... phosphatidylinositol 3, 4- bisphosphate [PtdIns (3, 4) P2], PtdIns (3, 5)P2, PtdIns (4, 5)P2 and phosphatidylinositol 3, 4, 5-triphosphate [PtdIns (3, 4, 5)P3], and weakly with PtdIns (3) P, PtdIns (4) P and PtdIns(5)P ... PtdIns (3) P, PtdIns (4) P, PtdIns(5)P, PtdIns (3, 4) P2, PtdIns (3, 5)P2 and PtdIns (4, 5)P2 have been detected In contrast, PtdIns (3, 4, 5)P3 has not been identified in plants [9 ,36 ] Therefore, PtdIns (3, 5)P2 ... (Fig 6D) PCaP1 had a high affinity for PtdIns (3, 5)P2 and PtdIns (3, 4, 5)P3, and bound even at 3. 1 pmol on the sheet The affinity for PtdIns (3, 4) P2 and PtdIns (4, 5)P2 was relatively low We examined the...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 07:20
... Address 10. 139 .16. 1 34 Serial0/0 Serial1/2 10.127.0. 241 Serial1 /3 BSCI © 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc All rights reserved Uptime/Expires Ver 00:01 :46 /00:01:28 v2 00:01:05/00:01 :40 v2 00:01:56/00:01:18 ... Academy show ip pim rp P4-2#show ip pim rp Group: 2 24. 1.2 .3, RP:, uptime 00:00:20, expires never P4-2#show ip pim rp mapping PIM Group-to-RP Mappings Group(s) 2 24. 0.1 .39 /32 RP ... www.bkacad.com 13 CCNP – BSCI Bachkhoa Networking Academy show ip pim interface NA-2#show ip pim interface Address Interface 10. 139 .16. 133 10.127.0. 242 BSCI Serial0/0 Serial1/2 Serial1 /3 © 2008...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 00:20
Principles of GIS chapter 4 data entry and preparation
... these cases, data and/ or cartographic generalization must be performed to restrict the original data set 4 .3. 1 Data checks and repairs Acquired data sets must be checked for consistency and completeness ... a 3D GIS 4 .3 Data preparation Spatial data preparation aims to make the acquired spatial data fit for use Images may require enhancements and corrections of the classification scheme of the data ... vector data N.D Bình 73/ 167 Chapter Data entry and preparation ERS 120: Principles of Geographic Information Systems Figure 4. 13: Continued clean-up operations for vector data, turning spaghetti data...
Ngày tải lên: 21/10/2014, 10:09
Process technology equipment and systems chapter 3 & 4
... 43 . 77 49 .56 53. 52 65 .42 73. 15 88. 63 107 .32 125 .49 139 .67 160.27 52.65 52.25 51.07 49 . 74 49.00 48 .50 46 .92 46 .00 44 . 04 41.66 39 .33 37 .52 34 .89 3. 338 3. 338 3. 338 3. 338 3. 338 3. 338 3. 338 3. 338 3. 338 ... 0 83 120 237 33 7 43 8 531 6 74 4 .33 4 4.260 4. 026 3. 826 3. 6 24 3. 43 8 3. 152 1.152 1.651 3. 1 74 4 .40 7 5.595 6.621 8.101 14. 75 14. 25 12. 73 11.50 10 .31 9.28 7.80 10 245 09898 08 840 07986 07160 0 645 0 0 542 0 ... 7.8 13 7.625 7. 43 7 7.187 7.001 6.875 6.8 13 2.916 3. 941 6.57 7.26 8 .40 10 .48 12.76 14. 96 17. 84 19. 93 21 .30 21.97 55.51 54. 48 51.85 51.16 50. 03 47 . 94 45.66 43 . 46 40 .59 38 .50 37 .12 36 .46 38 55 37 84 36 01...
Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2013, 15:29
Lab 3.3.4 Verifying PPP Configuration
... v 3. 0 - Lab 3. 3 .4 Copyright 20 03, Cisco Systems, Inc • • Turn the router off • 4- 6 Logoff by typing exit Remove and store the cables and adapter CCNA 4: WAN Technologies v 3. 0 - Lab 3. 3 .4 ... the legal abbreviation that can be used in IOS command to represent the interface 6-6 CCNA 4: WAN Technologies v 3. 0 - Lab 3. 3 .4 Copyright 20 03, Cisco Systems, Inc ... Now the router is ready for the assigned lab to be performed 5-6 CCNA 4: WAN Technologies v 3. 0 - Lab 3. 3 .4 Copyright 20 03, Cisco Systems, Inc Router Interface Summary Router Ethernet Ethernet...
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 02:15
3 Using Data Guard Broker and Enterprise Manager
... Broker Configuration Broker-controlled databases Primary database Instances 3- 6 Standby database Standby database Standby database Standby database Standby database Standby database Standby database ... Configuration Standby site Standby site Standby site Primary site Configuration files Archived redo logs Configuration files Standby database Primary database Online redo logs Log transport services 3- 7 ... the standby databases to replace the primary database and take over production processing • Helps you logically define and create a Data Guard configuration consisting of a primary database and...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 20:15
The Complete Guide to Buying and Selling Apartment Buildings Chapter 3-4
... 131 ,5 93 136 ,857 142 ,33 1 148 ,0 24 1 53, 945 160,1 03 166,507 1 73, 168 180,0 94 Unit 10 100,000 2 04, 000 31 2,160 42 4, 646 541 , 632 6 63, 298 789,829 921 ,4 23 1,058,280 1,200,611 1, 248 , 635 1,298,581 1 ,35 0,5 24 1 ,40 4, 545 ... 246 ,47 2 256 ,33 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 100,000 1 04, 000 108,160 112 ,48 6 116,986 121,665 126, 532 131 ,5 93 136 ,857 142 ,33 1 148 ,0 24 1 53, 945 160,1 03 166,507 1 73, 168 180,0 94 ... 148 ,0 24 1 53, 945 160,1 03 166,507 1 73, 168 180,0 94 187,298 1 94, 790 202,582 210,685 Unit 100,000 1 04, 000 108,160 112 ,48 6 116,986 121,665 126, 532 131 ,5 93 136 ,857 142 ,33 1 148 ,0 24 1 53, 945 160,1 03 166,507...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 14:15
Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 3 -Stack Applications pdf
... until it’s operands have been processed 12 Evaluate a Postfix Expression Postfix Postfix 4+ 6 =10 246 +*5- 246 +*5- 10 10*2 = 20 246 +*5- 246 +*5- 246 +*5- 246 +*5- 20 246 +*5- 20 20-5 = 15 246 +*5- 15 Infix ... problem (1,1) (1,2) (2 ,3) Dead end (a) (3, 2) Start (2 ,4) (1 ,3) (1 ,4) (Dead end b) Start node End of unsuccessful path One solution is found (path contains nodes) (4, 2) (3, 1) (2 ,4) Two nodes contain ... 12 (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (1) 12 12 (2) (3) (4) 13 14 17 15 17 16 17 ( 13) ( 14) (15) 12 12 (5) (6) 12 (7) Destination is found, the path exists (16) 23 Goal Seeking (cont.) GoalSeeking1...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 17:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Isoquinoline-1,3,4-trione and its derivatives attenuate b-amyloid-induced apoptosis of neuronal cells pdf
... Caspase -3 Caspase Caspase Caspase Caspase 1.529 0. 537 0.859 0.657 0 .30 3 0.268 0. 233 0. 149 0.1 13 0.068 0.0 64 0.055 0.0 53 0. 040 0 .47 4 0. 137 0.201 0. 148 0.079 0.079 0.216 0 .38 6 0.218 0. 136 0.1 13 0.151 ... 0.0 63 1.9 13 0. 835 1.122 2 .36 0 0.6 84 0.987 0 .42 5 1.5 74 1 .30 0 1. 640 1.811 0. 933 2.1 04 0.860 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0. 241 0. 035 0.0 73 0.086 0.051 0. 032 0.027 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.015 0.011 0.006 0.0 04 0.0 04 0.002 ... irreversible inhibitors 48 44 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.0 83 0.006 0.006 0. 031 0.027 0.017 0.0 14 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0. 0 34 0.0 24 0.0 14 0.016 0.009 0.007 0.007 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.152 0.016 0.0 43 0.155 0.0 23 0.025 0.055 ±...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 11:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Role of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus 3,4-dihydrocoumarin hydrolase in oxidative stress defence against peroxoacids Kohsuke Honda, Michihiko Kataoka, Eiji Sakuradani and Sakayu Shimizu doc
... formation and breakdown of hydrogen peroxide during mixed function 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 oxidation reactions in liver microsomes Arch Biochem Biophys 171, 38 5 39 7 King, ... A L S S S A S F A A A A A I A V A H E K E D K K E T Q K V L I V L L L V I L 242 242 238 280 2 43 244 242 240 239 244 DCH EST-P EST-F EST-F1 BPO-EST CPO-P CPO-L HPO-R BPO-A1 BPO-A2 K P K P P Q ... 0.06% 10% 3% 10% 1% A calcoaceticus F46 A calcoaceticus dchD E coli JM109 (pDCH21) E coli JM109 (pKK2 23- 3) 4. 4 7.8 2.0 1 .4 0 1.0 1.0 4 .3 3.0 0.5 0.5 0 4. 0 4. 5 6.2 6.0 0 0 attention to the ability...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 09:20
Issues of child health and development at ages 1-2 and 3-4 years ppt
... 21.6 Fair to very bad 5.8 7.5 5.5 Bases Weighted 45 11 45 10 2500 Unweighted 45 11 45 10 2500 cohort Sweep 66 .4 26.1 7.5 249 9 249 9 16% of the birth and child cohorts respectively were reported as ... Education Information and Analytical Services Scottish Government Victoria Quay Edinburgh, EH6 6QQ Dissemination Officer on 0 131 - 244 08 94; by e-mail on recs.admin@scotland.gsi.gov.uk or visit ... Questionnaire: A Research Note”, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 38 , 581-586 Wetherby, A.M and Prizant, B.M (2001), Communication and Symbolic Behaviour Scales - Infant/Toddler Checklist,...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 11:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Calcium modulates endopeptidase 24.15 (EC membrane association, secondary structure and substrate specificity pdf
... EP 24. 15 a-Helix TBS WT 42 .4% D93A 44 .3% D159A 57.5% D 93 ⁄ 159A 50 .3% TBS + 2.2 mM Ca2+ WT 38 .7% D93A 40 .2% D159A 49 .1% D 93 ⁄ 159A 47 .1% b-Strand Turn Unordered 13. 9% 14. 7% 10.6% 12 .3% 14 .3% 12.6% ... R–Rb kcat ⁄ Kma (lM)1.s)1) 0.5 10 50 36 – – – 31 28 21 64 – – – 69 72 79 2.0 – – – 1.5 1.2 0.8 63 62 61 56 52 45 26 37 38 39 44 48 55 74 1 .3 1 .3 1 .3 1 .3 1 .4 1 .3 0.7 a The SD were < 5% for any of ... Foundation (FAPESP; grants 96 ⁄ 059 04- 8, 97 ⁄ 10 831 -2, 99 ⁄ 019 83- 9, 00 ⁄ 042 97-8, 01 ⁄ 07 544 -9 and 04 ⁄ 04 933 -2), CNPq and CAPES, and NIH NS39892 and RR1 932 5 (to MJG) PAGG and CCR were supported by studentships...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 16:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Redox reaction between amino-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)methyl phosphonic acid and dopaquinone is responsible for the apparent inhibitory effect on tyrosinase doc
... from both 3, 4- dihydroxyphenylglycine [ 14] and its phosphonic analog (this study) decompose to 3, 4- dihydroxybenzaldehyde The same phenomenon occurs for 3, 4- dihydroxymandelic acid [ 24, 29 33 ], whereas ... phosphonic 3, 4- dihydroxyphenylglycine (Eur J Biochem 269) 40 99 MATERIALS AND METHODS Chemicals Mushroom tyrosinase (specific activity 55 84 UÆmg)1), 3- (3, 4- dihydroxyphenyl)-L-alanine (L-Dopa), and 4- hydroxyL-phenylglycine ... and dopamine by mushroom tyrosinase Pigment Cell Res 8, 2 34 – 240 12 Saruno, R., Kato, T & Ikeno, T (1979) Kojic acid, a tyrosinase inhibitor from Aspergillus albus Agric Biol Chem 43 , 133 7– 133 8...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 09:20
Slide 4 data and structure in java
... traversal 23 Binary Search Tree • Ví dụ Binary Search Tree 47 Cây trái Cây phải 25 11 17 77 43 31 44 65 93 68 24 Cài dat nút Binary Search Tree đặt //Cai public class TreeNode { int data; TreeNode ... Node { int data; Node next; Node(int value) { this(value, null); / /data = value; //next = null; } Node(int value, Node node) { data = value; next = node; } int getData() { return data; } Node ... linked list class Node { int data; Node next; Node(int value) { this(value, null); } Node(int value, Node node) { data = value; next = node; } int getData() { return data; } Node getNext() { return...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 08:58
báo cáo hóa học:" Editorial Image and Video Processing for Cultural Heritage Vincent Charvillat,1 Anna Tonazzini (EURASIP Member),2 Luc Van Gool,3, 4 and Nikos Nikolaidis (EURASIP Member)5 1 IRIT," potx
... multimedia database platform is used to account for both metadata and content, and a browsing and searching interface is developed where all the various and diverse descriptors are fully accessible and ... stereo viewing, 3D navigation and manipulation capabilities, and hapticsenabled 3D virtual museums User-centered visual or multimedia applications for museums, digital art repositories, and edutainment ... transmission, processing, and visualization of large data sets (3D models, highresolution images, etc.) are required In addition, techniques for the efficient indexing and intuitive retrieval and browsing of...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 18:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Current–Voltage Characteristics in Individual Polypyrrole Nanotube, Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Nanowire, Polyaniline Nanotube, and CdS Nanorope" ppt
... 2K 4K 6K 10 K 15 K 30 K 50 K 80 K 7 .39 41 G0 (lS) 0 .33 26 0 .44 88 0 .46 79 0.6709 0.9857 2 . 34 06 4. 5521 h 0. 145 7 0.17 54 0.1665 0.19 64 0. 246 4 0. 43 3 0 0.6 43 6 0.79 53 V0 (V) 0.2560 0.2 531 0.2256 0. 2 34 3 0.2599 ... G0 (nS) 0.0071 0.1125 1.52 43 4. 1920 8.27 94 h 0.0065 0. 031 9 0. 137 9 0. 240 0 0 . 34 37 0 .47 19 0.57 53 0.6561 0.6805 V0 (V) 1.0685 1 .37 40 1.91 14 2 .39 64 2.8522 3. 3 231 3. 44 22 4. 7180 6.9725 Table Fitting ... 0.06069 0. 036 08 0.10716 0.16697 0.2 637 7 0 .31 185 h 0.020 14 0.0176 0. 035 23 0.02557 0. 047 93 0.07768 0.09 541 0.105 23 V0 (V) 1. 838 2.1 133 8 1.9 738 7 2.0581 2.0 838 9 1.875 83 1. 840 95 1.855 84 Table Fitting...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 01:20
Water harvesting and soil moisture retention - chapter 3,4 ppsx
... - 180 120 - 160 105 - 140 150 - 210 90 - 150 120 - 130 125 - 130 Crop water requirement (mm/growing period) 30 0 - 500 500 - 800 40 0 - 600 45 0 - 650 35 0 - 550 45 0 - 700 45 0 - 650 600 - 1000 Sensitivity ... infiltration rate Figure 4: Water-soil system, of the soil (Brouwer et al, 1986) 3. 3 Infiltration and runoff Factors influencing infiltration and runoff are described here Soil type and texture Table ... daily temperature low (less than 15°C) medium (15 - 25°C) ET (mm/day) ETo (mm/day) 4- 6 7-8 4- 5 6-7 3- 4 5-6 1-2 3- 4 high (above 25°C) ETo (mm/day) - 10 8-9 7-8 5-6 The water requirements of the reference...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 02:20