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Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2015, 19:44
... 1, 1/ 3), ∼ (3, 2/3, 1, 1/ 3), ∼ (3, 1/ 3, 1, 2/3), + 13 11 12 + ++ + ∼ (6∗ , 2/3, 1, −4/3), σ = 12 σ22 σ23 + 0 13 σ23 σ33 s = ∼ (6∗ , 2/3, 3, −4/3), φ η ρ χ = = = = (10 ) (11 ) (12 ) ... U (1) X , U (1) L , S ] symmetries [5] transform as ψL l1R Q3L uR UR ≡ ∼ = ≡ ∼ 1, 2,3L =∼ [3, 1/ 3, 2/3, 3], [1, 1, 1, 1] , lR ≡ l2,3R ∼ [1, 1, 1, 2], ∼ [3, 1/ 3, 1/ 3, 1] , QL ≡ Q1,2L =∼ [3∗ , 0, 1/ 3, ... QL ≡ Q1,2L =∼ [3∗ , 0, 1/ 3, 2], u1,2,3R ∼ [1, 2/3, 0, 3], dR ≡ d1,2,3R ∼ [1, 1/ 3, 0, 3], [1, 2/3, 1, 1] , DR ≡ D1,2R ∼ [1, 1/ 3, 1, 2], (27) (28) (29) (30) ( 31) where the subscript numbers on...
Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2015, 19:51
... range 8.752 - 13 .85 GeV or 23.3 - 24. 61 GeV 1 0.0 51 0 .14 0 .13 h2 0 .11 76 h2 0 .12 0 .11 h2 0 .10 64 0 .10 0.09 0.08 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0 .10 1 Fig Ωh2 vs 1 for λ2 = 0 .12 , λ3 = 10 −24 , λ4 = ... 10 0 TeV, 66. 71 < MU < 85. 01 TeV for w = 10 TeV, MD2 = MD3 = 12 TeV, and 97.64 < MU < 217 .8 TeV for w = 30 TeV, MD2 = MD3 = 12 TeV 0 .14 0 .13 h2 0 .11 76 h2 0 .12 0 .11 h2 0 .10 64 0 .10 0.09 50 10 0 15 0 ... corresponding to 1 = 0.0 51 0 .14 h2 0 .11 76 0 .12 0 .10 h2 h2 0 .10 64 0.08 0.06 0.04 10 15 20 25 30 Ω TeV Fig Ωh2 vs w for 1 = 0.04, λ2 = 0 .12 , λ3 = 10 −24 , λ4 = 0.06 , for MU = 24 TeV, MD2 = MD3 = 10 0 TeV...
Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2015, 20:49
... 1, 3 + , 1 ) 1, 3 1, 3 , φ02 χ0 , φ20 × 10 × × λ2,3,4 DαR sD α u1L u1R hu 1 Qα2L × × 1, 3 Q1,3 1L 1 λe UR hU u1L u1R su1 Q21L × u1R × 1, 3 u1L λ4 χ2 1 1 λe uiR sui u1L u1R su1 Q21L × χe (g) ... (f) ∆ 611 (su1 , hdi , χ− , 1 ) 10 φ20 × × λe Q1,3 1L diR × χe × χe su1 u1L λ4 χ2 1 (e) ∆ 511 (su1 , hU , χ 01, 3 , χ 01 ) 2 1, 3 1, 3 , φ0 , φ0 1, 3 hU (d) ∆ 411 (hu 1 , hU , φ20 , χ 01 ) 10 φ20 ... su1 UR × χe 1, 3 + (c) ∆ 311 (hu 1 , sD α , φ+ , 1 ) 1, 3 1, 3 χ0 , φ0 χ0 , φ20 u1R 1 λe × χe 1, 3 φ02 × λ3 φ2 1 hu 1 Q 1, 3L u1L (b) ∆ 211 (hu 1 , sui , φ20 , χ 01 ) λe u1R sui uiR × χe × χe 1, 3...
Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2015, 10:41
Modeling and simulation of a downdraft biomass gasifier 1. Model development and validation
... Achar exp(ÀEchar/RuT) [CO2] – Ej/Ru Ref 1. 63 Â 10 1. 3 Â 10 8 1. 585 Â 10 9 2.07 Â 10 4 3420 15 ,10 6 24 ,15 7 41, 646 [25] [25] [25] [26] 0.554 – 10 ,824 – [25] – C1 .16 H4 (light hydrocarbon or methane-equivalent) ... average diameter of the ash particle is mm Aj [8] 77.39 12 1.62 1. 517 Â 10 4 .18 9 n_ k;i ¼ n_ k;i 1 þ V CV;i Rt k;i ð25Þ 19 . 21 7.3 01 Â 10 36 .15 Solution procedure For fluid flow module, assuming suitable ... profile, dp = cm 14 13 dp=1cm 0 .12 Composition (%vol) Moisture content in biomass 0 .14 dp=2cm dp=3cm 0 .1 dp=4cm dp=5cm 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 12 11 10 CO: Present work CO: ’PER’ model H2: Present...
Ngày tải lên: 02/08/2016, 09:35
... 76.84 10 6.38 94 .15 71. 44 85.60 19 5.30 705.26 10 39.30 622 .19 220.25 13 6.53 94.06 66.42 97.66 93.68 74.95 91. 32 17 4. 61 778. 81 1074.54 559 .19 267.63 14 7.64 10 1.39 87 .16 12 1. 01 1 01. 73 74.84 93.60 94 .19 ... 3 .19 7 0.875 5.663 5.624 0.693 7.688 7.635 0.694 9.452 9.380 0.767 11 .034 10 .945 0. 813 12 .482 12 .392 0.726 13 .823 13 .727 0.699 15 .079 14 .979 0.667 16 .264 16 .15 2 0.693 17 .389 17 .265 0. 718 16 14 12 ... GAR (1) -M 1. 53 1. 23 1. 20 1. 98 1. 00 0.80 0.64 1. 76 5 .17 -0. 01 0.66 1. 12 GAR (1) -F 1. 51 0.95 0.73 2 .18 0.78 0.93 1. 32 3.44 2.32 -0 .12 1. 66 0.96 Th.Fiering 0.67 0.57 0.43 0.48 0.35 0.34 0.22 0.62 1. 73...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2016, 23:25
Tài liệu Báo cáo " Checking the conformability in CORBA component model specifications " pdf
... syntactical level, there are some specification models such as JavaBeans [9], COM+ [10 ], CCM [11 ], NET [12 ], and the Open Service Gateway Initiative (OSGI) [13 ] At this level, The component specification ... Microsoft Press, 2000 [11 ] CORBA Component Model Specification, Version 4.0, http://www.omg.org/cgi-bin/doc?ptc/2006-05- 01 [12 ] Microsoft, NET, http://www.microsoft.com/net/ [13 ] OSGI, OSGI Service ... if an interface TYPE1 inherits from an interface TYPE2, we define TYPE1 is subtype of the TYPE2 (TYPE1 ⊆ TYPE2) MACHINE Types CONSTANTS TYPE1, TYPE2, TYPE3 PROPERTIES TYPE1 ⊆ TYPE2; TYPE3 ⊆ TYPE2...
Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 17:20
Econometrics – lecture 7 – model specifications
... -0,3 811 14 0 ,15 1789 -2, 511 0, 012 4 ** sd_minority -0,2 910 08 0 ,16 4043 -1, 774 0,0767 * sd_age -0, 018 419 4 0,00555496 -3, 316 0,0 010 *** sd_onecredit -0,325877 0,235494 -1, 384 0 ,16 71 sd_beauty -0 ,19 118 9 ... 4 ,16 853 0 ,14 1806 29,40 3 ,14 e -10 7 *** minority -0 ,16 9428 0,076 413 5 -2, 217 0,02 71 ** age -0,0 019 5448 0,00266 615 -0,73 31 0,4639 female -0 ,18 3234 0,0 510 690 -3,588 0,0004 *** onecredit 0,633000 0 ,11 1 415 ... 0,0 911 for n = 463 minority 1, 0000 age female onecredit beauty -0 ,10 31 0 ,11 46 0,2475 0,03 31 minority 1, 0000 -0,28 51 -0,0253 -0,2979 age 1, 0000 -0,0443 0 ,12 57 female 1, 0000 -0,0847 onecredit 1, 0000...
Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2015, 15:34
... today? Choose one skill and use specific reasons and examples to support your choice 11 TWE Essays 12 /292 41 Some people think that human needs for farmland, housing, and industry are more important ... answer 13 TWE Essays 14 /292 12 Many people visit museums when they travel to new places Why you think people visit museums? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 11 Do you agree ... details to explain your choice 16 4 16 4 People many different things to stay healthy What you for good health? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 16 3 Is the ability to read and...
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2013, 01:44
Exergoeconomic performance optimization of an endoreversible intercooled regenerated Brayton cogeneration plant Part 1: Thermodynamic model and parameter analyses
... J., 19 96, 21( 12): 11 27 -11 34 [36] Chen L, Sun F, Chen W Finite time exergoeconomic performance bound and optimization criteria for two-heat-reservoir refrigerators Chin Sci Bull., 19 91, 36(2): 15 6 -15 7 ... TK [ xc2 c3TH (1 − ER ) − xy (T1 − ELTL − c3 EK TK ) + c2 c3 y ER ( xc5T1 + EI TI )] − xc4 Cwf (1 − ER )[c2 ELTK (T1 − TL ) + c2 c3 EI TK ( xT1 − TI )] − xc4 Cwf EK TK (1 − ER )(T1 − ELTL − c3TK ... calculations, k = 1. 4 , Cwf = 1. 0kW / K , τ = τ = and τ = 1. 2 are set According to analysis in Ref [46], a = 10 and b = are set 4 .1 The total pressure ratio is fixed Assuming that π = 18 (1 < π ≤ 18 ) The...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 14:58
Tài liệu ISDN Lab Scenario 1 -- OSPF Build to Specifications docx
... 10 .10 .11 .1 10 .10 .11 .1 10 .10 .11 .2 10 .10 .11 .1 10 .10 .12 .2 10 .10 .11 .1 10 .10 .13 .2 10 .10 .11 .1 172 .19 .1. 4 10 .10 .11 .1 192 .16 8 .1. 0 10 .10 .11 .1 192 .16 8 .10 .1 10 .10 .11 .1 r1# sh ip ospf neigh Neighbor ID 19 2 .16 8 .10 .1 ... 0x800000 01 0x8E 41 Summary Net Link States (Area 1) Link ID 10 .10 .11 .1 10 .10 .11 .2 10 .10 .12 .2 10 .10 .13 .1 10 .10 .13 .2 17 2 .19 .1. 4 19 2 .16 8 .1. 0 19 2 .16 8 .10 .1 ADV Router 10 .10 .11 .1 10 .10 .11 .1 10 .10 .11 .1 10 .10 .11 .1 ... 10 .10 .11 .2 is directly connected, Loopback0 O 10 .10 .11 .1 [11 0 /11 ] via 19 2 .16 8 .1. 211 , 00:00: 41, Ethernet0 O IA 10 .10 .13 .1 [11 0 /11 ] via 19 2 .16 8 .1. 211 , 00:00: 41, Ethernet0 O IA 10 .10 .12 .1 [11 0 /11 ]...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 14:15
... monitors 11 Look at the picture marked number 11 in your test book (A) The flags fly from the roof √ (B) The court is in session (C) The ceiling is very low (D) The yard is full of tourists 12 Look ... number 14 in your test book (A) The horses are racing √ (B) The hoarse announcer can't catch up (C) The writer is very fast (D) The jockey has a twin 15 Look at the picture marked number 15 in ... here between 2:00 and 2:30 M: Oh, no! I have to make 50 copies by 1: 00 When must the man's copies be done? (A) By 12 :00 (B) By 1: 00 √ (C) By 2:00 (D) By 2:30 60 W: We need to have this report...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 18:15
Tài liệu Activity 5.1: Identifying Keys in the Logical Model pdf
... EndDate Description ∞ ∞ Vehicle Make Model VIN Year Is Issued BeginMileage EndMileage MaintenanceCost1 MaintenanceDesc1 MaintenanceDate1 MaintenanceMiles1 MaintenanceCost2 MaintenanceDesc2 MaintenanceDate2 ... 22 Activity 5 .1: Identifying Keys in the Logical Model Exercise 1: Identifying Keys In this exercise, you will identify primary, foreign, and composite keys for a logical data model based on ... Primary or Foreign Next, you will discuss your answers with the class Activity 5 .1: Identifying Keys in the Logical Model 23 Contract Contracts With ∞ Employee Timesheet Name Address SSN E-Mail...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 06:16
Tài liệu Chương 1 - Giới thiệu chung các model docx
... 3G3JV-A20 01 (0 .1 kW), 3G3JV-A2002 (0.25 kW), 3G3JV-A2004 (0.55 kW), 3G3JVA2007 (1. 1 kW) 3G3JV-AB0 01 (0 .1 kW), 3G3JV-AB002 (0.25 kW), 3G3JV-AB004 (0.55 kW) 3G3JV - Chương - Giới thiệu chung 1- 3 Bộ ... 3G3JV - Chương - Giới thiệu chung 1- 2 Triệt tiêu sóng hài - Có thể nối với cuộn kháng DC vốn hiệu cuộn kháng AC thông thường.; có thẻ kết hợp hai để tăng hiệu 1- 2 Ký hiệu Trên mặt Nắp bảo vệ Lỗ ... Đèn báo dòng Dòng điện biến tần IOUT theo dõi đèn sáng Đèn báo MNTR Các giá trị đặt thông số U 01 đến U10 theo dõi đèn sáng Đèn báo chiều Có thể lựa chọn chiều quay quay thuận nghịch đèn sáng thao...
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 06:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Cleavage of nonphenolic b-1 diarylpropane lignin model dimers by manganese peroxidase from Phanerochaete chrysosporium Evidence for a hydrogen abstraction mechanism docx
... LiP – no reaction III IV V 14 21 21 58 VII VIII 1. 5 12 14 .4 11 .5 61 22 32 3.5 13 t 1. 2 X XI X 11 .2 9.7 t 4.4 6.7 3.5 5.0 a MnP reactions were conducted at 28 °C for 15 h in 50 mM malonate, pH ... A.N., Jensen, K.A & Hammel, K.E (19 99) Peroxyl radicals are potential agents of lignin biodegradation FEBS Lett 4 61, 11 5 11 9 ´ ´ 31 Perie, F.H & Gold, M.H (19 91) Manganese regulation of manganese ... Phanerochaete chrysosporium Arch Microbiol 12 9, 14 1 14 5 35 Enoki, A & Gold, M.H (19 82) Degradation of the diarylpropane lignin model compound 1- (3,4-diethoxyphenyl) -1, 3-dihydroxy-2(4-methoxyphenyl)-propane...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 23:20
Báo cáo khoa học: A Caenorhabditis elegans model of orotic aciduria reveals enlarged lysosome-related organelles in embryos lacking umps-1 function potx
... umps -1( zu456); wht-2(RNAi)f umps -1( zu456); pyr -1( RNAi)f umps -1( RNAi); pyr -1( cu8)f umps -1( zu456); pyr -1( cu8)m umps -1( zu456); R12E2 .11 (RNAi)f Mosaic RNAi rrf -1( pk14 71) n rrf -1( pk14 71) ; umps -1( RNAi) ... alx -1( gk275), apt-6(ok429), glo -1( zu437), mrp-4(ok1095), pgp-2(kx55), ppk-3(n2668), ppk-3(ok 115 0), ppk-3(zu443), rab -10 (dx2), rde -1( ne 219 ), rme -1( b1045), rrf -1( pk14 71) , rrf-3(pk1426), tat -1( kr15), ... unc -11 9(+)] [32], mIs 11[ myo-2::gfp], OLB 11 dusIs [elt-2p::rde -1( +)] [42], pwIs50[lmp -1: :gfp; unc -11 9(+)] [35], pwIs72[vha-6p::rab5::gfp; unc -11 9(+)] [13 ], pwIs170[vha-6p::rab-7::gfp; unc 119 (+)]...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 09:22
Báo cáo khoa học: Complexes of Thermoactinomyces vulgaris R-47 a-amylase 1 and pullulan model oligossacharides provide new insight into the mechanism for recognizing substrates with a-(1,6) glycosidic linkages docx
... 10 0 2.08 13 7 329 10 0 2 .1 98 12 4 10 0 2.6 59,023 38 446 99.8 0.063 (0 .14 9)b 17 .4 (12 .9)b C2 28 14 0 99.9 0.064 (0 .19 5)b 9.7 (3.6)b P 21 19,275 96.8 0.078 (0 .12 2)b 7.4 (5.4)b C2 12 1.5 50.4 10 7.8 10 4.3 ... (99.2)a 0 .15 4 (0 .15 5)a 0 .18 7 (0. 211 )a 0.005 1. 3 33–2.6 28 12 0 99.7 (99.5)a 0 .15 6 (0 .19 4)a 0.200 (0.254)a 0.006 1. 3 35–2.6 19 ,275 96.7 (84 .1) a 0 .15 0 (0 .18 3)a 0 .19 0 (0.264)a 0.006 1. 3 5038 12 5 452 ... 78 383 5038 225 474 11 .9 42.3 21. 5 16 .4 37.7 25.6 13 .9 54.5 19 .4 ˚ ˚ The values for the highest resolution shell are given in parentheses (2. 21 2.08 A for D356N/P2, 2.23–2 .10 A for D356N/E396Q/P2,...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 14:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Why Initialization Matters for IBM Model 1: Multiple Optima and Non-Strict Convexity" pptx
... EM-rand -10 K 32 12 8 1K 10 K 10 0 83.6 77.8 67.8 52.6 30.3 non-unique c non-c 10 0 89.0 81. 8 73.3 64 .1 47.33 10 0 10 0 10 0 99.7 99.8 99.9 33.3 17 .9 17 .7 24.0 24.4 log-lik stdev unif 2.9K 2.3K 874 270 220 15 0 ... initialized models was always smaller 465 setting 1K-unif-5 42.99 1K-rand-5 42.90 1K-unif-∞ 42 .10 1K-rand-∞ 41. 72 10 0K-unif-5 28.98 10 0K-rand-5 28.63 10 0K-unif-∞ 28 .18 10 0K-rand-∞ 27.95 IBM -1 mean ... 44.07 42. 61 28.99 28.22 max 45.08 43.63 30 .13 30 .13 22.53 22.26 28.09 27.88 12 .68 12 .25 16 .84 16 .66 HMM mean 22.99 28.47 12 .62 16 .78 max 24. 01 28.89 12 .89 16 .85 Table 2: AER results for Model and...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 16:20
Báo cáo khoa học: A steady-state competition model describes the modulating effects of thrombomodulin on thrombin inhibition by plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in the absence and presence of vitronectin ppt
... PAI -1 alone (ki 10 5 M )1 s )1) Therefore, the inhibitory effect of TM on the inhibition of 15 nM thrombin by preincubated PAI -1/ VN complexes (10 0 nM PAI and 15 0 nM VN) was determined (Fig 1D) ... Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 18 , 18 61 18 69 Ó FEBS 2003 Thrombomodulin sterically blocks the thrombin/PAI -1 interaction (Eur J Biochem 270) 19 51 15 Rezaie, A.R (19 99) Role of exosites and in ... & Pannekoek, H (19 91) Thrombin neutralizes plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI -1) that is complexed with vitronectin in the endothelial cell matrix J Cell Biol 11 5, 17 73 17 81 Horrevoets, A.J.G.,...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 17:21