38 finding and fixing misspelled words with pspell

Tài liệu Finding and Fixing Run-Time Bugs pptx

Tài liệu Finding and Fixing Run-Time Bugs pptx

... clip With the Property Inspector open, select the square movie clip instance and give it an instance name of myClip_mc Now we'll some scripting With the Actions panel open, select Layer and add ... track down and eliminate bugs In the following exercise, we'll attempt to give you an overall feel for the process, so that you know how to insert and use breakpoints, see and work with your project's ... application is manipulating variable and property values correctly under various circumstances Setting and Using Breakpoints Watching and changing property and variable values are only part of...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 22:15

25 337 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Towards Finding and Fixing Fragments: Using ML to Identify Non-Sentential Utterances and their Antecedents in Multi-Party Dialogue" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Towards Finding and Fixing Fragments: Using ML to Identify Non-Sentential Utterances and their Antecedents in Multi-Party Dialogue" ppt

... represent the utterances (In this table, and in this section, we denote the candidate for being a fragment with β and the candidate for being β’s antecedent with α.) We have defined a number of structural ... computed as follows: for each pair (x, y) of nouns from α and β, Google is called (via the Google API) with a query for x, for y, and for x and y together The similarity then is the average ratio ... “set-valued” features, e.g strings; we have run this learner both with only the features listed above and with the utterances (and POS-tags) as an additional feature • T I MBL (Tilburg Memory-Based...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 04:22

8 348 0
Finding and Fixing Vulnerabilities in Information Systems docx

Finding and Fixing Vulnerabilities in Information Systems docx

... input/output [I/O], clients, and servers), networks and communications between and within nodes, and physical locations at various levels within the system’s architecture Finding and Fixing Vulnerabilities ... and robustness; techniques that improve intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) and self-awareness; techniques for counterintelligence and denial of ISR and target acquisition; and ... planning medical operations, and teleconferencing with other military DoD defines a JFACC as The commander within a unified command, subordinate unified command, or joint task force responsible...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 22:20

134 520 0
finding and using negotiation po

finding and using negotiation po

... grounded in the title, duties, and responsibilities of a job description and “level” within an organization hierarchy • Power based on the control of resources associated with that position 7-8 Power ... Two perspectives on power: – Power used to dominate and control the other– “power over” – Power used to work together with the other–“power with 7-4 Sources of Power – How People Acquire Power ... quality of relationships with others – Tie content • The resource that passes along the tie with the other person – Network structure • The overall set of relationships within a social system 7-14...

Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2013, 00:28

17 337 2
Words with Interesting Etymologies

Words with Interesting Etymologies

... town A big thunderstorm brewed up and the rain washed the paint off The painter cowered and trembled, then the skies opened and the voice of God boomed out,“Repaint and thin no more!” —Martha Grant, ... O N , poet (1809–1892) CHAPTER 34 Words to Describe People II hate mankind, for I think myself one of the best of them, and I know how bad I am.” These candid words of Samuel Johnson, lexicographer ... neck and may drain to the outside The string of festering lumps about the neck reminded one of a brood sow, lying down with teats exposed and leaking to feed her piglets Reportedly, the high and...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 16:20

17 369 0
Public attitudes, stigma and discrimination against people with mental illness

Public attitudes, stigma and discrimination against people with mental illness

... intentions, and found that ex-convicts were seen to be more acceptable than people with mental illness, and the only group less favoured by employers were those with tuberculosis (Brand, Jr and Clairborn, ... less fearful and more willing to favour working with people with a history of mental illness (Vezzoli et al., 2001), and exactly the same finding came from a Canadian study (Stuart and Arboleda-Florez, ... MacDonald, L D and Anderson, H R (1984) Stigma in patients with rectal cancer: a community study Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 38 (4), 284–90 Madianos, M G., Economou, M., Hatjiandreou,...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 09:20

19 526 1
Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 1

Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 1

... numerics Carefully crafted initial estimates reward you not only with reduced computational effort, but also with understanding and increased self-esteem Hamming’s motto, “the purpose of computing ... function And, if the minimum of the function is exactly zero, then you have found a double root.) As usual, we want to discourage you from using routines as black boxes without understanding them ... vertical sides with character ’l’ scr[1][j]=scr[ISCR][j]=YY; for (i=2;i

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 19:15

4 352 0
Tài liệu unit 10 and 11 modal verds with key

Tài liệu unit 10 and 11 modal verds with key

... taking 38 Theresa walked past me without saying a word She me a can't have seen b can't see c can't have been seen d can be seen 39 I think the match Everybody's gone into the stadium and ... be typed c need to type d needn't typing 34 The museum is open to everybody It between 9am and 5pm a visits b visited c can visit d can be visited 35 The train by bad weather I am not ... meeting in May a will hold b will be held c will be holding d will have held 50 in simpler words? a Has this issue expressed b Can't this issue express c Can this issue express d Couldn't...

Ngày tải lên: 29/11/2013, 13:11

2 1,7K 35
Tài liệu 5000 Collegiate Words with Brief Definitions- Amass an Ivy League Vocabulary ppt

Tài liệu 5000 Collegiate Words with Brief Definitions- Amass an Ivy League Vocabulary ppt

... cup-shaped vessel with a long handle, intended for dipping up and pouring liquids laggard adj Falling behind landholder n Landowner landlord n A man who owns and lets a tenement or tenements landmark n ... mandate n A command mandatory adj Expressive of positive command, as distinguished from merely directory mane n The long hair growing upon and about the neck of certain animals, as the horse and ... the phenomena associated with matter and energy physics n The science that treats of the phenomena associated with matter and energy physiocracy n The doctrine that land and its products are the...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 12:15

37 684 1
Tài liệu Reading and Writing Binary Data with SQL Server doc

Tài liệu Reading and Writing Binary Data with SQL Server doc

... SqlDataAdapter(selectCommand, ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Sql_ConnectString"]); da.UpdateCommand = new SqlCommand(updateCommand, da.SelectCommand.Connection); da.UpdateCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text; ... new DataSet( ); // Define select and update commands for the DataAdapter String selectCommand = "SELECT Id, Description FROM " + TABLENAME; String updateCommand = "UPDATE " + TABLENAME + " " ... // Create the connection and command SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection( ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Sql_ConnectString"]); SqlCommand cmdWrite = new SqlCommand(sqlWrite, conn); // Create...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 18:16

10 624 0
Tài liệu Reading and Writing Binary Data with Oracle pdf

Tài liệu Reading and Writing Binary Data with Oracle pdf

... Create the connection and command OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection( ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Oracle_ConnectString"]); OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(sqlText, conn); ... da.FillSchema(table, SchemaType.Source); OracleCommandBuilder cb = new OracleCommandBuilder(da); // Create a row containing the new BLOB, CLOB, and NCLOB data DataRow row = table.NewRow( ); row[ID_FIELD] ... based on the national character set of the server with a maximum size of GB This data type maps to a String The Oracle NET data provider handles CLOB and NCLOB data as Unicode Each character is therefore...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 18:16

5 488 0
Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 2 docx

Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 2 docx

... iterations the root is known to be within an interval of size n , then after the next iteration it will be bracketed within an interval of size 354 Chapter Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations ... float *x2) Given a function func and an initial guessed range x1 to x2, the routine expands the range geometrically until a root is bracketed by the returned values x1 and x2 (in which case zbrac ... trade@cup.cam.ac.uk (outside North America) a x2 x3 b x1 d c f e 351 9.1 Bracketing and Bisection 352 Chapter Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations #include #define FACTOR 1.6 #define...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 04:15

5 452 0
Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 3 pptx

Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 3 pptx

... Method, False Position Method, and Ridders’ Method f(x) 356 Chapter Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations f (x) Figure 9.2.3 Example where both the secant and false position methods will ... both reliability and speed, Ridders’ method is generally competitive with the more highly developed and better established (but more complicated) method of Van Wijngaarden, Dekker, and Brent, which ... REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING: Ralston, A., and Rabinowitz, P 1978, A First Course in Numerical Analysis, 2nd ed (New York: McGraw-Hill), §8.3 Ostrowski, A.M 1966, Solutions of Equations and Systems...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 04:15

6 374 0
Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 4 doc

Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 4 doc

... by maintaining brackets on the root and checking where the interpolation would land before carrying out the division When the correction P/Q would not land within the bounds, or when the bounds ... REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING: Brent, R.P 1973, Algorithms for Minimization without Derivatives (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: PrenticeHall), Chapters 3, [1] Forsythe, G.E., Malcolm, M.A., and Moler, ... supposed to, and, if it is not, we can intersperse bisection steps so as to guarantee at least linear convergence This kind of super-strategy requires attention to bookkeeping detail, and also careful...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 04:15

4 382 0
Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 5 doc

Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 5 doc

... function value as fn and the derivative as df We have included input bounds on the root simply to be consistent with previous root-finding routines: Newton does not adjust bounds, and works only on ... f(x) and its first derivative f (x) at the point x The Newton-Raphson formula can also be applied using a numerical difference to approximate the true local derivative, 366 Chapter Root Finding and ... Newton-Raphson and bisection, find the root of a function bracketed between x1 and x2 The root, returned as the function value rtsafe, will be refined until its accuracy is known within ±xacc funcd...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 04:15

8 383 0
Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 6 docx

Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 6 docx

... (outside North America) Given B and C, R and S can be readily found, by polynomial division (§5.3) We can consider R and S to be adjustable functions of B and C, and they will be zero if the quadratic ... polynomial with real coefficients, i=0 and the coefficients a[0 m] The method is to construct an upper Hessenberg matrix whose eigenvalues are the desired roots, and then use the routines balanc and hqr ... achieve full machine accuracy, on the one hand, with the danger of iterating forever in the presence of roundoff error, on the other 374 Chapter Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations if (x->r...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 04:15

11 385 0
Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 7 doc

Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 7 doc

... 380 Chapter Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations no root here! two roots here f pos g pos M f=0 g pos ... matrix of partial derivatives appearing in equation (9.6.3) is the Jacobian matrix J: 382 Chapter Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations void ludcmp(float **a, int n, int *indx, float *d); ... let x denote the entire vector of values xi and F denote the entire vector of functions Fi In the neighborhood of x, each of the functions Fi can be expanded Sample page from NUMERICAL RECIPES...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 04:15

5 329 1
Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 8 ppt

Tài liệu Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations part 8 ppt

... 384 Chapter Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations Line Searches and Backtracking When we are not close enough to the minimum ... (9.7.9) If we need to backtrack, then we model g with the most current information we have and choose λ to minimize the model We start with g(0) and g (0) available The first step is Sample page ... (*func)(float [])) Given an n-dimensional point xold[1 n], the value of the function and gradient there, fold and g[1 n], and a direction p[1 n], finds a new point x[1 n] along the direction p from xold...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 04:15

11 394 0