4convection heat transfer in non newtonian fluids

Numerical modelling of fibre suspensions in newtonian and non newtonian fluids

Numerical modelling of fibre suspensions in newtonian and non newtonian fluids

... Modelling of Fibre Suspensions in Newtonian and non- Newtonian Fluids Summary In this thesis, Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) models of fibre suspensions in Newtonian and non- Newtonian fluids ... Newtonian suspending fluids However, most of the practical problems such as moulding of short-fibre composites may also involve non- Newtonian liquids The influence of non- Newtonian suspending fluids on ... Newtonian and non- Newtonian suspending fluids For Newtonian suspending fluids, the viscosity appears to be constant in the full range of shear rates However, for non- Newtonian fluids at sufficiently...

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2015, 17:09

144 315 0
numerical methods for non-newtonian fluids

numerical methods for non-newtonian fluids

... condition in a bounded Lipschitz domain: For f given in H /, find u in H0 / such that 1u D f in : (1.1.17) It can be set into the following equivalent variational formulation: Find u in H0 / solving ... of a variety of non- Newtonian fluid flows There is no doubt that non- Newtonian flows and their numerical simulation have generated abundant literature, including the Journal of Non- Newtonian Fluid ... seems minor because it gives a bound in H /3 , whereas (1.3.8) gives a bound in H /3 But in fact, (1.3.6) is crucial in estimating the term kcurl u.t/kL2 / in the right-hand side of (1.3.9) in...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 14:54

826 408 0
hydrodynamics, mass, and heat transfer in chemical engineering, crc (2002) - opet

hydrodynamics, mass, and heat transfer in chemical engineering, crc (2002) - opet

... Mass and Heat Transfer in Non- Newtonian Fluids 6.1 Rheological Models of Non- Newtonian Incompressible Fluids 6.1-1 Newtonian Fluids 6.1-2 Nonlinearly ... this book for other titles in the Topics in Chemical Engineering series HYDRODYNAMICS, MASS AND HEAT TRANSFER IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING A.D Polyanin lnstitute for Problems in Mechanics, Moscow, Russia ... HYDRODYNAMICS, MASS AND HEAT TRANSFER IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Topics in Chemical Engineering A series edited by R Hughes, University of Salford, UK Volume HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER W PACKED BEDS...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:52

406 354 0
heat transfer in femtosecond laserprocessing of metal

heat transfer in femtosecond laserprocessing of metal

... Pulse Interactions with Metal Films, Numer Heat Transfer A, vol 40, pp 1–20, 2001 D Y Tzou and K S Chiu, Temperature-Dependent Thermal Lagging in Ultrafast Laser Heating, Int J Heat Mass Transfer, ... Qiu and C L Tien, Heat Transfer Mechanisms during Short-Pulse Laser Heating of Metals, ASME J Heat Transfer, vol 115, pp 835–841, 1993 T Q Qiu and C L Tien, Femtosecond Laser Heating of Multi-Layer ... Numerical Investigation of Heat Transfer and Phase Change Phenomena during Excimer Laser Interaction with Nickel, Int J Heat Mass Transfer, vol 42, pp 1371–1382, 1999 13 X Xu and D A Willis, Non- equilibrium...

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2014, 08:53

15 290 0
heat transfer in femtosecond laser

heat transfer in femtosecond laser

... Pulse Interactions with Metal Films, Numer Heat Transfer A, vol 40, pp 1–20, 2001 D Y Tzou and K S Chiu, Temperature-Dependent Thermal Lagging in Ultrafast Laser Heating, Int J Heat Mass Transfer, ... Qiu and C L Tien, Heat Transfer Mechanisms during Short-Pulse Laser Heating of Metals, ASME J Heat Transfer, vol 115, pp 835–841, 1993 T Q Qiu and C L Tien, Femtosecond Laser Heating of Multi-Layer ... femtosecond duration Heating above the normal melting and boiling temperatures is allowed by including the appropriate kinetic relations in the computation Therefore, the main difference between...

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2014, 08:55

14 414 1
Granular flow and heat transfer in a screw conveyor heater  a discrete element modeling study

Granular flow and heat transfer in a screw conveyor heater a discrete element modeling study

... was originally developed for understanding discrete mechanical interactions between particles, there have been increasing sentiments among DEM users to incorporate heat transfer capability into ... simulate flow and heating of granular material in rotating vessels Their study focused on the mixing and heating performance of a calciner and an impregnator, represented by a cylindrical vessel ... et al., 2010) SCD (direct heating) Experimental and theoretical model Heat transfer study; (Al-Kassir et al., 2005) SCD (indirect heating) Experimental Heat and mass transfer study; Studied the...

Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2015, 17:14

144 487 0
Granular flow and heat transfer in a screw conveyor heater a discrete element modeling study

Granular flow and heat transfer in a screw conveyor heater a discrete element modeling study

... was originally developed for understanding discrete mechanical interactions between particles, there have been increasing sentiments among DEM users to incorporate heat transfer capability into ... simulate flow and heating of granular material in rotating vessels Their study focused on the mixing and heating performance of a calciner and an impregnator, represented by a cylindrical vessel ... et al., 2010) SCD (direct heating) Experimental and theoretical model Heat transfer study; (Al-Kassir et al., 2005) SCD (indirect heating) Experimental Heat and mass transfer study; Studied the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2015, 10:10

144 652 0
Effect of the fins configuration on natural convection heat transfer experimentally and numerically

Effect of the fins configuration on natural convection heat transfer experimentally and numerically

... heat transfer from a horizontal heat sink Five types of fins are made from aluminum The types are continuous fins, 1- interrupted fins, 4-interrupted fins, inclined fins and v-fins as shown in ... domain Different patterns of heat sinks have been modeled The heat sinks geometries are shown in Figure (a) continuous fins (b) 1-interrupted fins (c) 4-inerrupted fins (d) inclin fins (e) v- fins ... minus from ambient temperature) in Celsius and heat input in watt for five models of fins with deferent geometry (continuous fins, 1-inerrupted fins, 4-interrupted fins, inclined fins and V-fins)...

Ngày tải lên: 20/11/2015, 14:04

22 587 0
Numerical study of the heat transfer in a miniature joule thomson cooler

Numerical study of the heat transfer in a miniature joule thomson cooler

... Isenthalpic Line 600 Inversion Line 500 Heating Region UJ-T < Isenthalpic Line Cooling Region UJ-T > 400 Max Inversion Pressure 300 Critical Point Isenthalpic Line 200 Tmin 100 Boiling Point Po Isenthalpic ... RECUPERATIVE HEAT EXCHAGER COOLING J-T VALVE AFTER COOLING b) CLAUDE TYPE HEAT EXCHANGER COMPRESSOR COLD EXPANSION ENGINE RECUPERATIVE HEAT EXCHAGER COOLING COLD EXPANSION ENGINE AFTER COOLING c) JOULE-BRAYTON ... appearing in instantaneous velocity fields Lin and Ebadian ([21], [22]) investigated the effect of inlet turbulence level on the development of 3-D turbulent flow and the heat transfer in the...

Ngày tải lên: 27/11/2015, 11:20

152 368 0
Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer Part 4 pdf

Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer Part 4 pdf

... effects on laminar mixed convection heat transfer in a lid-driven cavity, Int J Heat Mass Transfer 35 (1992) 1881–1892 [19] A.A Mohammad, R Viskanta, Laminar flow and heat transfer in Rayleigh–Benard ... points in the duct (figure 6) Each point is chosen because we expect significant results on dynamical and thermal phenomena close to this region Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point ... 2.0, the heat transfer rate increases This is due to the fact that the cavity volume increases with aspect ratio and more volume of cooling air is involved in cooling the heat source leading to...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20

30 517 0
Developments in Heat Transfer Part 4 doc

Developments in Heat Transfer Part 4 doc

... more information is demonstrated on heat flow characteristics and heating performance of the radiant floor heating system in applying various kinds of control systems to comfort indoor heat and ... ceiling, wall and window There are routes for heat transfer; conduction in the floor, ceiling and wall, convection with indoor air and radiant heat transfer between the heated floor and ceiling ... Difference) applies and in combination with a heat balance(Stoecker, 1980) gives / (1) 116 where, q U ρ Cp V Ti, To Tao W A Developments in Heat Transfer Heat transfer Heat transfer coefficient...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20

40 415 0
Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer Part 4 doc

Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer Part 4 doc

... effects on laminar mixed convection heat transfer in a lid-driven cavity, Int J Heat Mass Transfer 35 (1992) 1881–1892 [19] A.A Mohammad, R Viskanta, Laminar flow and heat transfer in Rayleigh–Benard ... points in the duct (figure 6) Each point is chosen because we expect significant results on dynamical and thermal phenomena close to this region Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point ... 2.0, the heat transfer rate increases This is due to the fact that the cavity volume increases with aspect ratio and more volume of cooling air is involved in cooling the heat source leading to...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20

30 334 0
Natural convection mass transfer hydromagnetic flow past an oscillating porous plate with heat source in a porous medium

Natural convection mass transfer hydromagnetic flow past an oscillating porous plate with heat source in a porous medium

... Simultaneous radiative and convective heat transfer in a variable porosity medium Heat Mass Transfer 2001; 37, 243-250 Singh A K., Singh A K., Singh N P Heat and mass transfer in MHD flow of a viscous fluid ... plate ASME J heat transfer 1984; 106, 664-668 [4] Bejan A., Khair K.R Heat and mass transfer by natural convection in a porous medium Int J Heat Mass Transfer 1985; 28, 909-918 [5] Hossain M A., ... presence of heat source and heat sink in the flow field A close observation on the curves of the Figure shows that the heat source parameter increases the magnitude of the velocity at all points of...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:32

8 256 0
MÔ HìNH HOá QUá TRìNH TRAO ĐổI NHIệT ẩM TRONG MáY ấP TRứNG GIA CầM Modeling of heat and mass transfer in chicken egg incubators

MÔ HìNH HOá QUá TRìNH TRAO ĐổI NHIệT ẩM TRONG MáY ấP TRứNG GIA CầM Modeling of heat and mass transfer in chicken egg incubators

... Solar drying systems: Simulations and optimization, Agrotech Publishing Academy, Udaipur, pp 131-133 Haghighi K., Segerlind L.J, (1988), Modeling Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer in Isotropic ... Trans ASEA, pp 31 Husain A., Chen C.S., Clayton J T, Whitney L.F (1972), Mathematical Simulation of Mass and Heat Transfer in High Moisture Foods, Trans ASAE, pp 55-59 224 Husain A., Chen C.S., Clayton ... Chen C.S., Clayton J T (1973), Simultaneuos Heat and Mass Diffusion in Biological Material, Trans ASAE, pp 69-73 Luikov, A V (1980), Heat and mass transfer, Mir Publisher, Moscow Peebles E D,...

Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2013, 08:31

9 1,5K 5
Effect of periodic suction on three dimensional flow and heat transfer past a vertical porous plate embedded in a porous medium

Effect of periodic suction on three dimensional flow and heat transfer past a vertical porous plate embedded in a porous medium

... y*→ ∞ Introducing the following non- dimensional quantities (8) ISSN 2076-2895 (Print), ISSN 2076-2909 (Online) ©2010 International Energy & Environment Foundation All rights reserved International ... -6.4648 4.4 Rate of heat transfer The rate of heat transfer at the wall i.e the heat flux in terms of Nusselt number Nu for different values of α and Kp are entered in Table The heat flux at the ... a viscous incompressible fluid past an infinite vertical porous plate embedded in a porous medium in presence of periodic suction A coordinate system is chosen with * * * the plate lying vertically...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 14:58

12 494 0
An experimental investigation of heat transfer and fluid flow in a rectangular duct with inclined discrete ribs

An experimental investigation of heat transfer and fluid flow in a rectangular duct with inclined discrete ribs

... reasonable accuracy In a recent study, Cho et al [12] investigated the effect of a gap in the inclined rib on heat transfer in a square duct and reported that a gap in the inclined rib accelerates ... turbulence which will result in an increase in the heat transfer They reported that the inclined rib arrangement with a downstream gap position shows higher enhancement in heat transfer compared to that ... on the heated wall in transverse, inclined, V-continuous and V- discrete pattern Int Journal of Heat Mass Transfer 2003; 30(2): 241-250 [17] Bhagoria J.L and Sahu M.M Augmentation of heat transfer...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10

12 831 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Receptor- and calcium-dependent induced inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate increases in PC12h cells as shown by fluorescence resonance energy transfer imaging pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Receptor- and calcium-dependent induced inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate increases in PC12h cells as shown by fluorescence resonance energy transfer imaging pot

... containing CCh, which induced a second calcium increase and a further increase in Ins(1,4,5)P3 (Fig 3Aa) Both of these calcium increases were accompanied by increased Ins(1,4,5)P3, indicating ... by measuring changes in fluorescence intensity Increases in cellular calcium and Ins(1,4,5)P3 were induced using carbachol (CCh; 100 lm), which specifically activates mAChR and induces Ins(1,4,5)P3 ... abolished in of 36 cells expressing inositol 5-phosphatase, but in of 15 cells not expressing this enzyme, indicating that these fluorescence changes were likely due to an increase in Ins(1,4,5)P3...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 03:20

11 419 0
Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media pdf

Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media pdf

... eStudio Calamar, Berlin/Figueres Printed on acid-free paper Springer is part of Springer Science+Business Media (www.springer.com) Contents Treatment of Rising Damp in Historical Buildings ... dependant on the surface finishing materials and furnishing According to the principle, a hygroscopic inertia index was defined as a single number, representing the hygroscopic inertia of a room and that ... yielded interesting results Numerical simulation studies, using the programme WUFI-2D, have given similar findings This paper describes a new system for treating rising damp in historic buildings...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:20

270 1,9K 3
convective heat transfer mathematical and computational modelling of viscous fluids and porous media

convective heat transfer mathematical and computational modelling of viscous fluids and porous media

... energy released from line heat source wall heat flux heat flux per unit area strength of radial source/sink, or total line heat flux, or volumetric flow rate in film radial coordinate axial distance ... consequent increase in the rate of fluid entrainment into the boundary-layer This causes, in turn, a thinning of the boundary-layer Thus, we should expect high shear stresses and rates of heat transfer ... the motion and heat transfer occur in an enclosed or infinite space then this process is called buoyancy convective flow Ever since the publication of the first text book on heat transfer by GrSber...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 10:51

648 796 0
fluid flow, heat transfer and boiling in micro-channels

fluid flow, heat transfer and boiling in micro-channels

... and Heat Transfer in a Single-Phase Flow 33 2.3 Pressure Drop and Heat Transfer in a Single-Phase Flow Many correlations have been proposed in literature for the friction factor and heat transfer, ... theoretical and experimental investigations covering various aspects of heat transfer in micro-channel heat sinks with phase change The flow and heat transfer in heated micro-channels are accompanied by ... mechanics, in particular heat and mass transfer in micro-channels He headed the Chair of Engineering Thermal Physics at the Ukta Industrial Institute, teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in hydrodynamics,...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:51

487 365 0