2 double your estimate for the time needed to launch

pro web project management

pro web project management

... well enough to perform the modifications You have to test the modifications you have made to the software to evaluate how they will work with other parts of the software If your customizations ... topic to allow the person running the meeting to wrap up and outline what happens now Topics, Topics, Topics The core of any agenda is the discussion topics you outline These should be easy to ... meeting, Greg tells the client that they are done for the day, gathers up his developers, and heads out to the car He cannot wait to talk with the developers on the ride back to the office about...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 16:48

242 371 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Theoretical Evaluation of Estimation Methods for Data-Oriented Parsing" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Theoretical Evaluation of Estimation Methods for Data-Oriented Parsing" pot

... the appropriate test either Both estimation methods for STSGs and the criteria for evaluating them, thus require thorough rethinking In forthcoming work we therefore study yet another estimator, ... PCFG The example given applies to such distribution as well, and therefore also shows the inconsistency of the DOP1 method for PCFG distributions we find, in addition to the obvious w3 = w4 = 0, the ... all be the same, and equal to the frequency of the complete tree t1 which can be composed in the following ways from the subtrees in the original grammar: (2) (3) which are not equal to their...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 22:20

4 341 0


... hence, the same i n t e r l i n g u a l r e p r e s e n t a t i o n , namely the combination a f t e r - before (13) has the value contain - before, and (Ib) the value before - before For the aspectual ... n ) ii.ii) & & is in Together they form the core of the temporal c a l c u l u s This core has to be extended in v a r i o u s ways i f one wants to take i n t o account the phenomenon of i t ... with the d i f f e r e n t types of time a d v e r b i a l s In ( ) and (14) the time of event precedes the time denoted by resp "nu" and "morgen"; hence, the aspectual value of the VTT in these...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 05:21

6 359 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "Performance evaluation of time-multiplexed and data-dependent superimposed training based transmission with practical power amplifier model" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: "Performance evaluation of time-multiplexed and data-dependent superimposed training based transmission with practical power amplifier model" doc

... (similar to the well known DFT operation) and the synthesis FB converts the frequency domain presentation back to time domain (similar to the IDFT operation) The channel estimates are obtained in time ... sequence, the LS-LMMSE estimator can be reduced to ˆ hLS−LMMSE = PH r ( 2 β σest C−1 + r2 Np σp IrNp ×rNp ˆ h ) my ˆ (22 ) LS The variable σest corresponds to the total interference power on top of ... discussed in [20 ] In a sense, the idea of using only the most significant components of the decomposition is similar to our idea of truncating the time window of the channel estimator to take into account...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20

48 340 0
Implementation of Time Synchronization for BTnodes

Implementation of Time Synchronization for BTnodes

... 129 20 129 20 129 40 129 60 Delta (0.3 125 ms) 129 40 129 30 Delta (0.3 125 ms) 129 50 13000 129 60 13 020 as well) Compared to the energy for the BT module, this frequency is acceptable 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time ... synchronize the timestamps of the event they recorded by transforming the locally generated time stamps to the local time of the receiving device when they are passed between devices In this way, the timestamps ... only transform the event time stamp to its own BT time stamp, but also calculate the NutOS time stamp of the event as the ’sink’ node In this way, all the nodes could be able to get the time point...

Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2015, 13:23

49 192 0
Big data getting bigger what the internet of things means for data

Big data getting bigger what the internet of things means for data

... have to index the data as it is loaded, this will significantly slow down the loading process and it will add to the size of the database, not to mention adding to administrative costs.”  These ... question of reliability For the IoT to deliver on its promise, all the links in the technology chain need to deliver and collate data in a sufficiently timely manner, to ensure sufficient data ... Both the IoT and big data are likely to be waypoints on a larger journey towards sensory, reactive, “smart” environments The journey will take time, and there will be numerous stoppages along the...

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2015, 00:06

2 202 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article A Decentralized Approach for Nonlinear Prediction of Time Series Data in Sensor Networks" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article A Decentralized Approach for Nonlinear Prediction of Time Series Data in Sensor Networks" pptx

... added to the kernel expansion Several criteria have been proposed in the literature to assess the contribution of each new kernel function to an existing model In [20 22 ], for instance, the kernel ... processes the information at nodes and The coefficient vector αi is updated using rule (21 ) for i = 2, Sensor -to- sensor communications transmit the locations of sensors that contribute to the model, ... information,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol 52, no 2, pp 489–509, 20 06 D L Donoho, “Compressed sensing,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol 52, no 4, pp 128 9–1306, 20 06...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 17:20

12 532 0
Báo cáo y học: "Base relative quantification framework and software for management and automated analysis of real-time quantitative PCR data" potx

Báo cáo y học: "Base relative quantification framework and software for management and automated analysis of real-time quantitative PCR data" potx

... research 25 6 Averag e inc rease in erro r 1.6 2. 5 Increase in error Quantity 25 6 25 6 64 64 16 16 4 1 Hellemans et al R19.3 reviews Cq 20 .76 20 .49 22 .77 22 .57 24 .78 24 .58 26 .79 26 .66 28 .80 28 .95 ... as the calibrator quantification cycle value As the increase in error is proportional to the difference in quantification cycle between the sample of interest and the calibrator (formula 12) , the ... quantities The formula for the error on the slope provides the mathematical basis to learn how more accurate amplification efficiency estimates can be achieved, that is, by expanding the range of the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 17:22

14 583 0
A study of advanced control charts for complex time between events data

A study of advanced control charts for complex time between events data

... 2. 961 0.1 3.035 0.1 3 .25 3 0 .2 2.343 0 .2 2.750 0 .2 2. 820 0 .2 2.917 0 .2 3.0 62 0 .2 3. 128 0 .2 3. 321 0.3 2. 420 0.3 2. 793 0.3 2. 857 0.3 2. 946 0.3 3.079 0.3 3.140 0.3 3.318 0.4 2. 454 0.4 2. 801 0.4 2. 861 ... 0. 02 1.469 0. 02 2.033 0. 02 2.136 0. 02 2 .27 8 0. 02 2.490 0. 02 2.585 0. 02 2.8 62 0.05 1.880 0.05 2. 396 0.05 2. 487 0.05 2. 610 0.05 2. 793 0.05 2. 876 0.05 3.117 0.1 2. 144 0.1 2. 607 0.1 2. 688 0.1 2. 798 ... 0.4 2. 944 0.4 3.067 0.4 3. 124 0.4 3 .28 9 0.5 2. 467 0.5 2. 7 92 0.5 2. 848 0.5 2. 926 0.5 3.0 42 0.5 3.094 0.5 3 .24 9 0.8 2. 458 0.8 2. 7 32 0.8 2. 779 0.8 2. 844 0.8 2. 940 0.8 2. 983 0.8 3.114 2. 4 52 2.713 2. 758...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 18:58

185 189 0
Evaluation of real time methods for epidemic forecasting 4

Evaluation of real time methods for epidemic forecasting 4

... t❤❡ ❞❡t❡r♠✐♥✐st✐❝ ♠♦❞❡❧ ❤❛s ❛ ✾✺✪ ❝r❡❞✐❜❧❡ ✐♥t❡r✈❛❧ ♦❢ ✭5%✱ 20 %✮ ❜❧❡ ✐♥t❡r✈❛❧ ♦❢ ✭7%✱ ❛♥❞ t❤❛t ♦❢ t❤❡ st♦❝❤❛st✐❝ ♠♦❞❡❧ ❤❛s ❛ ✾✺✪ ❝r❡❞✐✲ 21 %✮✱ s❡r♦❧♦❣✐❝❛❧ st✉❞✐❡s ✭❈❤❡♥ ❛r❡ ❝♦♥s✐st❡♥t ✇✐t❤ ❡st✐♠❛t❡s...

Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2015, 17:34

19 229 0
Tài liệu Manual on the Production and Use of Live Food for Aquaculture - Phần 4 pptx

Tài liệu Manual on the Production and Use of Live Food for Aquaculture - Phần 4 pptx

... seawater, they cannot migrate from one saline biotope to another via the seas, as they depend on their physiological adaptations to high salinity to avoid predation and competition with other filter ... respiratory pigments to cope with the low O2 levels at high salinities; · the ability to produce dormant cysts when environmental conditions endanger the survival of the species Artemia therefore, ... molts into the 2nd larval stage (instar II) Small food particles (e.g algal cells, bacteria, detritus) ranging in size from to 50 µm are filtered out by the 2nd antennae and ingested into the functional...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 00:15

29 732 0
iec 60269-4 low-voltage fuses - supplementary requirements for fuse-links for the protection of s

iec 60269-4 low-voltage fuses - supplementary requirements for fuse-links for the protection of s

... 03 /29 /20 04 21 :23 :49 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397 -22 95 8 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 18 18 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ... 19 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 23 23 25 27 29 33 37 FIGURES 39 APPENDIX- Guide for the co-ordination of fuse-links with semiconductor devices A APPENDIXB Survey on information ... Publication 26 9-4 (1980), the text of which is based on the following documents: S k Months Rule 32B(C0 )21 32B(C0 )29 32B(C0)30 32B(C0)41 32B(C0) 42 I Reports on Voting 32B(C0 )24 32B(C0)33 32B(C0)34 32B(C0)44...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 10:55

87 405 1
Tài liệu Real-Time Digital Signal Processing - Appendix C: Introduction of C Programming for DSP Applications ppt

Tài liệu Real-Time Digital Signal Processing - Appendix C: Introduction of C Programming for DSP Applications ppt

... value to an identifier The most basic assignment operator in C is the single equal sign, =, where the value to the right of the equal sign is assigned to the variable on the left The general form ... 32- bit IEEE 32- bit [1.175 49 10À38 , 3.4 02 82 346 1038 ] double 32- bit IEEE 32- bit [1.175 494 10À38 , 3.4 02 82 346 1038 ] long double 32- bit IEEE 32- bit [1.175 494 10À38 , 3.4 02 82 346 1038 ] ... once The format of do-while is similar to the while loop, except that the key word starts the statement and while ends the statement C.5 Data Type Used by the TMS 320 C55x The TMS 320 C55x supports the...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 19:20

18 506 0
Perfect symmetry   the search for the beginning of time   h  pagels

Perfect symmetry the search for the beginning of time h pagels

... Theories Magnetic Monopoles Unifying Gravity Before the Big Bang: The Inflationary Universe Before Inflation: The Origin of the Universe 11 38 69 101 117 1 32 155 157 169 20 8 23 4 24 4 26 9 27 1 29 6 ... and smashing into one another all the time But the physicists of 1 926 believed that if atomic nuclei got close to one another, they would repel each other They would not fuse to form a heavier ... According to this theory, if we imagine going backward in time then we would see the universe contract, the galaxies move closer together until they meld into a hot, uniform gas of all the constituents...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 14:03

460 279 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Systems biology: model based evaluation and comparison of potential explanations for given biological data pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Systems biology: model based evaluation and comparison of potential explanations for given biological data pot

... one of them to a specific value), but that only one parameter, k1, is practically identifiable _ x1 ¼ Àk1 x1 þ 0:001x2;1 _ x2;1 ¼ Àk2 x2;1 þ kmþ1 x2;m À 0:001x2;1 _ x2 ;2 ¼ Àk3 x2 ;2 þ k2 x2;1 ð13aÞ ... to as the transcendence degree [21 ] We denote the transcendence degree by tM, which should not be confused with the index notation on the time- vector With this FEBS Journal 27 6 (20 09) 903– 922 ... developed for the model comparison problem As demonstrated above, the sum of the normalized residuals can be expected to follow a v2 distribution FEBS Journal 27 6 (20 09) 903– 922 ª 20 09 The Authors...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 06:20

20 384 0
Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees 2012 potx

Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees 2012 potx

... 49 ,23 6 22 ,086 24 ,6 02 49,3 42 22, 133 24 ,6 02 60,000 22 ,133 Health Professions Training for Diversity 95,8 72 96,077 106,735 2, 826 2, 8 32 20,000 38, 923 198, 122 39 ,27 5 139,9 32 - 23 7,045 39 ,27 5 139,9 32 ... 431, 925 93,864 1 ,26 6 527 ,055 24 ,695 98,7 82 295,000 418,477 93,864 1 ,26 6 513,607 24 ,550 49 ,23 6 22 ,086 95,8 72 24,6 02 49,3 42 22, 133 96,077 24 ,6 02 60,000 22 ,133 106,735 2, 826 2, 8 32 20,000 38, 923 198, 122 ... to Expand Access to Care Subtotal, Healthcare Systems Bureau 25 ,991 11,957 23 ,467 29 ,25 0 2, 220 26 ,049 11,983 23 ,517 29 ,314 2, 220 74,480 100,000 26 7,365 75,000 25 ,991 13,883 26 ,544 29 ,25 0 5 ,22 0...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 06:20

431 480 0
Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees 2013 pptx

Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees 2013 pptx

... +10,000 24 ,4 52 49,0 42 21,998 22 ,909 47,4 52 14, 822 22 ,909 47,4 52 - -14, 822 95,4 92 2,815 ­ 39,036 32, 781 85,183 2, 7 82 ­ 38,9 62 32, 3 92 70,361 10,000 10,000 50,9 62 32, 3 92 -14, 822 +7 ,21 8 +10,000 + 12, 000 ... 1 ,24 3 5,000 389,378 24 ,4 52 49,0 42 21,998 95,4 92 22, 909 47,4 52 14, 822 85,183 22 ,909 47,4 52 70,361 2, 815 2, 7 82 39,036 32, 781 38,9 62 32, 3 92 10,000 10,000 50,9 62 32, 3 92 230,000 - - 33,1 42 33,5 42 ... FY 20 12 Enacted FY 20 13 President's Budget FY 20 13 +/FY 20 12 33,1 42 33,5 42 1,933 2, 927 - 30, 629 7,8 92 5,000 - -27 ,22 0 +5,000 +5,000 -10,000 2, 927 12, 8 92 7,8 92 -5,000 71,544 70,741 38, 521 - 32, 220 ...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 06:20

420 204 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Odorant binding protein has the biochemical properties of a scavenger for 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal in mammalian nasal mucosa doc

Báo cáo khoa học: Odorant binding protein has the biochemical properties of a scavenger for 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal in mammalian nasal mucosa doc

... completely disrupt the 3D arrangement of the native proteins Furthermore, they indicate the relevant FEBS Journal 27 3 (20 06) 5131–51 42 ª 20 06 The Authors Journal compilation ª 20 06 FEBS 5135 OBP ... properties of the protein and in particular the chemical resistance and binding capacity with respect to HNE The incubation time of 20 is the time required for the clearance of a molecule from the nasal ... After 72 h, the following treatments were added in the upper compartment of the FEBS Journal 27 3 (20 06) 5131–51 42 ª 20 06 The Authors Journal compilation ª 20 06 FEBS S Grolli et al wells: 20 lm...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 10:20

12 386 0
Risk of cancer from diagnostic X-rays: estimates for the UK and 14 other countries docx

Risk of cancer from diagnostic X-rays: estimates for the UK and 14 other countries docx

... 5·94 2 67 0·83 1·05 0·96 5· 62 1· 12 2· 92 2· 52 Stomach Thyroid 1·64 0·67 0·01 8 24 4·98 0·67 0·00 0· 0202 0·03 6·04 1· 62 1·51 0·00 0 29 0·00 0 25 22 20 4·06 0·00 0·00 0·00 0·00 1·06 0· 02 0·98 ... 1·9 14 73 40 29 26 26 938 1580 424 3 26 7 721 7 21 164 1 623 495 1 322 38 849 All cancers listed above 0·0 72 11·60 0·6 190 29 699 0·074 12 77 0·6 21 9 All radiation-inducible cancers‡ 0· 123 20 ·40 0·6§ ... 4· 42 7·90 2 49 0·00 2 13 0·00 0·00 5·07 0· 02 0·00 0·00 0·00 0·00 23 20 0·00 0·00 0·67 0·05 0· 42 0· 02 0· 62 0·14 0· 42 0·00 0·01 0·00 0·00 0 20 0·01 0·03 2 00 0·01 0·00 0·47 0· 72 21·40 0·03 0·02...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 01:20

7 700 0