2 clinical and pathologic aspects of skin involvement

báo cáo hóa học:" Serum high mobility group box-1 (HMGB1) is closely associated with the clinical and pathologic features of gastric cancer" pptx

báo cáo hóa học:" Serum high mobility group box-1 (HMGB1) is closely associated with the clinical and pathologic features of gastric cancer" pptx

... diagnosis of cancer (EGC) was 67% and 71% (cut-off value of 5.5 ng/ml), and 71% and 67% (cut-off value of ng/ml) The sensitivity and specificity of serum CEA levels for the diagnosis of high-risk ... the diagnosis of cancer (EGC) was 28% and 79% (cut-off value of ng/ml), and 40% and 66% (cut-off value of 2.5 ng/ml), respectively In contrast to CEA, the sensitivity and specificity of serum HMGB1 ... lesions was 39% and 76% (cut-off value of 2.5 ng/ml), and 49% and 62% (cut-off value of ng/ml) In contrast to CEA, the sensitivity and specificity of serum HMGB1 levels for the diagnosis of high-risk...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 15:20

11 536 0


... hyperactivation and release of toxic factors, such as nitric oxide (NO), Clinical and Genetic Aspects of Epilepsy leading to over production of excess peroxynitrite, and reactive oxygen and nitrogen ... cells of the CNS and comprise the major mechanism of self-defense against brain injury, infections and disease Activation of microglia occur as a response to these insults, and both neurotoxic and ... source of information on wide range of issues in epilepsy We hope that it will help health care providers in daily practices and increase their understanding on diagnosis and treatment of epilepsies...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 05:20

214 255 0
Ethical and social aspects of evaluating fetal screening

Ethical and social aspects of evaluating fetal screening

... emphasize the health of the newborn population, public health or the health level of a given society And then we would have to face the dilemma of eugenics Ethical and social aspects of evaluating ... antenatal Ethical and social aspects of evaluating fetal screening screening include its target, the involvement of other people and its relation to eugenic ideology Usually the target of screening ... perspective of consequences and control The myth of the objectivity of research is strong among health and economic researchers, and they may Wnd the explicit value requirements of ethics diYcult...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20

12 394 0
Tài liệu Information in use and outsourcing aspects of digital doc

Tài liệu Information in use and outsourcing aspects of digital doc

... different aspects which we think are of great importance, namely aspects of information quality in workflows where digital services are a vital part and also in- and outsourcing aspects of digital ... 4.4 QUALITY ASPECTS OF THE SERVICE CONTEXT 4.5 CONNECTION TO THE REMAINING PART OF THE THESIS 4.6 SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 39 40 41 45 47 49 CHAPTER THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION ... engineering and validation of business processes PREFACE Life is strange and unpredictable, and the last two years of my life have been evidence of this In 2005, I felt unrestrained joy and happiness...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 21:15

156 430 0


... various aspects of OFETs, including the synthesis of new materials, preparation and characterisation of organic thin films, characterisation of device properties and the development of new device ... fundamental understanding of the basic mechanism and properties of such OFETs, a national research initiative (supported by the DFG within the framework of the focus program 1121 OFET) was established ... Henkel Brandenburg University of Technology at Cottbus Department of Applied Physics and Sensors P.O Box 101344 03013 Cottbus Germany A Herasimovich Solid State Electronics and Center of Micro- and...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 19:20

733 2,7K 1
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Structural and mechanistic aspects of flavoproteins: electron transfer through the nitric oxide synthase flavoprotein domain pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Structural and mechanistic aspects of flavoproteins: electron transfer through the nitric oxide synthase flavoprotein domain pdf

... accurate measure of the koff parameter in CaM-bound eNOS and nNOS [58], and thus prevented assessment of the relative importance of conformational change rates versus rates of FMNH2 formation ... steps in the nNOS and eNOS flavoproteins (dissociation and association of the 4-electron reduced FNR–FMN subunit complex, kon and koff in Fig 5) Remarkably, the results suggest that koff is the sole ... in the CaM-free nNOS and eNOS, the rate of FMNH2 formation appears to be relatively fast and not rate limiting, and instead a specific conformational step (koff, dissociation of the reduced FMN...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 11:20

16 640 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Structural and mechanistic aspects of flavoproteins: probes of hydrogen tunnelling pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Structural and mechanistic aspects of flavoproteins: probes of hydrogen tunnelling pptx

... arises because of differences in the mass, frequency and consequently the transfer distance of H and D Experimentally, the identification of promoting vibrations is extremely challenging and, as yet, ... ½NADðPÞHŠ ðkoff =kon Þ þ ½NADðPÞHŠ ð7Þ In both MR and PETNR, at room temperature, kon, the apparent rate of coenzyme binding is $106 m)1Æs)1 The rate of NAD(P)H dissociation, koff, is $102 s)1 and the ... glycosylation and this approach has been used by Klinman and coworkers to study the viscosity dependence of the rate of hydride transfer in GO [70,71] These authors studied various glycoforms of the...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 11:20

12 596 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Structural and mechanistic aspects of flavoproteins: photosynthetic electron transfer from photosystem I to NADP+ doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Structural and mechanistic aspects of flavoproteins: photosynthetic electron transfer from photosystem I to NADP+ doc

... flavins and pyridine nucleotides is highly dependent on the approach and colinear orientation of the N5 of the flavin, the hydride to be transferred, and C4 of the nicotinamide In FNR, displacement of ... assignment of the interaction parameters of N(1), N(3), H(5), H(6), CH3(8) and N(10) with the electron spin [54,55] Analysis of mutants indicated that the stacking of a bulky residue at the re-face of ... importance of electrostatic repulsion in the control of Eox ⁄ sq, and particularly of Esq ⁄ hq, has also been demonstrated with several Flds [25,37,41,48–53] Electron nuclear double resonance and 1D and...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 11:20

17 635 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Structural and functional aspects of unique type IV secretory components in the Helicobacter pylori cag-pathogenicity island potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Structural and functional aspects of unique type IV secretory components in the Helicobacter pylori cag-pathogenicity island potx

... a-helices and a final b-strand, F, which protrudes from the core of the monomer and runs anti-parallel to the same strand of a second monomer, allowing for the formation of the dimer The surface of interaction ... glutamate and aspartate residues confined to the portion of the molecule involving a-helix A, the nearby loop, the first and last turns of helices E and F, and the C-terminus helices I and J In ... structure of only three of these unique components (CagZ, CagS and CagD) is now available, along with Caga ATPase The lack of a clear picture of the biological function and organization of some...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 00:21

9 496 0


... properly cited 2 Modeling and Control Aspects of Wind Power Systems simulator consists of multiple RACKs, each of which consist of both communication and processor cards and are linked by a common ... number of blades, blade angle control, and regardless of the type of electrical generator chosen or the type of control of converters Accordingly, this allows it to be studied regardless of the ... density of air, A area swept by the turbine ωr R t , Rt the blades, ν wind speed and CP coefficient of performance, ψ a linear relation V radius of the turbine and β t pitch angle of the vanes of the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 11:20

212 4,3K 1
Prevalence and Its Predictors of Extrapulmonary Involvement in Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis pdf

Prevalence and Its Predictors of Extrapulmonary Involvement in Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis pdf

... diseases, and so on; 83 patients (25.9%) had previously diagnosed and treated TB (Table 1) Forty (12.5%) of the 320 patients with pulmonary TB had extrapulmonary involvement Miliary involvement of the ... extrapulmonary involvement (adjusted OR, 0.45; 95% CI, 0.25-0.78) (Table 4) The fitness of the final model was good in terms Table Sites and methods of diagnois of extrapulmonary involvement in ... immunosuppressant Previous history of TB Diagnosis of pulmonary TB Negative AFB smear but positive culture of M tuberculosis Positive AFB smear and positive culture of M tuberculosis Drug susceptibility...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 03:20

5 381 0
Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Chronic Illness and Disability pptx

Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Chronic Illness and Disability pptx

... focus of the book is to help professionals and students understand medical and psychosocial aspects of chronic illness and disability and how they affect an individual’s functioning in all areas of ... .432 CHAPTER 15 SKIN CONDITIONS AND BURNS 437 Normal Structure and Function of the Skin .437 Psychological, Social, and Vocational Impact of Skin Conditions 438 Skin Conditions ... Psychosocial and Functional Aspects of Chronic Illness and Disability IMPACT OF CHRONIC ILLNESS AND DISABILITY own standards with regard to idealized physical and emotional traits, roles, and responsibilities...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 19:20

598 420 0
Biochemical and physiological aspects of human nutrition   units i & II

Biochemical and physiological aspects of human nutrition units i & II

... Digestion, and Absorption Transport and Conversion of Riboflavin to Coenzymes 469 471 xxii • • • Contents Riboflavin Catabolism and Excretion 472 Functions of Flavocoenzymes in Metabolism 472 Riboflavin ... Assessment of Riboflavin Nutriture 475 Riboflavin Requirements 475 Thiamin Thiamin and Thiamin Coenzyme Structure and Nomenclature Sources, Digestion, and Absorption 476 Transport and Conversion of Thiamin ... Functions of Iron 712 Proteins of Iron Transport and Iron Storage 715 Regulation of Concentrations of Proteins of Iron Transport and Storage 720 Body Iron Compartments 722 Internal Iron Exchange and...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 18:07

232 610 0
In Vitro Fertilization – Innovative Clinical and Laboratory Aspects Edited by Shevach Friedler potx

In Vitro Fertilization – Innovative Clinical and Laboratory Aspects Edited by Shevach Friedler potx

... Clinical and Laboratory Aspects Photo 3D Ultrasound of uterus and endometrium 3D US images can be obtained by two methods: freehand and automated The freehand method requires manual movement of the ... Clinical Aspects of IVF The Role of Low-Dose hCG in the Late Follicular Phase of Controlled Ovarian Hyper Stimulation (COH) Protocols Mahnaz Ashrafi and Kiandokht Kiani Chapter Gene Expression and ... of the major advancements in the field of medicine in the last millennium, include the introduction of in-vitro fertilization and embryo transfer, to alleviate female and male infertility Prof...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 21:21

168 339 0


... hemorrhage and other causes of maternal mortality 42 Much of the benefit of having a skilled attendant at delivery occurs through the process of “Active Management of the Third Stage of Labor,” ... third stage of labor is the delivery of the placenta, which follows the first two stages of dilation of the uterine cervix and delivery of the infant, respectively See FIGO Safe Motherhood and Newborn ... risk of women who did not have such a “near miss.” 51 Audits and Other Reviews of Circumstances of Maternal Deaths Research and practice in Tanzania and elsewhere has demonstrated the value of...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 11:20

28 402 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Hatching enzyme of the ovoviviparous black rockfish Sebastes schlegelii – environmental adaptation of the hatching enzyme and evolutionary aspects of formation of the pseudogene docx

Báo cáo khoa học: Hatching enzyme of the ovoviviparous black rockfish Sebastes schlegelii – environmental adaptation of the hatching enzyme and evolutionary aspects of formation of the pseudogene docx

... cycles of PCR, sufficient expression of the SsHCE1 and SsHCE2 genes was detected, and the band intensity of SsHCE2 transcripts was about half that of SsHCE1 For the wSsLCE gene, the 33 cycles of RT-PCR ... thanks to Professor F S Howell, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Sophia University, Tokyo, for reading the manuscript, and to Dr K Yamagami, former Professor of Developmental ... Expression analysis of the SsHCE1, SsHCE2 and wSsLCE genes (A) Northern blot analysis of expression of the SsHCE gene during development Arrowheads indicate the positions of 28S and 18S rRNA (B)...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 07:20

15 396 0


... law, and computer science Over the course of one -and- a-half days, they fleshed out the relevant issues in online research and considered the role of IRBs This report and its action, research and ... others This lack of understanding by participants, and sometimes researchers as well, of the technical and storage capabilities of Internet technologies may elevate the risk The risk of exposure can ... research, application of the principle of justice is inextricably linked to fair distribution of the burdens and rewards of research This bears directly on the selection and recruitment of participants,...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 20:20

20 311 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Biochemical and enzymological aspects of the symbiosis between the deep-sea tubeworm Riftia pachyptila and its bacterial endosymbiont pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Biochemical and enzymological aspects of the symbiosis between the deep-sea tubeworm Riftia pachyptila and its bacterial endosymbiont pptx

... in colonies and has been studied extensively since its discovery At in situ temperatures and pressures (2 °C and 250 atm) the larvae of R pachyptila has a lifespan of about 40 days and thus, it ... biosynthetic pyrimidine and arginine pathways (Fig 3) The first step of the pyrimidine and arginine metabolic pathways involves the uptake and utilization of the inorganic compounds NH3 and CO2 which, ... degradation of nucleic acids Distribution of the enzymes of the de novo pyrimidine nucleotide pathway in the different parts of Riftia pachyptila The distribution of the subsequent enzymes of the...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 15:20

10 395 0
statistical and dynamical aspects of mesoscopic systems

statistical and dynamical aspects of mesoscopic systems

... 226 Contents Part VII IX Random Systems and Localization Numerical-Scaling Study of the Statistics of Energy Levels at the Anderson Transition I.Kh Zharekeshev and B Kramer ... energy (1) of the system in Fig as a function of the charging energy for various values of the number of extra electrons n in the dot; (b) the number of electrons in the dot as a function of the ... at low temperature and bias (Ng and Lee 1988, Glazman and Raikh 1988) in the Kondo regime The Kondo problem can be discussed in the framework of Anderson’s impurity model (Anderson 1961) The...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:12

324 887 0