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... 1. 6 0.8 2.4 14 6, 15 9 42 250 1. 9 P(3HB-co-3HV-co3H4MV)c 2.3 1. 0 3.3 14 2, 15 4 40 2 51 1.8 P(3HB-co-3HV-co3H4MV)c 10 1. 2 3 .1 4.3 13 7, 15 1 42 98 1. 6 - 0 0 17 2 77 224 2 .1 - 0 17 0 - 70 - - - 0 5 15 1 ... 3H4MV 1. 6 53 99 .1 0.4 0.5 1. 5 1. 7 53 55 97 .6 97 .6 1. 6 1. 5 0.8 0.9 Strain b Parent 1F2 c 6C1 c PHA composition (mol%) a Dry cell weight (g/L) 12 D1 c 1. 6 51 97.4 1. 7 0.9 13 H3 c 1. 7 51 97.4 1. 7 0.9 ... Biomacromolecules 1: 17–22 doi :10 .10 21/ bm9900040 Nakamura K, Goto Y, Yoshie N, Inoue Y (19 92) Biosynthesis of poly(3hydroxyalkanoate) from amino acids Int J Biol Macromol 14 :3 21 325 doi :10 .10 16/ S 014 1- 813 0(05)80072-8...

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Tài liệu Bài 6: LƯỚI ĐIỆN VÀ MÁY BIẾN ÁP - http://www.maybienap.webs.com - TỰ NGẪU BA PHA ĐỘNG CƠ ĐỒNG BỘ VẬN HÀNH NON TẢI doc

... HỆ THỐNG ĐIỆN 61 Bài Hình 6- 5 Thiết lập Tăng/giảm áp Độ lệch pha % 0 +15 -15 -15 -15 +15 -15 -15 +15 +15 +15 +15 E1 V Giá trị đọc E2 Trể/sớm δ V - -15 Bảng 6 -1 Mắc mạch điện hình 6- 6 Đặt tổng trở ... E3 -15 W E2 -15 +15 P2 +15 Q1 0 P1 Kết Q2 E1 -15 Var V 380 Bảng 6- 2 6 .1. 4 Câu hỏi Trên hình 6- 7 có hai đường dây truyền tải có tổng trở 10 0 Ω 200 Ω mắc song song Một máy biến áp dời pha T1 nối ... lưu ý P1, Q1 IF; Ghi lại kết nhận vào bảng 6- 3 PTN HỆ THỐNG ĐIỆN 66 Bài δ E1 P1 Q1 P2 Q2 IF E0 V W Var W Var A V 380 380 10 20 30 40 50 60 Bảng 6- 3 Công suất cực đại động phụ thuộc vào E1 Điều...

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picture yourself building a website with joomla! 1.6[electronic resource] step-by-step instruction for creating a high-quality, professional-looking site with ease

... Number: 2008932480 ISBN -13 : 978 -1- 59 863 - 814 -1 ISBN -10 : 1- 59 863 - 814 -9 eISBN -10 : 1- 59 863 -833-5 Course Technology, a part of Cengage Learning 20 Channel Center Street Boston, MA 02 210 USA Cengage Learning ... 10 9 Summary 11 0 Chapter Component Basics 11 1 Default Components 11 2 ... 11 3 Download the Extension 11 3 Install the Component Extension 11 4 What Components Should You Add? 11 7 Overkill!...

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... file) Web sites Authoring programs Web site development I Title TK 510 5.8885.J86N67 2 011 0 06. 7’8 dc22 2 010 0 510 11 Copyright © 2 011 Barrie M North All rights reserved Printed in the United States ... 11 6 Show Title 11 6 Position 11 8 Access 11 8 Menu ... 11 8 Menu Assignment 11 8 Summary 11 9 Chapter 6: Extending Joomla! 12 1...

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... Göttingen, Grisebachstraße 6, 37077 Göttingen, Germany Page of 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Received: 24 March 2 011 Accepted: 15 April 2 011 Published: 15 April 2 011 Literatur Anonym 2009 ... Journal of Immunology 20 06, 36 :15 16 -15 26 doi :10 .11 86/ 219 0-4 715 -23 - 16 Cite this article as: Broer I, et al.: Response to the criticism by Taube et al in ESE 23 :1, 2 011 , on the booklet “Green Genetic ... benefits of GMHT maize cropping Nature 2004, 428 (69 80), 313 - 3 16 Popovic PJ, Zeh HJ, Ochoa JB: Arginine and immunity J Nutrition 2007, 13 7 : 16 81S - 16 86S Potrykus I, Ammann K: Transgenic plants for...

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Moncayo EJNMMI Research 2011, 1:9 http://www.ejnmmires.com/content/1/1/9 REVIEW Open doc

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... Autio et al EJNMMI Research 2 011 , 1: 10 http: / /www. ejnmmires.com/content /1/ 1 /10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 intercellular adhesion molecule -1 and P-selectin mediate leukocyte binding to ... Research 2 011 , 1: 10 http: / /www. ejnmmires.com/content /1/ 1 /10 Table Pharmacokinetic parameters of the VAP -1- targeting 68 Ga-DOTAVAP-P1 Page of 68 Ga-DOTA-peptides 68 P value Ga-DOTAVAP-PEG-P1 Elimination ... bladder for 68 Ga-DOTAVAP-P1 and 68 Ga-DOTAVAP-PEGP1 Autio et al EJNMMI Research 2 011 , 1: 10 http: / /www. ejnmmires.com/content /1/ 1 /10 Page of Figure Biodistribution of the 68 Ga-DOTA-peptides at 60 after...

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... parameters K1 (ml/cc/min) K1/k2 0.054 0 .19 0 0.28 WT 0.042 0 .12 0 0.35 WT 0.027 0.059 0. 46 KO KO 0 .19 0 0.230 0 .12 0 0.095 1. 58 2.42 KO 0 .19 0 0 .10 0 1. 90 CYCLO 0.250 0 .15 0 1. 66 CYCLO 0 .12 0 0. 063 1. 90 CYCLO ... and dimethylformamide 11 CH3I to obtain 11 C-desmethylloperamide Moerman et al EJNMMI Research 2 011 , 1: 12 http: / /www. ejnmmires.com/content /1/ 1 /12 Page of minutes after the 18 F-FDG injection, a ... 2009, 86: 368 -377 doi :10 .11 86/ 219 1- 219 X -1- 12 Cite this article as: Moerman et al.: P-glycoprotein at the blood-brain barrier: kinetic modeling of 11 C-desmethylloperamide in mice using a 18 F-FDG...

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Warnock et al. EJNMMI Research 2011, 1:13 http://www.ejnmmires.com/content/1/1/13 ORIGINAL potx

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... Pet/manual 1. 0 46 0 .65 6 1. 045 1. 027 1. 073 0. 515 1. 102 1. 132 1. 0 36 0 .63 7 1. 139 0.954 1. 0 96 0.538 Probe/PET 1. 594 1. 018 2.084 0.973 1. 62 8 1. 194 Probe IF 21, 720 27, 762 19 , 866 18 ,595 23,573 Manual IF 20,9 81 ... 1. 067 0. 760 0.045 0.240 0.042 0. 315 2.037 1. 6 01 1. 5 16 0.425 0.2 81 17,347 33,434 19 ,344 15 ,2 26 30,297 19 ,69 3 14 ,793 11 ,393 16 ,937 12 ,574 1. 0 56 1. 007 1. 139 1. 104 0.982 1. 0 56 0.050 0.048 1. 088 0 .63 2 ... 21, 173 27,5 76 19 , 765 19 ,024 23, 710 17 ,389 33 ,63 0 19 ,448 Manual IF 20,2 46 26, 385 18 , 418 17 , 265 22,878 15 ,270 30 ,68 4 19 ,538 Image-derived IF 13 ,283 27,099 9,4 86 19 ,543 14 , 565 14 , 563 16 ,5 06 12 ,14 9...

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... units) c -11 7.50 2200 -11 8.00 -11 8.50 2000 -11 9.00 18 00 -11 9.50 16 00 -12 0.00 -12 0.50 14 00 -12 1.00 12 00 -12 1.50 -12 2.00 10 00 -12 2.50 800 -12 3.00 Abs280 radioactivity -12 3.50 -12 4.00 60 0 400 -12 4.50 ... 7500 -11 9.00 7000 -11 9.50 65 00 -12 0.00 60 00 -12 0.50 5500 5000 -12 1.00 15 0 4500 -12 1.50 4000 -12 2.00 3500 -12 2.50 50 3000 -12 3.00 2500 Abs280 radioactivity -12 3.50 25 -12 4.00 2000 15 00 10 00 -12 4.50 ... melanoma with 64 Cu-SarAr immunoconjugates Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2007, 10 4 :17 489 -17 493 Page 11 of 11 doi :10 .11 86/ 219 1- 219 X -1- 15 Cite this article as: Chan et al.: A comparison of 11 1In- or 64 Cu-DOTAtrastuzumab...

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... 10 0.000 18 0 18 .000,0 750,0 208,3 Tổng hợp m3 % (11 ) 61 1 ,6 61 1 ,6 61 1 ,6 61 4 ,3 61 9 ,4 1. 0 71, 3 1. 61 2 ,3 1. 593,5 1. 60 9,7 1. 61 5 ,4 1. 60 9,4 1. 4 81, 3 1. 3 16 ,0 1. 6 31, 0 1. 5 61 , 1 1. 537,9 1. 5 31, 6 1. 525,5 1. 3 91, 3 ... 0 -1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5 -6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9 -10 10 -11 11 -12 12 -13 13 -14 14 -15 15 - 16 16 -17 17 -18 18 -19 19 -20 20- 21 21- 22 22-23 23-24 Cộng: 50 1, 8 10 0 1, 6 1, 25 1, 25 1, 25 1, 25 1, 25 3,3 7,2 7,5 7,5 7,5 6, 4 ... Gìơ (1) 0 -1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5 -6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9 -10 10 -11 11 -12 12 -13 13 -14 14 -15 15 - 16 16 -17 17 -18 18 -19 19 -20 20- 21 21- 22 22-23 23-24 Tổng NTSH Kc =1, 4 % m3 (2) (3) 1, 65 297,0 1, 65 297,0 1, 65 297,0...

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Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http://www.simpopdf.com h−¬NG 1. Ch−¬NG pdf

... 407mm C i nh C il n C i nh C il n I-A I-D II-A II-D 10 1 .6 15 2.4 10 1 .6 15 2.4 11 6. 43 11 6. 43 11 6. 43 11 6. 43 4.75 19 4.75 19 3 5 25 56 25 56 10 0 500 10 0 500 Ký hi u phng phỏp ng kớnh c i m (mm) Chi ... l n nh t c a m nộn (T/m3) - 12 - 15 14 - 23 12 - 18 15 - 22 17 - 23 18 -25 m kh ng t 1, 75 - 1, 95 1, 85 - 1, 95 1, 60 - 1, 82 1, 65 - 1, 85 1, 60 - 1, 80 1, 58 - 1, 78 1, 55 -1, 75 m nộn, t c m nộn - Cụng ... 3 -6 - 10 10 -15 15 -18 3-4 4 -6 6-8 -10 Khi m 3-7 - 12 12 - 20 20 -23 Trang 39 Ban u Split tr ng thỏi r r c, ch c n m nộn v i t i tr ng nh Simpo PDF Merge and t cũn Unregistered iVersion - http: / /www. simpopdf.com...

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