30 đề thi toeic

Đề thi TOEIC

Đề thi TOEIC

Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2012, 11:59

10 2,9K 276
Đề thi toeic 2009 -01

Đề thi toeic 2009 -01

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2012, 14:40

1 1,4K 65
Đề thi toeic 2009 - 06

Đề thi toeic 2009 - 06

... provided to me during my time with this company. I want to thank you personally for all that you have taught me. By demonstrating what it takes to be successful in this industry, you have become ... Lispector most likely feel about Ms. Nguyen? (a) She thinks Ms. Nguyen is hard to work with. (b) She wishes Ms. Nguyen had taught her more. (c) She thinks Ms. Nguyen is a good mentor. (d) She feels ... fifteen minutes (b) a half an hour (c) an hour (d) an hour and a half 18 NEW TOEIC Part 5 / 6 / 7 Part 5 + Part 6: finish within 23 minutes 101. The unexpected, sharp drop in profits during the second...

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2012, 14:40

19 2K 11
Đề thi toeic 2009 - 07

Đề thi toeic 2009 - 07

... polished. Cast parts using this technique range in weight from 30g to 7kg. Section thicknesses can be as small as 0.6mm. Copper and magnesium are commonly cast using this process. 157. According ... coins (d) money 124. Use of third-party accessories with this product will the warranty. (a) void (b) destroy (c) disable (d) validate 125. Upon opening, confirm contents of this box the enclosed ... pound (d) Documents, two to four pounds. M E M O R A N D U M Liberty Legal Services 302 Pine Street, Suite 2300 Los Angeles, CA 80214 Dear Colleagues, I am writing to introduce the newest member...

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2012, 14:40

20 874 9
Đề thi toeic 2009 - 02

Đề thi toeic 2009 - 02

... Saturday, July 30 for the musical Chicago but have to leave town for business. The show is at the Ambassador Theatre on 49th Street in Manhattan. Tickets are $175, originally $ 230, but willing ... second floor terrace This secluded property is surrounded by trees and has a small pond. It has a newly painted interior, and new storm windows. Situated by Vermont ski areas, this house is a great ... work hard until then and think about what you’re doing right and/or wrong. Mr. Macy is very down-to-earth and friendly. Relax, act natural, be professional, and everything will be fine. I’m sure...

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2012, 14:40

20 1,1K 8
Đề thi toeic - P5

Đề thi toeic - P5

... price of one. Everything in the store is on the sale, including all accessories. This is the time to stock up on all your favorite shoes, because you'll never see shoe prices this _______ again. ... continue the tradition this year. We plan on having the outing on Friday, August 7 and must be firm with this date because it is the last working day for our interns. This year, we will be treating ... your ad today or fax or e-mail your ad copy and we'll provide 10 NEW TOEIC Part 5 / 6 / 7 Part 5 + Part 6: finish within 23 minutes 101. The Payroll Department _______ that all employees...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2012, 08:42

20 858 13
Đề thi toeic - P6

Đề thi toeic - P6

... Lispector most likely feel about Ms. Nguyen? (a) She thinks Ms. Nguyen is hard to work with. (b) She wishes Ms. Nguyen had taught her more. (c) She thinks Ms. Nguyen is a good mentor. (d) She feels ... suitable clothing. 176. According to the handbook, what right do Q employees have? (a) To know the company rules (b) To complete their tasks efficiently (c) To wear protective clothing (d) To ... the elegant Providence Palace Hotel and at 10 p.m., we'll announce this year's Employee of the Year. Remember, this is an adults-only party, so book a baby-sitter today. Contact our...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2012, 08:42

19 731 12
Đề thi toeic - P7

Đề thi toeic - P7

... oil traded in London will average $52 .30 _____ barrel in the third quarter. 147. (a) for (b) per (c) via (d) over Respondents expect crude to average $50.50 this year and $46.50 next year. London ... when not in use. PLEASE NOTE This is an outdoor cooker only. Never use this propane unit indoors and do not store the cylinder indoors. If you encounter problems with this unit or require additional ... 5 5306 . James E. Bay 110 N. Main Ave. Odessa, MN 56276 -301 4 October 10, 20— Wellcraft Tools & Equipment Customer Service Department 2800 Southcross Drive West Burnsville, Minnesota 5 5306 To...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2012, 08:42

21 1,1K 20
Đề thi toeic - P8

Đề thi toeic - P8

... polished. Cast parts using this technique range in weight from 30g to 7kg. Section thicknesses can be as small as 0.6mm. Copper and magnesium are commonly cast using this process. 157. According ... coins (d) money 124. Use of third-party accessories with this product will the warranty. (a) void (b) destroy (c) disable (d) validate 125. Upon opening, confirm contents of this box the enclosed ... and I think it would give her a real taste of what most work in mergers and acquisitions is like. If it’s okay with you, would you please run it by Andrea? We’d really love her down in this office...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2012, 08:42

20 723 13