10  get and list the properties of a user account

List the components of a radio system

List the components of a radio system

... – Advantages • Can carry up to three times the amount of data as TDMA • Transmissions are much harder to eavesdrop on • A would-be eavesdropper must also know the exact chip in which the transmission ... data to be sent – Imprints a unique address on the data – The longer the code is, the more users will be able to share the same channel – Number of chips in the code • Determines the amount of ... Divides the transmission time into several slots – Each user is assigned the entire frequency for the transmission • For a fraction of time on a fixed, rotating basis – Advantages • Uses the bandwidth...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 10:52

30 922 0
Gold, Peace, and Prosperity..Gold, Peace, and Prosperity:The Birth of a New Currency Second pptx

Gold, Peace, and Prosperity..Gold, Peace, and Prosperity:The Birth of a New Currency Second pptx

... the bureaucrats, politicians, international bankers, multinational corporations, and some labor leaders The age of the managed fiat currency was born The M anaged Fiat Currency Standard As could ... together, like a seamless web They cannot be separated, and they stand or fall together Ron Paul understands that all three parts of this system of liberty have been under grave attack for decades, ... Money and banking must be separated from the State, just as Church and State are separated in the American tradition, just as the economy and the State should be separated Vital to this necessary...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20

111 1,2K 0
Measuring and modelling the performance of a parallel ODMG compliant object database server potx

Measuring and modelling the performance of a parallel ODMG compliant object database server potx

... Shore as a storage system Some of the advantages of Polar over most of the mentioned systems are itemized as follows • Use of a standard data model: Polar adopts a standard object data model, the ... optimization and parallelization are automatic, having as a result an operator tree that represents a query’s evaluation plan Although all of them implement some form of intra-transaction parallelism, ... to the worst-case situation for the values chosen The advantage of this approach is the possibility of checking how the variation of D and D affect the performance of materialise An alternative...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 00:20

47 1,6K 0
synthesis, electrical measurement, and field emission properties of a-fe2o3 nanowires

synthesis, electrical measurement, and field emission properties of a-fe2o3 nanowires

... Rcontact is the contact resistance between the CAFM tip and the NW RNW and Rfilm are the resistances of the NW and the film, respectively The overall resistance (Roverall) is the sum of Rcontact, ... is a constant for all of the as-produced a- Fe2O3 NWs Using the mean length and radius of the NWs, RNW (or Roverall) of samples A, B, C, and D was calculated as 1.25 1011, 1.4 1011, 1.4 1011, and ... 34 A a The popular density of the NWs per cm2 b Rtotal: the resistance of the total NWs in a unit cm2 Fig A schematic graph of the formation of the a- Fe2O3 NWs in thin and thick iron Fig (a) ...

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 13:08

8 403 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Synthesis, Electrical Measurement, and Field Emission Properties of a-Fe2O3 Nanowires" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Synthesis, Electrical Measurement, and Field Emission Properties of a-Fe2O3 Nanowires" potx

... Rcontact is the contact resistance between the CAFM tip and the NW RNW and Rfilm are the resistances of the NW and the film, respectively The overall resistance (Roverall) is the sum of Rcontact, ... is a constant for all of the as-produced a- Fe2O3 NWs Using the mean length and radius of the NWs, RNW (or Roverall) of samples A, B, C, and D was calculated as 1.25 1011, 1.4 1011, 1.4 1011, and ... 34 A a The popular density of the NWs per cm2 b Rtotal: the resistance of the total NWs in a unit cm2 Fig A schematic graph of the formation of the a- Fe2O3 NWs in thin and thick iron Fig (a) ...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 01:20

8 270 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Monotonic and Logarithmically Convex Properties of a Function Involving Gamma Functions" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Monotonic and Logarithmically Convex Properties of a Function Involving Gamma Functions" pdf

... Differential- und Integralrechnung II, VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin, Germany, 1966 M Abramowitz and I A Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical ... “Generalizations of Euler numbers and polynomials,” International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, vol 2003, no 61, pp 3893–3901, 2003 14 F Qi and B.-N Guo, A new proof of complete ... Analysis, Cambridge Mathematical Library, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1996 B.-N Guo and F Qi, “Inequalities and monotonicity for the ratio of gamma functions,” Taiwanese Journal...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 02:20

13 272 0


... that a SAM is meant to fit into the existing national statistical and planning infrastructure That is to say that, first, a SAM is typically built on the basis of data which are already available ... consider the totals (e.g from the national accounts) as sacrosanct and break these down Since national accounts have to become available soon after the end of the year to which they refer, they are ... size of land owned (landless and small, medium and large owners), and other agricultural households, and so forth We shall not list the most appropriate taxonomies for each account, for, as has...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20

30 520 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: Antibacterial and antifungal properties of a-helical, cationic peptides in the venom of scorpions from southern Africa pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: Antibacterial and antifungal properties of a-helical, cationic peptides in the venom of scorpions from southern Africa pptx

... more antibacterial than dermaseptin (34 amino acids) [19], peptides consisting of amino acids 7–22 of parabutoporin (an a- helical part having the four amino acids LAKK identical to mastoparan) and ... explain the higher antibacterial activity on Gram-negative bacteria for parabutoporin compared to opistoporin Also with magainin analogs, an increase in antibacterial activity against Gram-negative ... mastoparan gave the same results The role of LPS in the interaction was also demonstrated by the lack of effect of extracellular Mg2+ on the activity of the peptides against Gram-positive bacteria...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 15:20

12 598 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Dissociation/association properties of a dodecameric cyclomaltodextrinase Effects of pH and salt concentration on the oligomeric state pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Dissociation/association properties of a dodecameric cyclomaltodextrinase Effects of pH and salt concentration on the oligomeric state pot

... 5Â-AGTACATGTGGGACGTCAC CATGGAGTATGTCCC-3Â (forward) and 5Â-GGGACAT ACTC CATGGTGACGTCCCACATGTACT-3Â (reverse); for the H89V mutant, 5Â-TCTGCTGCAGCA GGGTGTT GAGAAGCGCTGGATG-3Â (forward) and 5Â-CATCCAG CGCTTCTCAACACCCT ... equilibrium analysis, the apparent molar masses of wild-type and mutant CDase were 736 and 491 kDa, respectively (Fig 5A) The data from a series of scans (Fig 5B) showed the common meniscus and the logical ... of change in the peak area shown in Fig 3A was estimated according to an equation of single exponential decay [7], peak areaịt Aekt ỵ B: From the equation above, the slope of the exponential...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 12:20

13 512 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp:"The relationship between vegetation management and the wood and pulping properties of a Eucalyptus hybrid clone" pdf

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp:"The relationship between vegetation management and the wood and pulping properties of a Eucalyptus hybrid clone" pdf

... with a mean annual rainfall and temperature of 1144 mm and 22 °C respectively The trial was located at an elevation of 45 m on an east facing slope Soil parent material is of aeolian origin and ... treatments for selected wood and pulping properties as well as between the groups of variates for each treatment A summary of the analysis of variance and treatment means for tree growth and the ... differences of Eucalyptus weed control and pulping properties 675 Table I Summary of analyses of variances and data for wood and pulping properties Mean Squares Source of variation Extractable content...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 01:21

8 387 0
The Duality of Memory and Communication in the Implementation of a Multiprocessor Operating System

The Duality of Memory and Communication in the Implementation of a Multiprocessor Operating System

... dirty pages • Data manager floods the cache This is rather similar in nature to a data manager which fails to free data, but is easier to detect and prevent • Data manager changes data A malicious ... only have to exchange a single message with the server to get access to the array and, if other clients had already referenced the data of the array, the physical memory cache of the array would ... for another thread in that task • Server tasks which cannot tolerate changing data, or which must ensure that all of the necessary data is available, may use a separate thread to copy that data...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 15:05

23 1,3K 1
Báo cáo y học: "The Impact of a Nationwide Antibiotic Restriction Program on Antibiotic Usage and Resistance against Nosocomial Pathogens in Turkey"

Báo cáo y học: "The Impact of a Nationwide Antibiotic Restriction Program on Antibiotic Usage and Resistance against Nosocomial Pathogens in Turkey"

... non-parametric correlations A P value of less than 0.05 was regarded as significant Software package STATA 9.0 (USA) was used for the analysis Materials and Methods Results Hospital setting and antibiotic ... financial cost and resistance patterns of leading nosocomial pathogens (gram) and number of boxes were calculated from two databases, 1) Hospital pharmacy computer databases, and 2) International ... G, Markogiannakis A, Papaparaskevas J, Daikos GL, Stefanakos G, Zissis NP, Avlamis A Differences in the changes in resistance patterns to third- and fourth-generation cephalosporins and piperacillin/tazobactam...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:00

6 693 0
Factors influencing borrower’s behavior and decision making patterns in the success of a micro finance model

Factors influencing borrower’s behavior and decision making patterns in the success of a micro finance model

... populations The data was tabulated and analyzed through qualitative analysis of the gathered data, which reveal the behaviors and decision making patterns in lower income populations towards ... behavioral and attitudinal aspects of individuals An in-depth analysis in each of the broad parameters revealed the following: Educational Facet Education plays a vital role in shaping up a personality ... initiatives can also encourage small and medium sized profitable business establishments in the rural and remote areas of Pakistan The phenomenon of micro finance is yet to attract the attention...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 05:48

23 553 0
A park like transformation for the study and the control of a nonsinusoidal brushless DC motor

A park like transformation for the study and the control of a nonsinusoidal brushless DC motor

... permanent magnets of the rotor : where L, and M, are the self-inductance and the mutualinductance of the stator coils Since we assume a constant airgap and no saturation, L, and M, are constant ara arb ... The airgap length is constant and large since the magnets are surface mounted and have the same permeability as air As a result, the armature reaction is negligible The magnetic circuit has an ... this paper a new transformation which preserves the same advantages as the Park transformation A Mathematical Model of the BDCM We suppose that the motor has the following typical features : - The...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:44

8 518 1
Tài liệu The Banker and the Bear The Story of a Corner in Lard ppt

Tài liệu The Banker and the Bear The Story of a Corner in Lard ppt

... watch into his pocket and turned away "That puts me out," he said And then it seems an hour afterward to Jack and Dick the great bell rang, and it was over Without speaking, they made their way ... as the other clerks, the fatherhad barred that form of address in banking hours "Mr Bagsbury," John began again, and now the words came easily, "I was offered another position last night It's a ... behind these thick stone walls For this street is the commercial heart of a great commercial city And by day all about in the city and the country, in the great shops and office buildings and in the...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 19:20

120 703 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The chitinolytic system of Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis comprises a nonprocessive chitinase and a chitin-binding protein that promotes the degradation of a- and b-chitin doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The chitinolytic system of Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis comprises a nonprocessive chitinase and a chitin-binding protein that promotes the degradation of a- and b-chitin doc

... Vaaje-Kolstad et al containing 100 lm of (GlcNAc)14 was analysed at the start, in the middle and at the end of each series of samples The resulting average values of the standards (displaying standard ... instructions, containing ends compatible with the expression vector (forward primer, 5Â-GGTATTGAGGGTCGCCATGGTTATGTTC AATCACCA-3Â; reverse primer, 5Â-AGAGGAGAGTTAG AGCCTTACAAGAAGGGTCCAAAGA-3Â) The PCR product ... regular time intervals The degradation of a- chitin by LlChi1 8A started with a rapid phase, regardless of the presence of LlCBP3 3A In the presence of LlCBP3 3A, the fast initial phase was maintained...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 08:20

14 683 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Influence of modulated structural dynamics on the kinetics of a-chymotrypsin catalysis Insights through chemical glycosylation, molecular dynamics and domain motion analysis pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Influence of modulated structural dynamics on the kinetics of a-chymotrypsin catalysis Insights through chemical glycosylation, molecular dynamics and domain motion analysis pptx

... ịt ỵ A2 expkHX;2 ịt ỵ A3 where A1 , A2 , and A3 are the fractions of the fast, slow and stable amide protons and kHX,1 and kHX,2 are the apparent exchange rate constants for the fast and slow amide ... conjugates were independent of the size of the glycan (Tables and 5, [36]) The analysis revealed that the changes in these parameters statistically correlate for both the acylation and deacylation ... Structural dynamics and serine protease catalysis Table Global energetic parameters and DebyeWaller temperature factors calculated for the protein portion of a- CT and the various lactose -a- CT conjugate...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 05:20

17 531 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The role of the ESSS protein in the assembly of a functional and stable mammalian mitochondrial complex I (NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase) pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The role of the ESSS protein in the assembly of a functional and stable mammalian mitochondrial complex I (NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase) pptx

... such that either the HA or the HIS epitope tag was added to the end of the ESSS ORF The forward primer was: 5¢-ACga atccGATCTCCGACCCA-3¢; the reverse primer was: 5¢-ATgctagcCTCATCTTCTGGTAACTGG-3¢ ... follows: anti-porin from Calbiochem, anti-HA from Covance BabCo, anti-mouse and anti-rabbit secondary antibodies from Bio-Rad Laboratories and Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, respectively Antibodies against ... fraction is designated as the mitochondrial fraction Immunochemical assays and antibodies Mitochondrial protein samples (between 50 and 100 lg) were separated by SDS/PAGE and BN/PAGE and transferred...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 16:20

9 623 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Binding of ligands originates small perturbations on the microscopic thermodynamic properties of a multicentre redox protein pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Binding of ligands originates small perturbations on the microscopic thermodynamic properties of a multicentre redox protein pptx

... optimization The half-height widths of the NMR signals were used as a measure of the uncertainty of each NMR data point and an experimental uncertainty of 2% was assumed for the experimental points of the ... because these are the most distant pair of haems in the structure and are therefore expected to have the weakest interaction [33] The pH dependence of the chemical shifts of the NMR signals of the ... Frausto da Silva JJR, Amorim MTS, Cabral MF, Chaves S & Costa J (1991) Dissociation constants of Bronsted acids in D2O and H2O: studies on polyaza and polyoxa–polyaza macrocycles and a general...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 17:20

10 640 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Local stability identification and the role of a key aromatic amino acid residue in staphylococcal nuclease refolding pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Local stability identification and the role of a key aromatic amino acid residue in staphylococcal nuclease refolding pdf

... structure of the protein Figure shows the fluorescence spectra of wild-type SNase and the four mutants E142O, K13 3A, W14 0A and W140O The fluorescence spectra of E142O and K13 3A are similar to that of the ... 50 mm NaHPO4 ⁄ 200 mm NaCl, pH adjusted to 7.0) at a concentration of 0.5 mgÆmL)1 Spectra were obtained as the average of five successive scans with a bandwidth of 1.0 nm and a scan speed of 20 ... is partially supported by a grant (NSC92-2311-B-001) from the National Science Council, Taiwan, R.O.C and the theme project of Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C 3965 Staphylococcal nuclease...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 01:20

7 552 0