1 stat 3 cd40 and irf 1 expression by real time pcr

Báo cáo y học: "Recruitment of dendritic cells and macrophages during T cell-mediated synovial inflammation" doc

Báo cáo y học: "Recruitment of dendritic cells and macrophages during T cell-mediated synovial inflammation" doc

... CD4+CD11b- and CD4-CD11b- subsets have similarities in expression of CD11c (75% and 65%), CD54 (70% and 90%), CD172a (60% and 66%), CD11a (60% and 96%), CD32 (50% and 95%), and/ or CD5 (20% and 32 %) ... CD4+CD11b-, CD4CD11b-, CD4+CD11b+, and CD4-CD11b+ (Figure 4b) Analysis of the CD4+CD11b+ and CD4-CD11b+ subpopulations showed that both consist mainly of CD11c+ cells (Figure 4c) In the CD4+CD11b+ ... CD11c nor CD1 63 [20], the numbers and proportions of CD11c+ cells increased following adoptive transfer (Figure 3c) By day 14 , only 10 % of the MHC IIhi cells did not express CD11c and only 15 %...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 10:22

13 381 0
Báo cáo y học: "High CXCR3 expression in synovial mast cells associated with CXCL9 and CXCL10 expression in inflammatory synovial tissues of patients with rheumatoid arthritis" potx

Báo cáo y học: "High CXCR3 expression in synovial mast cells associated with CXCL9 and CXCL10 expression in inflammatory synovial tissues of patients with rheumatoid arthritis" potx

... U 118 70 CXCR1 11 9.6 A 16 3. 5 A 0.5 NA NC 0.5 U 118 72 CXCR1splice variant 18 0.7 A 232 .5 A –0.0 NA NC 0.5 L195 93 CXCR2 34 .9 P 41. 3 A –0.2 NA NC 0.5 X95876 CXCR3 478.6 A 12 95.6 P 1. 2 2 .3 I 0.0000 51 ... number X72755 CXCL9 (Mig) 17 7.5 P 19 88 .1 P 3. 3 9.8 I

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 01:23

12 403 0
báo cáo khoa học: "Prognostic significance of STAT3 and phosphorylated STAT3 in human soft tissue tumors - a clinicopathological analysis" ppt

báo cáo khoa học: "Prognostic significance of STAT3 and phosphorylated STAT3 in human soft tissue tumors - a clinicopathological analysis" ppt

... Retroperitoneum 1( 4) 1( 4) 0(0) 0(0) 1( 2 .1) 13 (27 .1) 2(2.4) 14 (17 .1) Subcutis 21( 84) 6(66.7) 16 (33 .3) 43( 52.4) Muscular plane 3 (12 ) 3( 33. 3) 17 (35 .4) 23( 28.0) Body cavity 1( 4) 0(0) 15 ( 31 . 2) 16 (19 .5) 5(20) ... 40-59 9 (36 ) 0(0) 21( 43. 7) 30 (36 .6) > = 60 3 (12 ) 3( 33. 3) 12 (25) 18 ( 21. 9) < = cm 16 (64) 2(22.2) 13 (27 .1) 31 ( 37 .8) >5 & < = 10 cm 7(28) 3( 33. 3) 12 (25) 22(26.8) >10 & < = 15 cm >15 & < = 20 cm 0(0) ... neck 1. 6 0.08- 31 . 7 0.758 Retroperitoneum 9.6 1. 48-62 .15 0. 018 16 Plane of Tumor Subcutis Muscular plane 4 .14 1. 3 - 13 .2 0. 016 4. 01 1. 31 - 12 .32 0. 015 Body cavity 8.05 1. 62 -39 .8 0. 011 5.6 1. 6 -19 .6...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:21

9 434 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Conifer R2R3-MYB transcription factors: sequence analyses and gene expression in wood-forming tissues of white spruce (Picea glauca)" pot

báo cáo khoa học: " Conifer R2R3-MYB transcription factors: sequence analyses and gene expression in wood-forming tissues of white spruce (Picea glauca)" pot

... motif5 Ref 13 / 13 -5/5 13 / 13 -4/5 13 / 13 -5/5 13 / 13 -4/5 13 / 13 -5/5 13 / 13 -4/5 7/7 -14 /14 0/7 - 13 /14 7/7 -14 /14 0/7 - 13 /14 7/7 -14 /14 0/7 - 13 /14 7/7 -14 /14 0/7 - 13 /14 0/7 -11 /14 7/7 -14 /14 0/7 - 13 /14 7/7 -14 /14 5/5-2/2 ... 6.00e -14 3. 31e -16 6.52e -14 4 .32 e -15 1. 18e -14 5.43e -14 2.02e -14 1. 87e - 13 1. 07e -17 1. 34 e -12 4.28e - 13 2 .30 e -10 6 .15 e -16 6.03e -16 1. 19e - 13 2.91e - 13 9.50e -16 1. 09e -16 1. 79e -18 4.69e -14 1. 26e - 13 67 ... 5'Splice site 3' Splice site 999 13 47 924 10 05 774 10 53 11 22 15 81 12 51 633 15 00 11 10 5 91 83 5 01 1427 19 4 19 1 none none 97 none 94 644 94 94 10 1 88 none 267 18 6 none none 90 none 18 7 13 2 294 13 9 CCG:GTAAAT...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 05:20

17 272 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Genetic and metabolic aspects of androstenone and skatole deposition in pig adipose tissue: A review" ppt

Báo cáo sinh học: " Genetic and metabolic aspects of androstenone and skatole deposition in pig adipose tissue: A review" ppt

... Erratum O O CYP11A HO 3 HSD HO O progesterone pregnenolone cholesterol CYP 21 andien-β synthetase (CYB5, CYP17…) 11 -deoxycorticosterone 11 - 4 ,16 -androstadien -3- ene 4 ,16 -androstadien- 3 HSD androstadienol ... hydroxysteroid sulfotransferase HO 5 ,16 -androstadien -3 -ol O 4 ,16 -androstadien -3- one Final products of androstenone sulfonation 5α-androsten -3 -ol (β-androstenol) SRD5A 3 HSD 3 -androstenol sulfate hydroxysteroid ... sulfotransferase 3 -androstenol sulfate HO 5α-androsten -3 -ol (α-androstenol) hydroxy-androstenone sulfate 3 HSD O androstenone hydroxy-androstenone hydroxysteroid sulfotransferase andro 3- enol sulfate andro...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:21

2 294 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "Genetic and metabolic aspects of androstenone and skatole deposition in pig adipose tissue: A review (Open Access publication)" potx

Báo cáo sinh học: "Genetic and metabolic aspects of androstenone and skatole deposition in pig adipose tissue: A review (Open Access publication)" potx

... gene: CYB5A HSD3B1 and HSD3B2 gene: SULT2A1 gene CYP2E1 genes: 2A6 and 2A 13 genes: 1A1, 1A2, 1A3, 1A4 CYB5 HSD3B SULT2A CYP2E CYP2A SULT1A 16 19 10 19 18 15 28 46 13 5 53 12 0 70 72 HSA Mb ?? ?? only ... only of genes Number 78/80 90 /10 0 75/80 75/80 cM 13 [42] 70/80 14 10 0 [ 41] SSC Pig AY1 938 93 AY0 915 16 AJ697885 DQ172907 AF 232 699 AF 016 38 8 X 137 68 Porcine cDNA [24] [33 ] Ref Lin et al., 2004 Lin et ... taint 13 3 Each team identified QTL on different chromosomes i.e for skatole SSC6, SSC 13 and SSC14 [ 21] versus SSC7, SSC12 and SSCX [4] and for indole SSC 13 and SSC14 [ 21] versus SSC2, SSC6 and SSC7...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:22

15 217 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Regulation of connective tissue growth factor (CTGF/CCN2) gene transcription and mRNA stability in smooth muscle cells Involvement of RhoA GTPase and p38 MAP kinase and sensitivity to actin dynamics docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Regulation of connective tissue growth factor (CTGF/CCN2) gene transcription and mRNA stability in smooth muscle cells Involvement of RhoA GTPase and p38 MAP kinase and sensitivity to actin dynamics docx

... Y-27 632 ) ) + – + – + G-Actin/F-Actin 0.260 ± 0.0 23 0 .18 1 ± 0.0 23* 0.22 ± 0.0 21 0. 239 ± 0. 018 0.2 23 ± 0. 0 13 0 .11 0 ± 0. 034 ** 0.227 ± 0. 019   *P < 0.05, **P < 0. 01 versus control;  P < 0. 01 versus ... SIP +SIP + Y27 632 +SIP + SB-2 035 80 Incubation Time (hrs) 1. 64 - 80 1. 40 4.6 - 1. 23 3.29 +Serum 10 0 CTGF GAPDH 2.5 +Anisomycin 12 0 CTGF GAPDH 1. 35 +S1P B CT Control +Y-27 632 +SB-2 035 80 GF CT H GF ... Cdc42 and Rac; to Dr J.H Han (The Scripps Institute, CA) for providing CaMKK3 and CaMKK6 constructs and to Dr A Morrison for providing us with the active form of MKK4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 References...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 16:20

15 576 0
Ambient particulate air pollution induces oxidative stress and alterations of mitochondria and gene expression in brown and white adipose tissues ppt

Ambient particulate air pollution induces oxidative stress and alterations of mitochondria and gene expression in brown and white adipose tissues ppt

... 8 038 .0 Al Si 244.9 70.0 14 5.2 60 .1 1297.9 11 66.9 5 71. 0 918 .7 Ca 37 .9 37 .8 6 31 . 7 519 .5 Fe 27.5 20.5 4 03. 5 211 .6 Mg 64.6 73. 3 36 5.0 2 81. 7 K 49 .3 24.0 35 8.4 216 .1 Na 17 .6 38 .4 262.8 33 2 .1 P 21. 5 ... 6.8 12 .2 11 .2 15 5.8 14 7.5 16 1.0 16 6.8 Sb 19 .4 15 .1 1 41. 7 12 7.4 Ba 34 .1 29.9 12 6.7 76.9 Zn 5.7 4.6 55.6 40.2 Cs 17 .4 18 .9 54.5 49.0 Cd 7.7 31 . 1 44.5 18 5.6 Sc 10 .8 7.8 39 .5 23 .1 Co Br 10 .0 6.5 7 .3 ... 6.5 7 .3 3 .3 35.2 33 .9 21. 9 12 .7 Se 8 .1 5.6 28.2 15 .0 I 5.7 15 .7 28.2 55.6 V 8.5 5.0 27.2 12 .9 Mn 4 .1 6.0 24.9 18 .8 Ti 1. 8 2.4 22.2 20.0 Pb 4.4 6.4 21. 5 21. 8 As Rb 4 .3 4.5 5.2 2.7 18 .2 13 .7 14 .9...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20

14 467 0
Báo cáo Y học: Group IID heparin-binding secretory phospholipase A2 is expressed in human colon carcinoma cells and human mast cells and up-regulated in mouse inflammatory tissues doc

Báo cáo Y học: Group IID heparin-binding secretory phospholipase A2 is expressed in human colon carcinoma cells and human mast cells and up-regulated in mouse inflammatory tissues doc

... Cho, W (19 99) Roles of Trp 31 in high membrane binding and proinflammatory activity of Ó FEBS 2002 2706 M Murakami et al (Eur J Biochem 269) 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 human group ... Biol Chem 274, 31 4 35 – 31 4 44 12 Murakami, M., Koduri, R.S., Enomoto, A., Shimbara, S., Seki, M., Yoshihara, K., Singer, A., Valentin, E., Ghomashchi, 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 F., ... expression of sPLA2-X, -V and -IIA (C) Expression of cPLA2a, COX -1, COX-2, cPGES and mPGES with or without 12 -h stimulation with IL-1b The expression of cPLA2a, COX -1 and cPGES was assessed by...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 01:20

10 334 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Increased glucose metabolism and ATP level in brain tissue of Huntington’s disease transgenic mice pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: Increased glucose metabolism and ATP level in brain tissue of Huntington’s disease transgenic mice pdf

... (EC 5 .3 .1. 1) Mice treated with 3- NP Control Transgenic mice expressing N1 71- 82Q 3- NP Enzyme (lmolÆg )1 min )1) 40 32 90 420 287 13 800 11 80 ND 868 31 1 0 ND ± ± ± ± ± ± 12 420 52 35 14 00 19 0 ± 13 0 ± ... ± 1. 5 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 50 40 10 90 30 23 41 110 25 16 .9 ND 256 238 10 990 38 8 868 520 2 030 16 5 ± 1. 6 (P < 0.05) ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 14 25 11 00 17 (P < 0.005) 70 (P < 0.05) 67 (P < 0 .10 ) 290 19 47 43 ... 0. 01) 39 0 61 (P < 0 .10 ) 49 11 00 63 (P < 0 .10 ) ± 64 (P < 0 .10 ) ± 30 0 FEBS Journal 275 (2008) 4740–4755 ª 2008 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2008 FEBS 11 .4 ND 247 276 11 100 676 682 35 8 2490 17 0...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 10:20

16 454 0
Báo cáo Y học: Expression of the aspartate/glutamate mitochondrial carriers aralar1 and citrin during development and in adult rat tissues docx

Báo cáo Y học: Expression of the aspartate/glutamate mitochondrial carriers aralar1 and citrin during development and in adult rat tissues docx

... acids 30 5– 31 9 (lower panels), both at : 2000 dilution Bands correspond to 70 kDa (aralar1 and citrin) and 52 kDa for b-F1ATPase (C) Western blot analysis of aralar1 and citrin in auricular and ... cDNA sequence [11 ] The amplified fragment was subcloned into the blunted pSTBlue -1 (Novagen) and verified by sequencing In situ hybridization The 3 81- bp and 557-bp fragments of aralar1 and citrin cDNA ... obtained partially confirmed and further extended those reported by Sinasac et al [11 ] on embryonic expression of citrin in mouse At E 11, the earliest stage analyzed, both aralar1 and citrin were expressed...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 04:21

8 432 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Aberrant STYK1 expression in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines" pdf

báo cáo hóa học:" Aberrant STYK1 expression in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines" pdf

... HS 832 , OvCar5, OvCar8, and SkOv3 cells was analyzed by real time RTPCR with STYK1 primers STYK1 expression increased significantly (p < 0.0 01) in HS 832 cells (ER neg., ER- neg., GPR30 pos.) and ... vehicle, × 10 -8 M estradiol, × 10 -8 M BSA-conjugated estradiol (E2B), and × 10 -8 M G -1 for 4 -18 h(T4, T8, T18) cDNA equivalent to 25 ng/μL of RNA was generated and analyzed by real- time RT -PCR Relative ... nonresponsive to standard chemotherapeutic medications that target traditional hormone receptors [10 ] Competing interests http://www.ovarianresearch.com/content/2 /1/ 15 10 11 12 13 14 15 The authors...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 07:20

7 201 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Effect of annealing treatments on photoluminescence and charge storage mechanism in silicon-rich SiNx:H films" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Effect of annealing treatments on photoluminescence and charge storage mechanism in silicon-rich SiNx:H films" docx

... a-Si1-xCx:H films Phys Status Solidi B 19 87, 14 0: 31 1 34 Tessler LR, Solomon I: Photoluminescence of tetrahedrally coordinated aSi1-xCx:H Phys Rev B 19 95, 52 :10 962 35 Robertson J: Defect and impurity ... Microelectron (Sov) Volume 17 Electron and hole injection from metal in MNOS structures; 19 88:249 10 Gritsenko VA, Meerson EE: On silicon nitride conductivity Phys Stat Sol A 19 80, 62:K1 31 11 Molinari M, ... samples for investigation Sample notation Gas flow ratio (R = NH3/SiH4) Si atomic excess S4 1. 5 33 S3 1. 64 29 S2 1. 79 25 S1 1. 93 22 than that used in [22] Furthermore, Martinez et al have explained...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

10 440 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " Modulatory effects of chitosan adipate on the T and B lymphocyte subsets in mice" pps

Báo cáo khoa học: " Modulatory effects of chitosan adipate on the T and B lymphocyte subsets in mice" pps

... , 218 , 01 ,19 1, 01 ,477,9 , 13 4,8 erew rehgih ro dna ,4 ,3 ,2 ,1 fo seitirap rof sdleiy ; )1 giF( ytirap gnisaercni htiw )10 .0 < ( desaercni dleiy klim yad 5 03 naeM ylevitcepser ,%7.8 dna ,8 .11 ,5.02 ... . 914 3 - 014 3 ,67 ,39 91 icS yriaD J elttac yriad nietsloH gnicudorp hgih ni selbairav noitcudorp ot erocs noitidnoc ydob fo spihsnoitaleR KJ srelliH ,PJ aramaNcM ,SS rentlaW 63 31 4 -11 4 ,8 41 ,10 02 ... 71 246 -33 6 , 43 ,09 91 ygolonegoirehT yhpargonosartlu nacs rotces yb swoc yriad ni stsyc nairavo ralucillof dna laetul fo sisongaiD AH kcirevraG ,RJ tefraP ,SR tsiuqgnuoY ,WP niraF 61 9 433 - 733 3...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 18:21

6 352 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Effects of defoliation on the frost hardiness and the concentrations of soluble sugars and cyclitols in the bark tissue of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.)" potx

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Effects of defoliation on the frost hardiness and the concentrations of soluble sugars and cyclitols in the bark tissue of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.)" potx

... < 0.00 01 35 –0. 31 2 0.068 Soluble sugars 95 –0.528 < 0.00 01 35 –0 .39 4 0. 019 1 N 95 –0. 31 3 0.002 35 –0. 5 13 0.0 016 C:N 95 0 .32 8 0.0 01 35 0.5 63 0.0004 Quercitol 95 –0 .17 3 0.0 93 35 –0.280 0 .10 36 of ... Stachyose 83 –0.668 < 0.00 01 35 –0. 535 0.0009 Glucose 95 –0. 416 < 0.00 01 35 –0 .16 2 0 .35 4 Sucrose 95 –0.407 < 0.00 01 35 –0 .3 51 0. 039 Raffinose 95 –0.406 < 0.00 01 35 –0.4 51 0.0065 Fructose 95 –0 .39 3 < ... Phytochemistry 30 (19 91) 31 7 7– 31 8 4 [3] Ashworth E.N., Stirm V.E., Volenec J.J., Seasonal variations in soluble sugars and starch within woody stems of Cornus sericea L., Tree Physiol 13 (19 93) 37 9 38 8 [4]...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 01:21

9 338 0
Báo cáo toán học: "Vertex subsets with minimal width and dual width in Q-polynomial distance-regular graphs" docx

Báo cáo toán học: "Vertex subsets with minimal width and dual width in Q-polynomial distance-regular graphs" docx

... from (3 .1) By (3 .10 ) we find (6 .1) ∗ ∗ ∗ bi (Φ) ϕi +1 ηd (θ0 )τi∗ (θi ) = , ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ c1 (Φ) 1 ηd 1 ( 1 )τi +1 (θi +1 ) ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ φi ηd (θ0 )ηd−i (θi ) ci (Φ) = ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ c1 (Φ) 1 ηd 1 ( 1 )ηd−i +1 (θi 1 ... (7 .1) (7.2) (7 .3) (7.4) (7.5) {1, 2, , d − 1} {1, 2, , d − 1} {1, 2, , d − 1} {1, 2, , d − 1} {1, 2, , d − 1} {1, 2, , d − 1} {1, 2, , d − 1} {1, 2, , d − 1} Doob(d1 , ... are x1 ∈ Y1 , x2 ∈ Y2 such that ∂(x1 , x2 ) = w(Y1 ∪ Y2 ) Set Z = Y (x1 , x2 ) Pick y1 ∈ Y1 with ∂(x2 , y1) = ∂(x2 , Y1 ) = ∂(x1 , x2 ) − w(Y1 ) Then ∂(x1 , y1 ) = w(Y1 ), so that y1 ∈ Z and Y1...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:23

32 250 0
Báo cáo y học: "Expression and functional properties of antibodies to tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) in rheumatoid arthritis" docx

Báo cáo y học: "Expression and functional properties of antibodies to tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) in rheumatoid arthritis" docx

... ± 1. 4 64 ± Gender, F/M 60/29 29 /17 31 / 12 46 /16 12 /9 Erosivity 46/89 46 51 41 (89%) 10 ( 23% )*** Disease duration, years 11 ± 1. 3 13 ± 1. 3 8.2 ± 1. 3* No (%) with disease duration

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 06:23

9 392 0
Báo cáo y học: "Enumeration and phenotypical analysis of distinct dendritic cell subsets in psoriatic arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis" pps

Báo cáo y học: "Enumeration and phenotypical analysis of distinct dendritic cell subsets in psoriatic arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis" pps

... 652 ± 93. 7 1. 36 ± 0.6 41 0.582 ± 0. 211 Synovial fluid 10 20 ± 235 11 .6 ± 3 .12 3. 24 ± 1. 71 Peripheral blood 969 ± 240 1. 39 ± 0.420 0.7 61 ± 0.220 Synovial fluid 2860 ± 3 51 37 .5 ± 8.72 7.20 ± 2. 23 Psoriatic ... isolated DCs was confirmed by double staining with CD1c and CD11c for mDCs (Figure 3a) and with CD3 03 (BDCA-2) and CD1 23 for pDCs (Figure 3b); this purity was routinely >99% mDCs and >95% pDCs Fluorescence-activated ... 19 99, 284 :18 35 -18 37 33 Thomas R, Lipsky PE: Presentation of self peptides by dendritic cells: possible implications for the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis Arthritis Rheum 19 96, 39 :18 3 -19 0...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 07:20

13 438 0