17 language is power develop your language part 1

Introdungcing English language part 17 pdf

Introdungcing English language part 17 pdf

... and you says ‘oh my niece is waiting 10 [to have her baby’] 11 Jill: [she was ] due (.) she she had the baby two two 12 weeks old this week 84 DEVELOPMENT: ASPECTS OF ENGLISH Jill negotiates the ... One of the first recognisable words to appear is the child’s own name Being able to recognise your own name (to identify possessions, your coat peg, or just for the fun of it) is a skill that adults ... writing – typically this will involve writing notes or shopping lists Children’s pre-school shopping lists will look like scribbled lines, 86 DEVELOPMENT: ASPECTS OF ENGLISH though (Western) features...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 04:20

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Introdungcing English language part 1 docx

Introdungcing English language part 1 docx

... English language I Stockwell, Peter II Title PE 111 2.M78 2 010 428.00 71 dc22 2009033498 ISBN 0-203-85 811 -5 Master e-book ISBN ISBN 10 : 0- 415 -44886-7 (hbk) ISBN 10 : 0- 415 -44885-9 (pbk) ISBN 10 : ... (pbk) ISBN 10 : 0-203-85 811 -5 (ebk) ISBN 13 : 978-0- 415 -44886-4 (hbk) ISBN 13 : 978-0- 415 -44885-7 (pbk) ISBN 13 : 978-0-203-85 811 -0 (ebk) HOW TO USE THIS BOOK The Routledge English Language Introductions ... English Language resources Written by two experienced teachers and authors, this accessible textbook is an essential resource for all students of English language and linguistics Louise Mullany is...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 04:20

6 343 1
Introdungcing English language part 2 pot

Introdungcing English language part 2 pot

... 67 73 79 84 88 91 95 99 10 3 10 7 11 1 11 7 11 8 12 5 12 9 13 5 viii CONTENTS 10 11 12 13 Texts in action Learning to read Exploring the mind Corrections Identify yourself Influencing language Exploring ... Exploring literature Collecting data Theory into practice 13 9 14 4 15 0 15 5 16 1 16 5 17 1 17 8 18 6 D Extension: linguistic readings 10 11 12 13 Glottalisation in Cardiff (Collins and Mees) The search for ... concepts 10 14 19 10 11 12 13 Phonetics and phonology Morphology and lexicology Semantics and pragmatics Grammatical parts Text and discourse Early language acquisition Psycholinguistics History...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 04:20

6 281 0
Introdungcing English language part 3 ppt

Introdungcing English language part 3 ppt

... in this book (A1–D1) fall under the third category, articulatory phonetics This is the area of phonetics that has the most applicability in an introduction to the English language and it is also ... which is a very closely related discipline to phonetics Individuals who specialise in the study of phonology are known as phonologists As a general way of distinguishing between the two disciplinary ... Linguistics and Phonetics (19 99) 7: 95 11 9 SECTION A INTRODUCTION: KEY BASIC CONCEPTS A1 INTRODUCTION: KEY BASIC CONCEPTS PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY To begin our study of the English language we will start...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 04:20

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Introdungcing English language part 4 ppsx

Introdungcing English language part 4 ppsx

... ‘green your politics’ Where two or more free morphemes are combined, this phenomenon of wordformation is compounding, and, as in other basically Germanic languages, it is very common in English ... notion of a word is therefore not particularly straightforward, and linguists prefer to use the term morpheme for the smallest meaningful units of language ‘Certain’, ‘mean’ and ‘linguist’, in the ... articulation is the glottal category, which we have already come across, referring to the glottis In addition to the glottal stop, /h/ is the only other sound which is made in the glottis area The...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 04:20

6 351 0
Introdungcing English language part 5 pptx

Introdungcing English language part 5 pptx

... as follows: 12 INTRODUCTION: KEY BASIC CONCEPTS Person deixis: I, you, her, Peter, Louise Place deixis, sometimes referred to as spatial deixis: here, there, this, that Time deixis, sometimes ... illustrated by the related concept known as deixis The term deixis is borrowed from Greek, and translates as ‘pointing’ The English language, along with all other languages, contains a specific set of words ... Austin (19 75), there are three different elements to felicity conditions The first is that a conventional procedure should exist for what is being carried out The second condition is that participants...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 04:20

6 299 0
Introdungcing English language part 6 docx

Introdungcing English language part 6 docx

... and distinctions that are used in pragmatics are of key importance in discourse analysis and vice versa English language and linguistics researchers often combine aspects of discourse analysis ... However, discourse is a complex term and it has been defined in a range of ways across different academic disciplines The most important, defining characteristic for discourse in language and linguistics ... analysis they follow (see below) It is important to realise at this stage that ‘discourse analysis’ is a very broad category – there are a number of sub-disciplinary paradigms which take differing...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 04:20

6 299 0
Introdungcing English language part 7 pdf

Introdungcing English language part 7 pdf

... acquire any languages we encounter in infant life, and then shuts down By early puberty (between 11 and 14 years old), our astonishing childhood capacity has gone PSYCHOLINGUISTICS As an interdisciplinary ... established expectations for speaking behaviour Genre: type of utterance (lecture, formal speech, etc.) Yet another paradigm of discourse analysis is known as critical discourse analysis (CDA), ... revealing racist discourses within particular texts They often utilise techniques from systemic functional linguistics (detailed in B4) to help reveal hidden ideological meanings within the language...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 04:20

6 405 0
Introdungcing English language part 8 ppsx

Introdungcing English language part 8 ppsx

... Masculine Singular Feminine (queen) Feminine Neuter se sone sæs sæm s1 s1 s1ra sæm s2o s1 sære sæm s1 s1 s1ra sæm sæt sæt sæs sæm s1 s1 s1ra sæm Table A8.2 Definite articles (‘the’) Singular Plural Nominative ... now call ‘Welsh’ HISTORY OF ENGLISH 31 The original Brythonic Celts who had settled the islands from 15 00 BC were the ancestral speakers of Welsh, Cornish, Breton and Pictish Later Goidelic ... linguistic processes performed in child language acquisition, or in second language learning A8 HISTORY OF ENGLISH The word ‘English’ (originally spelled ‘Englisc’ but pronounced the same) predates...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 04:20

6 366 0
Introdungcing English language part 9 docx

Introdungcing English language part 9 docx

... approaches to language variation and language change These sub-disciplines include, amongst others: language and ethnicity, language and gender, language and age, multilingualism, language planning ... ENGLISHES World Englishes is a recently emergent area of sociolinguistic study It is a field which has grown rapidly since the early 19 80s, reflecting the spread of English as an international language, ... grammars of regional varieties could be published The modern-day discipline of sociolinguistics developed during the 19 50s and 19 60s when sociolinguists rapidly expanded their areas of research...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 04:20

6 331 1
Introdungcing English language part 10 pot

Introdungcing English language part 10 pot

... English of course) that Charles Bridge is actually called ‘Karlîv Most’ in his country’s native language This brief example illustrates a range of sociolinguistic issues surrounding World Englishes, ... where English is used as a lingua franca by speakers across many different nations These codification issues will be further discussed in B10 STYLISTICS All texts, whether spoken or written, display ... any pre-existing event that can be regarded as giving rise to the linguistic articulation: the language is the event Of course, the exercise we have sketched out above allows a comparison of the...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 04:20

6 395 0
Introdungcing English language part 11 ppt

Introdungcing English language part 11 ppt

... of poetry in the 19 60s As applied linguistics developed new insights in pragmatics in the 19 70s, sociolinguistics and discourse analysis in the 19 80s, so stylisticians acquired powerful new tools ... close reading in British universities in the 19 30s and 19 40s and the ‘New Criticism’ in the US in the 19 40s and 19 50s led to a renaissance of stylistics in the form of a linguistic account of the ... understanding of language that have arisen within the discipline of stylistics itself Stylistics, then, is both a form of literary criticism and a form of applied linguistics, and is at its best...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 04:20

6 280 0
Introdungcing English language part 12 ppt

Introdungcing English language part 12 ppt

... objective of language study – like any properly progressive discipline – is to gain a better understanding than the state of existing knowledge The best way of ensuring this development is to be ... functionalist tradition emerged in language study, largely at odds with generativism Functionalism regarded language as part of social practice rather than a separable module, and so there is no ... theorising what language does rather than what it is, SFG has proven useful in discourse analysis and the exploration of sociological and political contexts of language use Though generativism...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 04:20

6 399 0
Introdungcing English language part 13 pdf

Introdungcing English language part 13 pdf

... English language, there is a common perception that English has five vowels: a e i o u While this is the case for the Roman alphabet and the traditional orthographic written system of modern English ... in some accents as /gz/, as in exam However, there is one exception to this with the letter x In one particular variety, Scottish English, /x/ is used as a phonetic symbol to represent the consonant ... VOWELS 59 While the location of particular sounds within individual words is represented here by underlining, there is a more principled way to characterise this, by referring to word initial,...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 04:20

6 370 0
Introdungcing English language part 14 pptx

Introdungcing English language part 14 pptx

... defend your decision, shows that category membership is a matter of gradation and prototypicality rather than fixed definition So it is not that a cat is simply not a dog, it is that a cat is just ... be imagined but are underlexicalised: is there a single word that is the opposite of ‘plain-speaking’; and is the opposite of ‘religious’ ‘agnostic’ or ‘atheist’? Is the opposite of a word always ... another if it is part of the general category and is regarded as more general than the subordinate term So, ‘mammal’ is a hyponym of ‘dog’, and ‘dog’ is a hyponym of ‘terrier’, and ‘terrier’ is a hyponym...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 04:20

6 299 0
Introdungcing English language part 15 pdf

Introdungcing English language part 15 pdf

... sentence ‘Louise read the book’ and the passive form, ‘The book was read by Louise’ In the first, the subject is ‘Louise’ and in the second it is ‘The book’, but in both cases the actor is ‘Louise’ and ... impoliteness This strategy is deployed where there is an intention to attack face and this is performed in a direct, clear, unambiguous way Here and in the definition of impoliteness, it is important ... this can happen within the same language and when spoken by the same individual but in a different cultural setting As we can see when considering World Englishes (strand 10 ), the English language...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 04:20

6 246 0
Introdungcing English language part 16 pot

Introdungcing English language part 16 pot

... professor is Peter’ (where ‘Peter’ has become the identifier), ‘Louise’s car is the Mini’, ‘My birthday is tomorrow’ Lastly, existential processes account for all those situations in which there is an ... the functional model of language provides a powerful and comprehensive tool for the analysis of language use in the world CONVERSATION 79 CONVERSATION Our development of discourse will focus upon ... participant identifies the identified participant – can be expressed in each of these modes: ‘Peter is the professor’ (intensive identification, with ‘Peter’ as the identified), ‘The Mini is Louise’s...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 04:20

6 243 0
Introdungcing English language part 18 potx

Introdungcing English language part 18 potx

... announcements, laws and national newspapers – all adopt a particular variety of the language, this is known as codification (see A10 and B10) In medieval English, the East Midlands dialect from Nottinghamshire ... trigger is primarily an action which is a means of realising the schema, such as booking a table at the restaurant, this is an instrumental header Lastly, and especially in written texts which displace ... down?) Most everyday discourse consists of the normal and expected application of schema knowledge without problems This confirmatory experience is schema STANDARDISATION 91 preservation, and can...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 04:20

6 231 0
Introdungcing English language part 19 pptx

Introdungcing English language part 19 pptx

... to recognise this and realise that our judgements about language usage are based upon linguistic prejudice – there is nothing inherent within the English language system (or any other language ... and B8 the English language (and any other language system) is not static or fixed – it is constantly changing and evolving To illustrate this point further, it is observable that language loyalty ... popular explanation for the development of Estuary English put forward by linguists including David Crystal (19 95) is that RP is going through a process of casualisation at the same time as Cockney...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 04:20

6 226 0
Introdungcing English language part 20 potx

Introdungcing English language part 20 potx

... whose love is innocent! George Gordon Byron (18 15) 10 4 DEVELOPMENT: ASPECTS OF ENGLISH Context and commentary This poem, written by Byron in June 18 14 after a party at which he observed his cousin, ... that the development of World Englishes is not a new phenomenon It draws attention to the fact that its 18 84 19 28 multivolume version of the OED was not just restricted to British English but ... ANALYSIS B 11 In this unit, we present an extended example of a complete stylistic analysis of a whole literary text It should be clear from our comments throughout that there are many features of language...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 04:20

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