... projected onto the geometry in the scene The animation can now be played and the texture you just painted will be displayed as a texture on the 3D geometry with the correct perspective for the camera ... more familiar with them The following explanation will refer to the colored icons on the next screenshot The image shows the left icon palette At the very top you can see the previously mentioned ... objects, the sun object and the environment object, among others (adds a general color and / or fog to the scene) The “Deformers“ can be applied with the objects of the last icon (light blue) Use these...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20
The Audiolingual Method.doc
... "communicative" methods that followed the Audiolingual Method The method' s original appearance under the name "The Army Method" is apt, and from it one ought not to be surprised that the method is ... with the Direct Method, the Audiolingual Method represents a major step in language teaching methodology that was still aimed squarely at communicative competence A teacher that can use the method ... the period following the Audiolingual Method Still, there are reasons why the method is still popular, and perhaps even appropriate in certain educational contexts In countries where one of the...
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 23:10
The Audiolingual Method
... "communicative" methods that followed the Audiolingual Method The method' s original appearance under the name "The Army Method" is apt, and from it one ought not to be surprised that the method is ... with the Direct Method, the Audiolingual Method represents a major step in language teaching methodology that was still aimed squarely at communicative competence A teacher that can use the method ... the period following the Audiolingual Method Still, there are reasons why the method is still popular, and perhaps even appropriate in certain educational contexts In countries where one of the...
Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 02:11
The caculated method
... (x) = 2x cách ly nghiệm [−1.9, −1.8] Trong phương pháp Newton, chọn x0 theo điều kiện Fourier, sai số nghiệm gần x1 tính theo công thức sai số tổng quát a 0.0041 b 0.0043 c 0.0045 d 0.0047 e Các ... X=C=Shift-STO-D Sai số x1 |D| |f (x1 )| = ≈ 0.00406 theo công thức sai số tổng quát |x1 − x0 | m M Làm tròn lên ⇒ a 3 Câu 10 Cho A = 2 Phân tích A = LU theo phương pháp Doolittle, phần tử 32 ma ... Câu Cho phương trình x = 6x + 14 thỏa điều kiện lặp đơn [3, 4] Nếu chọn x0 = 3.2 nghiệm gần x2 theo phương pháp lặp đơn là: a 3.2167 b 3.219 c 3.2171 d 3.2173 e Các câu sai √ √ xn = 6xn−1 + 14...
Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2013, 01:00
... interpolation methods In this section the ABOS method is compared with three methods, which are considered to be the most significant: - the Minimum curvature method with the tension 0.1 - the Kriging method ... using the Minimum curvature method 26 Fig 2.4.3c: Interpolation of the SIBIR data set using the Kriging method Fig 2.4 .3d: Interpolation of the SIBIR data set using the ABOS method 27 All three methods ... the SIBIR data set mentioned in the previous paragraph The Triangulation with linear interpolation The Natural neighbour method The Inverse distance method The Radial basis functions method The...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 07:20
Tài liệu Adaptive Object-Oriented Software The Demeter Method pdf
... its methods, and the code fragments that implement the required essential methods, attached to the appropriate class-valued variables The table in Fig 1.6 describes informally the structure of the ... of the computeSalary adaptive program vertex in the propagation graph, a method is created with the signature given by the operation speci cation in the propagation pattern The body for this method ... about the implementation-speci c class structure when writing the behavior The advantage of the structure-shy programs is that they express their intent at a high level of abstraction Therefore,...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 19:20
Health Education as Social Advocacy: An Evaluation of the Proposed Montgomery County Public Schools Health Education Curriculum pptx
... Then the scene shifts, and this same boy enters the pharmacist's living room with the pharmacist's daughter The youngsters then announce their intentions to attend a movie The young man and the ... sexual behavior On the basis of these concerns, we suspect the school may be sending mixed messages to students via the use of the condom demonstration and the emphasis in the curriculum of avoiding ... Psychological Association We include these quotes to give the reader an understanding of the issues related to the foundations of the proposed curricular changes Lest the reader assume we are artificially...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 21:20
Economic Science and the Austrian Method pot
... Austrian Method as regards the merit of the gold standard vs fiat mone~ free-banking vs central banking, the welfare implications of markets vs state-action, capitalism vs socialism, the theory ... are either analytic or synthetic, and on the other they are either a priori or a posteriori The meaning of these distinctions is, in short, the following Propositions are analytic whenever the ... economists are to free themselves from the failed assumptions that they can precisely predict the future and, thus, that the state can plan the economy better than the market, they will have to revisit...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20
Adaptive Object-Oriented Software The Demeter Method pptx
... its methods, and the code fragments that implement the required essential methods, attached to the appropriate class-valued variables The table in Fig 1.6 describes informally the structure of the ... of the computeSalary adaptive program vertex in the propagation graph, a method is created with the signature given by the operation speci cation in the propagation pattern The body for this method ... about the implementation-speci c class structure when writing the behavior The advantage of the structure-shy programs is that they express their intent at a high level of abstraction Therefore,...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 00:20
Rethinking the design of the Internet: The end to end arguments vs. the brave new world docx
... arguments at the ultimate end-point (the human using the system) implies that the sender sends the spam, the software at the receiver receives it, and then the human receiver deletes it The underlying ... is that the greater in time the difference between the preliminary or subsequent interaction with the third party and the transaction itself, the greater the risk that the role played by the third ... often preferable We then look at the implications for the rights and responsibilities of the various parties that comprise the Internet the consumer as user, the commercial ISPs, the institutional...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 03:20
Báo cáo khoa học: The catalytic significance of the proposed active site residues in Plasmodium falciparum histoaspartic protease ppt
... to determine the importance of proposed catalytically essential residues in HAP The mutations were chosen based on the proposed mechanisms of action, which suggested that HAP was either a serine ... around the active site Figure 6A–C represents wildtype HAP, H34A and S37A, respectively As seen in Fig 6A, the position of the catalytic Asp214 residue is fixed with the interaction to (a) the e-amine ... a medium in the catalytic reaction The position of Lys78 is anchored with an interaction between the main chain oxygen of Ala216 and the e-amine of Lys78 In H34A mutant (Fig 6B), the interaction...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 07:20
The riddim method: aesthetics, practice, and ownership in Jamaican dancehall pdf
... followed their big vocal hits with deejays or musicians giving their variations on a theme, employing the same rhythm track They also sometimes looked further back to the music’s past, particularly the ... liner notes, in the sense that they often specify the riddim in parentheses after the song title; often the songs are grouped by riddims, such that when played at dances they evoke the ‘juggling’ ... the audience, the selector – with one hand on the mic and the other on the volume knob – turns down the underlying track to make himself heard, often doing so at odd and unexpected moments The...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20
The bleach method improves the detection of pulmonary tuberculosis in Laos ppt
... the sensitivity and the specificity of the two methods Furthermore, the prevalence of HIV co-infection among the patients enrolled was too small to assess the benefits of the method in people living ... study site, the aspect of the sputum and DISCUSSION The bleach method was applied for the first time in Laos for the case detection of pulmonary TB It was compared to the direct method on a large ... third time by the two technicians to reach a consensus The concentration of the NaOCl solution was checked to 4.75% by the iodometric method Ethical clearance The project was approved by the Lao National...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 03:20
paul levine - the midas method of technical analysis
... evident in the conventional charts If the price does convincingly penetrate the primary support, on the other hand, with corresponding new low in the obv, then the probability is high that the primary ... graph The last step is to plot the theoretical S/R curves on the same graph that has price vs cumulative volume The equation for computing the value on the i-th day of an S/R level "launched" on the ... one of the graphs, the price vs cumvol curve is generated by taking the y coordinate from the "P" column (column D ) and the S/R curve(s) from columns I (et al) In the other graph, take the y...
Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2014, 21:07
the quantum method of the inverse problem and the heisenberg xyz model
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:24
anon - 1847 - practical information on the best method of brewing from sugar
Ngày tải lên: 12/06/2014, 11:37
noga alon, joel h spencer the probabilistic method 2008
... emphasizing methodologies rather than results In dealing with the off-diagonal Ramsey numbers the distinction between the basic method and the alteration is given in the following two results Theorem ... "Linearity" then gives The overall G[L] is the geometric mean of the conditional G[L] and hence has the same value That is, 3_ Alterations Beauty is the first test: there is no permanent place in the ... Similarly, in the proof of the next simple result we study random tournaments on V 4 THE BASIC METHOD Theorem 1.2.1 If (nk)(1 — - k ) n - k < I then there is a tournament on n vertices that has the property...
Ngày tải lên: 12/06/2014, 16:22
CHAPTER 5 ■ WORKING WITH ENTITIES In this example, you use the CreateProductModel method to docx
... EntitySet name, the primary key column name, and the key value You use the GetObjectByKey method to return the object of the specified key and then call the same DeleteObject method used in the previous ... returns the record you’re looking for—in this case, the new product you just added You then call the DeleteObject method on the context, pass it the object you returned in the query, and call the ... can evaluate the query that is executed Run the project, and click the new button when the form displays As in the previous examples, the label displays the success message after the code executes...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Applying the scientific method when assessing the influence of migratory birds on the dispersal of H5N1 Paul L Flint" doc
... either of these hypotheses we are left with considering which of these type I errors is most severe or unacceptable Since the primary interest in H5N1 is relative to the potential risk to the ... null hypothesis is the most severe and the probability of making this error should be minimized and controlled While acknowledging that under the strict scientific method, a null hypothesis is ... transport) Given the funding processes associated with these programs, such re-allocation would seem unlikely Accordingly, Ho(1) is the appropriate working null hypothesis as the type I error...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Migratory birds, the H5N1 influenza virus and the scientific method" docx
... or acceptance of hypotheses, rather than an assessment of degrees of likelihood The p value in null hypothesis testing represents the probability of the data if the null hypothesis is true We believe ... information on the probability of finding a specific or more extreme event when the null hypothesis is true; they say nothing at all about the probability of a null hypothesis being true Null-hypothesis-testing ... only the testing of hypotheses, not their discovery, constitutes science and is covered by the scientific method This is an outdated idea The philosopher Hans Reichenbach [3] introduced the notions...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20