... PaintShop Pro, but still work with the 64 - bit version of the application to take advantage of or more GB RAM and other 64 - bit optimized features Note: If you install 64 - bit and 32-bit versions, the programs ... you use If you have a 64 - bit operating system, or more GB of RAM, and lots of free disk space (need more than 700 MB free), then the most flexible option is to install the 64 - bit and 32-bit versions ... a user with local administrative rights 64 - bit and 32-bit installation options When you install the application, you have the option of installing the 64 - bit version, the 32-bit version, or both...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2014, 11:20
... 171,2 06 .44 1 46 , 769 .66 82 ,43 1. 16 107, 041 .50 507 ,44 8. 76 2009 Proportio n (%) 33. 74 28.93 16. 24 21.09 100.00 Revenue (USD) 203,101.00 211, 149 .48 72 ,45 9.98 175,3 06. 14 66 2,0 16. 60 Proportio n (%) 30 .68 ... Total 12 ,45 8 .43 10 ,45 5. 86 28,791. 84 10, 8 46 .21 44 ,49 9,51 107, 041 .50 20,078. 96 12, 749 .97 49 ,289 .41 4, 131.82 88,9 96. 52 175,3 06. 14 Growth (2009/2008) 161 .17% 121. 94% 171.19% 38.09% 199.99% 163 .77% ... 30 .68 31.89 10. 94 26 .49 100.00 Figure 2: Revenue contribution 2008 by departments 21.09% 16. 24% 33. 74% 4 28.93% Figure 3: Revenue contribution 2009 by departments 26 .49 % 10. 94% 30 .68 % 31.89% There...
Ngày tải lên: 20/04/2013, 11:13
Azar b s , hagen s a understanding and using english grammar students'' book 2009
Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2013, 21:14
Azar b s , hagen s a understanding and using english grammar workbook 2009
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Tài liệu Virtual PC’s Enhanced Rollout and Troubleshooting docx
... advantages of the Server side Support for 64 - bit host operating systems You can run Virtual PC 2007 on 64 - bit versions of Windows Vista This means you can run 16- bit, 32-bit operating systems (such ... operating system Let’s assume you have an XP computer that has a Duo Core CPU with 4GB of RAM Your host will need to have 256MB or more of RAM to keep your host Windows XP happy Every virtual machine ... operating system are as follows: An x 86- based computer with one of the following processors: AMD Athlon/Duron family or Intel Celeron or Pentium II, III, or family; 40 0 MHz minimum, 1.0 GHz or faster...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu NIEHS/EPA Children’s Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research Centers: Protecting Children’s Health for a Lifetime pptx
... Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 919- 541 -3 345 www.niehs.nih.gov USEPA: 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Mail Code 8723P, Washington, D.C 2 0 46 0 703- 347 -8051 or 703- 347 -8125 www.epa.gov/ncer Printed on ... diseases, as well as ways to reduce exposure to pesticides for children in agricultural settings 20 04: Six Centers are awarded a second round of funding and a new Center is added to the program The ... brain and organ system development, growth and development of the child through young adulthood 20 06: Another Center receives an additional award and a new Center is funded 2007: Based on program...
Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu IMS Application Developer’s Handbook Creating and Deploying Innovative IMS Applications ppt
... Designers 44 5 CHAPTER 14 Future Outlook: Market and Technology 44 9 14. 1 14. 2 14. 3 14. 4 14. 5 14. 6 14. 7 14. 8 14. 9 14. 10 What is Next in Store for IMS? 44 9 TV 44 9 Smart ... (ICS) 44 1 13 .6. 1 ICS Solution with Evolved MSC 44 3 13 .6. 2 ICS Solution Using Existing ISUP/Mg and CAMEL 44 4 13 .6. 3 Terminating Access Domain Selection (T-ADS) 44 5 13.7 SRVCC ... 60 4. 2.2 Composition Through Chaining 61 4. 2.3 IMS Service Chaining Architecture 62 4. 3 IMS Service Composition 64 4.3.1 Initial Filter Criteria 64 4.3.2...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 12:20
Tài liệu Tolley’s Basic Science and Practice of Gas Service Gas Service Technology Volume 1 docx
... 3CO2 þ 4H2O 85:9 Â ¼ 42 9:5 C3H6 12.0 2C3H6 þ 9O2 ¼ 6CO2 þ 6H2O 12 Â ¼ 54: 0 C2H6 1.5 2C2H6 þ 7O2 ¼ 4CO2 þ 6H2O C4H10 0 .6 2C4H10 þ 13O2 ¼ 8CO2 þ 10H2O 1:5 Â ¼ 5:25 0 :6 Â 13 ¼ 3:9 Total 100 49 2 .65 So ... 2.7 – CO2 0 .6 – – CH4 þ 2O2 ¼ CO2 þ 2H2O 90 Â ¼ 180:0 5:3 Â ¼ 18 :6 5:3 Â ¼ 18 :6 5:3 Â ¼ 18 :6 CH4 90.0 C2H6 5.3 2C2H6 þ 7O2 ¼ 4CO2 þ 6H2O C3H8 1.0 C3H8 þ 5O2 ¼ 3CO2 þ 4H2O C4H10 0 .4 2C4H10 þ 13O2 ... 1.5 0 .6 100.0 C3H8 C3H6 C2H6 C4H10 Total 16. 5 100.0 C4H10 Total 63 .99 N2 2.5 17.01 O2 C3H8 Percentage by Volume Constituents 2C4 H10 þ 13O2 ¼ 8CO2 þ 10H2 O 2C2 H6 þ 7O2 ¼ 4CO2 þ 6H2 O 2C3 H6 þ...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 07:20
Tài liệu Missing Protection: Polluting the Mississippi River Basin’s Small Streams and Wetlands doc
... (OPA); (40 2) 19 (40 4); (40 2) 14 (40 4) Region (40 4) 14 (40 4); 15 (40 2) (40 4); (40 2) Region 86 (OPA); 52 (40 2 /40 4) (40 2 /40 4) (OPA); (40 2 /40 4) Region (OPA); 10 (40 2); (40 4) (OPA); (40 4); 19 (40 2) (OPA); ... 823 (43 %) 513 (42 %) 1 ,47 0 (55%) 910 (50%) 1 36 (12%) 345 (43 %) 40 1 (55%) 393 ( 34% ) 5,3 86 169 (28%) 191 (28%) 7 46 (39%) 48 4 (39%) 1 ,60 3 (60 %) 41 2 (23%) 74 (6% ) 389 (48 %) 40 9 ( 56% ) 255 (22%) 4, 732 ... 9,800,000 8,212,000 4, 000,000 4, 844 ,000 1, 566 ,000 1,937,000 9, 848 ,60 0 9,872,000 16, 1 94, 500 8,700,000 5,331,392 1,2 54, 500 42 1,900 64 3 ,000 300,000 787,000 2, 763 ,60 0 4, 067 ,000 8,7 84, 200 42 % 46 % 85% 89% 87%...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 10:20
Tài liệu Going Global- U.S. Government Policy and the Defense Aerospace Industry pdf
... Systems Joint Strike Fighter vii 94 95 99 102 102 1 04 109 118 120 121 1 24 1 26 129 131 135 135 137 138 143 1 46 147 149 151 152 1 56 157 158 159 160 161 163 1 64 viii U.S Government Policy and the ... Industry-Initiated U.S Participation in Cross-Border Aircraft and Missile Programs ix 32 33 34 41 42 44 44 45 46 47 TABLES S.1 Case Studies of Cross-Border Strategic Market Sector Collaboration 1.1 ... Competition Policy and the Role of Foreign Industry 31 31 35 39 39 43 48 50 50 55 58 61 61 64 65 69 72 77 78 80 82 85 85 86 87 90 Contents Preparing for Coalition Warfare International Armaments...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 11:20
Tài liệu Self-Affirmation through the Choice of Highly Aesthetic Products Author(s): Claudia Townsend and Sanjay Sood doc
... 3.1 4. 3 4. 3 4. 9 4. 6 4. 7 5.0 4. 8 4. 2 3 .4 4.3 5.0a 4. 8 4. 9 5.1 4. 6 4. 7 4. 4 3.3 4. 4 4. 8 4. 9 4. 9 4. 9 5.0 5.1 4. 5 3.0 4. 1 4. 7 5.3 5.0 5.1 5.0 5.0 4. 6 3 .4 4.1 4. 5 4. 9 4. 7 4. 8 4. 6 4. 7 4. 4 3.5 4. 0 4. 7 ... 5.6a 5.6a 5.8a 5.6a 5.5a 5.6a 5 .4 5 .4 5.9 5.0 4. 7 4. 6 4. 7 4. 8 5.2 5.3 5.0 5 .4 4.8 4. 6 4. 3 4. 7 4. 9 4. 9 4. 9 4. 7 5.2 5.0 4. 9 4. 6 4. 9 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.2 5.0 4. 9 4. 7 4. 5 4. 7 4. 9 5.1 5.2 5.0 5.2 4. 8 4. 5 ... significantly different (t(77) p 2.97, p p 0 04) t( 84) p 62 , p p 54) , and (“how carefully read argument,” MHigh function p 6. 3, MLow function p 6. 2; t( 84) p 53, p p 60 ) Discussion Thus far we have examined...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 17:20
Tài liệu Robert Kerr''''s General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 18 docx
... equal to one degree of the equator) will bring him to the latitude of 66 ° 8'; the latitude of the northernmost part of Iceland is 66 ° 30', coinciding with this result as nearly as possible The description ... the day's sail of an ancient vessel was 500 stadia, or 50 miles; supposing the largest stadia of 66 6-2/3 equal to one degree of the equator, if the vessel sailed during the night as well as day, ... History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 18, A Release Date: October 5, 20 04 [EBook #1 360 6] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 11:20
Tài liệu PC Maintenance Handbook: Improve Your PC’s Performance, Speed, and Reliability potx
... Backup Your Data to Optical Media 14 Backup Your Data Online 15 Keep Windows and Installed Software up to Date 16 Keep Windows up to Date 16 Keep Security Software up to Date ... 32 Delete Junk/Temporary Files & Optimize Your System 34 Find and delete duplicate files 34 Delete Junk and Temporary Files 36 Defragment Your Hard Drive 39 Use Windows’ Built ... Windows’ Built in Defragmentation Tool 39 Use Defraggler 40 What Next? 41 About this Handbook 41 Introduction This handbook is designed to help you find ways to maintain...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 00:20
... 1-800 -44 4- 64 7 2 www.omhrc.gov/OMHRC/ WISEWOMAN - Well-Integrated Screening and Evaluation for Women Across the Nation Provides low-income, under insured and uninsured women aged 40 to 64 years ... (eange@nihcm.org), NIHCM Foundation, finalized and edited the paper n 45 n 1225 19th Street NW Suite 710 Washington, DC 200 36 202.2 96 .44 26 202.2 96 .43 19 (fax) www.nihcm.org ... women, 41 .6% for African American women and 41 .6% for Mexican American women.33 Cholesterol levels in women generally increase after age 20 and increase rapidly after age 40 , often until age 60 .34...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 13:20
Improving Women’s Health Issues and Interventions docx
... 4. 8 4. 4 3.7 7.3 5.3 74 99 31 44 57 68 65 15 31 59 29 29 60 33 64 45 40 40 74 64 14 83 54 27 88 64 17 57 20 33 57 40 50 27 35 71 10 17 62 49 70'~ 21 35 42 56 18 58 24 69 69 b 29 20 c 41 11 ... _ 27 34 b 64 b d 47 23 17 11 58 25 62 160 170 c c 17 24 14 1,000 50 c d 42 80 22 16 87 29 60 0 99 100 96 64 46 87 21 100 77 22 12 69 64 57 48 60 71 I . 24 97 45 11 -3 50 46 45 _ ... 5.7 1.2 6 .4 Gabon 5.1 Gambia, The Georgia 5 .6 1.3 42 24 19 14 55 46 15 99 85 72 85 26 36 53 41 54 33 68 63 80 43 0 1,100 830 23 65 80 c c c b c b 44 67 37 13 52 24 44 100 32 33 68 69 25 53...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 13:21
Exploring Linkages: Women’s Empowerment, Microfinance and Health Education docx
... Participants Business assets 32% Personal savings 42 % Increase in Investment in Investment in health education 8% 6% Use of contraception 61 % 39% 53% 14% 67 % 15% Business assets and personal savings, ... client Client and husband equally Mostly husband Husband 50% 10% 35% 3% 2% 17% 7% 52% 8% 16% 43 % 18% 31% 4% 4% The right to have access to opportunities and resources This study shows that microfinance ... non-participants in education to currently use contraception in their daily lives (67 per cent compared with 61 per cent) .6 United Nations Population Fund, State of World Population 2005: The Promise...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 22:21
Project Gutenberg’s Space, Time and Gravitation pot
... finished Receives signal aviator’s cigar finished Lights cigar 15 '' 60 '' 112 '' 120 '' 2 24 '' Finishes cigar 30 '' 56 '' 60 '' 112 '' Inferred time stationary cigar finished Receives signal ... hurries out at the rate of 1 86, 000 miles a second to overtake the aviator travelling at 161 , 000 miles a second, who has had 30 minutes start It will take nearly 1 94 minutes to overtake him, giving ... World of Four Dimensions 41 chapter iv Fields of Force 57 chapter v Kinds of Space 69 chapter vi The New Law of Gravitation...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 13:20