17 34 reduce the number of product options

Cancer Research UK’s strategy 2009–2014: Cancer Research UK’s aim is to reduce the number of deaths from cancer. Our future plans are ambitious, but they are in line with the challenge and the responsibility we face. docx

Cancer Research UK’s strategy 2009–2014: Cancer Research UK’s aim is to reduce the number of deaths from cancer. Our future plans are ambitious, but they are in line with the challenge and the responsibility we face. docx

... accomplish by the year 2020: • People will know how to reduce their risk of cancer Three-quarters of the UK public will be aware of the main lifestyle choices they can make to reduce their risk of getting ... thousands of new cases of the disease, both in the UK and across the world Cancer Research UK has been at the heart of this progress thanks to the sustained support and generosity of the UK public The ... whose breast cancer has extra copies of the Her-2 gene We have shown that radiotherapy to the breast can reduce the chances of regrowth of the tumour after the primary is removed, and that giving...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 16:21

32 397 0
Besides increasing the number of universities,rasing the education quality is also urgent problem

Besides increasing the number of universities,rasing the education quality is also urgent problem

... year, the Ministry of Education and Training will introduce new measures in an effort to reduce the number of student dropouts Last school year, the number of dropouts was lower than that of the ... increase the number of qualified teachers across the nation 18 And finally, the fifth project will reform the existing financial structure of the sector, including tuition fees to make them more ... in the first five years of operation, universities will not have to pay tax, while they will pay 5% in tax in the 6-9 th years, while the full tax of 10% will be imposed as of the 10th year of...

Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2013, 16:34

21 427 0


... determine the effect of the number of the ventilation pipes on the composting rate, an attempt was made to correlate the composting rate with the number of the perforated pipes for air supply in the ... Fig shows the effect of the number of the pipes on the composting rate, which was determined through Eq (3) It was clearly found that the number of the vertical pipes greatly affects the composting ... respectively In order to reduce the lag period of the initiation of the composting reaction, the upper wall of the pipes was heated from the room temperature to as high as 55°C by means of an electric...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:40

8 622 1
Tài liệu 67 Detection: Determining the Number of Sources pptx

Tài liệu 67 Detection: Determining the Number of Sources pptx

... function of the number of sources, Ns , is the vector of parameters needed for the model that generated the data Y The criteria are composed of the negative of the ˆ ˆ log-likelihood function of the ... rank, if there are fewer sources than sensors, then the rank of SCS is equal to the number of signals incident on the array or, equivalently, the number of sources If there are Ns sources, then SCS ... both of these methods, the estimate of the number of sources is that value of Ns which minimizes the criterion In [9] there is a more thorough discussion concerning determining the number of degrees...

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2013, 04:15

11 430 0
Đề tài " The number of extensions of a number field with fixed degree and bounded discriminant " docx

Đề tài " The number of extensions of a number field with fixed degree and bounded discriminant " docx

... ; then L is the normal closure of L over M Further, DL ≤ (DL )1/|H0 | K (NK DL/K )1/|H0 | It follows from the main theorem of [18] that Q the number of possibilities for L (and hence the number ... = Z/2Z In the former case, the proposition follows from the theorem of Datskovsky and Wright [6] on the number of cubic extensions of number fields (More precisely, EXTENSIONS OF A NUMBER FIELD ... Substituting these r! r r r values of r, c into (2.6) yields the upper bound of Theorem 1.1 In the language of the beginning of this section, we have taken A to be Spec RΣ and the map F to be FΣ The...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:21

20 479 0
Đề tài " Growth of the number of simple closed geodesics on hyperbolic surfaces " docx

Đề tài " Growth of the number of simple closed geodesics on hyperbolic surfaces " docx

... bounds for the number of pants decompositions of length ≤ L on a hyperbolic surface X were obtained by M Rees in [Rs] Idea of the proof of Theorem 1.2 The crux of the matter is to understand the density ... different proof of the growth of the number of simple closed geodesics by using the ergodic properties of the earthquake flow on PMg,n , the bundle of measured geodesic laminations of unit length ... measure μ, the carrying map defines a counting measure μ(b) for each edge b of τ At a switch, the sum of the entering numbers equals the sum of the exiting numbers Let E(τ ) be the set of measures...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:21

30 441 0
24,185 OUTLETS - The number of JApAN pOST BANk outlets in Japan docx

24,185 OUTLETS - The number of JApAN pOST BANk outlets in Japan docx

... Massive amount of Deposits the Largest Balance of Deposits in the World The Bank has the largest amount of deposits in the world, even in comparison  with overseas banks, and is one of the world’s largest financial institutions ... Average of Japan’s Mega Banks 1,750 Number of Municipalities*2 26,146 25,786 JAPAN POST BANK Total of Six Major City Banks NUMBER OF DOMESTIC OUTLETS*1 NUMBER OF DOMESTIC CD ATMS (As of March ... As mentioned previously, Japan has the largest amount of savings in the world, and with its deposits of about  175  trillion, the Bank has a share of about 25% of Japan’s deposits. This is a dominant share that exceeds the ...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 10:20

8 377 0
Đề tài "Stretched exponential estimates on growth of the number of periodic points for prevalent diffeomorphisms I " potx

Đề tài "Stretched exponential estimates on growth of the number of periodic points for prevalent diffeomorphisms I " potx

... to the strategy of the proof of Theorem 1.3.9 At the n-th stage of the induction over the period we consider the family of polynomial ˜ perturbations {fε

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 07:20

83 330 0
báo cáo sinh học:" Doubling the number of health graduates in Zambia: estimating feasibility and costs" pdf

báo cáo sinh học:" Doubling the number of health graduates in Zambia: estimating feasibility and costs" pdf

... increasing the size of their intakes, training institutions anticipated having to accept candidates from regions further from their school, which would present the risk of increasing the number of students ... Within the MoH, there are three separate units that oversee the funding, construction, and management of training institutions Outside of the MoH, the Cabinet Office and the Ministry of Finance ... student ratios Therefore the content and the number of students covered by each teacher should remain constant However, measures will need to be taken to ensure the quality of teaching of the new faculty...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

9 610 0
báo cáo hóa học:" The integrated care pathway reduced the number of hospital days by half: a prospective comparative study of patients with acute hip fracture" doc

báo cáo hóa học:" The integrated care pathway reduced the number of hospital days by half: a prospective comparative study of patients with acute hip fracture" doc

... but there is enough supporting evidence to justify further research [17] The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an ICP in patients with an acute fracture of the hip The ... that ICPs reduced the length of hospital stay without increasing the risk of complication or readmission rates In another study Tarling et al [16] noted that ICPs could reduce the length of hospital ... other wards Before the start of the intervention, staff in the emergency room and radiology department was encouraged to attend and treat these patients rapidly so they could be admitted to the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20

7 305 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Can the surgical checklist reduce the risk of wrong site surgery in orthopaedics? - can the checklist help? Supporting evidence from analysis of a national patient incident reporting system" pptx

báo cáo hóa học:" Can the surgical checklist reduce the risk of wrong site surgery in orthopaedics? - can the checklist help? Supporting evidence from analysis of a national patient incident reporting system" pptx

... Central to the success of such initiatives has been an increased appreciation of the role of human factors, the value of teamwork and the principles of reliable system design Specifically they have ... had the highest number of claims with 29.8% of the total compared with the next specialty, dentistry at 16.8% [17] For example, an analysis of NHSLA data combined with the NHS records for the ... contributions to the interpretation of the data and drafted the earlier versions of the manuscript BP made substantial contributions to the acquisition and analysis of the data and drafted the earlier...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20

7 443 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Can the surgical checklist reduce the risk of wrong site surgery in orthopaedics? - can the checklist help? Supporting evidence from analysis of a national patient incident reporting system" pdf

báo cáo hóa học:" Can the surgical checklist reduce the risk of wrong site surgery in orthopaedics? - can the checklist help? Supporting evidence from analysis of a national patient incident reporting system" pdf

... Central to the success of such initiatives has been an increased appreciation of the role of human factors, the value of teamwork and the principles of reliable system design Specifically they have ... had the highest number of claims with 29.8% of the total compared with the next specialty, dentistry at 16.8% [17] For example, an analysis of NHSLA data combined with the NHS records for the ... contributions to the interpretation of the data and drafted the earlier versions of the manuscript BP made substantial contributions to the acquisition and analysis of the data and drafted the earlier...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 07:20

7 507 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Prevalence of visual impairment in relation to the number of ophthalmologists in a given area: a nationwide approach" ppt

báo cáo hóa học:" Prevalence of visual impairment in relation to the number of ophthalmologists in a given area: a nationwide approach" ppt

... one of the drivers of good vision at a population level Competing interests However, the causality of the association between the prevalence of visual impairment in relation to the number of ophthalmologists ... [0.68%,26.43%] 3.27% [n.e.] Page of (page number not for citation purposes) Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2006, 4 :34 http://www.hqlo.com/content/4/1 /34 Figure between the number of ophthalmologists ... control for the above effect In France, most of the vision is under the control of ophthalmologists: visual acuity, diagnosis, treatments, etc There is no limitation to access them, outside their...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

8 445 0
Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp " Enhancing the capacity of Vietnam to reduce the losses of grain and grain quality in storage through improved training " doc

Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp " Enhancing the capacity of Vietnam to reduce the losses of grain and grain quality in storage through improved training " doc

... indicate their appreciation of the value of the technology that they have been provided with by the project They have indicated to us that they will use the system on an even greater scale in the ... conduct of training courses and, by the end of the project, they were running courses without Australian input The major constraint to more widespread uptake of the approach is the limited number of ... first round of CARD, was the dramatic decline in value of the Australian currency in the first quarter of the project The inability of AusAID to compensate for this gave rise to a number of consequences,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 13:20

14 310 0


... this proposition, the number |αi ∩ S j | determines in some sense the number of fixed points In order to reduce the number of fixed points of such homeomorphisms, the intersection numbers (|αi ∩ S ... the isotopy class of f (Theorem 4.11) Since the Nielsen number N( f ) is a lower bound of the number of fixed points for maps in the homotopy class of f , the minimal number MI({α1 , ,αm }, {S1 ... )), where U is the ci1 image of the set in (4.9) Using the coordinates of T × I, the three eigenvalues λ1 , λ2 , λ3 of the derivative of ci1 ◦ f ◦ ci−1 at ci1 (x∗ ) will satisfy the condition:...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20

19 251 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " A New Method for Estimating the Number of Harmonic Components in Noise with Application in High Resolution Radar" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " A New Method for Estimating the Number of Harmonic Components in Noise with Application in High Resolution Radar" pdf

... performed on the behavior of the four criteria, with respect to the dynamic range of the amplitudes of the two sinusoids (Figure 6a) and to the whiteness of the noise (Figure 6b) S/N ratios of 10 dB ... measures the relative slope variation of the eigenvalues {λk }k=1, ,M The difference between the current eigenvalue and the mean of the next ones has been preferred to the simple subtraction of the ... have used both the AIC and the MDL criteria adapted by Wax and Kailath [8] If P is the number of independent realizations of length M, then the cost functions in the two cases have the following...

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 01:20

12 409 0
The charts below show the number of Japanese tourists travelling abroad between 1985 and 1995 and Australias share of the Japanese tourist market ppsx

The charts below show the number of Japanese tourists travelling abroad between 1985 and 1995 and Australias share of the Japanese tourist market ppsx

... dramatically until 40 It was alomost twice then between 90 and 93 the number rimain stateable, which is about 12 millions From 93 to 95 it rose slightly Therefore in 1995 there were about 15 millions people ... 89 people went there is increased sharply, which is almost times more In 1990 it fall number slightly but from 90 to 94 number is went up However 94 to 95 is not so went up number of people who ... is the same or slightly decreased Comment: This is an answer written by a candidate who achieved a Band score Here is the examiners comment: The writer does what is required of her in terms of...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 12:20

2 1,3K 0
The line graph below shows the number of annual visits to Australia by overseas residents ppt

The line graph below shows the number of annual visits to Australia by overseas residents ppt

... years, the largest number of visitors came from Japan, followed by South Korea and Europe Britain, the United States and China also had many people traveling to Australia in these years In fact, the ... Australia in these years In fact, the number of people visiting Australia grew in every one of these countries For example, in 2005, 12 million people went there from Japan compared with only 3.2 ... For example, there were 20 million more visitors to Australia in 2005 than in 1975 That's a jump from 10 million to 30 million in 20 years The second table gives statistics showing the countries...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 12:20

2 671 0