORKING PAPERS: Liquidity of Danish Government and Covered Bonds – Before, During and After the Financial Crisis – Preliminary Findings doc

DANMARKS NATIONALBANK WORKING PAPERS: Liquidity of Danish Government and Covered Bonds – Before, During and After the Financial Crisis – Preliminary Findings doc

... Max 0.02 34 23.38 48 .23 14. 55 10.98 0.0 244 0.0212 21.52 44 .30 14. 45 10.30 75th 0.0171 0.0129 18 .47 35.07 11. 24 8.52 50th 0.0 149 0.0088 15.32 27.97 9.93 7.53 25th 0.0 143 0.0070 14. 43 23.77 8.57 5.95 ... 14. 16 25th During the crisis (Aug 2008 – Nov 2008) 0.0358 75th 0.0196 0.0153 20.69 22.71 10.16 7. 94 5th 0.01 94 0.0 149 20 .49 20.88 8. 04 7.02 Min 0.01 94 0.0 148 20 .45 20 .43 7.51 6.79 Max 0.02 34 ... 16 .42 24. 95 81.32 15.16 75th 0.0061 0.0075 12.12 12.50 25 .45 9.87 50th 0.00 54 0.0032 10. 54 9.50 19.07 7 .41 25th 0.0 049 0.0029 9 .44 8.03 15.35 5.20 5th 0.0036 0.0026 7.77 5.10 11.38 4. 05 Min After...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 04:21

28 458 0
Báo cáo khoa học: The metabolic role and evolution of L-arabinitol 4-dehydrogenase of Hypocrea jecorina potx

Báo cáo khoa học: The metabolic role and evolution of L-arabinitol 4-dehydrogenase of Hypocrea jecorina potx

... triticina (AAP42830), Aspergillus fumigatus (contig 48 46[ 247 42, 240 47]), Aspergillus nidulans A (AN0 942 ), Neurospora crassa (XP_3 248 23), Fusarium graminearum A (contig 1.30 [40 485 ,41 668]), Hypocrea ... (45 s at 94 °C, 45 s at 56 °C and at 72 °C) The final extension step was 10 at 72 °C The amplicon was cut with BamHI and NotI and cloned into pGEX4-2T (Amersham Biosciences, Uppsala, Sweden) and, ... galactitol by Lad1 raised the question of whether other hexitols would be similarly oxidized at C4 by the enzyme We have therefore investigated the substrate and product specificity of the enzyme towards...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20

9 422 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Structure of the O polysaccharides and serological classification of Pseudomonas syringae pv. porri from genomospecies 4 doc

Báo cáo khoa học: Structure of the O polysaccharides and serological classification of Pseudomonas syringae pv. porri from genomospecies 4 doc

... 19 74 1983 1983 1978 19 64 1975 1979 19 84 1966 1971 1973 Unknown 1973 1983 O3(3c,3c1) O3(3c,3c1) O4(4a,4e) O3(3c) O3(3c) Rough O4(4a1,4e) O4(4a1,4e) O4(4a1,4e) O4(4a1,4e) O4(4a1,4e) O4(4a1,4e) O4(4a1,4e) ... O4(4a1,4e) O4(4a1,4e) O4(4a1,4e) O4(4a1,4e) O4(4a,4a1,4a2) O4(4a,4a1,4a2) O4(4a1,4e2) O8(8c) O4(4a1,4e) O9(9c,9c1) O9(9c) O9(9c) Rough O9(9c,9c1) Rough O3(3c) O1[(1–2)a,(1–2)a1,1a,1b] O4(4a,4e) O1[(1–2)a,(1–2)a1,1a,1b] ... O4(4a1,4e) 3C 3C 4E0 3C 3C 4E1-I 4E1-I 4E1-I 4E1-I 4E1-I 4E1-I 4E1-I 4E1-I 4E1-I 4A 4A 4E2 8C 4E1-I 9C 9C 9C 9C 3C 1B 4E0 1B 4E1-I 22 E L Zdorovenko et al (Eur J Biochem 270) in 99.96% D2O The...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 08:20

8 446 0
Report of the Sub-Committee of the Central Board of Directors of Reserve Bank of India to Study Issues and Concerns in the MFI Sector doc

Report of the Sub-Committee of the Central Board of Directors of Reserve Bank of India to Study Issues and Concerns in the MFI Sector doc

... 59.1 64. 5 26.96 MFI 14. 1 22.6 26.7 189.36 Total 64. 9 81.7 91.2 140 .52 Portfolio Outstanding (Rs Billion) SBLP 166.99 226.79 272.66 63.27 MFI 59. 54 117. 34 183 .44 308.09 Total 226.53 344 .13 45 6.10 ... understand the circumstances in which private equity has entered the sector On the one hand, there was a huge unsatisfied demand for microfinance credit and on the other, there was a limitation on the ... ranged between 5. 94% and 14. 27% with an average of 8.00% For the smaller MFIs it was 4. 46% For the larger MFIs, the overheads (other than staff costs) as a percentage of the mean outstanding loan portfolio...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 14:20

65 552 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Structure and topology of the transmembrane domain 4 of the divalent metal transporter in membrane-mimetic environments docx

Báo cáo khoa học: Structure and topology of the transmembrane domain 4 of the divalent metal transporter in membrane-mimetic environments docx

... mM Mn2+ at pH 4. 0 and 5.5 The residual intensities for Leu19 and Tyr 24 were calculated from the cross-peaks of Ha-Hb, as the amide protons of Tyr 24 and Leu19 overlapped with Asp22 and Thr15, respectively, ... of 50 and 100 ms The backbone sequential connectivities were established by following the Ha and HN cross-peaks of adjacent amino acids in the fingerprint and the HN–HN region of the TOCSY and NOESY ... to be located near the center of the micelles [47 ,48 ] Therefore, peptide protons located in the center of the micelles would be the most affected, whereas those located at the micelle surface...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 16:20

14 487 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Structures of the O-polysaccharides and classification of Proteus genomospecies 4, 5 and 6 into respective Proteus serogroups ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: Structures of the O-polysaccharides and classification of Proteus genomospecies 4, 5 and 6 into respective Proteus serogroups ppt

... 3.69 56.6 3. 54 77.2 4. 36 49 .0 3.53 72.9 4. 05 58.0 3. 54 74. 9 3.71 74. 1 4. 25 77.5 3. 74 74. 1 3.52 77.5 3.56 70.7 3.80 81.8 4. 23 68.8 3 .45 70.6 3.68 73.5 3.59 75.7 3.85 76.5 4. 29 72 .4 4.20 73.0 H ... from the absence from the Qui3NAc H1 ⁄ GlcNAc H6a and H6b (d 4. 52 ⁄ 3.90 and 4. 17); GlcNAc H1 ⁄ GalA H4 (d 4. 53 ⁄ 3.80); GalA H1 ⁄ GalNAc H3 (d 4. 74 ⁄ 4. 25); GalNAc H1 ⁄ Qui3NAc H4 (d 5. 24 ⁄ 3.52); ... are dH 1.98, 2. 04 and 2.05; dC 23 .4, 23.6, 23.8 (all Me), 175.1, 175.3 and 176.0 (all CO) Atom number Sugar residue Nucleus 4) -b-D-Quip3NAc-(1fi 4. 52 1 04. 3 4. 53 102.5 4. 74 1 04. 0 5. 24 97.6 5.21 98.1...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 23:20

8 349 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Functional expression of the quinoline 2-oxidoreductase genes (qorMSL) in Pseudomonas putida KT2440 pUF1 and in P. putida 86-1 Dqor pUF1 and analysis of the Qor proteins doc

Báo cáo khoa học: Functional expression of the quinoline 2-oxidoreductase genes (qorMSL) in Pseudomonas putida KT2440 pUF1 and in P. putida 86-1 Dqor pUF1 and analysis of the Qor proteins doc

... Sohni, M & Fetzner, S (2002) Expression of the iorAB genes from Brevundimonas diminuta encoding the molybdenum Ó FEBS 2003 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Expression of quinoline 2-oxidoreductase ... strain KT 244 0 pUF1 UV/Visual spectra of the Qor proteins from P putida 86, P putida KT 244 0 pUF1 and P putida 86- 1 Dqor pUF1 The UV/Visual spectra of Qor purified from P putida KT 244 0 pUF1 and of ... CL-4B BioScale DEAE10 85.3 87 .4 71.9 36.5 3696 516 76 17 .4 0.023 0.17 0.95 2.10 41 91 100 102 84 43 Conditions of Qor synthesis in wild-type P putida 86, P putida 86- 1 Dqor pUF1 and P putida 86...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 10:20

11 725 0
Data and Informatics Working Group Draft Report to The Advisory Committee to the Director doc

Data and Informatics Working Group Draft Report to The Advisory Committee to the Director doc

... strategically for the future In the case of the NIH, the public, Congress, and the biomedical community also want, and deserve, to know the impact of these investments One challenge for the NIH is to ... and to the general public, and will provide training on and support of the tools and their proper use Final Report - DRAFT Page Data and Informatics Working Group Report to The Advisory Committee ... Span the ICs The legislative autonomy and historical independence of the ICs has led to predictable redundancy and variability in technologies, policies, and procedures adopted by the ICs, and the...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 18:20

92 487 0
State Safety Oversight Program: Audit of the Tri-State Oversight Committee and the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority docx

State Safety Oversight Program: Audit of the Tri-State Oversight Committee and the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority docx

... Maryland and the District of Columbia stated that, while they have received some leeway from their other responsibilities to address the increasing demands of their TOC membership after the June ... (At the current time, the District of Columbia has the TOC Chair and the Commonwealth of Virginia has the Vice Chair In April 2010, the Commonwealth of Virginia will assume the Chair and the ... investigations reports and corrective action plans) The Memorandum of Understanding defines the Chair and Vice Chair positions, and establishes the annual rotation of the Chair and Vice Chair duties...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:20

53 907 0


... be put at the core of new national and regional programmes and where the focus will be on the finalisation of the country-specific mandates for the next generation of structural funds The Commission ... bring the start of the 3rd phase of the EU Emission Trading System (2013-2020) Building a safe and secure Europe The objective The EU needs to protect its citizens and their rights from threats and ... social market economy and can help it to take the lead in the new industrial revolution The Single Market and fair competition can come together with targeted investment and the right approach to...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 06:20

11 410 0
Common factors in the performance of European corporate bonds – evidence before and after financial crisis pdf

Common factors in the performance of European corporate bonds – evidence before and after financial crisis pdf

... 10Y+ 198.1 3 94. 4 210.9 54. 3 55.9 34. 2 38.2 15 .4 90.8 111.1 80.6 85.7 26.2 53.9 60.3 47 .0 36.7 13.0 4. 51 4. 51 4. 23 1. 84 3 .48 4. 98 6.66 11.29 1.80 3 .43 4. 88 6 .47 9.63 1.78 3.39 4. 82 6. 34 9.90 5.90 ... 0 .43 10 (65. 94) ** 0. 543 3 (26.92)** 0 .47 25 (12.95)** 0.2 241 (8.21)** -0.51 54 ( -40 .39)** 0 .41 98 (5.98)** 0.3918 (10.01)** 0.1 840 (1 .44 ) 0 .44 04 ( 14. 30)** 0.63 04 (7.88)** 0 .48 78 (6.55)** 0.2 686 (2.21)* ... -0. 64 2.78 6.06 6.56 0.68 2.91 4. 52 5 .44 1.89 3. 94 7.18 8.22 6.31 2.06 5.20 7.85 6.17 6.18 3. 24 40.83 156.33 169.17 1.93 40 .53 94. 27 1 34. 26 14. 32 62 .43 206.72 292.37 171.57 17.17 103 .47 249 .41 144 .61...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 06:21

42 403 0
Fundamentals of Current Pension Funding and Accounting For Private Sector Pension Plans: An Analysis by the Pension Committee of the American Academy of Actuaries pptx

Fundamentals of Current Pension Funding and Accounting For Private Sector Pension Plans: An Analysis by the Pension Committee of the American Academy of Actuaries pptx

... Actuaries and plan sponsors are given very specific, and different, guidance by the IRS and the FASB about how those assumptions are chosen, who chooses them, and what conditions they must reflect The ... to the last date of the fiscal year.6 As of that date, the company sets assumptions and gathers the participant data used to measure its obligations and determines the fair value of assets in the ... into the future, but how and when they’ll be paid is uncertain • Today’s 70-year old retirees are promised payments for the rest of their (and perhaps their spouse’s) lifetime How long will they...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 14:20

12 392 0


... THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, THE COUNCIL, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS Review of the "Small Business Act" for Europe EN EN COMMUNICATION FROM THE ... THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, THE COUNCIL, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS Review of the "Small Business Act" for Europe INTRODUCTION The “Small Business ... services as set out in the Innovation Union Communication 44 The Commission will explore the feasibility of monitoring the innovation 41 42 43 44 EN http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/sme/documents/transfers/index_en.htm...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 18:20

25 265 0