2 questionnaire for students

A study on the teachers' application of task-based method and the 10th form students' use of learning strategies in their listening lessons at Tran Phu High Sch

A study on the teachers' application of task-based method and the 10th form students' use of learning strategies in their listening lessons at Tran Phu High Sch

... Methodology 25 II Data analysis, findings and discussions 27 II.1 The students performance in listening lessons 27 II .2 The students preparation for listening lessons 28 II.3 The students motivation before ... tasks B % C % D % 6 .25 26 .5 39.75 27 .5 Table 1: The students performance in listening lessons II .2. The students preparation for listening lessons From the figures shown in table 2, we can find that ... Prepare nothing for listening lessons E Other ideas : B % C % D % E % 32. 25 44.5 17 21 .75 5.5 Table 2: The students preparation for listening lessons II.3.The students motivation before listening...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:50

69 835 0
Tài liệu Research evaluation of economic, social, and ecological implications of the programme for commercial tree plantations: case study of rubber in the south of Laos PDR pptx

Tài liệu Research evaluation of economic, social, and ecological implications of the programme for commercial tree plantations: case study of rubber in the south of Laos PDR pptx

... 1995 -20 04 No of villages reached by the Land and Forest Allocation Programme 1995 -20 04 1600 1400 120 0 1000 800 600 400 20 0 124 2 1 327 123 2 1009 555 508 315 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 20 00 322 320 ... 549,000 2, 823 ,000 3,3 72, 000 34.81 Thailand 85,000 1, 925 ,000 2, 010,000 20 .75 Malaysia 197,000 1, 520 ,000 1,717,000 17. 72 - 618,000 618,000 6.38 69,000 494,000 563,000 5.81 24 0,000 35,000 27 5,000 2. 84 ... are given to Laotians and foreigners alike to use the forest land for commercial plantations Table 2. 2 Purpose of contracts for forest management Collective forest Family forest management management...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 04:20

135 709 0
. Scope and Limitations of the Study

. Scope and Limitations of the Study

... Agri/fore &fish 22 22 22 22 20 16 16 18 21 20 9.0 Construc -tion 63 53 53 53 46 44 44 35 23 23 36.5 Driver Services Others 37 33 33 33 30 27 26 29 23 32 13.5 37 33 33 33 30 27 26 29 23 23 37.8 ... 2. 511 1.715 1.1 02 2.875 48 Middle secondary 2. 748 2. 497 2. 497 2. 247 2. 900 2. 880 2. 164 2. 105 2. 410 1.709 Other 2. 3 42 2 .29 5 2. 295 2. 078 1.317 1.305 1 .20 6 820 1.070 978 * Middle secondary schools Table ... studying 52, 115 45,737 45, 320 45,600 198 43,446 1 82 29,987 177 154,667 66, 925 1 42, 4 92 51,300 126 ,950 55,410 120 ,23 0 88,700 82, 966 39,159 20 0-300 62, 614 21 ,087 113, 720 125 ,0 92 150,110 27 0,118 300,000...

Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2013, 10:31

71 1,2K 0
Scope and Limitations of the Study

Scope and Limitations of the Study

... movement of inflation rate to have reasonable investment plan 67 26 .19 25 .5 24 .21 29 27 .5 21 .98 Export Output 1.03 1.95 '91 1.75 ' 92 '93 2. 1 1.95 '94 '95 '96 Figure 3.3: Output and export of food grains ... Export 6778 Import 20 87 (million US$) 25 81 25 41 22 00 '91 ' 92 4500 3 924 7000 5000 3600 29 85 '93 '94 '95 Figure 3.6: Import and export (Source: Statistical Department of Vietnam) 70 '96 Foreign Direct ... the formal financial system and forge links with the informal credit market The current rates are 1.75% per month for short-term loans, 1.7% per month for longterm loans (the former rate was 2. 1%...

Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2013, 10:32

88 821 1
Methodology and framework of the study

Methodology and framework of the study

... 528 2 11 420 21 2 5 42. 756 363,880 12, 345 20 ,600 6,158 1 ,25 6.361 558,651 26 ,368 45543 14 524 2, 516.57 855, 329 21 ,4 12 56,983 6, 425 3,397.64 Table 4.1 1995 Average growth rate (%) 1 ,22 5,319 56.05 25 ,831 ... 1500 1000 78 1 02 130 20 0 25 0 60 1990 1991 19 92 1993 1994 1995 20 00 20 05 Year period 1990-1995 and the plan for 20 00 and 20 05 kg (Source: Vietnam Plastic Association) 16 16 14 12 10 10 2. 8 3.3 1.1 ... rates The current rates are 1.75% per month for short-term loans, 1.7% per month for long-term loans (the former rate was 2. 1% and 2. 2%) and 9% per year for loans in USD This decreased interest...

Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2013, 10:32

71 668 3
A study of semantic and pragmatic features of the adjective warm and its vietnamese equivalents

A study of semantic and pragmatic features of the adjective warm and its vietnamese equivalents

... 1.6 ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY 2. 2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND The thesis includes five main chapters, references and an appendix as follows: 2. 2.1 Semantic Features 2. 2.1.1 Semantics Chapter 1: “Introduction” ... individual experience and social relationship and communicative 21 circumstances, the use of any words for expression is quite different 22 4 .2. 2.3 The Adjective Warm in Feeling Expression: In other words, ... together and are often written with hyphens words and use the vocabulary system in expression 2. 2.7 .2 Phrases 2. 2.5 Pragmatics In grammar, a phrase is a group of words functioning as a Pragmatics is...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:21

13 865 0
Báo cáo khoa học: H NMR study of the molecular structure and magnetic properties of the active site for the cyanomet complex of O2-avid hemoglobin from the trematode Paramphistomum epiclitum pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: H NMR study of the molecular structure and magnetic properties of the active site for the cyanomet complex of O2-avid hemoglobin from the trematode Paramphistomum epiclitum pdf

... 1.58 2. 92 8.50 3.01, 2. 82 2. 82 6. 52 6. 82 8.96 8.08 3.16 2. 16 6.19 4.95 4.38 7.49 4.49 2. 28 1.93 0.48 4.38 2. 30 2. 78 1 .22 0.54 2. 76 7.71 7.16 7.66 3.11 2. 26 7.45 3.47 1. 62, 1.49 1.09 1.47 2. 73 ... 5-H 10-H 15-H 20 -H NH CaH CbH CbH NdH 6.18 23 .64 [88] 7.97 14.10 [143] 12. 40 [1 82] )4.88 [25 3], )4 .23 [23 5] 8.83 )1 .22 [186], 0 .29 14. 32 [110], 5.44 )3.34 [1 52] , )2. 63 [165] 13 .29 [ 92] , 4.86 )3.80 ... CaH(FG1)-CaH(H23) CaH(FG1)-CcH(H23) CbH(FG1)-CaH(F6) B-helix CaH2(B10)-CaH(E8) CeH2(B10)-CbH3(E8) CbH2(B10)-CbH1(E7) CeH2(B10)-CbH2(E11) WT metHb NOE 3.49 2. 55 3.47 3.80 2. 45 5. 92 6 .22 7. 02 m mặs)1 m m 2. 22...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 17:22

14 505 0
Traumatic Injury Research at NIOSH Reviews of Research Programs of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health docx

Traumatic Injury Research at NIOSH Reviews of Research Programs of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health docx

... $647, 926 $107 ,22 2 $755,148 4.83 $618,559 $0 $618,559 3.60 $ 521 ,036 $23 1 ,25 0 $7 52, 286 73.10 $7, 329 ,28 7 $2, 928 ,3 82 $10 ,25 7,669 12. 04 $1,493,700 $ 729 ,000 $2, 222 ,700 12. 80 $1,546,891 $568,419 $2, 115,310 ... $1,494, 324 $29 6, 425 $1,790,749 11.49 $1,400,061 $27 5,5 32 $1,675,593 11.81 $1,701 ,20 3 $0 $1,701 ,20 3 92. 69 $10,9 32, 226 $3,157,174 $14,089,400 12. 32 $1, 521 ,576 $300,9 72 $1, 822 ,548 12. 49 $2, 305,996 ... Introduction FY2001 FY20 02 33 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 Total 7.90 $855,111 $ 927 , 921 $1,783,0 32 9.95 $1,318,354 $984,331 $2, 3 02, 685 10.80 $1 ,22 9,997 $877, 727 $2, 107, 724 14.18 $1,606,7 72 $29 9,919 $1,906,691...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 13:20

225 383 0
Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing Research at NIOSH Reviews of Research Programs of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health pptx

Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing Research at NIOSH Reviews of Research Programs of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health pptx

... Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing Workforce G Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources Copyright © National Academy of Sciences All rights reserved 23 1 27 5 28 8 29 4 301 317 326 Agriculture, Forestry, ... Goals and Objectives, 111 Logic Submodel, 1 12 Inputs, 1 12 Activities, 1 12 Outputs, 118 Intermediate Outcomes, 121 End Outcomes, 122 External Factors, 123 8  REVIEW OF OUTREACH ACTIVITIES: KNOWLEDGE ... Street, NW, Lockbox 28 5, Washington, DC 20 055; (800) 624 - 624 2 or (20 2) 334-3313 (in the Washington metropolitan area); Internet, http://www.nap.edu Copyright 20 08 by the National Academy of Sciences...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 13:20

354 467 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Factor structure and internal consistency of the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) and the Subjective Vitality Scale (VS), and the relationship between them: a study from France" potx

báo cáo hóa học: " Factor structure and internal consistency of the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) and the Subjective Vitality Scale (VS), and the relationship between them: a study from France" potx

... 1997, 32: 327 -331 Page of (page number not for citation purposes) Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 20 09, 7 :22 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 http://www.hqlo.com/content/7/1 /22 Chan ... analysis for the GHQ- 12 and the VS (n = 21 7) 2 df GFI AGFI RMSEA 2/ df One factor 485 .26 54 0. 72 0.63 0 .2 8.99 Two factor 71.96 34 0.93 0.90 0. 02 2.11* Three factor 115.45 51 0. 92 0.90 0.03 2. 26* ... not for citation purposes) Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 20 09, 7 :22 http://www.hqlo.com/content/7/1 /22 Table 2: Descriptive statistics and correlations between the GHQ- 12 and the VS (n = 21 7)...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

6 527 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Development and preliminary evaluation of the participation in life activities scale for children and adolescents with asthma: an instrument development study" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Development and preliminary evaluation of the participation in life activities scale for children and adolescents with asthma: an instrument development study" pptx

... Others Missing Total 69 21 177 25 12 304 1.737 1.5 52 1. 929 1. 525 1.675 1.816 914 869 716 7 82 555 785 Between 6.505 1. 626 2. 700 03ns Within 180.116 29 9 6 02 Total 186. 622 303 Socioeconomic Status ... 86 84 76 57 303 1.615* 1. 825 1. 825 2. 119* 1. 821 8 52 767 744 6 52 7 82 Between 8. 720 2. 907 4.941 00* Within 175.889 29 9 588 Total 184.609 3 02 Residence So Arizona/California North western Ohio Northern ... South central Michigan Total 84 27 14 34 145 304 1.8 12 1.859 1.986 1. 924 1.769 1.816 755 803 523 948 7 82 785 Between 1.166 29 1 470 76 Within 185.456 29 9 620 Total 186. 622 303 *p-value significant...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

11 628 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Reliability and construct validity of the Participation in Life Activities Scale for children and adolescents with asthma: an instrument evaluation study" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Reliability and construct validity of the Participation in Life Activities Scale for children and adolescents with asthma: an instrument evaluation study" docx

... 1.974 7 72 538 354 631 329 481 573 709 674 546 663 - 824 824 62. 6 - 804 523 619 - 720 - - 758 6 72 - 67.5 28 8 1.694 777 441 553 310 310 527 655 740 597 - 7 62 855 - 670 328 538 681 - 8 42 - competence, ... allergen con- Page of 10 (page number not for citation purposes) Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 20 08, 6:43 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 http://www.hqlo.com/content/6/1/43 centrations ... 335 473 605 756 6 02 - 747 841 - 720 331 616 589 - 843 - - 721 633 - 65 .2 1.951 718 541 621 316 29 8 554 640 621 511 - 8 52 865 - 790 28 2 444 743 - 6 72 - Page of 10 (page number not for citation purposes)...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

10 908 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Application of light microscopical and ultrastructural immunohistochemistry in the study of goblet cell carcinoid in the appendix" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Application of light microscopical and ultrastructural immunohistochemistry in the study of goblet cell carcinoid in the appendix" pdf

... Cancer 1978, 42( 6) :26 87 -26 95 Gulubova MV, Vlaykova T: Tenascin immunoreactivity in the large bowel and the liver in patients with colorectal cancer Histochem J 20 01, 33 (2) :111- 120 De Vos R, De ... Cancer 1978, 42( 6) :27 81 -27 93 Burke AP, Sobin LH, Federspiel BH, Shekitka KM, Helwig EB: Goblet cell carcinoids and related tumors of the vermiform appendix Am J Clin Pathol 1990, 94(1) :27 -35 Capella ... characteristics Dig Dis Sci 20 03, 48 (2) :29 5 -29 8 Publish with Bio Med Central and every scientist can read your work free of charge "BioMed Central will be the most significant development for disseminating...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 07:21

8 457 0
Báo cáo y học: " Dimensionality and scale properties of the Edinburgh Depression Scale (EDS) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: the DiaDDzoB study" pot

Báo cáo y học: " Dimensionality and scale properties of the Edinburgh Depression Scale (EDS) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: the DiaDDzoB study" pot

... 828 ) c2 (4) c2 (1) c2 (3) a 7.6 0.8 6.8 1.46 0.81 09 b b b b b a p-value 1. 92 2.74 1.46 0.81 1. 92 2.74 540 07 14 20 09 07 14 20 1.45 2. 0 b 0.71 1.88 2. 27 1.45 0.71 1.88 2. 27 08 1 Males(n = 828 ) ... 794 24 .1** 2. 3 21 .9 1.35 10 -0.73 10 0.58 09 2. 84 25 1.08 10 -1.41 13 0.46 12 3.34 41 048/.360 15.8* 0.1 15.7 1. 52 -0.53 0. 42 2.96 1.53 -0.48 0.70 2. 84 000/ .20 2 12 09 08 26 13 08 10 30 1. 92 -0.40 ... 0.95 2. 36 1. 92 -0.40 0.95 2. 36 10 05 06 14 10 05 06 14 2. 08 -0. 62 1.04 2. 49 2. 08 -0. 62 1.04 2. 49 11 05 06 14 11 05 06 14 11.9 0.1 11.8 1 .2 1 32 746 6.3 0.7 5.6 2. 47 13 0.01 04 0.98 05 2. 38 13 2. 47...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 15:22

19 488 0
Development of a novel toll like receptor based two hybrid assay for detecting protein protein interactions and its application in the study of CD14 dimerization and FcyRIIA activation

Development of a novel toll like receptor based two hybrid assay for detecting protein protein interactions and its application in the study of CD14 dimerization and FcyRIIA activation

... digestion 72 2.1 .2. 17 Site-directed mutagenesis 73 2. 1 .2. 18 Sequencing 74 2. 2 Cell biology 75 2. 2.1 Materials 75 2. 2.1.1 Stimulant 75 2. 2 .2 Methods 75 2. 2 .2. 1 Mammalian cell culture 75 2. 2 .2. 2 Storage ... 76 2. 2 .2. 3 Liposome-based cell transfection 76 2. 2 .2. 4 Using calcium phosphate cell transfection 77 2. 2 .2. 5 Dual luciferase assay 77 2. 2 .2. 6 Treatment of cells with specific stimuli 78 2. 2 .2. 7 ... digestion 70 2. 1 .2. 12 DNA ligation 71 IV 2. 1 .2. 13 Preparation of competent cells 71 2. 1 .2. 14 Transformation of competent cells 72 2.1 .2. 15 Identification of positive clones by PCR 72 2.1 .2. 16 Identification...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 08:20

236 494 0
Study on chemical constituents and biological activities of the lichen parmotrema Praesorediosum(NYL ) hale(parmeliaceaf)

Study on chemical constituents and biological activities of the lichen parmotrema Praesorediosum(NYL ) hale(parmeliaceaf)

... Appendices 20 8 -21 3: MS and NMR spectra of PRAES-C8 24 9 Appendices 21 4 -22 2: IR, MS and NMR spectra of PRAES-C27 25 2 Appendices 22 3 -23 1: IR, MS and NMR spectra of PRAES-C28 25 6 Appendices 23 2 -23 5: NMR ... 1 72. 9 (C-1)] and an aliphatic side chain [H 1 .25 –1 .28 (m, -CH2-), 1.58 (m, H-7), 2. 11 (m, H-7), 2. 15 (s, terminal -CH3), 2. 43 (t, J=7.5 Hz, H -21 ); C 24 .0, 24 .8, 29 .3 29 .9, 32. 9, 43.9 (-CH2-), ... PRAES-C 22 (8.0 mg) PRAES-C23 (71.7 mg) C20 (23 .9 g) C:M 10:0-9:1 C20c (5.8 g) C:M (95:5) 0) PRAES-C24 (6 .2 mg) 0) PRAES-C25 (15.7 mg) 0) PRAES-C26 (6.3 mg) 0) PRAES-C27 (61.9 mg) PRAES-C28 (21 .4...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2015, 15:22

293 409 0
A study on syntactic and semantic features of the thinking verb group in english and their vietnamese equivalents

A study on syntactic and semantic features of the thinking verb group in english and their vietnamese equivalents

... Definition of the verb 10 2. 2.1.3 .2 Verb classification 12 2 .2. 2 Theoretical background 14 2. 2 .2. 1 Overview of the THINKING verbs 14 2. 2 .2. 2 Concepts of the THINKING verbs 15 2. 3 Summary 17 vi CHAPTER ... Previous studies 2. 2 Review of theoretical background 2. 2.1 Theoretical framework 2. 2.1.1 Theory of syntax 2. 2.1 .2 Theory of semantics 2. 2.1.3 Overview of English verbs 10 2. Definition ... Major methods and supporting methods 20 3 .2. 2 Data collection techniques 21 3 .2. 3 Data analysis techniques 22 3.3 22 Summary CHAPTER FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 24 4.1 24 Syntactic features of the THINKING...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2016, 21:26

78 2K 23
Organization of the study

Organization of the study

... Year 2, 576 ,25 0 2, 251,835 324 ,415 3 ,24 6,075 2, 551 ,24 7 694, 828 1 32, 017 3,976,4 42 2,877, 721 1,098, 721 20 8,757 4,771,730 3 ,23 3 ,21 5 1,538,515 29 2,318 45 ARE Addition to RE 16 ,22 1 34,741 54,936 76, 926 ... change +20 %) Change in D Year Year Year Year Year 1,0 82, 429 1,308,498 1,791,053 2, 316,5 02 2,887, 927 49% 38% 32% 29 % 27 % D (Rental base) Base case 727 ,817 0% 951,050 1,353,179 1,791,053 2, 267 ,24 1 ... (Occupancy change +20 %) 1,0 82, 429 1 ,24 8, 923 1,665,946 2, 119,458 2, 267 ,24 1 Change in D 49% 31% 23 % 18% 0% D (Occupancy base = 50%) Base case 727 ,817 0% 951,050 1,353,179 1,791,053 2, 267 ,24 1 0% 0% 0%...

Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2013, 10:32

76 518 1