20 foods for radiant skin healthy hair a supersmile

Flavor enhancement as a tool for increasing pleasantness and intakeof a snack product among the elderly

Flavor enhancement as a tool for increasing pleasantness and intakeof a snack product among the elderly

... flavor, and stronger in after-taste than the sample with a regular aroma concentration. The heightened aroma concentration caused a slight off-flavor described as ‘artificial’. The manufacturer packaged ... (Thomas-Danguin et al., 200 3a) ). Data analysis Repeated measures analysis of variance was used to test the within-subject effect of aroma concentration of the sample (two levels) and the day of eating (three ... significant interaction of day and aroma on the pleasantness ratings of the young, implicating an increase in pleasantness of the heightened aroma sample in the presence of health-related information....

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2013, 21:06

10 599 1
Optimal placement of horizontal - and vertical - axis wind turbines in a wind farm for maximum power generation using a genetic algorithm

Optimal placement of horizontal - and vertical - axis wind turbines in a wind farm for maximum power generation using a genetic algorithm

... optimization of a wind farm of HAWT using GA gives a uniform grid arrangement similar that obtained by Grady et al. [2]; this is different than that obtained by Mosetti [1] who obtained a somewhat ... this paper. It is found that a uniform grid arrangement is also best in the case of a VAWT for optimal power generation. 2. Wake, power and cost modeling of a HAWT 2.1 Jensen's wake modeling ... Engineering in department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science at Washington University in St. Louis, MO, USA. He is a Fellow of ASME, AIAA, IEEE, and SAE. E-mail address: rka@wustl.edu...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 17:03

12 636 1
Tài liệu Infrastructure Solutions for High-Performance Data Networks A Planning Guide for Network Managers docx

Tài liệu Infrastructure Solutions for High-Performance Data Networks A Planning Guide for Network Managers docx

... requirements?  Very easily; space reallocation is rarely a challenge.  Adequately; space reallocation is always a challenge, but one that we are usually able to deal with.  With great difficulty; our data ... TIA-942 closely and are actively taking steps to implement this standard.  Somewhat aware; we are aware of TIA-942 but have been waiting for the standard to be finalized before taking action.  Not ... Network Managers Page 17 Layout Help: TIA-942 TIA-942, Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard for Data Centers, offers guidance on data center layout. According to the standard, a data center...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 07:17

28 358 1


... Landsat thematic mapper (TM) images acquired in May 1994, March 1997 and October 1997. The selected geographical area is located between Monte San Michele and Piana di San Marco Vecchio, near ... thermal infrared sixth band) and we analyzed several combinations of three bands. Among the possible combinations of Landsat bands, the most significant for our aims have been: 1. The bands 4, 5 and ... which allow the discrimination of urban areas from forest areas. 2. The bands 4, 3 and 2 which allow the discrimination of bare areas from grass. 3. The bands 5, 4 and 1 for the discrimination...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 16:33

11 371 0
Tài liệu Skin and Hair Health pptx

Tài liệu Skin and Hair Health pptx

... thick. Caucasian hair may be fine and straight or thick and wavy. Natural oils from hair glands also a ect the look and feel of your hair. Basic hair care involves a healthy lifestyle and proper ... and hair are signs of good overall health. Some skin and hair changes can signal a health problem. For instance, a “butterfly” rash on your face can be a sign of lupus. Distinct rashes appear ... ones But some women have hair loss—called alopecia (AL-uh-PEE-shuh). Hair loss can happen for many reasons: l Female-pattern baldness causes hair to thin, but rarely leads to total baldness. It...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 04:20

12 312 0
Tài liệu Câu 20 trong đề thi môn Hóa khối A năm 2008 và công thức tính nhanh docx

Tài liệu Câu 20 trong đề thi môn Hóa khối A năm 2008 và công thức tính nhanh docx

... Sao bng lnh giá – V Khc Ngc 0985052510 vukhacngoc@gmail.com http://my.opera.com/saobanglanhgia CÂU 20 TRONG  THI KHI A NM 200 8 MÃ 794 VÀ CÔNG THC TÍNH NHANH I. t ... V Khc Ngc 0985052510 vukhacngoc@gmail.com http://my.opera.com/saobanglanhgia bài toán này ti Blog c a tôi trong các bài vit “Bài toán kinh đin c a H a hc – bài toán 9 cách gii” ... t A và B là h s c a các phng trình (1) và (2) sao cho: ( ) ( ) ( ) 321 = + BA Tin hành đng nht h s, ta có h phng trình: :56 3 56 :72 56 0,7 : 232 56 5,6 :160 56 xAB yAB A zAB...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 00:20

4 715 1
Tài liệu Skin and Hair Health docx

Tài liệu Skin and Hair Health docx

... thick. Caucasian hair may be fine and straight or thick and wavy. Natural oils from hair glands also a ect the look and feel of your hair. Basic hair care involves a healthy lifestyle and proper ... Body hair also alerts you to heat and touch. You can take steps to keep your skin and hair healthy. You can also look to your skin and hair for clues to your overall health. And, as a bonus, ... creams. Skin and Hair Health 311 If you color or relax your hair, carefully read the product label. Hair dyes and relaxers can harm both your skin and hair. Talk with your doctor if your skin...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 06:20

12 388 1
Tài liệu StrategieS for SucceSS: How to Write a Grant in Cancer CAM docx

Tài liệu StrategieS for SucceSS: How to Write a Grant in Cancer CAM docx

... Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. Assurance, Institutional Assurance ... Federal Drug Administration (FDA). Contact FDA or NCI program staff for information or appropriate referral for information. Just because a natural product or dietary supplement is available ... characterization: The applicant has failed to include enough information about the chemical characterization of a natural product or adequate information about the source and quality of a product...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 22:20

61 518 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Refined Lexicon Models for Statistical Machine Translation using a Maximum Entropy Approach" pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Refined Lexicon Models for Statistical Machine Translation using a Maximum Entropy Approach" pptx

... Models for Statistical Machine Translation using a Maximum Entropy Approach Ismael Garc ´ a Varea Dpto. de Inform´atica Univ. de Castilla-La Mancha Campus Universitario s/n 0207 1 Albacete, Spain ivarea@info-ab.uclm.es Franz ... boundaries. References Yaser Al-Onaizan, Jan Curin, Michael Jahr, Kevin Knight, John Lafferty, Dan Melamed, David Purdy, Franz J. Och, Noah A. Smith, and David Yarowsky. 1999. Statistical ma- chine translation, final ... Machine Translation The goal of the translation process in statisti- cal machine translation can be formulated as fol- lows: A source language string is to be translated into a target language string ....

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 18:20

8 427 0
THE OLD GIRLS'''' NETWORK: Insider Advice for Women Building Businesses in a Man''''s World doc

THE OLD GIRLS'''' NETWORK: Insider Advice for Women Building Businesses in a Man''''s World doc

... which you now want to make a living. • Distinguish between an actionable dream and a fleeting fantasy. • There are many ways to translate your passion into an idea for a business. ... among them.) At this stage, it's critical for you to distinguish between a dream and a fantasy. With a dream, you can design a strategy for getting there. A fantasy is more ... neighborhood restaurant that welcomed its patrons as family and was afford- able for the average person to visit every day. A single mother raising her young son, Keith, Cheryl didn't have ...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 20:20

255 508 0