1 pros and cons of frequency selective fat suppression cf stir

Báo cáo y học: "Revision of late periprosthetic infections of total hip endoprostheses: pros and cons of different concepts"

Báo cáo y học: "Revision of late periprosthetic infections of total hip endoprostheses: pros and cons of different concepts"

... numbers in the form of a biofilm and are also often in a sessile state that is characterized by a slow rate of reproduction [8,10-13] An analysis we carried out of 110 infected hip and knee endoprostheses ... function of the spacer is on the one hand to release the antibiotic into the infected bed of the prosthesis and on the other to minimize soft-tissue contractures, retain soft tissue tension and so ... rate of early loosening of cementless revisions stems varies from 0% to 18% (Table 2) We found low rates of subsidence (6%) and loosening (0%) and a high rate of bone-ingrown fixation (94%) of...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:53

9 679 0
the pros and cons of pornography

the pros and cons of pornography

... thrusts and gunshots not just as real?" According to Coetzee, the acts of sex portrayed on a television screen are happening to real people, yet one of the greatest attributes of sex, and one of the ... are being paid and have most likely been made aware of what will happen and therefore given their consent What about the possibility that the problem not only lies in the hands of the men who ... in the industry of making or even watching it We as a nation and even a world stand to learn a lot from simply listening to ourselves We like to stand up and say what is right, and yet acting...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 17:59

4 454 0
Báo cáo y học: "Pros and cons of estimating the reproduction number from early epidemic growth rate of influenza A (H1N1) 2009" potx

Báo cáo y học: "Pros and cons of estimating the reproduction number from early epidemic growth rate of influenza A (H1N1) 2009" potx

... study highlights the importance of incorporating the concept of heterogeneous risks of infection and death in the context of the assessment of pandemic potential List of abbreviations R: the reproduction ... right-hand side of (1)) and ci, t is the observed number of cases of age-group i on day t Maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters are obtained by minimizing the negative logarithm of (4) ... because of our use of refined dates of onset and the use of a simpler statistical method in the present study The estimates of the exponential growth rates differ by almost a factor of five (i.e.,...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:20

13 262 0
a pros and cons of traveling with a tour group

a pros and cons of traveling with a tour group

... Con: Some of us are great at making anything up on the spot and this shoots that practice into the ground Of course, now-a-days every other person has a smart phone with internet access and ruins ... now-a-days every other person has a smart phone with internet access and ruins the fun for those of us blessed by the Blarney Stone That Pesky Schedule Again Pro: Having to meet a tight schedule...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2015, 23:55

2 355 0
1 principles and elements  of power electronics

1 principles and elements of power electronics

... Glossary of terms 1352 Glossary of Wafer Processing terminology Glossary of Fuselink terminology (Fuseology) Glossary of Relay terminology Glossary of Varistor terminology Glossary of PTC and NTC ... and (b) doping profile of the formed step junction 1.1.2 Diffusion Diffusion, the movement of a chemical species from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration, is one of ... controlled diffusion of dopants into silicon to alter the type and level of conductivity of semiconductor materials is the foundation of forming a p-n junction and formation of devices during wafer...

Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2014, 21:21

731 1,2K 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Super-Orthogonal Block Codes with Multichannel Equalisation and OFDM in Frequency Selective Fading" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Super-Orthogonal Block Codes with Multichannel Equalisation and OFDM in Frequency Selective Fading" pdf

... SOSFTC-OFDM system, and stands for the norm of the matrix element The expression of Δ is given in (13): 10 15 20 Δ= Es /No (dB) 16-state SOSTTC-OFDM SFBC-OFDM 16-state SOSFTC-OFDM 16-state STTC-OFDM ... of them In Figures and 9, the FER performance of, respectively, the sixteen-state superorthogonal block coding OFDM schemes (i.e., SOSTTCOFDM and SOSFTC-OFDM systems) sixteen-state STTCOFDM and ... the space -frequency diversity and coding gain and minimises the number of parallel path for the SOSTTCOFDM scheme The QPSK symbols (x1 and x2 ) 0, 1, 2, and correspond to the QPSK signal constellations...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 17:20

10 282 0
Báo cáo y học: " Decorin and TGF-β1 polymorphisms and development of COPD in a general population" ppt

Báo cáo y học: " Decorin and TGF-β1 polymorphisms and development of COPD in a general population" ppt

... significant LD Graphs of the LD patterns with D', r and P-values in both genes are presented in the additional file Prevalence of SNPs and haplotypes in TGF-β1 and decorin in COPD and control subjects ... development of COPD Consequently, SNPs in decorin not seem to underlie a disturbed regulation of this gene and TGF-β1 resulting in COPD, nor can they be held responsible for the development of COPD and ... reviewing of the paper CCD performed the lab work, statistical analyses and drafted the manuscript DSP is co principal investigator of the project, obtained funding of and supervised the project, and...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:20

8 384 0
Part 1 development and application of hantzsch ester and hypervalent iodine reagent

Part 1 development and application of hantzsch ester and hypervalent iodine reagent

... their support i Table of Contents Acknowledgements i Table of Contents ii Summary vii List of Tables ix List of Figures xi List of Schemes xii List of Abbreviations xiii List of Publications xvi ... Synthesis of N-Containing Heterocycles (Part 1) Development and Application of Hantzsch Ester (Part 2a); Development and Application of Hypervalent Iodine Compounds (Part 2b); Part of this thesis ... Reduction of Ketimines and ElectronWithdrawing Group Conjugated Olefins Adv Synth Catal 2010, 352, 1752-1758 Che Jun, Lam Yulin Rapid and Regioselective Hydrogenation of α,β-Unsaturated Ketones and...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 10:15

134 293 0
should we tax the rich more pros and cons

should we tax the rich more pros and cons

... discount ($15 off) is by offering an affiliate rebate The program is $49.95 and you make 67% commission, which is $33.50 Out of your $33.50 you are giving $15 back to the consumer and you are left ... order on http://www.Elance.com and dozens of people will bid for the job Choose someone who has a history of creating search engines, and they ll handle everything and get it done in less than ... good, and won t ask for a refund if they like your product, unless they are one of those few bastards who buy things, benefit from them, and STILL demand a refund And regardless, these kind of people...

Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2015, 19:07

47 513 0
UNIT 1 structure and properties of matter

UNIT 1 structure and properties of matter

... result of the presence of atoms, bonding electrons, and non-bonding electrons, as well as forces of attraction and repulsion TO PREVIOUS SLIDE UNIT Chapter 4: Chemical Bonding and Properties of Section ... Bonding and Properties of Matter 4.1 Models of Chemical Bonding Three types of chemical bonding are ionic, covalent, and metallic TO PREVIOUS SLIDE Section 4.1 UNIT Chapter 4: Chemical Bonding and ... structure of metals consists of aggregates of crystals TO PREVIOUS SLIDE UNIT Chapter 4: Chemical Bonding and Properties of Section 4.1 Matter Properties of Metals Melting and Boiling Points • the...

Ngày tải lên: 01/12/2015, 22:44

58 495 0
11150 present simple and adverbs of frequency colour and greyscale version  key included

11150 present simple and adverbs of frequency colour and greyscale version key included

... friend and I often go running on Saturdays My best friend and I don’t often go running on Saturdays Do you and your best friend often go running on Sat.? play football/every day/?/do/Zack and Cody ... Adverbs of Frequency with Present Simple tense They often go before the verb Except the verb BE where they go after The main ones are: Always, Usually, Often, Sometimes, Seldom, Hardly Ever and Never ... Adverbs of Frequency with Present Simple tense They often go before the verb Except the verb BE where they go after The main ones are: Always, Usually, Often, Sometimes, Seldom, Hardly Ever and Never...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 21:40

3 315 0
9840 housework and adverbs of frequency

9840 housework and adverbs of frequency

... Tick the appropriate boxes concerning your own habits Then question your friend like this: Do you (often/usually/sometimes…) tidy your bedroom? You Your friend You Your friend You Your friend You...

Ngày tải lên: 26/08/2016, 15:15

3 149 0
Chapter 1   concepts and behavior of gas

Chapter 1 concepts and behavior of gas

... Introduction • The principal goal of physical chemistry is to understand the properties and behaviour of material systems and to apply this understanding in useful ways References Textbook ... measures the degree of hotness of a body (“how hot”) It doesn’t depend on the mass or the material of an object It can be thought of as a measure of the average kinetic energy of the atoms or molecules ... RT / V The total pressure of the gases: pT = nT RT / V nT represents the total number of moles of gas present in the mixture P1 and P2 are the partial pressures of gas and gas 2, respectively •...

Ngày tải lên: 25/09/2016, 17:47

54 625 1
Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: NMR-based determination of the binding epitope and conformational analysis of MUC-1 glycopeptides and peptides bound to the breast cancer-selective monoclonal antibody SM3 pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: NMR-based determination of the binding epitope and conformational analysis of MUC-1 glycopeptides and peptides bound to the breast cancer-selective monoclonal antibody SM3 pptx

... sequential and intra residue contacts were used for constraint generation The glycopeptide structure which is the result of the DG calculation, constrained MD simulation of the ligand alone and constrained ... bound and the free state For dimers and pentamers of the MUC-1 tandem repeat [16], i.e 40mer and 60mer peptides, the dissociation constant was determined to Kd ¼ 10)7 by SPR At an on-rate of kon ... resonances of Pro1 and Asp2 have the highest intensities in the STD spectrum, signals of Thr3 are of medium intensity, while the signals of Arg4 and Pro5 have the lowest intensity The d-protons of Pro5...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 15:20

12 718 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Selective inhibition of ADAMTS-1, -4 and -5 by catechin gallate esters ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: Selective inhibition of ADAMTS-1, -4 and -5 by catechin gallate esters ppt

... protein G1, G2 and G3 represent the three globular domains of the aggrecan core protein; KS, CS1 and CS2 represent the keratan sulfate, chondroitin sulfate and chondroitin sulfate attachment ... C-terminus of a truncated form of ADAMTS-1 Antibody MV-8 did not cross-react with ADAMTS-4 or -5 (data not shown) Fig SDS PAGE and Western blots of partially purified rhADAMTS-1, -4 and -5 Panels A, B and ... Fig SDS/PAGE and Western blotting of aggrecan core protein fragments generated by rhADAMTS-1, -4 and -5 rhADAMTS-1 (10 units) and rhADAMTS-4 and -5 (5 units) were incubated with mg of aggrecan...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 02:20

10 417 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Joint Compensation of OFDM Frequency-Selective Transmitter and Receiver IQ Imbalance" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Joint Compensation of OFDM Frequency-Selective Transmitter and Receiver IQ Imbalance" docx

... system We consider a 64 QAM constellation system, a frequency- independent amplitude imbalance of gt , gr = 3%, and phase imbalance of φt , φr = 3◦ at both transmitter and receiver In the frequency- dependent ... receiver IQ imbalance is considered But due to the presence of joint frequency- selective transmitter and receiver IQ imbalance, the distortion is more severe and hence larger number of training symbols ... weights in the scheme of [11] in the case of IQ imbalance at both the transmitter and receiver ends Frequency- independent amplitude imbalance of gt , gr = 3% and phase imbalance of φt , φr = 3◦ The...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20

10 289 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Performance Analysis of Multiple-Symbol Differential Detection for OFDM over Both Time- and Frequency-Selective Rayleigh Fading Channels" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Performance Analysis of Multiple-Symbol Differential Detection for OFDM over Both Time- and Frequency-Selective Rayleigh Fading Channels" doc

... MODEL 2.1 OFDM with differential encoding The discrete-time baseband equivalent model of the system under consideration is described in Figure Informa- Add guard interval Time- and frequencyselective ... frequency of GHz, a bandwidth of MHz, and a mobile station velocity of 34 km/h may result in fD ≈ 0.01 In this case, since the ISI does not occur, these results are independent of the specific value of ... of FD-MSDD with QDPSK over the time-nonselective (i.e., fD = 0.0) frequency- selective channel with Tm = 2/64 and G ≥ M p In this case, the behavior of optimal FD-MSDD is equivalent to that of...

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 01:20

10 219 0
Tài liệu Manual on the Production and Use of Live Food for Aquaculture - Phần 1 pptx

Tài liệu Manual on the Production and Use of Live Food for Aquaculture - Phần 1 pptx

... Literature of interest CLADOCERANS, NEMATODES AND TROCHOPHORA LARVAE 6.1 Daphnia and Moina 6.1.1 Biology and life cycle of Daphnia 6.1.2 Nutritional value of Daphnia 6.1.3 Feeding and nutrition of Daphnia ... Harvesting/concentration and cold storage of rotifers 3.7 Production and use of resting eggs 3.8 Literature of interest 3.9 Worksheets Worksheet 3.1 Preparation of an indicator solution for determination of residual ... production and application of live food organisms as well as their application in larviculture The natural diet of most cultured fish and shellfish species consists of a wide diversity of phytoplankton...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 00:15

15 792 2