... objective of this study was isolate, identify and investigate some biochemical properties of strains of lactic acid bacteria from “com me” and “mam sac chua” in Tien Giang province Nineteen strains of ... University Journal of Science, 11(1), 11-20 13 Lactic acid = ° T × 0.009 In which: ° T is Therner degree, ° T corresponds to mg of lactic acid 2.2 .3 Investigation of salinity tolerance of bacterial ... Nguyen, & Nguyen, 2019) 3. 1 .3 Investigation of salinity tolerance of bacterial strains were isolated from “mam sac chua” The amount of lactic acid (mg/ mL) In the process of producing “mam sac
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2021, 10:41
... JIM 34 (19 93) 952-959 Y Ogino, S Murayama, T Yamasaki, J Less-Common Met 168 (1991) 221- 235 67 In- situ formation of Aluminium Nitride composite powder 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ... 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45... growth, causing the very small ~0.2µm diameter side branches to occur [ 13, 38 ] 63 In- situ formation of Aluminium Nitride composite ... formation of Aluminium Nitride composite powder 3. 3 Results and discussion 3. 3.1 Structural evolution Al2O3 Al Intensity (a.u.) 1250°C 500°C 30 40 50 60 70 80 2 (d egree) Figure 3. 2 X-ray
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:10
DSpace at VNU: Synthesis and characterization of three-arm star-shaped conjugated poly(3-hexylthiophene)s: impact of the core structure on optical properties
... CDCl3 ), 𝛿 (ppm): 7. 53 (d, 6H), 7.60 (d, 6H), 7.68 (s, 3H) MS m/z (M+ ) 539 Analysis calculated for C24 H15 Br3 : C, 53. 34; H, 2.77; Br, 43. 89 Found: C, 53. 25; H, 2.69; Br, 44.06 Synthesis of 1 ,3, 5-tris(4-(4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-1 ,3, 2dioxaborolan-2-yl)phenyl)benzene ... traces of linear P3HT, s-P3HT-TPA and s-P3HT-TPB Table Macromolecular characterization of the star-shaped P3HTs with a comparison of the shrinking factor g’ as a function of number of arms Type of ... 8.2 Hz, 2H), 1 .37 (s, 12H) MS m/z (M+ ) 684 Analysis calculated for C42 H51 B3 O6 : C, 73. 68; H, 7.45; B, 4.82; O, 14. 03 Found: C, 73. 89; H, 7 .31 ; B, 4. 73, O, 13. 96 Synthesis of star-shaped conjugated
Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2017, 15:33
Abstract of Doctoral thesis: Research on the synthesis and characterization of structure and properties of TiO2-based Nanocomposite for the treatment of some pollutants in air enviroment
... the mole of TTIP, (b) is the mole of DEA Table 3. 1 Composition of sol N-TiO2 Number Notation S1-1 S1-2 S2-1 S2-2 S3-1 S3-2 Composition (mole) TTIP DEA 1 2 2 3 EtOH 34 34 34 34 34 34 Table 3. 2 N-TiO2/Al2O3 ... 1-1-60' S 1-1 -30 ' 20 25 30 35 40 45 –Theta-Scale 50 55 Fig 3. 2 XRD patterns of N-TiO2/Al2O3 samples 30 - 24 hour Fig 3. 3 SEM of Al2O3 before coating and after coating with N-TiO2 60 Figure 3. 2 shows ... 0,0018 0,904428 700 0,0044 1 ,33 8744 900 0,0 034 0 ,34 3808 3, 0 2,5 2,0 1,5 y = 269,49x + 0,1972 1,0 R = 0, 937 3 0,5 0,0 0,005 0,01 0,015 1/C0, µg/m Fig 3. 13 The dependence of 1/r0 in 1/C0 in toluene
Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2020, 06:43
The physical and physicochemical properties of some Turkish thermal muds and pure clay minerals and their uses in therapy
... 110 to 36 9 and 60 to 130 , respectively, being higher than those of the peloid samples except for illite and kaolinite The peloid samples show very soft, soft, semihard, hard, and fluid properties ... of the peloids vary from 10.11 to 36 .01 meq/100 g The abrasivity of the peloids and clay minerals ranges from 0.58 to 3. 12 mg/m2 and 0.05 to 0 .37 mg/m2, respectively The viscosity values of the ... of Earth Sciences Turkish J Earth Sci (2017) 26: 39 5-409 © TÜBİTAK doi:10 .39 06/yer-1707-8 http://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/earth/ Research Article The physical and physicochemical properties of
Ngày tải lên: 13/01/2020, 16:53
Dissertation summary: Study on preparation and properties of rubber nanocomposites material based on some kinds of rubber and its blend with carbon nanotubes
... maximum temperature of decomposition (oC) 434 ,5 433 ,2 268,7 272,4 274,5 35 3,6 428,4 90,66 2 73 274 34 4 34 7,7 438 ,8 432 ,9 91,14 92 91,02 86,67 3. 5 Research on optimizing the possibility of CNT dispersion ... (CH2 )3 S4 (CH2)3Si(OH )3 Si CH2CH2CH2 S SH HO OOC OOC t0 NH2 NH2 COO HO Si CH (CH2 )3 S4 (CH2)3Si(OH )3 H3C HO C CH CH2 CH3 HO S S (CH2 )3 Si OH C CH2 OOC CH2 = CH C CH C = H2 HO CH Si (CH2 )3 S SH ... solvent Figure 3: 38 Morphological structure of materials NR / CR reinforced- CNT (a) and CNT- TESPT (b) 17 Table 3. 13 TGA analysis results of of some material samples on the basis of NR / CR Samples
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2020, 16:06
Ebook Quantum theory of magnetism - Magnetic properties of materials (3/E): Part 2
... 101, 111, 112, 118, 119, 1 23, 131 , 146, 266, 278, 30 4, 33 2, 33 3 irreducible representation, 48 irreducible tensor operator, 39 Ising model, 149 Jahn-Teller distortion, 33 7 Johnson noise, 20 K, 124 ... Phys Rev Lett 85, 39 3 (2000) 236 Y.K Kato R.C Myers, A.C Gossard, D.D Awschalom, Science 30 6, 1910 (2004) 237 P.-G deGennes, J Phys Radium 23, 630 (1962) References 35 3 Chapter 10 238 P.A Egelstaff ... exchangestriction, 1 63 Faraday balance, 1 13 Faraday effect, 235 Fe3 O4 , 284, 30 4 Fe–Au–Fe, 286 Fe–Cr–Fe, 286 Fe/Cr/Fe, 2 93 Fe/Ge/Co, 30 2 FeCl2 , 148 FeF2 , 58 FeMn, 30 0 FeO, 138 Fermi liquid theory, 169, 2 23 ferrimagnetism,
Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2020, 23:27
Synthesis and structural properties of 2‑((10‑alkyl‑10H‑phenothiazin‑3‑yl) methylene)malononitrile derivatives; a combined experimental and theoretical insight
... 1 .3 1. 23 H 33 (CH2) 1.81 1.07 H38 (CH2) 1 .3 1.21 H 43 (CH3) 0.88 0.55 H51 (CH3) 0.87 1.1 H 33 (CH2) 1.44 1.09 H42 (CH2) 1 .3 0.92 H52 (CH3) 0.87 0. 83 H 53 (CH3) 0.87 0.81 7.75–6. 83? ?ppm (compound 3b) ... 1 .32 1.67 H30 (CH2) 1.81 1.68 H30 (CH2) 1.81 1.61 H39 (CH2) 1 .3 1.59 H38 (CH2) 1 .32 1. 23 H41 (CH2) 1 .3 1.48 H36 (CH2) 1.44 1.11 H48 (CH2) 1 .3 1 .3 H41 (CH3) 0.88 1.09 H36 (CH2) 1 .3 1. 23 H42 (CH3) ... υasC=Carom 139 5 ( 230 .2) 1405 υasC=Carom 1428 (42.2) – βCHarom 135 2 ( 23. 2) – βCH 139 5 ( 233 .7) 1402 υasC=Carom 133 7 (206.7) 136 4 υsN–Ph, 135 2 (21.6) – βCH 133 8 (189.1) 136 0 υsN–C, γCH2 131 1 (24.2) 132 3 βCH2,
Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2020, 14:10
Studies on the luminescence properties of cazro3 eu 3+ phosphors prepared by the solid state reaction method
... 87.71 89. 43 87.80 89. 43 1 13. 31 1 13. 31 1 13. 31 1 13. 31 1 13. 31 136 .85 137 .10 137 .10 138 .50 136 .80 26.25 25.60 23. 88 25.51 23. 88 23. 54 23. 79 23. 79 25.19 23. 49 49.79 49 .39 47.67 50.70 47 .37 0.47 0.48 ... 20 25 5 5 89. 43 86.42 87.60 87 .30 89.20 1 13. 31 1 13. 31 1 13. 31 1 13. 31 1 13. 31 137 .10 138 .35 137 .30 137 .50 137 .15 23. 88 26.89 25.71 26.01 24.11 23. 79 25.04 23. 99 24.19 23. 84 47.67 51. 93 49.70 50.20 ... for different UV irradiation time Phosphors name CaZrO3:Eu3ỵ CaZrO3:Eu3ỵ CaZrO3:Eu3ỵ CaZrO3:Eu3ỵ CaZrO3:Eu3ỵ (3. 0%) (3. 0%) (3. 0%) (3. 0%) (3. 0%) UV HTR T1 ( C) Tm ( C) T2 ( C) t ( C) d ( C)
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2021, 20:23
Synthesis and optical properties of novel conjugated polymer based on thiacalix3triazine and 3 hexylthiophene
... Chroloform Toluene Tetrahydrofurane Dichloromethane n-heptane Methanol Ethyl acetate Formula C3Cl3N3 C6H6O NaSH CH3CO2K Na2CO3 MgSO4 C10H16S C4H4BrNO2 Pd(OAc)2 C8H7BrO Pcy3.HBF4, C10H11IO4 CHCl3 ... optical properties of novel conjugated polymer based on thiacalix [3] triazine and 3hexylthiophene Ho Chi Minh City University of Education Journal of Science, 18 (3) , 414-424 414 HCMUE Journal of Science ... about 18% 2.5 Synthesis of conjugated polymer P1 based on thiacaliax [3] triazine and 3hexylthiophene Thiacaliax [3] triazine (0 .34 mmol) and 2,5 dibromo -3- hexylthiophene (0. 23 mg) were dissolved in
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2021, 10:09
Synthesis and properties of novel polymeric metal-free and metallophthalocyanines containing peripherally long 1,2-bis[(3-oxapropyl)oxa]benzene derivatives
... (2. 63) , 30 8 (2.20) 830 (4.10), 736 (3. 67), 4 23 (3. 57), 30 6 (4.04), 2 43 (4.15) Cu Pyridine H2SO4 686 (3. 37), 616 (3. 00), 33 6 (3. 57), 31 0 (2.82) 8 63 (4.06), 759c (3. 53) , 427 (3. 50), 38 0 (3. 60), 30 5 ... 687 (3. 57), 617 (3. 02), 34 8 (3. 61), 31 9 (3. 67) 1. 03 H2SO4 8 53 (3. 98), 747c (3. 44), 37 6 (3. 09), 31 2 (4.11), 250 (3. 81) 0.96 Pyridine H2SO4 c 0.84 c 1.01 c 680 (2.61), 6 13 (2.22), 38 6 (2.42), 33 3 ... (3. 60), 30 5 (3. 90), 2 43 (4.15), 218 (4.11) 0.84 1.01 Co Pyridine H2SO4 665 (3. 17), 599c (2.81), 33 4 (3. 23) , 30 9 (2.64) 826 (3. 84), 738 c (3. 58), 415 (3. 39), 297 (4.07), 238 (4.05) 0. 83 1.05 Intensity
Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2022, 23:25
Synthesis and structural properties of N -3,4-(dichlorophenyl)-3-oxo-3- phenyl-2-(phenylcarbonyl)propanamide and its Cu(II) complex
... ◦ ) N1–H1 O3i C8–H8 O3i C18–H18 O3 C22–H22 O2i C 13? ??H 13 Cg3ii D–H 0.86 0.98 0. 93 0. 93 0. 93 H A 2.12 2.52 2 .33 2.51 2. 83 D A 2.947 (3) 3. 2 13 (3) 2.870 (4) 3. 194 (4) 3. 629 (5) D–H ... descriptors of the metal complex compounds 4–6 in G09 No Comp (D) 33 .054 3. 870 4.147 HOMO (eV) –0.27 732 –0 .32 315 –0 .34 8 83 LUMO (eV) –0.06864 –0. 038 79 –0. 035 27 (IP) 0.27 732 0 .32 315 0 .34 8 83 (EA) 0.06864 ... O2–C9–C8–C7, O2–C9–C8–C16, O3–C16–C8–C9, O3–C16–C8–C7, and O3–C16–N1–C17 torsion angles were – 13. 8(4) ◦ , 105.2 (3) ◦ , –107.7 (3) ◦ , 11 .3( 4) ◦ , –88.0 (3) ◦ , 33 .1(4) ◦ , and 3. 7(5) ◦ , respectively
Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2022, 23:55
Investigation of solvent effect on photophysical properties of some sulfonamides derivatives
... 37 9 38 4 38 1 38 1 38 8 39 0 38 6 39 1 38 4 38 5 38 5 38 5 38 3 38 2 31 13 3284 32 52 33 39 33 81 37 71 2995 30 78 33 70 31 80 30 96 31 80 31 30 31 48 55,884 55 ,36 7 55,745 55, 833 54,928 55,0 53 54,808 54,229 55,4 53 55,129 ... 55 ,34 9 55,504 289 290 298 298 297 296 30 0 30 4 298 30 3 30 5 30 4 30 2 30 1 34 8 34 9 35 5 36 2 34 9 39 3 34 9 34 8 34 6 34 9 34 8 34 8 34 8 35 0 5866 5829 538 8 5 933 5017 833 8 4680 4159 4655 435 0 4051 4159 437 7 ... Chloroform DCM THF Ethyl acetate DMF DMSO ACN i-PrOH n-Butanol n-PrOH EtOH MeOH λabs (nm) λf luo (nm) νa − νf (cm−1 ) νa + νf (cm−1 ) 33 9 34 1 33 9 33 8 34 3 34 0 34 6 34 9 34 0 34 3 34 4 34 3 34 2 34 1 37 9 38 4
Ngày tải lên: 13/01/2022, 00:21
Effect of tri(methoxysilyl)propyl methacrylate silane modified nanosilica on some properties of acrylic coating
... m-SiO2-5 2922 1700 1 635 132 9 1299 937 1058, 804 595 m-SiO2-7 2918 1701 1 633 132 6 130 3 939 1056, 804 597 m-SiO2-20 2916 1720 1 633 133 1 1299 939 1057, 807 597 The IR spectra of unmodified nanosilica ... CH3 C-O/C-Si O-Si-C Si-O Si-O u-SiO2 - - - - - - 10 73, 809 572 m-SiO2-1 2929 1702 1 637 132 9 130 3 - 1065, 804 5 93 m-SiO2 -3 2920 1702 1641 132 7 130 7 941 1057, 804 595 m-SiO2-5 2922 1700 1 635 ... DISCUSSION 3. 1 Chacteristics and morphology of unmodified and modified nanosilica 3. 1.1 IR spectra (6) 2916 1 633 1720 133 1 (5) 939 Transmittance (%) (4) u-SiO2 (1) m-SiO2-1 (2) m-SiO2 -3 (3) m-SiO2-5
Ngày tải lên: 10/10/2022, 15:40
Some soil properties which influence the use of land in West Virg
... H E Properties of soils which influence erosion 'T .3. D.A Tech Bui 178 1 930 30 Mitchell, J The origin, nature, and importance of soil organic constituents having base exchange properties 1 932 Jour ... 36 8 -37 5 ite pH values 1928 34 jand Scarseth, G D Determination of the percentage base saturation of soils and its value in different soils at definite pH values Soil Sci 31 : 99-114 1 931 , , 35 ... //inters, 51 Yoder, R S A direct method of aggregate analysis of soils and a study of the physical nature of erosion losses Jour Amer Soc Agron 28: 33 7 -35 1 1 936 , 71 i »k|b^
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2022, 17:05
Báo cáo hóa học: " Some psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Modified Dental Anxiety Scale with cross validation" pptx
... 0 .34 0 0.294 0.705 0.578 0.658 0 .37 5 0 .34 3 0 .30 2 0 .31 2 0 .33 8 0 .31 3 0.599 0.774 0 .32 2 0 .31 8 0.292 0 .30 7 0 .33 0 0 .30 0 0.507 0.225 0.245 0.1 83 0.2 43 0.262 0 .31 2 0 .36 3 0.286 0 .31 3 0 .30 0 0.295 0.1 93 ... 0.1 83 0.197 0.115 0.149 0.188 0.6 73 0.227 0.254 0.1 73 0.1 93 0.158 0.189 0.166 0.221 0.176 0.154 0.144 0.164 0 .36 1 0 .35 7 0.225 0.256 0 .30 3 0.456 0 .33 4 0 .39 3 0.2 13 0 .32 4 0 .38 6 0 .30 9 0. 439 0. 235 ... 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 andrews.ac.uk/supplemental/humphris/dentalAnxiety.htm] (Accessed 2nd April 2008) Weiner AA, Sheehan DV: Etiology of dental...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo toán học: " Some certain properties of the generalized hypercubical functions" ppt
... values of contour functions where k is known Dimension k Optimal dimension n0 maxHC Error 3. 461 632 145 1.12901 738 8 6.619 × 10-15 2.461 632 145 2.25 834 7771 3. 818 × 10-14 1.461 632 145 9. 033 3910 83 -3. 179 ... r k−1 k =3 ∨ 8r n−1 (n) 2k r k+n 3 (k + 1) (k + n − 2) ∨ n=2 ⇒ 24r ≡ 6a2 , k =3 n=2 or for the solid level (2r)k k =3 ∨ 48r n (n + 1) ∨ n =3 2k r k+n 3 (k + 1) (k + n − 2) ⇒ 8r ≡ a3 k =3 n =3 This ... degrees of freedom Dimension n Optimal dimension k0 minHC Error -1 2.680571494 -6.2786205562 4.2 93 × 10-12 1.64820 731 7 -1.1780 735 642 1.940 × 10-11 0.584187070 -1.442695041 -0 .36 41 730 147 -0. 530 737 8454...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Some Limit Properties of Random Transition Probability for Second-Order" potx
... following, we will investigate some properties of the harmonic mean of the transition probability of nonhomogeneous Markov chains on the tree To First, we give the definition of nonhomogeneous Markov ... ak k 1, 2, 2 .30 If there exists a > such that lim sup n→∞ n a/ak e nk M < ∞, 2 .31 then lim n→∞ n n k Pk Xk | Xk−1 −1 N a.e 2 .32 Proof When the successor of each vertex of the tree To has ... predecessor of t Let X A {Xt , t ∈ A}, and let xA be a realization of X A and denote by |A| the number of vertices of A Definition 1.1 Let G {1, 2, , N} and P z | y, x be nonnegative functions on G3...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 02:20
... operator of convex functions In this paper we study properties of characteristics of the Cauchy problem where H = H(p) in connection with formula (1.4) Then we present some results on the existence of ... x) and the set of minimizers of (CV )t,x is established for convex Hamiltonian H(t, x, p) in p in [5], Th 6.4.9, p.167 Regularity of Hopf formula 3. 1 Strip of differentiability of Hopf formula ... suggest a classification of characteristic curves at one point of the domain and then study the differentiability properties of Hopf formula u(t, x) on these curves In section 3, we present the conditions...
Ngày tải lên: 14/10/2015, 08:25
Báo cáo khóa học: Some properties of human small heat shock protein Hsp20 (HspB6) potx
... alphaA-crystallin J Biol Chem 275, 37 67 37 71 35 Brophy, C.M., Lamb, S & Graham, A (1999) The small heat shock-related protein-20 is an actin-associated protein J Vasc Surg 29, 32 6 33 3 36 Buchner, J., Ehrnsperger, ... (3) , 0. 13 mgÆmL)1 (4) or 0.26 mgÆmL)1 (5) of the wild-type Hsp20 (A), the S16D mutant of Hsp20 (B), or a-crystallin (C) (D) Comparison of the effect of different small heat shock proteins (0. 13 ... presence of either a-crystallin (0. 13 mgÆmL)1) (2) or wild-type Hsp20 (0. 13 mgÆmL)1) (3) The percentage of ADH in the pellet is plotted against the time of incubation (F) Co-precipitation of a-crystallin...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20