3d audio midi mac and ios

Learning Core Audio: A Hands-On Guide to Audio Programming for Mac and iOS ppt

Learning Core Audio: A Hands-On Guide to Audio Programming for Mac and iOS ppt

... positioning audio in space using OpenAL, the 3D audio framework. Core Audio has its roots in the Mac but has evolved with Apple’s fortunes. In Chapter 10,“Core Audio on iOS, ” you focus on iOS and the ... APIs (Audio Units, Audio File ,Audio Converter); and finally heading into related topics such as Core MIDI, OpenAL, and how Core Audio works on iOS. Part I: Understanding Core Audio This section ... 262 Connecting to MIDI 265 Handling MIDI Notifications and Events 267 Playing Your AUGraph 269 Creating MIDI Events 269 Setting Up the MIDIWifiSource Example 269 Setting Up MIDI over Wi-Fi 271 Sending MIDI...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 16:20

329 2,5K 4
sams teach yourself core data for mac and ios in 24 hours 2nd (2012)

sams teach yourself core data for mac and ios in 24 hours 2nd (2012)

... Interfaces HOUR 19: Using UITableView on iOS 337 Working with Table Views and iOS, Mac OS, and Core Data 337 Comparing Interfaces: Settings on iOS and System Preferences on Mac OS 339 Using UITableView ... compare the various developer programs and to choose the one that makes sense for you. Hello, App Development for Mac OS X and iOS To get started, register and sign up for a developer program so ... Data in Files and Documents 108 Summary 116 Workshop 116 Activities 116 Sams Teach Yourself Core Data for Mac and iOS in 24 Hours, Second Edition ptg8126863 iv Part V: Managing Data and Interfaces HOUR...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 09:59

480 1,8K 0
concurrent programming in mac os x and ios

concurrent programming in mac os x and ios

... the title, author, publisher, and ISBN. For example: “Concurrent Programming in Mac OS X and iOS by Vandad Nahavandipoor (O’Reilly). Copyright 2011 Vandad Nahavandipoor, 9781449305635.” If you ... objects and their dynamic nature. In this chapter, we will learn about really fun and interesting things that programmers can achieve with GCD in iOS and Mac OS X. Short Introduction to Grand Central ... numberOfValuesRequired; counter++){ unsigned int randomNumber = arc4random() % ((unsigned int)RAND_MAX + 1); [arrayOfRandomNumbers addObject: [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:randomNumber]]; } /* Now let's...

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2014, 01:02

58 336 0
wrox press mac os x and ios internals, to the apple's core (2013)

wrox press mac os x and ios internals, to the apple's core (2013)

... with the kernel (specifi cally, in iOS) . The tool can fi nd and display the system call and Mach trap tables of iOS and OS X kernels, show sysctl structures, and look for particular patterns in ... Three” (Windows, Linux, and Mac OS) as well as their mobile derivatives (Android and iOS) . Jonathan has been spreading the gospel of kernel engineering and hacking for 15 years, and has given technical ... demonstration Padishah iPad 2 iOS 4.3.3 iOS 4 and later features Podicum iPod Touch, 4G iOS 5.0.1 iOS 5 specifi c features, on A4 or A5 Further, shell prompts of root@ demonstrate a command runnable only...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 09:56

867 1,6K 0
apress learn objective-c on the mac, for os x and ios 2nd (2012)

apress learn objective-c on the mac, for os x and ios 2nd (2012)

... classes, methods, and techniques and hoping that you'll somehow sort it all out with practice. Learn Objective-C on the Mac is a fine guide to the language at the heart of Apple’s iOS and OS X ... Specifiers 333 Hello Operator, Give Me Number 9 334 Comparison and Logical Operators 334 Array Operators 335 Learn Objective-C on the Mac For iOS and OS X Scott Knaster Waqar Malik Mark Dalrymple v Contents ... start his own business focusing on iOS development. In his spare time, he loves to spend time with his wife and family and play golf. He blogs at nickwaynik.com and can be found on Twitter as @n_dubbs. xvii Foreword Whenever...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 10:06

370 431 0
MAC and Physical.ppt

MAC and Physical.ppt

... 802.11 MAC layer designed to accommodate streaming multimedia. ✔ QoS (Quality of Service) is the idea that transmission rates, error rates, and other characteristics can be measured, improved, and, ... reception for full-motion video, high- fidelity audio, and Voice over IP through the Internet. ● 802.11e modifies the rules associated with DCF and PCF to create, respectively: ✔ an Enhanced ... administer access to the medium and to provide MAC layer reliability. ✔ Management frames perform supervisory functions such as joining/ leaving a wireless network and move associations from AP...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 11:16

46 495 0
Basic Router Operation - Backing Up and Restoring Router Configuration Files and IOS Software Images

Basic Router Operation - Backing Up and Restoring Router Configuration Files and IOS Software Images

... /?Issue=19&IssueDate=09-01-2000&CP= 11/06/01 Date of Issue: 09-01-2000 Backing Up and Restoring Router Configuration Files and IOS Software Images by Marc Menninger / Barry Meinster Objectives Setup ... are left? ______________________________ Step 2-2 Back up your IOS software image to your TFTP server. What command backs up your IOS software image to your TFTP server? ______________________________ Refer ... a TFTP server Step 4-1 Restore the IOS software image you saved to the TFTP server in Task 2 to your router's Flash memory. What command restores the IOS software image you saved to the...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 07:15

5 459 0
Tài liệu Basic Router Operation - Backing Up and Restoring Router Configuration Files and IOS Software Images doc

Tài liệu Basic Router Operation - Backing Up and Restoring Router Configuration Files and IOS Software Images doc

... /?Issue=19&IssueDate=09-01-2000&CP= 11/06/01 Date of Issue: 09-01-2000 Backing Up and Restoring Router Configuration Files and IOS Software Images by Marc Menninger / Barry Meinster Objectives Setup ... are left? ______________________________ Step 2-2 Back up your IOS software image to your TFTP server. What command backs up your IOS software image to your TFTP server? ______________________________ Refer ... a TFTP server Step 4-1 Restore the IOS software image you saved to the TFTP server in Task 2 to your router's Flash memory. What command restores the IOS software image you saved to the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 13:15

5 418 0
Tài liệu Routing Principles and IOS Implementation Lab Scenario doc

Tài liệu Routing Principles and IOS Implementation Lab Scenario doc

... attempted simultaneously to introduce a new routing protocol and a new addressing scheme. See the Tutorial "Routing Principles and IOS Implementation Considerations" for a discussion of ... distance that the IOS assigns to each source of routing information. You can override these defaults with the distance subcommand, which you code underneath a router major command. TIP When upgrading ... boundaries, and CertificationZone Page 1 of 11 http://www.certificationzone.com/studyguides/s /?Issue=3&IssueDate=11-01-1999&CP= 11/06/01 Date of Issue: 11-01-1999 Routing Principles and IOS...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 19:20

11 370 0
OS X and iOS Kernel Programming pptx

OS X and iOS Kernel Programming pptx

... discussions. CHAPTER 2  MAC OS X AND IOS 35 Table 2-7. File Systems Support by XNU Name Description HFS+ The standard file system used by Mac OS X and iOS HFS Legacy Mac OS file system UFS ... 2-7. The primary file system used by Mac OS X and iOS is HFS+. It was developed as a replacement for the Mac OS file system HFS. CHAPTER 2  MAC OS X AND IOS 28 A task’s address space is fundamental ... needs to concern itself only with handling audio requests and configuring the audio device, and the USB driver needs to concern itself only with the USB protocol and performing data transfers over...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 02:20

473 1,3K 2
Convert's guide to the Mac and OS X

Convert's guide to the Mac and OS X

... storage and even replace the battery without getting Apple involved. This also involves the price Apple sets. • Compatibility and gaming: Many Mac laptops. • Build quality and service: Macs are ... card reader and an audio- out. Connections to monitors and Ethernet (wired network) will require adapters which use the Thunderbolt port, Apple’s new standard for high-speed transfer and interfacing. The ... dedicated graphics chip. MacBook Pro The MacBook Pro is Apple’s mobile computing powerhouse, making it more suited to complex tasks like video editing, running virtual machines and even gaming. These machines...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 13:36

164 474 0
Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae: Their Funding Advantage and Benefits to Consumers pptx

Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae: Their Funding Advantage and Benefits to Consumers pptx

... Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae is found at the intersection of the depository supply curve (S Depositories ) and the total mortgage demand curve (D total ). When supply from Freddie Mac and Fannie ... automated underwriting. Straka (2000) and Standard and Poor’s (1997b) summarize this transformation. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae have access to larger and more comprehensive data files on loan ... debt issue commands in the marketplace. For example, a security that allowed the issuer to exercise 14 Standard and Poor’s (1997a) rated Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae AA- on a stand-alone basis....

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 20:21

41 180 0
focal press flash mobile, developing android and ios applications (2011)

focal press flash mobile, developing android and ios applications (2011)

... an Android movie. Save the file and name it classicTween.xfl. 2. Import the Android logo and text. 3. Name the layer the logo is in “logo.” 4. Select the Android logo. Right-click and ... have all the files and tools needed to test your Flash applications in Android simulators or on a physical Android device. Figure 1.5 Google’s Android SDK site. 78 RAPID ANDROID DEVELOPMENT ... the Audio Stream and Events playback settings can be modified. SETTING UP FLASH CS5 FOR ANDROID DEVELOPMENT 19 3. Choose AIR for Android from the left category window. On therighthandsideyouwillsee480x800Android.SelectOK (Figure...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:37

310 368 0
windows phone 7 programming for android and ios developers

windows phone 7 programming for android and ios developers

... features and fl exibilities may be added to the updates. SIDE-BY-SIDE COMPARISONS WITH ANDROID AND IPHONE Mobile developers coming from iOS and Android will be interested in the similarities and differences ... analysis, and working samples to help iOS and Android developers create applications on WP7. WHOM THIS BOOK IS FOR The book targets mainly experienced mobile application developers with Android and iOS ... Macintosh systems. Mac OS X is a Unix fl avor combining a Mach kernel and numerous components from FreeBSD (where BSD stands for Berkeley Software Distribution) and NetBSD. iOS bears the same...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 12:42

361 1K 0
Mpeg 7 audio and beyond audio content indexing and retrieval

Mpeg 7 audio and beyond audio content indexing and retrieval

... extracted from 34 frequency bands and consists of 32 within-band coefficients between loEdge = 250 Hz and hiEdge = 16kHz (i.e. a 1/4-octave resolution) and two out-of-band coefficients. ASE vectors ... following groups: • Basic descriptors: audio waveform (AWF), audio power (AP). • Basic spectral descriptors: audio spectrum envelope (ASE), audio spectrum centroid (ASC), audio spectrum spread (ASS), audio spectrum ... foundation layer. MPEG-7 Audio and Beyond: Audio Content Indexing and Retrieval H G. Kim, N. Moreau and T. Sikora © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 1 Introduction Today, digital audio applications...

Ngày tải lên: 27/05/2014, 03:59

306 339 0

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