3calculation method for permanent magnet synchronous generator

Sensorless drives for permanent magnet synchronous motors

Sensorless drives for permanent magnet synchronous motors

... and its ZCP waveforms based on modified algorithm Captured voltage and current waveforms for VDC = 5V Captured voltage and current waveforms for VDC = 8.48V Captured waveforms for VDC = 8.48V ... categories Back-EMF measurement based methods, Flux calculation based methods, Observer based methods and Inductance variation methods 1.2.1 Back-EMF Measurement Based Method The measurement of back-EMF ... time over the conventional method of gate turn-off PMSMs have permanent magnet rotors generating sinusoidal back-EMFs in rotation From the perspective of torque performance, a PMSM should be...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:07

200 1K 0
A review on position speed sensorless control for permanent magnet synchronous machine based wind energy conversion systems

A review on position speed sensorless control for permanent magnet synchronous machine based wind energy conversion systems

... control methods have been proposed for PMSG-based WECSs to improve the efficiency and mitigate or eliminate the aforementioned problems of the conventional P&O method In [31], a MPPT control method ... Haque, M Negnevitsky, and K M Muttaqi, “A novel control strategy for a variable-speed wind turbine with a permanentmagnet synchronous generator, ” IEEE Trans Ind Appl., vol 46, no 1, pp 331–339, Jan./Feb ... converter for permanent magnet wind power generators up to MW,” in Proc 11th Eur Conf Power Electron Appl., Sep 2005, pp 1–9 [16] A Yazdani and R Iravani, “A neutral-point clamped converter system for...

Ngày tải lên: 27/09/2016, 20:23

14 616 0
Analysis, design and control of permanent magnet synchronous motors for wide speed operation

Analysis, design and control of permanent magnet synchronous motors for wide speed operation

... Electro-motive Force FEM Finite Element Method GA Genetic Algorithms MMF Magneto-motive Force xvii xviii MTPA Maximum Torque Per Ampere PI Proportional Integral PM Permanent Magnet PMSM Permanent Magnet Synchronous ... 1.2 Characteristics of Permanent Magnet Materials 1.3 Structures for exterior permanent magnet motors 1.4 Structures for interior permanent magnet motors 1.5 ... 1.3 b) permanent magnets are magnetized (a) Surface Mounted (b) Inset Figure 1.3: Structures for exterior permanent magnet motors (a) Spoked (b) Buried Figure 1.4: Structures for interior permanent...

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2015, 22:06

230 765 0
Standards for efficiency of electric motors   permanent magnet synchronous motor technology

Standards for efficiency of electric motors permanent magnet synchronous motor technology

... line-start permanent magnet synchronous motors,” in Proc Industry Application Conf., Oct 2000, vol 1, pp 424–431 [26] L Lefevre and L Soulard, “Finite element transient start of a linestart permanent magnet ... line-starting permanentmagnet synchronous motor,” in Proc Int Conf Electrical Machines, Portugal, Sept 2008, pp 1–6 [30] C Lee and B Know, “Design of post-assembly magnetization system of line start permanent ... (kW) 100 IE3 Efficiency Levels for 50 Hz IE3 Efficiency Levels for 60 Hz Adapted Ultrapremium Efficiency Levels for 50 Hz Commercial Ultrapremium Efficiency Levels for 60 Hz Commercially available...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2015, 09:42

8 398 1
AN1292 sensorless field oriented control (FOC) for a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) using a PLL estimator and field weakening (FW)

AN1292 sensorless field oriented control (FOC) for a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) using a PLL estimator and field weakening (FW)

... CONCLUSION REFERENCES This application note describes a method of flux angle and speed estimation for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSM) This method is applied with success in the Field Weakening ... CAUTION: During field weakening of a Surface Permanent Magnet (SPM) type of PMSM, mechanical damage of the rotor and the demagnetization of the permanent magnets is possible if careful measures are ... Graph ΨPM d Intrinsic characteristic of permanent magnet Normal characteristic of permanent magnet Where: H = Field intensity B = Field induction BR = Permanent induction value HC = Coercivity...

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2016, 17:05

20 432 0
Passivity-based current controller design for a permanent-magnet synchronous motor

Passivity-based current controller design for a permanent-magnet synchronous motor

... property of the closed-loop system Permanent- magnet synchronous motor model 2.1 PMSM model in the general direct-quadrature reference frame The PMSM uses buried rare earth magnets Its electrical behaviour ... all tests performed in this study, the following signals have been considered as representative for performance analysis: rotational speed (Fig 2(a)), line current (Fig 2(b)), electromagnetic torque ... passivity-based control scheme for speed tracking purposes is proposed The scheme is valid for a certain class of nonlinear system even with unstable zero dynamic, and it is also useful for regulation and...

Ngày tải lên: 24/11/2016, 10:43

11 338 0
Use of an extension of the park's transformation to determine control laws applied to a non sinusoidal permanent magnet synchronous motor

Use of an extension of the park's transformation to determine control laws applied to a non sinusoidal permanent magnet synchronous motor

... the following form: enough simple to pennit to write, for these motors, control laws with very good dynamic performances,as vector control for example Extended Park's transformation For a star ~ ... get so a transformation that we can consider as an extension of the Park's transformation for the synchronous machines with backelectromotive forces of any pattem With this new transformation a ... 0): 13.14O) le = p.Wrq(0) iq DYNAMIC BEHAVIOUR OF NON-SINUSOIDAL PERMANENT- MAGNETSYNCHRONOUS DRIVES I * A four poles pmanent -magnet synchronous motor has been modelled through a finite element code...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:50

6 438 2
Expansion of Operating Limits for Permanent Magnet Motor by Current Vector Control

Expansion of Operating Limits for Permanent Magnet Motor by Current Vector Control

... LIMITS FOR PERMANENT MA(;NET MOTORS 4) The control method considering the demagnetizationlimit is analyzed If the permanent magnet has a straight demagnetization curve, as does a rare-earth permanent ... to the permanent magnet flux linkage [6]; If E is large and the coercivity of the magnet is not enough, then the permanent magnet demagnetization may create a serious problem and the magnet torque ... values of the demagnetizing coefficient are about 0.8 In some cases, the permanent magnet is demagnetized irreversibly by the flux-weakening control VI DEMAGNETIZATION OF PERMANENT MAGNET If the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 22:01

6 596 1
Computational analysis of a permanent magnet synchronous machine using numerical techniques

Computational analysis of a permanent magnet synchronous machine using numerical techniques

... Permanent Magnets The properties and performances of a permanent magnet machine are greatly affected by the characteristics of permanent magnets Therefore proper representation of permanent magnet ... excitation and permanent magnet excitation The former method is used in conventional DC and synchronous machines, and the latter one is used in permanent magnet( PM) machines Permanent magnet machines ... the demagnetization curve Fig 1.4 illustrated the basic magnetic properties of permanent magnets Figure 1.4: Demagnetization curve and energy product of permanent magnets When a permanent magnet...

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2015, 22:17

285 991 0


... Element Method on Magnetic Field Studies 65 5.3 Electromagnetic force calculation by 2D finite element method 65 5.3.1 Static Unbalanced Magnetic Pull 66 ii Contents 5.3.2 Dynamic Unbalanced Magnetic ... design for Incline Unbalanced Magnetic Pull 7.6 123 7.4.2 Experimental results and discussion for DUMP 7.5 Dynamical response for Dynamical Unbalanced Magnetic Pull 7.4.1 Experimental design for ... EXCITATION FORCES 40 4.1 Mechanical Unbalance 40 4.2 Unbalanced Magnetic Pulls 41 2.1 Static Unbalanced Magnetic Pull 41 2.2 Dynamical Unbalanced Magnetic Pull 46 2.3 Incline Unbalanced Magnetic...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 12:06

187 600 0
Design optimization of permanent magnet synchronous motors using response surface analysis and genetic algorithm

Design optimization of permanent magnet synchronous motors using response surface analysis and genetic algorithm

... 1.1.1 The development of Permanent Magnet Machines 1.1.2 Features of permanent magnet motors Permanent magnet synchronous motors iii 1.2.1 ... Figure 1.1: Magnetic characteristics of the main class of permanent magnets [2] Finally, the development of rare earth permanent magnets in the 60’s gave a significant advantage to permanent magnet ... work method xii List of Figures 1.1 Magnetic characteristics of the main class of permanent magnets [2] 1.2 Evolution of the magnetic material during the 20th century [2] 1.3 Partial demagnetization...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 15:45

176 736 0
Strategy for the instantaneous torque control of permanent magnet brushless DC drives2

Strategy for the instantaneous torque control of permanent magnet brushless DC drives2

... sufficient condition for V, to satisfy eqn 16 is therefore d By repeating the above exercise for V,, we find that a sufficient condition for V, to satisfy the existence condition for sliding mode ... permanent- magnet motor - design and performance Third International Conference on Electrical Machines and Drives, IEE, London, UK, Nov 16th-18th 1987, pp 246249 LOW, T.S Permanent- magnet motors for ... MOLLARD, PH., and ROGNON, J.P ’ ‘ T w o digital torque control structures for permanent magnets converter fed sinusoidal synchronous machines’ Proceedings of the 1988 Conference on Industrial Electronics...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:52

9 352 0
passive permanent magnet bearing for rotating shaft analytical calculation

passive permanent magnet bearing for rotating shaft analytical calculation

... ring permanent magnet [m] The two ring permanent magnets are radially centered and their polarization are supposed uniformly radial 8.2 Magnet modelling The coulombian model is chosen for the magnets ... between the magnetic pole surface densities of each ring magnet, M corresponds to the magnetic interaction between the magnetic pole surface densities of one ring permanent magnet and the magnetic ... ring permanent magnet = 0.01 m Section 4.2 shew that stacking ring magnets with alternate polarization led to structures with higher performances than the ones with two magnets for a given magnet...

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2014, 23:33

33 218 1
VCM 2012 11 Đề xuất phương pháp kích từ cho máy phát đồng trục sử dụng  máy điện dị bộ nguồn kép trong trạm phát điện tàu thủy A novel excitation method for shaft generators using doublyfed induction machines on power –station on shipboards

VCM 2012 11 Đề xuất phương pháp kích từ cho máy phát đồng trục sử dụng máy điện dị bộ nguồn kép trong trạm phát điện tàu thủy A novel excitation method for shaft generators using doublyfed induction machines on power –station on shipboards

... phát thường thiết kế có máy phát đồng trục làm việc với cụm diesel – generator (DG) Hệ thống máy phát đồng trục (SG – Shaft Generator) có nhiều phương án kĩ thuật thoả mãn yêu cầu vận hành, khai ... dị rotor dây quấn làm việc chế độ máy phát cấp nguồn từ hai phía (DFIG: Doubly – Fed Induction Generator) DFIG làm máy phát đồng trục có ưu điểm bật stator DFIG nối trực tiếp với lưới điện, rotor...

Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2015, 07:26

8 353 1
Analysis and determination of cogging torque and unbalanced magnetic forces in permanent magnet spindle motors for hard disk drives

Analysis and determination of cogging torque and unbalanced magnetic forces in permanent magnet spindle motors for hard disk drives

... requirements for the electromagnetic forces are extremely stringent Electromagnetic forces such as the cogging torque and unbalanced magnetic pull (UMP) generated in the permanent magnet spindles ... is necessary for the magnetic forces generated in spindle motors be well studied and designed Two critical design factors on magnetic forces are especially concerned in permanent magnet spindle ... fields and forces in permanent magnet motors used in hard disk drives 2) To build a model for predicting the electromagnetic forces developed in PM motors with sufficient accuracy required for design...

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2015, 22:03

257 540 0
power system stabilizers for the synchronous generator

power system stabilizers for the synchronous generator

... stability of the generator through the excitation control system, therefore a PSS tuning methodology is developed and tested Moreover, other damping control alternative for the synchronous generator ... Fuzzy Logic, Rule-Based Method, Lyapunov Method, Frequency Response Methods, Dissipativity Methods, Agent Technology, Gain Scheduling Method, Phasor Measurement, Optimization Methods and H∞ Based ... in Chapter Synchronous Machine Infinite Bus Modelling the same reference, the dq Transformation is used, specifically Power Invariant Transformation [11] The transformations equations for three...

Ngày tải lên: 22/04/2016, 11:23

78 592 0


... technique for pilot estimation combined with wavelet denoising 5.8 MSE performance for channel estimation based different interpolation 114 technique using MMSE for pilot estimation 5.9 MSE performance ... the study and methodology were formed for this research, as follows: Review of previous literature pertaining to available techniques of channel estimation for the OFDM system for solving the ... performance based on QPSK Modulation 83 4.4 The OFDM systems performance based on DBPSK Modulation 85 4.5 The OFDM systems performance based on DQPSK Modulation 87 4.6 The OFDM systems performance...

Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2013, 21:28

153 525 0
Modern method for guitar 1

Modern method for guitar 1

... should like to mention at this point that all music presented for study on these pages is original and has been created especially for the guitar EACH composition has been designed to advance ... explained If further information is desired, some very excellent music dictionaries in soft cover editions can be obtained at a small cost.) I feel, however, that with this method, (as with all ... possible Fingering and counting indications have been kept at what I consider a sensible minimum #2 For the gradual development of dexterity in BOTH hands This is the physical part of learning to...

Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2013, 08:28

127 784 1
Modern method for guitar 2

Modern method for guitar 2

... SECTION MOST IMPORTANT FOR NOW IS THE PHYSICAL ABILITY TO PERFORM THEM AND EVENTUAL MEMORIZATION OF ALL FORMS, CHORD TYPES AND ROOT LOCATIONS NOTE THAT THESE ARE THE SAME FORMS AS THOSE SHOWN ... This book is a continuation of Volume I, Modern Method for Guitar Most of the terms and techniques are directly evolved from material presented there For example, the entire fingerboard is covered ... inquisitive student and maybe shed some light into the mysterious workings of music for guitar players in general As before, good luck and have fun William G Leavitt ALL SCALES (MAJ and MIN etc )...

Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2013, 08:28

122 781 2
Development of the Quantitative PCR Method for Candidatus ‘Accumulibacter phosphatis’ and Its Application to Activated Sludge

Development of the Quantitative PCR Method for Candidatus ‘Accumulibacter phosphatis’ and Its Application to Activated Sludge

... sludge Nevertheless, quantitative PCR method for Candidatus ‘Accumulibacter phosphatis’ has not been developed yet In this study, quantitative PCR method for Candidatus ‘Accumulibacter phosphatis’ ... quantitative PCR was 1.0 % for Ct value and 11 % for the calculated copy numbers, respectively (n=6) Variation in quantitative PCR only was 0.78 % for Ct value and 7.5 % for the calculated copy ... conditions included a pre-incubation step of at 94 °C followed by 35 cycles of 94 °C for 15 sec, 57 °C for 20 sec, and 68 °C for 15 sec - 38 - Journal of Water and Environment Technology, Vol.5, No.1,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

7 720 0