... 0.0001 1.0 43 (1.0 23- 1.0 63) Sex (M): 0.0280 1.788 (1.065 -3. 002) HTN: 0.0714 2.127 (0. 936 -4. 833 ) DM: 0.0012 2.472 (1. 430 -4.2 73) GFR: 0.0004 0.976 (0.961-0.992) S. Albumin: 0. 036 5 0.554 (0 .39 1-0.962) ... RN. Cardiovascular disease in chronic renal insufficiency. Am J Kidney Dis. 20 03; 36 : S24 -30 . 22. Danesh J, Collins R, Peto R. Lipoprotein (a) and coronary heart disease. Meta-analysis of prospective ... 2008 5(6) :36 6 -37 0 â Ivyspring International Publisher. All rights reserved Research Paper Hypoalbuminaemia – A Marker of Cardiovascular Disease in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Stages...
Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 11:52
... 2006; 48:e1–e148. 3. Task Force on the Management of Cardiovascular Diseases During Pregnancy of the European Society of Cardiology. Expert consensus document on manage- ment of cardiovascular diseases ... Guidelines 31 95 ESC GUIDELINES ESC Guidelines on the management of cardiovascular diseases during pregnancy The Task Force on the Management of Cardiovascular Diseases during Pregnancy of the European ... Valvular Heart Disease of the ESC, 4 the guidelines of the German Society of Cardiology (German Society of Cardiology), 5,6 and the ESC Task Force on the Management of Valvular Heart Disease 2007. 7 2 .3 Epidemiology The...
Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 12:20
Tài liệu Changing patterns of cardiovascular diseases and cancer mortality in Portugal, 1980--2010 docx
... burdens of disease came from cancers in men and from cardiovascular diseases in women. Keywords Cancer, Cardiovascular diseases, Mortality, Trends, Portugal Background In 2004, cardiovascular diseases ... Vecchia C: Mortality from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in Europe and other areas of the world: an update. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil 2009, 16 (3) :33 3 35 0. 4. La Vecchia C, Bosetti ... years of life lost from cancer were also higher than from cardiovascular diseases. Among women, despite the decrease in death rates, cardiovascular diseases remained the leading cause of death...
Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 04:20
Prevention of cardiovascular disease at population level pot
... health guidance 25: Prevention of cardiovascular disease Page 44 of 124 even 1% would generate discounted savings of approximately £260 million per year. 3. 21 A 3 g reduction in mean daily salt ... guidance 25: Prevention of cardiovascular disease Page 34 of 124 CVD in England and the UK In England in 2007, CVD led to nearly 159,000 deaths (accounting for nearly 34 % of all deaths in England). ... 25: Prevention of cardiovascular disease Page 10 of 124 ã Discourage the use of potassium and other substitutes to replace salt. The aim of avoiding potassium substitution is twofold: to help...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 09:20
báo cáo hóa học: " A review of health utilities using the EQ-5D in studies of cardiovascular disease" potx
... health-related quality of life in clinical studies. Ann Med 2001, 33 :37 5 -38 4. 11. Rabin R, de Charro F: EQ-5D: a measure of health status from the EuroQol Group. Ann Med 2001, 33 :33 7 -34 3. 12. Dolan PD: ... observational studies of patients with cardiovascular disease. Table 2: Summary of studies examining validity and reliability of EQ-5D in cardiovascular disease (n = 10). Table 3: Summary of EQ-5D utility ... 1). Evidence of validity and reliability were reported in studies of ischae- mic heart disease (n = 3) ; cerebrovascular disease (n = 3) ; heart failure (n = 2) and peripheral vascular disease (n...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20
báo cáo hóa học: " Work and diet-related risk factors of cardiovascular diseases: comparison of two occupational groups" doc
... 28 62.2 21 43. 8 5.5 (4.9-5.9) 5.1 (4 .3- 5.7) 0.045 LDL-C > 3. 9 mmol/l 15 33 .3 11 22.9 3. 5 (3. 0-4 .3) 3. 5 (2.8 -3. 9) NS HDL-C < 0.9 mmol/l 6 13. 3 6 12.5 1 .3 (1.1-1.5) 1.2 (1.0-1 .3) NS TAG > ... 28 58 .3 26.1 (22.8-28.1) 25 .3 (22.6-27.4) NS body fat > 22% 16 35 .6 16 33 .3 19.0 (15.0-24.0) 19.5 (15.0-22.8) NS blood pressure > 130 :85 mmHg 16 35 .6 18 37 .5 MECCA type A 3 15 33 .3 5 10.4 ... (15. 23- 17.26) 0.0 13 Σ TFA (% of FAME) 0.25 (0.19-0 .36 ) 0 .37 (0.28-0.48) 0.000 Plant sterols N = 44 N = 47 Campesterol (μg/ml) 3. 04 (2.59 -3. 74) 3. 41 (2. 93- 5.42) NS Sitosterol (μg/ml) 2.99 (2. 73- 3.51)...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20
báo cáo hóa học: " The effects of a graduated aerobic exercise programme on cardiovascular disease risk factors in the NHS workplace: a randomised controlled trial" pdf
... = 0 .37 7 ( -38 ± 154) -1 .3 ± 6.4 P = 0 .37 7 ( -33 ± 159) -1.6 ± 7.9 P = 0 .38 9 (-46 ± 166) Peak oxygen consumption (mL·kg·min -1 ) 0.6 ± 5.8 P = 0.6 93 (0.1 ± 2.0) 1.0 ± 7 .3 P = 0.015 (-0 .3 ± ... P = 0.840 P≠ = 0 .32 4 TNF-α (pg/L) -0.9 ± 1 .3 P = 0. 032 0.8 ± 2.4 P = 0 .36 3 P≠ = 0.448 -0.9 ± 1.7 P = 0.102 0 .3 ± 1.6 P = 0.6 63 P≠ = 0.297 -0.9 ± 1.6 P = 0.086 0 .3 ± 1 .3 P = 0.567 P≠ = ... 7.9) -0.1 ± 3. 9 P = 0. 938 (0.0 ± 3. 8) P≠ = 0.459 -2.0 ± 6.6 P = 0 .30 9 (-2.4 ± 8.0) -0 .3 ± 5.7 P = 0.888 (0.0 ± 6.1) P≠ = 0.5 53 Diastolic BP (mm Hg) -0.5 ± 5.9 P = 0.7 93 (-0 .3 ± 4.4) 0.4...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Plasma proteome changes in cardiovascular disease patients: novel isoforms of apolipoprotein A1" docx
... (18) 4 (10) History of MI n 2 5 12 2 History of stroke n 044 1 BMI 28 .3 ± 3. 3 27.9 ± 4 .3 28.7 ± 5 .3 27.5 ± 4.4 creatinine (μmol/L) 87.7 ± 31 .6 88.5 ± 26.5 87.5 ± 26.9 75 .3 ± 17.6 treatment n (%): Aspirin ... NS10 633 -3/ 2009, MZOFNM2005 and MZ 0 237 3601, from the Ministry of Health, Czech Republic; and by Grant KAN200670701 from the Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic. Author details 1 Institute of Hematology ... risk factor. J Biol Chem 2008, 2 83: 338 46 -33 8 53. 15. Gomme PT, Bertolini J: Therapeutic potential of vitamin D-binding protein. Trends Biotechnol 2004, 22 :34 0 -34 5. 16. López-Farré AJ, Mateos-Cáceres...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 03:20
Chapter 054. Skin Manifestations of Internal Disease (Part 3) pot
... stage of the disease. Alopecia (Table 54-4) The two major forms of alopecia are scarring and nonscarring. In scarring alopecia there are associated fibrosis, inflammation, and loss of hair ... Systemic diseases 1. Lupus erythematosus 2. Sarcoidosis 3. Cutaneous metastases The most common malignancy that is associated with erythroderma is CTCL; in some series, up to 25% of the ... the cases of erythroderma were due to CTCL. The patient may progress from isolated plaques and tumors, but more commonly the erythroderma is present throughout the course of the disease (Sézary...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 20:20
... mạc mạn tính…. BỆNH DA TRONG BỆNH NỘI TIẾT (CUTANEOUS MANIFESTATIONS OF ENDOCRINE DISEASES) (Kỳ 3) ooooOOOOoooo 3. 2.Các bệnh cảnh Da: -Mất sắc tố da (leukoderma): do giảm sắc tố, gây ... quan sát thấy trong mối liên quan giữa suy tuyến giáp trong viêm tuyến giáp Hashimoto (Ai , 20 03; O, Donnel, 2005): bệnh gai đen (acanthosis nigricans); các tổn thương sẩn sừng đầu chi; rụng ... toàn thể khi bùng phát bệnh; cũng có thể làm gia tăng lông tơ (lanugo) trên lưng, vai, tứ chi; 1 /3 trường hợp có rụng lông mày. -Móng khô, giòn, có đường sọc ngang-dọc. -Các bệnh cảnh da khác...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 15:20
English Language Tests-Intermediate level''''s archiveReal Life: Types of Buildings (3) ppt
... city hall museum English Language Tests-Intermediate level's archive Real Life: Types of Buildings (3) 1.A is a small dwelling that people sometimes use as a summer or winter home on vacations. ... condominium dormitory garage 3. A is a building that is used to house and treat people who are needy or ill. Doctors, nurses and patients are found in this kind of building. university shopping ... ancient and historical artifacts and other items of interest. These places put items on display and try to preserve art and historical items of value. city hall museum English Language...
Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2014, 07:20
Báo cáo y học: " Elevated risks of death for diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases in Italian AIDS cases" pps
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:21
Advances in parasitology global mapping of infectious diseases - part 3 pptx
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 08:20